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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Tuesday morn cycle home from work- felt a bit better than cycle into work as i had a bit of a tailwind most of way home, legs were tired but was tipping nicely, sports-tracker didn't kick in for 1/2km or so but full distance 25.5km in 49.24mins- 31kph

    session- cycle home from work- 25.5km 49.24mins 31kph

    grabbed few hrs sleep and then back up early so I could sleep that night
    decided to do 2 x 20k tt sessions on tt bike in afternoon- 1st 20k tt from newport into the Mams house by Ivans of Caherdavin- 23k cycle in total, spend some time there with mam then 20k tt back on same route, 23K total first 20k in 34.26mins-34.85kph bit of a headwind but good bit of downhill with 81m ascending and 205m descending- also did the tt at 4pm through town (i know deathwish :o) was avoiding alot of traffic and had to stop at a few lights...23.5k in total (took a breather after the 20k)

    stayed at the parents for nearly 2 hrs then on the tt bike again- cycle home was harder, little bit of a tailwind but alot more climbing 166m ascending with only 88m of descending, pushed as hard as I could for the 20k, cycled home really slowly for the last 3.5k- did the 20k in 35.08mins- 34.21kph- again through town so had to avoid traffic and stop at few lights...

    considering both 20k tt's were through town with traffic and lights to deal with I was happy with both and good workouts

    Session..2x23.5k cycles with 2x 20k tt at 34.26mins and 35.08mins

    Did another interval run today at lunchtime in work... 3k (15min warm up) then 5 hill sprints- on my own today so I knew I would struggle with the speed and also struggle to get them done...last week did the 5 in 1.42,1.45,1.44,1.45,1.44- but I had a mate doing them with me to push me on, today....did first in 1.47 and was wrecked after it, tried keep intervals between sprints short so jog straight back down and into second- 1.46 for second - very hard, jogged back down and into third- 1.47 with loads of empty wretching :o after it- strange- few years ago i would have packed it in there and then but found myself walking/jogging back down the hill for the next one- next one- 1.46 with more empty wretching :o after- again before my brain could tell my body to go home I found myself jogging back down the hill to get the 5th done (pretty proud of myself actually:)) pushed as hard as I could for the last one and did it in 1.45-with more empty wretching:o - really pushed myself in these sprints- hope they pay off in the long run as I need my runnnig to improve big time...jogged slowly back to work...sprints--1.47, 1.46, 1.47, 1.46, 1.45- again happy with the consistency....8k ran in total in 45mins

    session- 8k run with 5Xinterval hill sprints 1.47,1.46.1,47,1.46,1.45

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Nice race at the weekend,

    question do you ever do a easy training day :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Nice race at the weekend,

    question do you ever do a easy training day :D

    part and parcel of my problem...still carrying alot of excess weight and finding it very hard to shift..I know l.s.d. (long slow distance) is the way to go but I like training at a high intensity (a problem from my rowing years) also with a diet of tayto's and coca cola most nights watching tv its my own fault I haven't shifted the weight yet, although i'm very fit :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Trig1 wrote: »
    part and parcel of my problem...still carrying alot of excess weight and finding it very hard to shift..I know l.s.d. (long slow distance) is the way to go but I like training at a high intensity (a problem from my rowing years) also with a diet of tayto's and coca cola most nights watching tv its my own fault I haven't shifted the weight yet, although i'm very fit :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::o

    a weight problem ? it is not slowing you down much.

    but really coke and tayto is there a nicer way to spend an evening?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    starting to wind down for race at weekend today so managed to get to the pool for a quick swim during lunchtime in work...200m w/u then 1X700m at close to race pace then 500m warm down with kick buoy... did the 700m in 14.05 mins- happy enough with that and hope I can knock a minute off that on race day

    session 1500m swim with 1 x 700m piece at 14.05mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just another light swim today whilst I had the young lad at his swim lesson...around 1500m in total with 1 light 750m piece in more posts until Joey race report sunday or monday... hoping for top 15 (bit ambitious but we'll see how we go)

    session 1500m swim with 1x 750m piece

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Build up....
    I was actually quite nervous about this race for a few reasons...this was the race I pulled my hamstring in last year so i had a point to prove this year, last year...swim 16.40 (750m,99th) bike 41.11 (24k,6th), run 37.27 (201st)..came 86th overall with time of 1hr36mins, this was a race where I was hoping for my best result in a triathlon yet (obviously due to the fact that most of the big guys were racing in the Olympic distance) came 19th in worlds end sprint last year so I was aiming for top 15 this year..when I saw the entry i still saw some Big names...obviously as it was a Junior National series all the big juniors were there including likes of Con Doherty and Aaron O'Brien.. also Steven teeling Lynch was doing sprint...outside of these I was hopeful of doing top 15,( also the bro was on hols so he wasn't here to beat me :P ) So... morning of race went down and set up as norm..left cycling shoes alongside bike with runners- covered by towel due to rain...don't think there was a race briefing??? or else I missed it..went up to the spectators area to watch first few waves, i was in wave 4...i did notice alot of bunching in waves and alot of people frustrated and breast when wave 3 was called I headed down to get ready.. sat by the side of the pool on my own until my 3 buddies came up and did a warm up alongside me :D Aaron O Brien, Con Doherty and Kieran Jackson :D sat there and watched them warm up wishing I could swim like them..Aaron looked fit as F@ck ... Oh well...

    So seeing as I did 13.40 in Nenagh last weekend for 750m and i did a handy 14.08 700m in u.l. during week I was aiming for around 13mins for swim today... chatted to a few in pool and besides 1 guy who was aiming for 12mins most were aiming for 13-14mins so i slotted in 3rd...hooter went and off we went.. first guy flew off, girl in second was going well but i was holding her legs and comfortable.. the guy behind me kept tapping my legs so I stopped and the end of the lane to let him through, marshall held me back and let 2 others past also, I was pi$$ed off with this and when I went off again I found I was breast stroking nearly straight away...of course..these guys shot off and a few of them burnt out fast.. went past 1 guy during next length but was again being tapped on feet and end of length...race went on a bit like this-- I couldn't get a clean run at it...kept being caught in traffic..was very annoyed and very fresh exiting the water with a miserable time of 14.38, felt I left well over a minute there...

    swim...14.38mins 70/201 13th in my age group issues here- good transition, good mount and clip in straight away- passed 3 or 4 during transition
    t1...1.17mins 19/201 5th in age group

    Bike.....Bike felt very tough ..alot of drags on the way out.. also not many people to pass out after a couple of km's- passed maybe 20 in first few km then no one...few kms later the leaders were coming towards me so I started counting- reckon there was around 17 ahead of me (not counting earlier waves of course)also saw a guy from Boru tri club just ahead so I would aim to catch him by end of cycle... hit the turnaround and had a stiff wind in my face for the 10km home, only passed 1 girl on the way home but caught the Boru chap in t2 :D... was kinda disappointed with my bike and didn't feel like I got going at all...

    Bike....34.10 (by the way i'm ignoring the splits from the girl with the 20min 20k bike during my race report) 12/207 2nd in age group

    t2....Had a decent dismount in t2 and a decent run in, lost a bit of time taking cycling shoes off and putting runners on but still pretty decent...
    t2...1.06mins 49/207 7th in age group

    Run... i knew the guy from Boru was right on my heels on the run so i set off hard..dropped him pretty early but was able to keep going hard...was clocking my km's and knew I was going well.. was averaging around 4.10/km was also only passed out by 1 on the run (big acheivement:D) but passed no one..was delighted with my run time and set a new 5k p.b although I was told later it was around 40m short of 5k...last km really hurt as I knew sub 1hr12mins were in my sights

    Run.....p.b. 20.38mins 26/207 and 8th in age group

    Was nervously awaiting results to see did i get top 15...didn't really expect a top 15 with a pi$$ poor swim and an ok bike but my run might have bumped me up a few places....
    anyway i suppose i have to be happy with overall result _ not counting the girl on the motorbike :D, i came 16th overall with a time of 1hr11mins50secs... 30secs off my sprint tri p.b (but 700m swim) but did get my highest finish so far :cool:

    Overall... 1hr11mins50secs 16th/207 4th in agegroup :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just a light 8k midnight run at lunchtime in work tonight...40.40mins nice and relaxed...little worried that my hip was a bit sore but hopefully its nothing..

    session 8k run 40mins40secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭slayer91

    Well done, good report. Pool tris are a bit of a lottery. Often wonder is it best to lead off and take your chances.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I remember doing this and North Tipp a few years ago and I hated the swims in both so I didn't go near pool tris anymore. Perhaps if I was in a regular swim group that was sharing lanes I would be more comfortable in there.

    Between letting people bully past me when I shouldn't have and then getting stuck behind slower swimmers, my swim times were way down on what I was doing on my own.

    Perhaps your bike was better paced than you think it certainly looks like you had running legs this time

    Well done on the finishing position, with all the top juniors in the race you can kiss the first 7 or 8 spots goodbye

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    did nothing yesterday due to hip being a bit sore so longish run today ...went with a neighbour who is a lot faster than me...nice 13k run with first 5k all up hill...delighted to be able to keep these first 5km's under 5mins/km... next 8k was all flat or downhill so it ended up being a nice enjoyable run...he usually keeps his km's at 3.45mins/km so it was probably a bit slow for him but i was delighted to do the full 13km at avg 4.37mins/km and just under the 1hr for 13km...hope to get some more of these done with him as running with someone faster will definitely bring me on..

    session 13km run in 59mins57secs... 4.37mins/km

    still a bit all over the place on my tt bike and not very happly with it so raised the saddle today and decided to do 75km with first 40km hard..also I'm trying to loose more weight so went off with no breakfast (just coffee) to try burn fat....
    so off i felt bit better, felt I could get bit more power on...did first 10k in 17.33mins 34.6kph- with a bit of headwind
    2nd 10k in 16.36mins 36.12kph, 3rd 10k in 17.17mins 34.72kph...still felt ok, 4th 10k in 16.47mins 35.75kph... did the 40k in 68mins13secs- 35.1kph...happyish with that- back started getting sore after 40k and was aching by the time i finished the 35k just tried to keep cadence high and keep it over's 40-50 were done at 31.7kph, 50-60 at 30.7kph, 60-70 at 30.5kph....suffered badly by end of spin- sore and hungry... last 5k done at 24.6kph...done full cycle 75km's at 32.5kph 2hrs18mins30secs

    session ...75km spin at 32.5kph with first 40k at 35.1kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just a light 8k run with mate in work today...41.30mins nice and chatty...worringly the hip is getting worse and was very sore when I running for few days and i'll see what its like monday!!

    session 8k run 41.30mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1


    slow tired cycle to work this morning- never got going...26.9kph 55mins for 25k....slow!!

    session 25k cycle to work 26.9kph 55mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Had a miserable cycle into work this morn so pushed hard on the cycle home from work...25.7k in 46.30mins- felt good and strong (and soaked to the skin)...around 33kph for cycle..

    session 25.7k cycle home from work 46.30mins, 33kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    80mins turbo this evening... sufferfest hell hath no fury.... few mins warm up then 6 mins steady..then straight into first 20min session with loads of climbing and high cadence stuff... then 6mins recovery and another 20min race with climbing and high cadence stuff again... another 6min recovery then a 3.30min flat out tt.. then few mins light listening to some mental training stuff... really good sweaty session and really enjoyed it

    session 80min turbo... hell hath no fury

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Still not running as hip and groin are still sore so another turbo session today, wife away so i,'m left minding kids so cannot get out on the bike.... thus the turbo...just a high cadence, leg spinning piece whilst watching Apocalypto, tried keeping the cadence at 90+ rpm for 100mins, good sweaty session,

    session 100mins turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Plan today was simple...still no running so went out on the tt bike to try beat my 40k tt p.b. of 1hr5mins39secs set on the 7/Aug last year...went out hard but straight away I knew it would be a big struggle as there was a very strong head/cross wind..pushed first 10k really hard to get a good start ....15.33 mins for 1st 10k ...38.5kph... got to Finnegans roundabout and was hoping for a tailwind for next 10k but strangely I still had a cross/headwind to contend with, drove hard again and hit the 20k mark in 32.22mins, did that 10k a bit slower in 16.39mins- 36kph- headwind starting to hurt me now and i was praying that when I turned around at Birdhill that i would have a tailwind but unfortunately had a strong headwind blowing right into my face this time which kinda ground me to a halt- knew i wouldn't me smashing any p.b.'s today... 3rd 10k in 17.06mins 35.1kph... I was wrecked by the last 10k and was still struggling into the headwind and going uphill for 6k of it before i hit finnegans roundabout again..also had to grind to a full halt at the roundabout due to a car to close to the verge...did the last 10k in a miserable 18.27mins at 32.5kph.... did the 40k in 67mins55secs.. over 2mins slower than p.b. but considering the wind out today and feeling like I had a headwind the whole way it wasn't too bad.. full 40k in 35.3kph.... took a long breather and a slow cycle home for the next 8.4k at 28kph....good hard session- felt strong and fit into the headwind but it took its toll in the last 10k..

    session: 40k tt in 67.55mins 35.3kph... full cycle 48.4k in 1hr25mins49secs 33.9kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    8/5/2013- Double day.
    2 good sessions this evening...went to the pool for a swim and just did a 1500m relaxed swim to get my technique back...havent swam in nearly 2 weeks, actually felt really good in the water, was just going light but was happy to go through 750m in 16.25mins, just picked up pace for last 3-4 lengths and did the last 750m in 16mins flat for a 1500m time of 32.25mins- happy with that for a light swim and felt i had a nice long stroke...

    In work tonight went for 8k midnight run with mate, it was at talking pace but a good solid run and glad that the hip and groin felt fine after taking 4 days off running...felt really good during run and the mate is flying it too- he has a half marathon in 2 weeks....did the run in 37.55mins 4.44mins/km

    sessions 1500m swim 32.25mins, 8k run 37.55mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Had planned cycle in and out of work tonight but too windy and wet (and wife wouldn't let me) so took a night off training instead

    10/5/2013- another double day
    brought the young fella to swimming lessons this evening in Nenagh and got 50 lengths og the pool in while he was doing his lesson- just long relaxed concentrating on technique and breathing...1250m
    In work again this evening- 4th 12hr night...felt shattered but had intentions of doing a hard 10k just to see how i was getting on (stupid Idea really :o but thats me) so anyway set off well..prob 10k race pace +5/10 secs... was averaging around 4.18mins/km for first 5k and feeling good..went through 5k in around 21.35mins...thing that was puzzling me though was that I did a 10k around the Industrial estate on 31/3/2013-(can be seen on sports tracker) and the 5k point tonight was around 200m past the 5k point from 5weeks ago-i was doing exact same route- ..anyway kept plugging away but started suffering on the 2nd 5k...splits were drifting to 4.25, 4.26 and even 1 4.33...hit the 10k point from 5weeks ago in 42.30mins but my phone app was still saying I had nearly 400m to go so kept going and did tonights 10k in 43.58mins...not sure which is the right distance- cannot really rely on my sports-tracker in the industrial estate...anyway was shattered after it and probably should not have done the full 10k but its done now anyway and a decent time too...42.30 (knocked 2 mins off time from 5 weeks ago for the dodgy route i reckon) 43.58 tonight for my ...long... 10k route at avg of 4.23mins/km.. will put up the link later to sports tracker...wrecked now in work and longing for my birthday tomorrow so will try get some time on turbo tmrw evening...

    sessions....evening 1250m swim in 25m pool
    night...10k run in 43.58mins 4.23mins/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    No training done today due to birthday party and eating too much cake (and a few cans of beer :D)

    Another day of no training due to having to go into city to buy loads for communion next weekend- got home from town, had dinner then off th cinema with the birthday boy to watch Ironman 3 as promised...10.30pm when I finally got to sit down at home, wrecked..

    no watch, no sports tracker, just headed off for a light run, groin and hip were very sore again so cut run short- need to take another few days away from running methinks!! roughly 6k run done

    session: run 6k!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Happy birthday hobbit!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Is it your birthday???!!! If so, happy birthday!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    oops sorry was the young fella's birthday, not mine thank god..I just used his birthday as an excuse to eat too much cake and I had a few beers that night (not with him) :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^^ Psst....I'm not a lad. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ^^^^ Psst....I'm not a lad. ;)

    Sorry...Lads and Lassies :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well..been a week since i updated this so here goes...hurt my hip and groin on my last 6k run on monday last, the body was also feeling tired and sore due to working long hours and trying to fit in training and do up the house for a communion so because of all this I decided to take a full week off training to recouperate..took 4-5 days for the legs to start feeling good again and then had the communion on Saturday and post communion hangover on Sunday with a trip to the Toy shop thrown in so a new week and back into training again and was raring to go...
    Monday morning went for a lunch time run in work and bounced around an 8k feeling great, didn't plan on going hard, just nice steady pace..did the 8k in 38mins at 4.45mins/km and it felt like a breeze..really ghappy with that. Monday evening went for my first Open Water swim of the year down to worlds end...big group of around 40 out but got into the water around 5mins after them with 2 other was freezing to start off with and feet and hands were like blocks of ice with major brain freeze for first 5mins- even had thoughts of getting out but persevered and ended up loving it..I really missed o.w. swimming and I loved the freedom of being in the open water again..dropped the 2 lads almost straight away..caught up with the group coming back down but spotted 3 swimmers heading on further so went past the big group and planned to swim to the tree (750m landmark) or the 3 lads, whichever came first..the 3 lads turned around at the tree and came back towards me at around 600m gone so i turned around with them and headed back, paced another chap on the way back and felt really comfortable - didn't feel the cold whatsoever on the way home and really enjoyed the swim..was probably only out there for around 20mins, looknig forward to next monday already..had a nice chat with a guy about "the lost sheep tri" afterwards which I will be hopefully entering at 8am tmrw morn..

    sessions : 8k run..38mins 4.45mins/km 20min o.w.swim ~ 1200m

    Cycle to work this morn...felt ok but had a headwind most of way..25.1km in 48mins ~ 31.3kph ,lovely weather out there so looking forward to the cycle home

    session 25.1k cycle 48mins 31kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on the OW chilly swim. I'm not sure I could have gotten past the frozen feet!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Flew home on the bike this evening and set a new p.b for cycle home, had a tail wind and felt grest, no sports tracker as mobile was dead but had timer on speedo and hit home in 44mins49secs, p.b by 1min30secs... with big bag on my back....34.2kph...delighted with that

    session 25.6k cycle home in 44.49mins 34.2kph p.b

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    70K TT (with my new tt helmet thanks to El D) had planned to try to do the 70k in sub 2hrs but the conditions decided that was not going to happen was a long hard tt with first 10k flying with a tailwind...15.40mins (38.3kph) then turned at finnegans roundabout out the old dublin road for a difficult 26k into a tough headwind, thought this stretch would never end and it brought my avg speed down bigtime..2nd 10k took 18.08mins (33.5kph) 3rd 10k even worse at 19.24mins (30.9kph) turned around at 36k so the next 10k had 6k headwind and 4k tailwind so splits starting to pick up again 17.41mins (33.9kph) 20k was good and solid but legs were starting to hurt at this stage with the 20k taking 34mins7secs (16.52mins/10k and 17.15mins/10k, 35.5 and 34.7kph)...turned at finnegans roundabout again onto the home stretch and last 10k into a headwind again- legs were screaming here and found it very difficult to keep going into the headwind, did the last 10k in 19.07mins 31.4kph, nearly stopped to a standstill after the 70k, if there was better conditions I would definitely have broken the 2hrs but Im Happy with the time considering the conditions...full 70k in 2hrs4min17secs 33.8kph, pedalled really slowly for the last 2.3k home- took around 9mins :D...nice hard session

    session : 70k tt 2hrs4mins 33.8kph

    13k hard run...
    did this exact run on 1st May- 3weeks ago at 4.37mins/km.. plan was to do it again today with another fast mate to see was there any improvement...I could still feel yesterdays 70k tt in my legs so i knew with the first 6k of this run being uphill that it would be difficult...started off solid and tried to keep the first 6k all under 5mins/km, could barely talk to my mate for these 6k as i was gasping for breath (sun was also blaring down on me) but I was happy with the splits for these uphill km's coming in at 4.45/km 4.45, 4.46, 4.45, 4.51, 4.36, the next 5k was all downhill (thank god) and i got some good speed up here with my mate pushing me to try go faster each km...these 5km's came in at 4.12, 4.05, 4.05, 4.15 and 4.35 (suffered on the last one) the last 2k was slightly uphill again and with my mate pulling away from me I pushed hard but had nothing left in the tank, the last 2k came in at 4.34 and 4.50, was glad to get it finished and delighted to beat my time from 3weeks ago by 44secs in 59.13mins with my avg speed for the 13k at 4.33mins/km

    session 13k run 59.13mins 4.33mins/km

    50k bike
    legs were sore after last 2 days so decided just to go on feel today- very windy out again so decided to push some 10k's when i had a tailwind but to take it easy into the headwind so the first 10k was tailwind and did it in 15.45mins (38kph), the next 10k was into a headwind (and a vicious one at that) so went nice and easy - took 20.35mins (29.1kph) brought up the pace again for the next 2 10k's but not too hard as they were mostly tailwind- 17.50mins (33.5kph) and 17.18mins (34.6kph).. after these I just decided to spin the legs for the last 10k into the headwind and take it easy -22.54mins (26.2kph)...nice session, legs very sore after last 3 days- just the muscles really (thankfully).. might just do light run tmrw evening

    session 50k bike with few 10ks steady thrown in, 31.6kph, 1hr36mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Rest day

    struggled around an 8k run tonight in work-hip and groin still giving me grief....did not enjoy this run at all.. anyway got it done regardless..
    8k run in 38.48mins

    session: 8k run 38.48mins
