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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 16th Sept
    Back training tonight after taking a full 9days off after lost sheep(feel really fat)..just a nice 8k midnight run during break in work..felt ok.. 38.30mins for 8k,

    session 8k run 38.30mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 18th Sept
    TT bike gone back into the attic until next season so got back onto the road bike felt a bit too small, tried raising the saddle but bloody thing was seized, didn't have the greatest of spins..for some reason I just couldn't get any power going, struggled for most of the cycle at 25-27kph, ended up just relaxing and enjoying the scenery...

    70k done in 2hrs45mins??

    Fri 20th Sept..
    Did a local 6k road race this evening..met Shotgunmcos and was introduced to AKW for the first time..(nice to meet you AKW and I'll call into the shop soon) I hadn't done any speed work in ages so just planned to try stick at 4.20min/km pace for the run, the 2 lads said they were gonna do the same but of course when the whistle went for the start shotgun shot off like a rocket..I stayed with AKW for the run (sitting on his shoulder :D as i couldn't pass him :o) anyway it was a good run and i felt ok for most of it, AKW took up the pace with around 800m to go and i couldn't stay with him unfortunately, finished in time of 25.47mins...just under 4.18mins/km pace so was happy with that...Ankle was very sore afterwards (same ankle I hurt in the lost sheep- so something to be mindful of there)

    Session : 6k road race 25.47mins- 4.18mins/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey you said 26 then did 25 odd. Plan executed well done. Take a break on the ankle. Is it Achilles by any chance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hey there Trig! Just getting caught up on your Lost Sheep...and way to go you! Great result and excellent way to finish the season. I hope you're still smiling. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oh, and fantastic your mom is doing so wonderful to have dedicated this race to her and the oncology unit. She must be very proud of her son. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Oh, and fantastic your mom is doing so wonderful to have dedicated this race to her and the oncology unit. She must be very proud of her son. :)

    Thanks Dory, she's doing great thank God and Yes I'm still Smiling!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Hey you said 26 then did 25 odd. Plan executed well done. Take a break on the ankle. Is it Achilles by any chance?

    Hi Mike, Ya looking back on the run I'm happy with my time, Its not my achilles thats giving trouble, its more the front of the ankle- it als seems to affect the base of the foot- a strange one, one to keep an eye on , will i see you at the smrc 10k on Sunday?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 23rd Sept-
    Only did a 40.7k cycle today but it was one of the toughest 40k cycles I've ever done, my plan for winter training this year is for the bike....HILLS.... cycle as many hills as possible so with the Silvermines on my doorstep I decided to try summit them today...Cycled out "keeper Challenge" route road for around 10k- long 10k drag, then hit a small village that I cannot remember the name of with a signpost for the silvermines walk pointing up!! took that turn (tried this climb before but didn't even get half way) started climbing anyway and after 5mins my legs were in bits, kept plugging away in the lightest gear looking at my speedometer reading 11kph, 10kph, 9kph, 8kph...It kept getting steeper and steeper until I eventually could go no more, i got off the bike and walked an extremely steep part, got back on the bike again and went again for another 10mins until the sweat was pouring down my face, my chest was heaving and my legs were burning, fell off the bike again with the speedo reading 8kph again but still no summit in sight, walked for another 1-2mins and then 1 more round and I was determined to stay on the bike this time up to the summit, another 12-13mins of utter torture with the legs screaming and i eventually got to the summit to see the most spectacular view ever- will definitely take camera with me next time, the sports-tracker website is down but looking at the data on the phone it loooks like i climbed under 1500ft in 3.5km's , the cycle down was heaven, more of these climbs definitely needed this winter.. had a decent spin back home but to give an example of how difficult the spin was I was cycling for 1hr45mins and only covere 40.7km---23.2kph (quality not quantity ;))

    Session: hilly cycle to summit of Silvermines 40.7k in 1hr45mins- 23kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Trig1 wrote: »
    ...will i see you at the smrc 10k on Sunday?

    You not doing a reunion row? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    You not doing a reunion row? :confused:

    Yep ..20 year reunion :eek::eek: of Winning inter 8 from 1993...doing that row on Saturday with loadsa beer afterwards...gonna do the 10k sunday as a trot to cure the hangover, support my club and all that!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    cycle to work tonight on the road bike and it actually restored my confidence in the bike...lost my mojo for awhile on the road bike and hadn't had a decent session in awhile..for some reason for the cycle to work tonight the legs felt great and I had a good solid cycle...did the cycle in 44.57mins at 33.3kph including a good few stops at traffic lights ...back to loving my road bike again...

    just starting to add in my "before bed routine" - need to get back into my chin ups and press ups which I've neglected big time over last few months..

    4 X long arm chin ups, 20 x press ups

    session: cycle to work 44.57mins 33.3kph, 25k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Morn...25.8k cycle home from work this morn ~ 55mins- a tired spin
    Evening.... Another 25.1k cycle to work this evening, felt ok- not as fast as last night, legs a little tired 47.50mins

    before bed..4 X long arm(full extension) chin up 25 X press up

    Sessions... 51k cycle to and from work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    just 55min cycle home from work- nice and handy - tired
    b4 bed 5X chin ups, 27X pressups

    20 year :eek: Reunion row with Intermediate 8 champions of Ireland 1993-really enjoyed this- was only on water for around 1hour but got a few decent km's done along with a few 20's and some start and 15's- great fun and sweat buckets...feed of drink after it and staggered home at 3am still woth the intentions of running the SMRC 10k the next day as I had already registered!

    29/9/2013- smrc 10k
    Fell out of bed at 10.30am still very under the weather and very hungover- could eat nothing, contemplated not going but alot of mates were going and it was for my local club so I said I'd head down and just trot around very down to the club for 12pm with race starting at 1pm..there was around 200 for the 10k and there was also a 5k woth over 100 so good crown there..lot of lads were laughing at the state of me but I ran anyway (very hungover)..actually felt ok for the first 100m :D:D, Nah actually didn't feel too bad for the first 4km and was clocking dead on 4.20mins/km, hit the 5km mark at exactly 22mins...felt for around 30 more seconds that i might do 44mins but the wheels fell off pretty lively after that (thats what 10 pint bottles of cider and a load of captain morgans and coke will do to you), a good few people started passing me out after that...struggled home for a 45.40min 10k- not bad I suppose and 36th out of 158
    lovely pic of me at the finish absolutely wrecked and sweating pure alcohol.....!/photo.php?fbid=478352142272949&set=a.478347788940051.1073741867.282349481873217&type=3&theater

    b4 bed 5xchinup 30xpressup

    Session SMRC 10k- 45mins40secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    just a very slow,very sore 6k jog at lunchtime in work- groin and hip very sore, methinks its about time I stopped running for a few weeks to let the legs totally recover- mostly cycling so for next while and hopefully some swimming

    session: 6k run done in a very slow 33mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Not much done during week,getting a bit lazy,65k hilly cycle done today over silvermines... took arund 2.5hrs at 27kph was tough going.....

    session 65k cycle 27kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Another cycle today..70k windy cycle, 1st hour was tough going into headwind from Newport to Murroe to Cappamore and onto Doon, turned at Doon and back through cappamore again then took limerick road towards Pallas Green then in passed B&Q onto childers road and back towards Finnegans Roundabout and back to Newport...70k in total in 2hrs20mins~30kph , first hr around 27kph, 2nd hour around 33kph...

    session: 70k cycle 2hrs20mins 30kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 9th oct 2013

    So...I've noticed some arrows on the roads around Newport pointing...100k cycle this way!! so over last few days I went both ways following these arrows...on the 6th I did 65k over the silvermines and on the 7th I went 70k out through cappamore and doon so I said I would do the 100k loop today and see where the loop joined... So i followed the arrows outside my house..felt good starting off...went out through Ballinahinch...through the silvermines village on the road for Tipp Town which brought me over the Silvermines..felt good for this climb and after an hour I was still at 28kph...very good considering i was climbing for alot of it...Got over the Silvermines and after another few km's came to a cross roads on the upperchurch road..took a turn here at Milestone and up through more hills, cycle started to get tough now as I was trying to average 30kph for the full cycle and it was extremely hilly, wet and windy...went through a small town called Holyford at around 40k gone then Cappawhite and Ardcraney after 50k...was heading towards Dundrum now :eek:.. still the signs for the 100k were on the road so kept following through Dundrum towards Cashel...After another few km's (6k) I came to a few crossroads and there was no more arrows:confused::confused:, I was a bit lost and didn't know where to go..Decided to head back towards Dundrum..In dundrum i found written on Road (on opposite side of road...Start/Finish) I had gone 13k further than I should..Went and followed the signs again hoping for them to bring me through Doon and Murroe which I knew were good fast downhill and i was loosing energy fast (only had 2 water bottles and no food)..Followed the route again back towards Ardcraney but arrows on road now were very bad and I couldn't find the route, after stopping to pull my hair out and stretch the legs for a few minutes i had no choice but to retrace my steps back towards Milestone...I was 3hrs in now and all drink was gone..I was cycling uphill into headwind and rain , I was doing 20kph :o legs were dead and I knew I still had over 30k to newport.. kept plugging along through cappawhite, holyford and eventually back on the Newport road at Milestone...Next sign I came to showed Newport 19km..thank god..Until I came to the next sign on same stretch of road which showed Newport 26km :mad::confused::(, Damn Irish country roads...26k was the true distance as the next sign was 23k.. I was 3 and 1/2 hours and 90k in now and legs were dead..really struggled through the last 23k, i though I'd never hit Rearcross which was still 10k from Newport-- Really contemplated ringing the missus here to collect me- the mind was playing awful tricks on me.. it took another hour battling a constant headwind and rain through Rearcross and home...Horrible horrible cycle and I really felt like crying :o after it.. Wife gave out to me for being gone so long but had sympathy once i told her I got lost;) ...only upside of cycle..longest cycle yet 115km in 4hrs30mins..a miserable 25.4kph....lessons learnt- bring food on long cycles...dont go on a cycle that you dont know the route!!
    Session 115k cycle 4hrs30mins 25.4kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Trig1 wrote: »
    lessons learnt- bring food on long cycles...dont go on a cycle that you dont know the route!!
    try to plan your spin so you have a tail wind coming home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ok the last week....
    Fri 11th oct
    80k cycle today...40k with headwind and 40k with tailwind..nice session...newport to finnegans roundabout..out old dublin road to nenagh...around the roundabout and back to finnegans roundabout and back home...
    session 80.75k in 2hrs36mins 31kph
    Got nothing done Sat,Sun,Mon due to personal issues...
    Tuesday got back on the beloved turbo trainer for the first time this autumn..
    tues 22nd Oct-
    Sufferfest- Revolver- warm up then 16X 1min flat out, 1min light then warm down...good tough fast session...45mins in total
    session: Sufferfest-Revolver

    Wed 23rd Oct
    Sufferfest -Hell hath no fury- warm up then 7min tempo then 2X20min threshold race then 1X3.30min flat out TT..75mins total
    Felt really good throughout
    Session:Sufferfest-Hell hath no fury

    Thurs 24th Oct
    Sufferfest:Blender- 105mins of torture- bit of everything...10min warm up then 10mins Road race at threshold then 2mins light then 2mins flat out then 2mins light then 8mins road race at threshold then 2mins light then 4 mins flat out then 2 mins light then 6mins road race at threshold then 4mins light and thats only the first was 6x 40secs flat out 20secs light with 2mins recovery, 6x 30secs flat out 30secs light with 2mins recovery,6x 20secs flat out 40secs light 4min recovery.... and finally 4mins TT, 1min recovery, 4min TT 1min recovery, 4mins TT 1min recovery...thats all... dont think I've ever sweat so much in 1 session in my life!!!

    Session :Sufferfest Blender

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    i'm going to have to figure out what this Sufferfest is!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Fri 18th oct..
    Went back running today for first day in 2 weeks and legs felt great and were very glad of the rest....just did a handy 8k run in 38.59mins at 4.53mins/km avg...felt good afterwards also..

    session : 8k run 38.59mins 4.53mins/km

    Just as an addition...still doing my nightly routine...up to 7 long arm chin ups..37 pressups and 75secs plank and 1x 30 secs plank on each side

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sun 20th oct
    More Sufferfest today...Sufferfest- Downward spiral... 10min warm up then 2x(2mins flat out ,2mins light, 1.45mins flat out, 1.45 light,and so on down to 15secs flat out 15secs light) with 5 mins recovery between sets and 10min cool down, good quick session..1hr in total..

    session: Sufferfest:Downward spiral

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 21st oct
    11k midnight run at breaktime in work..10k tempo...starting slow and trying to increase or maintain speed each km...not by much though as i still wanted it to be comfortable...started at 5mins per km,, then 5.08 (had to stop and fix phone) then mostly 4.50-4.44 for next 6-7km and finished with a 4.40mins/km- probably worked a bit too much for the times that i was getting per km, last few km's felt a bit tough, did 1km wind down to finish off, did the 10k in 48.08mins 4.48mins/km

    session 11k run with 10k at 48.08min and 1k wind down

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Thurs 24th oct
    Morn...Sufferfest-local hero...90mins of racing, time trialing and sprints- good sweaty session..

    Evening...First embarrasing swim since Lost Sheep..100m warm up then 2X750m... did the first 750m in 17.36min... felt fat and no technique whatsoever- SO BAD:(:( so did another one- felt alot better, trying to glide and get a nice long stroke, thought i had knocked off at least a minute until i looked at the watch and it read 17.40mins...humiliating- need alot of work during winter!!!!

    sessions: 90mins turbo/ 1600m swim

    Sat 26th oct: just nice light 8k run at lunch time in work...around 42mins

    session......8k run 42mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Tues 29th Oct
    Sufferfest : Hell hath no fury...4min warm up..5.30mins tempo race then 2x 20mins threshold race with climbs/sprints and going up and down through gears- good workouts, followed by 1x 3.30mins tt...went flat out for this whole tt in hardest gear at 110+ cadence- legs wrecked afterwards but felt good during piece..great session..75mins in total

    Session: Sufferfest Hell hath no fury- 75mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 30th Oct
    A good tempo Midnight run at lunch time in work tonight, tried concentrating on form tonight whilst running, keeping back straight and hips out...had less hip and groing soreness which is a big plus, also felt great and pushed along nicely with a few km's in the 4.20's and a few in the 4.30's, really enjoyed it and felt i could keep going for a lot longer
    8k done in 36mins flat...4.30mins per km...

    session 8k midnight run in 36mins 4.30mins/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    thurs 31st oct..nothing done today except dress kids up for halloween (and myself) go trick or treating and eat loads of junk and a few beers ;).

    Fri 1st nov... Missus was away most of day today so hopped on turbo trainer for 75mins of Hell hath no fury...warm up, then 5.30mins tempo then 20mins race, 6mins rest 20mins race, 6mins rest then 3.30mins flat out this session, alot of sweat!!

    session: sufferfest hell hath no fury 75mins

    Sat 2nd Nov... horrible day out so jumped on turbo watching soccer saturday...60mins at threshold...around 7/10 in terms of how hard...good solid spinning session keeping cadence over 90 for the hour..

    session: 60mins turbo

    Sun 3rd Nov.... went on group cycle today with local group, really only a very light session and didn't really break a sweat except for 1 hill....55km in 2hrs10mins for a speed of around 25kph...more chatting and enjoying scenery than anything else

    session: 55k cycle at 25kph

    Tues 5th Nov... Just a nice handy 8k jog at lunch time in work in 39.31mins for avg of around 4.55mins/km...nice jog

    session : 8k run 39.31mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 6th Nov..
    Pool Swim :D...little bt better than last time in pool...there was a masters group doing 400/300/200/100's they asked if i wanted to join but I didn't for awhile...did the first km and felt ok so decided to join at the back of them for 2nd 400/300/200/100 - kinda stayed with them for awhile and enjoyed getting dragged up and down the pool..did around 2k in total..felt a bit happier than last time...will try join them again next week..also need to get some early morning swims in!!!

    session: 2k swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Fri 8th Nov... just a 8k run tonight during break...37.55mins

    session 8k run 37.55mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sun 10th Nov....Another cycle today with local bike shop...around 8 people out, bit of a mixed group and a little frustrating... organiser of the cycle wanted everyone to stay together but everytime I cycled at a nice tempo (around 27-28kph) people kept falling off the back so kept having to reign it in, thankfully once we had a bit of mileage done on the old dublin road to Nenagh the organiser told those that wanted to push for awhile can cycle on and meet the rest on the way back...sooo..Off myself and 2 others went (1 guy from Limerick cycling club) we just did around 6-8k hard but i pushed really hard, we were leap frogging for 1-2mins then nothing..I never looked back just kept head down and pushed (and really enjoyed it) with an average for the 6-8k of well over 43kph, once I got to Nenagh Roundabout I lightened off and realized the guy from Limerick cycling club was on my wheel the whole time..he threw me a few compliments saying he tried to pass me out a few times to do his fair share but everytime he came out of my draft zone to overtake me he just slipped behind..he also invited me to join Limerick cycling club on their Saturday morn race sessions as he thought I'd be well up for it :cool:, something i may take him up on..caught the stragglers straight away when we turned and again they were being dropped so myself and the other 2 cycled on an a nice tempo of around 32kph, only did 60k in total but it was at a better avreage than last week...

    session: 60k group cycle 2hrs at 29kph
