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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    A lovely O.W. swim this evening at worlds end...really enjoyed it, water was alot warmer than last week..down to the "tree" and back...around 1500m in total..stopped a couple of times for a chat..around 30-40 out in total.. 33mins ..

    session : open water swim 1500m 33mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Plan this afternoon was to do a hard 40k tt and try beat my previous 40k pb time of 65:xx ...did this on my very first outing on the tt bike last year.... talk about something not going to plan...l've worked 72hours in the last 7 days finishing at 6am this up at 11. Put on my cycling gear had a quick coffee and out the door....I was going well for the first 5k but already I was sweating buckets and was only 8mins in... hit 10k in 17mins18secs... I knew this wasn't good as I actually had a tailwind... the skates came off at 13k once I hit the headwind...I could barely move my legs....I was absolutely wrecked..tried a few times to knuckle down and pick up the pace again but it wasn't happening.. the next 10k took 18.42mins.. around 32kph.... next 10k was more of the same...horrible miserable splits...18.53mins, next 10k...18.54mins...the 40k took a horrible forgotten about.. kept going to get 50k done...did the 50k in 1hr37mins 31kph..not a good session...too tired heading out and suffering the consequences now.. think I'll do a light spin on the road bike tomorrow....

    session 50k cycle 97mins 31kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Long hilly cycle on road bike..around 2,700ft of climbing and ascending from Newport to Birdhill onto O'BriensBridge then towards clonlara and out a 16k stretch to sixmilebridge which felt like I was climbing the whole way out and the whole way back..came back home via killaloe and Ballina...nice cycle and good workout for the legs, also lovely weather...
    90k in total in 3hrs20mins- 27kph.. hit a max speed of 71kph coming down one of the way would I hit this on the tt bike...i'm assuming its because the roadbike is alot heavier..

    session 90k hilly cycle 27kph, 3hrs20mins

    plan today was a 15k long run..unfortunately 1k into run I strained my calf muscle and had to stop dead in my tracks... that was the last training day for a few days as I was away in dingle for the bank holiday weekend so no training done..suffering majorly today and in work sweating pure alcohol at the moment..will try get cycle done tomorrow and get back into it..kilkee in less than 5weeks!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well its been a busy week....had a child in hospital for 2 days so didn't get the opportunity to get much done for those days...she's on the mend now anyway thank god... also did no running now for nearly 2 weeks as i want to properly rest the calf strain...planning a light jog later- anyway heres an update since the 4th june... got a new(2nd hand)set of wheels of the bro from his fuji bike to try out on the Dolan...the wheels are a little heavier than my own but they are true (unlike mine) and they have a deeper deep section 43mm!!

    4th June... only had a very small window to get something done today so I put the new wheels on my bike with a brand new set of conti tubes and a brand new set of conti gp4000s tyres and my new tt helmet :D was beautiful weather out so I said I'd give my 21.5k hilly route tt another blast...p.b. for this is 38.40 set on 12 headed off and didnt have much wind either way..was going well and climbing well on the hills..wheels felt a bit heavier but I definitely noticed an increased speed on the downhills..had no headwind on the out which also meant i didnt have much tailwind on way back..that aside I knew i was flying it keeping speed over 20kph on the uphill sections and over 45-50kph on the downhills and 37kph+ on the flat..was coming back into newport with around 3k left and 31.30mins on the clock- knew i would smash my p.b. when i cycled over a large pot-hole...thought i got away with it for a couple of seconds until I heard that horrible noise of air escaping and back wheel going flat..slowed down slowly - sports tracker stopped once I was at a stand still...changed the tyre (took around 10mins) got back on the bike and up to speed slowly - tried to push the last 3k home as I knew the time was still ticking...knew it wouldn't be a real p.b. as I stopped for 10mins but I did the route in 38.47mins...7 secs off p.b. time- happy with that considering the puncture.

    session 21.5k tt (hillly route) 38.47mins

    5th june
    Another of my tt routes today to really check these wheels out..decided to do my 48.4k route and do a hard 40k tt on time for this was...looking at my sports tracker- the first day i went out on my tt bike I did a 65:39 40k tt. on 7th Aug... plan was to try beat that with the lovely weather again my new wheels and tt helmet I set off hard to try beat my 40k p.b.... first 10k i flew and nearly hit the 40kph avg...did the first 10k in 15.15mins...39.6kph... next 10k i had 2k of slight tailwind and 8k of slight headwind.. did this 10k in 16.50mins 35.7kph... (did that 20k in 32.05mins 37.4kph,might be a p.b. too).. 3rd 10k was few km of headwind and few tailwind and did that in 16.38mins-consistent- 36kph, last 10k kept pushing hard to the line and crossed the line in 16.47mins 35.8kph another consistent 10k and 4 sub 17min 10ks- did the 40k in 65.31mins 36.7kph knocking only 8secs off my p.b. but very happy with the splits...just did a slow last 8.4k home to do the full spin 48.4k in 1hr23mins27secs 34.8kph

    session: 40k tt p.b. 65.31mins 36.7kph, 48.4k cycle in total

    6th june..
    Unfortunately had to rush to the hospital this morning with the daughter (4yr old)with suspected appendicitis- thanfully it wasn't that and she is fine now but she was kept in hospital for 2 nights- wife stayed in hospital with her which meant i was stuck at home with the other 3 kids (2yr,9yrs,11yrs)... could'nt run with the leg and not able to get away for a swim I set up the turbo outside the back on the patio in the 22degree heat and stuck on "sufferfest-downward spiral " on the laptop- kids thought I was mad as they bounced away on the trampoline watching me go like a madman trying to keep my cadence at 110+ for every interval with sweat and suncream pouring into my eyes :o...anyway it was a good session...2mins flat out/2min light, 1.45 flat out,1.45 light, 1.30 flat out.......and so on down to 15s flat out, 15s light with 5mins recovery then same again..delighted to hit 100+ cadence for the 2mins 110+ for the 1min30s and hit 120+ for the 1min to 15secs..

    session 1hr turbo downward spiral

    7th june...
    child still in hospital today so still trapped at home with the rest of the least the weather was good so spent the afternoon out the back with the kids again and popped on the turbo for another hour on the patio..this time I just spun the legs for the hour (kinda...I threw in 6X1mins flat out and 1X3mins hard) after these i just went up and down through the gears, alos doing some out of saddle climbing..

    session 1hr turbo (6x1min and 1x3min)

    8th june....
    child got home from hospital today around 3pm...still a bit sore but she was out the back playing around in the sun with the rest thank god..with that i mentioned to the other half that i might head off for a cycle...once she gave me the go ahead i got changed fast and out the door...went a new route--newport to ballinahinch through dolla, silvermines and to toomevara- turned around at 30k-just under the hour and came back same route- saw a sign in dolla for silvermines view point so decided to climb up it...climbed for around 15mins until I could climb no more and fell off the bike, sweat was pouring off me and all my drink was gone, got a few nice pics of the view though:D, cycled back down the hill and home- had to stop in the pub in ballinahinch to fill up the drink as i thought i was going to pass out some queer looks :cool:... anyway got home to find my phone and sports tracker had given up the ghost with a few km to go so no data for the spin...did around 60k in around 2hrs with alot of climbing!! so anyway all up to date now...heading for a run now at work hoping the leg is good!

    session 60k cycle 2hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    got back running today after the calf strain nearly 2 weeks ago and boy what a day did I pick..dont think I have ever sweated so much in a run in my life...:eek:... just did a light 8k run around the Industrial estate during lunchtime in work but oh my god the heat...the t-shirt was soaked after the first 4k lap, thankfully I got the full run done, calf was a bit tight starting off but stopped after 10mins to stretch it and it was fine after that...8k done in a slow 41.30mins but glad to get it done :D

    session ...8k run 41.30mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    8 hours of footing turf today and was stiff as a plank after it so nothing better than a long o.w. swim to sort me out...out to worlds end and another big turn out (prob 20-30 there swimming)..headed off on my own as i wanted to go further down river than I've been before...went down around the bend beyond the "tree" (750m mark) and kept going until I hit 25mins on the watch- went a couple of 100m's past the regatta start(1000m). probably 1250m down- loved every bit of it- out in the middle of the water on my own with no one else around- weird sense of freedom - anyway turned around and swam back- really enjoyed the whole swim-only took 23mins to get back :D, might try go for 30mins down next week and 30mins back!

    session 48mins o.w. swim ~ 2500m

    60k back road cycle with a few hills thrown in- newport-rearcross-upperchurch-rearcross-newport, around 1300ft of climbing- enjoyable spin and felt really good (sports tracker didnt kick in until after a minute so adding 500m to overall distance)- back was a little sore but put it down to the bog yesterday,, hopped off the bike and on with the runners for a quick 2k run off...first 1k was down a slight decline from the house and 2nd km was back the same way-long drag back to the house...was very happy to feel so good during these..first km was 4.14mins and 2nd km was 4.24mins- would be delighted to have splits like these for first 2k in kilkee..

    session..61.5k cycle 31.7kph, 2k run 8.38mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just a nice tempo 8k run tonight during lunchtime in work...37mins for the 8k- felt fine, calf sore afterwards though! 4.37mins/km

    session :8k run 4.37mins/km 37mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just a nice tough 25k cycle to work..battled against a headwind for the whole cycle but had good weather so enjoyed it...48.20mins at 31kph..

    session 25k cycle to work 31kph 48.20mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1


    morn...cycle home from work this morn...after cycling to work last night battling a headwind in the sun I was looking forward to an easy cycle home with a tailwind the whole way, unfortunately that did not happen, got into my cycling gear in work- cycle shorts and a shortsleeve top (was lovely heading to work so packed light) went outside and it was pi$$ing down, oh well, got on the bike and expected to get soaked but was still hoping for a tailwind...alas the wind direction also changed overnight so I battled home against the wind and rain for 25.8k in a pair of shorts and a cycle T shift..soaked to the skin by the time i arrived home...25.8k in 53.40mins..28.8kph- not bad considering the conditions..

    session 25.8k cycle home from work..53.40mins

    afternoon.. got 5 hrs sleep and up the bring the young fella to swimming- managed a half hour swim while he was doing his lesson..nothing too hectic, just concentrating on technique, hip rotation, arm placement etc...used the pull buoy for the full around 1250m done in total..
    session.. pool swim 1250m

    night...working nights again tonight so another late evening run (around 10.30) legs were very sore so planned to do a light 12k run...stopped a few times to stretch my calf which was feeling very tight..called it a night after 10k...brough up the speed for the last km to re-assure myself that i could..besides that it was just a light run.. speed perkms were- 4.56/4.56/5.07/5.25(stretched calf)/4.55/5.29(stretched)/5.16/4.50/4.21...did the 10k in 50.25mins.. besides legs being sore felt nice and relaxed..

    session :light 10k run 50.25mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Getting caught up on your log....

    1) So glad your daughter is home and on the mend.
    2) Ballynahinch. <sigh> Love Ballynahinch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Getting caught up on your log....

    1) So glad your daughter is home and on the mend.
    2) Ballynahinch. <sigh> Love Ballynahinch.

    Thanks Dory, ya she's fine thankfully...
    I think the Ballynahinch you are referring to is the ballynahinch in County Galway.. unfortunately the ballInahinch near us is a bit smaller...1 pub 1 school and 1 church :D ( although it is the Pub where the tv series "killinascully" was shot ):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oops! Yep. I was thinking of the County Galway Ballynahinch. But the other sounds lovely as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle to work this morn- felt tired ...46.13mins 25.1km

    session : cycle to work 46.13mins 25.1km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle home from work last night...46mins 25.8km...felt good

    Cycle to work this morn 48mins flat 25.2k....felt ok..

    sessions: 2 cycles 51km 1hr34mins

    Just over 1 week to my first "A" race of the year...KilKee hell of the my log states...(a year late I might add) but i'm aiming for sub 2hrs40mins this year... (secretly aiming for sub 2hrs35mins)...i think If the swim course is the proper distance this year I will hopefully do ~28mins...2 mins transition (including run up beach) hoping to knock a few mins off my 1.18 bike split from last year (tt bike this year) so with favourable conditions aiming for 1.16 on bike, 1min transition...also was carrying an injury on run last year...injury still slightly there but running better this year...did 50mins run last year...hoping for sub 45mins this year so...

    28mins swim
    2mins transition
    1hr16mins bike
    1min transition
    45mins run...
    ( that is ...on a perfect's hoping!!! :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    That wouldn't be a bad day at the office! Should be well do-able, hope you get a decent day for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle home from work- chain slipping whole way home- very frustrating- time for new chain i think-- 48mins- 25.8km

    session 25.8k cycle 48mins

    short run today to test out the legs...did 4k hard and 2k light cool down....did the 4k in 16.57- happy with that, with 10mins light..legs felt good during the run but bit sore afterwards

    session.. 6k run...4k hard 16.57mins 2k light-10mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well all packed up for holliers! heading to kilkee tomorrow for 2 weeks taking in the hell of the west...hoping to get some quality swim's and bike on the course between tomorrow and next saturday...probably wont get near a computer until after kilkee so hoping all goes well!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Best of luck trig, have a great holiday and race of course!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Best to you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Good luck ill see you on the bike course .....(as a marshal:D)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Well any update?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Green&Red wrote: »
    Well any update?

    Just back from Kilkee yesterday...loads to update on blog...will try make a start later tonight in work...good news is I'll probably have to figure out how to change the title of my blog :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sat 22/6/2013..Arrived down to Kilkee late this evening with Wife, 4kids, dog and 2 cars the time we had everything sorted in the house it was too late to get any training done..had a quick look at the bay and it was rough ...very rough..huge waves and white horses..was glad race was not on this weekend (as it was for last 2 years)

    Sun 23/6/2013..had planned to just get a swim done today but unfortunately got nothing done..had to do holiday stuff with the family and the bay was way too rough to swim in (did get some great body-boarding done with the kids on the massive waves:D)

    Mon 24/6/ was to be a tough day- planned full bike course tt in morn followed by full run course then swim 1500m in afternoon hard..
    set off on bike and felt really good..good conditions too, slight tailwind out and slight headwind back...did bike in 1hr16mins40secs..if i could do this on race day i'd be delighted..threw bike into car and quickly on with runners on the run course...felt good and strong, wasnt going flat out but was tipping away...crossed 10k on my sports tracker app at 44.51mins but course measured a little longer (using my unreliable sports tracker) at 10.4km..did full course in 46.50mins- if i could knock 1 or 2 mins off this on race day I'd be happy too... in the afternoon while kids were all playing on beack I did a 28min swim- felt fine- water was lovely- hoping for sub 28mins on Saturday...

    Tues 25/6/2013..did another lap on the cycle course today but took it handy..around 70% ..had a big tailwind out but very tough headwind back..also started cycle at house in Moore bay which makes cycle 2k longer.. still took over 1hr30mins today due to tougher conditions..hope it wont be like this saturday... afternoon did another swim in bay- took 27mins today for same swim - probably 1.5km again- felt good- shoulder a bit stiff..

    Wed 26/6/ was to be my last hard day and only a short bike and run...16k bike and 2k run, bike was tough taking in the 2 hills at start and finish of felt good- 1k up start of race course and 1k down hill for last km of race's were 4.37 and 4.07... another swim in afternoon -27mins and change- ~1.5km again- really enjoying the swimming- loads of jellyfish, shoulder still aching a bit.

    Thurs 27/6/2013.. nice easy day today at beack playing with kids..just did a 20min swim ~ 1km felt good

    Fri 28/6/2013- nothing today..just soaked up pre race atmosphere and gave the bike a good clean...registered early for race (very early-think i was 3rd person to register around 5.45pm- first pick of a nice Medium size Jacket :p)...home early, sat and watched movie with kids..loads of foam rolling, sorted out all the gear and off to bed for 11pm with alarm set for 7am...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1


    Morning of up early had good breakfast of weetabix and coffee, got all my gear together..was doing well for time so just took a quick drive down to course to see what codtitions were was very choppy..made me a bit nervous to be honest but i was glad to get the swimming in during the week...met up with the brother and had a chat - he was aiming for sub 2.30 and I was aiming for sub 2.40 so we had a side bet - 3 pints of beer that night for me if I came within 10mins of him...3 for him if I was outside 10mins :D..drove back up to house, got my gear together and cycled down to transition- set up all my stuff- race belt under my wetsuit, cycling shoes on ground alongside running shoes- 3 gels on bike and 3 gels in race shoes, race briefing over and all ready to go...I was in first wave so walked down beach to start.. plan was to be daring and take bull by horns and try get to front of swim group and see what lined up near front by the line anxiously awaiting be continued tonight unfortunately..havent had a chance to finish report yet...busy in work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ok so where was I......
    the "GO" for the swim...
    The minute we started off it was hectic..over 400 people crowded into the rough sea, I got pucked, kicked, head shoved under water, swam over, but I held my own :D..!/photo.php?fbid=541069945954468&set=a.541069429287853.1073741870.216588828402583&type=3&theater

    The swim was very rough and i panicked a little trying to get my breath heading out to the 2nd buoy, it was extremely choppy...once i hit the 2nd buoy I looked at my watch and it read 12mins..ok i suppose..the swim across the sea was fine and short and I breathe to the left which helped big to the 3rd buoy at 17mins...once I turned around to head for shore I just sighted the "waterfront" pub by the bandstand and aimed for that..i was very happy in this section and felt i was motoring..passing out alot of people, delighted with my sighting into shore and checked my watch as I was standing out of water and it read 27.50mins..I was happy with that until I found out the swim was a bit the time i ran up the beach and crossed the timing mat the official time was 29.01mins..i was happy with that and delighted to get the swim out of the way in under 30mins..(the Bro did 22mins)

    A little taste of what the conditions were like....!/photo.php?fbid=541072409287555&set=a.541069429287853.1073741870.216588828402583&type=3&theater

    official time and placing for swim...29.01mins 297/696 overall and 87/171 in age group

    t1...T1 -rookie mistake- i ran to the wrong rack and couldn't find my bike- eventually found it, wetsuit off, aero helmet on (thanks to El D.) cycling shoes on and drink of water to wash salt out of mouth..ran out with bike and flying mount went fine and clipped in straight away and off I went
    T1 ...1.21mins.. slow

    Bike...the first 3k of the Bike i knew were uphill and I had done it 3times during the week but I did not know what was wrong with me... I couldnt get up the hill, i was absolutely wrecked and struggling for breath..I was being passed out by loads on normal bikes... i was getting really fed up with myself and i knew i was loosing alot of time... I took my first gel once I got to the top of the Hill and re-composed myself and then started motoring...passing out all that passed me on the the time I hit 20k my av speed had jumped up to 37kph including the first 3k...I was cruising at 45kph+ for last 15k...took another Gel here and prepared for the turnaround into the wind..the headwind was vicious...I was hoping to try get home in under 1.18hrs but this was slipping away as my speed was dropping to 33kph into the headwind...was really pissed off with the trains passing me...I passed 2 guys and roared abuse at the 2nd guy drafting...looked back 5mins later and the 2 of them were stuck on my wheel... I roared abuse at them again and they both passed me and ignored me..I did something stupid here out of anger...I said f*ck them, if they are doing it, I'm doing it so I jumped onto their wheels...I stayed there for a few minutes fuming with anger:mad: but then I looked at my speedo and it was reading 29kph...I told myself to HTFU here...that I was faster than these muppets...I pushed hard, threw another few f*cks into them and dropped them:D...brought my speed back up to 33kph into the headwind... I actually lost time going down to the drafters, cheaters level and I was kicking myself over it..coming into the last 6k and last climbs i took my last gel on bike...Felt better on this climb and passed another few drafters here...tore home the last 3k downhill for a 1hr20min7sec bike time...dissapointed with it but it was my own fault..first 3k- I dont know what happened and the few mins I drafted i also lost time own doing and over 1minute slower than last year (road bike)...still though my overall time so far was faster than last year and I was still on for sub 2.40....(the bro did 1hr16mins)

    Bike 1hr20mins07secs 136/696 41/171 in age group

    t2 uneventful..great dismount and a fast change into the runners and gone with 3 isogels in hand

    Run...At 1hr51mins I was already into my run...I knew that bar a miracle I would do sub 2hr40mins...Probably got into my comfort zone a little here and should really have tried for 2hr35mins but I thought that was beyond me at this stage... took my first ge straight away..the first 5k was very tough uphill and a headwind...was struggling to do 4mins50sec km's but i was reassuring myself that I would fly the 2nd 5k, I took my 2nd gel at 4k and the 3rd gel at the 5k turnaround to give me the boost for the run home...enjoyed the run home but i was still running within myself..I knew I was going to beat 2hrs40min but how much by, i really pushed the last 2k as it looked Like I could beat 2hrs38mins..crossed the line in 2hrs37mins44secs and was delighted to beat 2hrs40mins but a little dissapointed as I knew if i did a proper bike and a little faster in the run 2hrs35 was there for the taking...anyway we wil leave that for next year:D.
    Run..46.21mins 224/696 overall 64/171 in age group (the bro did 42mins run)

    Overall 2hrs37mins44secs 171/696 overall and 57/171 in age group
    Finished the race running over the line with my 2 eldest proud kids but the 2 youngest were crying I didnt run over the line with them so after taking timimng chip and race belt off i ran over line with them again and gotthis lovely pic....aim for next year....lose more weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and aim for as close to 2hrs30 as possible, knocked over 9mins off last years time so have to be happy with that......
    on a footnote- the bro did a fantastic 2hr23mins but got a 2min penalty for drafting (cheater) still had to buy him 3 pints that night !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Was waiting for this one Trig, your goal was very much like my first log were I did a 3:09 first kilkee and the following hyper was all about knock 20min off it, ended up knock nearly 40! Amazing what that determination can do. Next year you must aim for the bro's scalp ;) Kudoo's to him too btw :)

    The 'thanks to EL D' part what was that for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nice one D well done. Figured you would be the faster one on the bike but kudos on the swim and run progress! The bro is moving well alright

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Was waiting for this one Trig, your goal was very much like my first log were I did a 3:09 first kilkee and the following hyper was all about knock 20min off it, ended up knock nearly 40! Amazing what that determination can do. Next year you must aim for the bro's scalp ;) Kudoo's to him too btw :)

    The 'thanks to EL D' part what was that for?

    Thanks for the Aero Helmet!! :D love it (and I got it spotlessly clean)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Nice one D well done. Figured you would be the faster one on the bike but kudos on the swim and run progress! The bro is moving well alright

    Maybe if he wasn't drafting eh!!! ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sun 30th June...Relaxed and nursed a hangover
    Mon 1st July....1.5k ocean swim in Bay...28mins
    Tues 2nd July....2.5k long swim in sea- 42mins
    Wed 3rd July...Back on the bike..just did cycle course again at around 70% intensity...46k in total from house in 1hr30mins... afternoon another nice bay swim - 32mins - around 1750m
    Thurs 4th July... did a nice run on the beack in kilkee- just up and down the beach for 32mins- around 6.5k in total followed this by another 1.5k swim (really enjoying swimming at moment) 30min swim.
    Fri 5th July... last swim before heading home saturday...around 2k swim in 38mins
    Sat 6th....beautiful weather starting and we are packing up to head home from nothing done today.
    Sun 7th July...spent 3hrs today sweating buckets in the sweltering heat trying to cut my 1/2 acre of jungle after 2 weeks of being neglected...wasn't able for anything after this
    Mon 8th July...did a night time run in work tonight...went running at 11pm hoping it would be cooler than during the was 23 degrees at 11pm!!!:eek::eek: first 4k were fine but heat really zapped me for 2nd 4k and just jogged slowly back to work for a 39min 8k..soaked to the skin..felt good blog back up to date...must update my sbr challenge now...
