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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well that was yesterdays session, today plan was 1500m swim in worlds end followed by 44k cycle.. so off to worlds end around 1pm and low and behold of all days there was a regatta on- no swim here today - also had wife and 4 kids in their wetsuits in the car.. so 2 minutes negotiating and off to killaloe.. arrived in killaloe and on with the wetsuit- had no idea of distances here so just decided to do 30-35min swim- transition and then off on bike, set up bike and helmet- sellotaped an energy gel to the bike and 750ml of my aldi energy drink, into the water and over and back between the pier and a wooden pier on other side of swimming area (had to keep an eye out as there were lads flying around on jet skis) anyway- over and back around 4 or 5 times looked at watch and 30mins gone- swam back into shore and 33.30mins on watch- quick transition-tri suit was on under wetsuit and was delighted with how fast i got wetsuit off- on bike and out on road - looked at watch and showed 35.14mins... so head down went from Killaloe to birdhill-birdhill to montpelier- montpelier to dalys cross, dalys cross to birdhill , birdhill to newport on back road- had to go few kms past house and back to make up 44k.. stopped watch at 1.53.10 felt really good but was maybe a little slow..33.2kph for cycle, still had bags of energy and was maybe a bit silly but ran upstairs got the runners threw them on and just decided to do 2k run to see how hip was- started watch again hit 1k and turned around- hip was a bit uncomfortable but very bearable got home and watch read 2.03.34 just over 5min10sec pace -was ok considering it was only a slow jog, really happy with the day and felt really fit after the lot..
    session 33.5min ow swim,1.5min t1,44k bike(33.2kph),0 min t2(stopped watch) time 2hrs3mins34secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Monday morning:
    After a hard session on sunday went for a really light cycle to loosen the legs monday morning, into a really light gear and sitting up off the tri bars- had to resist going down on the bars and pushing the legs a few times but just spun it out...
    session 30k light cycle speed:28.5kph, time 1hr2mins50secs

    Monday evening:
    Went for open water swim down in worlds end monday evening, went with the Limerick tri group this time instead of going off on my own, first group of fish went off with MCOS in it (probably doing 5k) :eek:, I went off at the back of the 2nd group as I didnt want to be getting in anyones way, went off and I stopped straight away as i forgot to start my stopwatch, the group of 5 got a few meters on me and I thought thats it i'm on my own again, I surprised myself big time by passing out all of them and even putting good distance between myself and them by the time we got to "the tree" 750m marker, turned around and swam back passing people again, was around 33 mins in water by time we got back to castleconnel, didnt feel too bad so headed off again just around bend and back- prob another 8-900m... felt good and confident after swim- even got into a rythym with my kick for the first time!! 56 mins in total- still no sign off the fishes that went off first by the time I had dried and got into car!!

    session: open water swim:distance ~2400m, time:56mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    tues morn
    cycle to work this morning- felt very tired and laboured, couldn't get going, did not have a good nights sleep so maybe thats a factor.. 25.1k cycle in 50mins12secs- 30kph..

    session 25.1k cycle, time: 50mins12secs, speed 30kph

    tues evening
    NEVER again will I cycle home from work at 5 in the evening through rush hour traffic!! do cars even look out for bikes anymore? must have had at least 5 near misses, actually felt good on the way home- was powering home at avg around 35kph when i wasn't standing still behind cars or at traffic lights, my avg speed on the speedo was dropping big time because of this but, what can you do, i felt I did a good session anyway even though it actually took me longer to get home..taking in the extra 700m to cycle around the Industrial estate (oneway system) session was 25.8k cycle, time 51mins56secs, speed was a miserable 29.6kph (mostly due to stopping and starting)

    session 25.8k cycle, time 51mins56secs, speed 29.6kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    .... well finally did it, one of my milestones i've been secretly aiming at for last few weeks but never thought i'd get there, tried last week but was kicked out as pool was closing so headed down 30mins earlier tonight..
    was determined to do 3k tonight and it went like this...
    750m...17mins 46secs... felt ok -long relaxed..
    1500m..35mins36secs...17min50sec for that 750.. felt remarkably comfortable (this is the time i'm aiming for for HOTW next week- if I do this i should come out of the water fresh and ready to attack the bike)..
    2250m..54mins10secs..18min34secs for that 750-- dunno what happened here- switched off a bit- probably fell asleep..
    3000m..71min47secs....17mins37secs.. remarkably the last 750m was my fastest- only tried pushing the last 8 lengths, the whole swim was slow and relaxed and didnt feel too wrecked after it which was good- made out that my time per 100m was 2.24mins/100m-dunno if thats any good but at least i have a target now to beat.... mri tomorrow so hopefully good news on the hip

    session 3k swim time 71mins 47secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Woo hoo!!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well.. physio suggested maybe i do a few weights to strenghten my glutes and hammers so bought a new weights bench and 50kgs of weights during week so 1st weights session in over 5 years tonight- mostly endurance weights- session-20 min warm up on treadmill- mostly fast walking and slow jogging then some stretches then 3 rounds 10 exercises....

    Bench press 40kg x 30 reps x 3
    leg curls 30kg x 30 reps x 3
    hamstring curls 25kg x 30 reps x 3
    upright rowing 25kg x 20 reps x 3
    sit ups 50 reps x 3
    arm curls 25kgs x 15 reps x 3
    power cleans 40kg x 15 reps x 3
    half squat 40kg x 20 reps x 3
    burpee jump 15reps x 3
    press ups 30 reps x 3

    warm down of 5 mins on treadmill and foam roller and stretches - 20 mins
    sweating like mad after session, good session, as per usual found burpees the hardest.. total session took just over 2hrs from lead in to irish match to end of irish match.. at least fans seemed happy :)

    session weights : 3 rounds 10 exercises

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Trig1 wrote: »
    well.. physio suggested maybe i do a few weights to strenghten my glutes and hammers so bought a new weights bench and 50kgs of weights during week so 1st weights session in over 5 years tonight- mostly endurance weights- session-20 min warm up on treadmill- mostly fast walking and slow jogging then some stretches then 3 rounds 10 exercises....

    Bench press 40kg x 30 reps x 3
    leg curls 30kg x 30 reps x 3
    hamstring curls 25kg x 30 reps x 3
    upright rowing 25kg x 20 reps x 3
    sit ups 50 reps x 3
    arm curls 25kgs x 15 reps x 3
    power cleans 40kg x 15 reps x 3
    half squat 40kg x 20 reps x 3
    burpee jump 15reps x 3
    press ups 30 reps x 3

    warm down of 5 mins on treadmill and foam roller and stretches - 20 mins
    sweating like mad after session, good session, as per usual found burpees the hardest.. total session took just over 2hrs from lead in to irish match to end of irish match.. at least fans seemed happy :)

    session weights : 3 rounds 10 exercises
    You will feel that on sat morning! Oh the memories of the old gym and that sort of lark...

  • Registered Users Posts: 548 ✭✭✭Nwm2

    Is HOTW still a go?

    What is your plan for next week?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Nwm2 wrote: »
    Is HOTW still a go?

    What is your plan for next week?

    ya still a go but not sure how run will be.. just did a 44k tt which i will post about in sec, rest tmrw, then couple of cycle sessions and swim sessions with 1 or 2 weight sessions thrown in, going to kilkee on wednesday with bro to do practise swim and cycle, actually not going to run before HOTW..
    my plan for kilkee as of today is ...
    swim 30-35mins
    cycle...1hr18mins (weather permitting)
    if i'm back and heading on the run before 2hrs then it gives me 1hr to do 10k for sub 3hrs(slow jogging), if hip feels good on run then i can try do 50min 10k to do 2hrs50mins..
    I have the fitness and stamina to get through run now so not too worried about it:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Somedays I regret not having a turbo should have been one of them heading out in the wind and rain to push 44k from the start but kilkee could have similar conditions next week so off i went....
    first 10k...16.45mins...35.8kph...felt I had a tailwind here and was dreading turning around at finnegans to head to birdhill but when i turned around there was no wind whatsoever- shocked that I did the first 10k into headwind at 35.8kph..
    20k...33.03mins...2nd 10k in 16.18mins...36.8kph for that 10k..
    30k...50.04mins...3rd 10k in 17.01mins...35.2kph for that 10k.. slight headwind/very wet..
    40k...1hr8mins30secs..4th 10k in 18.26mins..32.8kph for that 10k..suffered in headwind and lashing rain avg speed for 40k was 35kph
    was giving it 100% now and pushing as hard as I could on back road from finnegans back to newport.. avg speed 35.1kph..was happy with that considering the horrible conditions.. would love to know what I could do on a tt/tri bike in decent conditions but unfortunately no budget for that at moment..will have to get by with the road bike with fitted tri bars :) ..
    did another light 6k spin home for a total distance of 50k in 1hr30mins

    session 44k tt wind/rain... 1hr15mins16secs

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    hip felt remarkably well after weights the other day so decided to do another hard sweaty endurance weight session this evening...
    did 10 exercises again in groups of 3- mostly light weight with high reps..

    Did 20min light warm up on treadmill at 8kph-hip felt good
    first group... bench press 30kg+bar, leg raise 20kg, hamstring curl 20kg- x50reps x 3rounds. 1 minute rest then 2nd group..
    2nd group... upright rowing 25kg+bar- 25repsx 3 rounds, situps 50reps x 3,
    arm curls 25kg+bar 15reps x 3rounds, press ups 30 x 3rounds..1 min rest then round 3
    3rd group (hardest by far) power cleans 30kg+bar x 25reps x 3, burpee jumps 15 x 3 rounds, half squat 45kg+bar x 25reps x 3...floor was drowned in sweat after session but felt good..
    30 min stretching and foam roller afterwards

    session 2hrs20min endurance weights incl 20min warm up and stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    working nights at moment so pretty tired all weekend, didnt drag my ass out of the bed until 4pm this evening, spent some time with family, dinner/ pack lunch for work then straight out the door to worlds end for O.W. swim.. didnt arrive down until 6.40 so only had time for quick swim before I got into work for 8.. decided to do just ~1600m (down to the "tree" and back)- water was freezing. Headed off straight away and found the going though- took awhile to warm up and get breathing right- flow was also against me- stopped for few secs to say hello to a fellow swimmer and complain about the coldness of the water and off I went again- trying to keep sighting as there was loads of crews on the water including 2 speed boats- got to the trees and looked at the watch -it read 17.43- nothing new there although it is a bit more than 750m and I did stop for a few secs. turned around and started off again and was surprised at how fast I was going- there was a really strong flow against me for first 750 and I still did 17.43. tried pushing every now and then on way home and arrived back to the slip at 33.53- 16mins 10secs on way home with flow ... this was still a long relaxed pace and not race pace..but it is my fastest o.w. 1500+ metres at 33.53 (this included prob a 20sec chat)..
    arrived back to the slip to find the other half standing there with my lunch for work which I forgot to bring:o... thanks you!!:D...
    so prep going well for kilkee- hip feeling good even though I still have no results from mri- weights seem to be helping it!! plan to get a light cycle in tomorrow and a few light weights, kilkee on wednesday for the day to do sea swim and cycle the HOTW course- might try few km run on beach too- in 2 minds about this- anyone any thoughts on whether I should do a run on beach or seeing as the hip is feeling better will I give it the extra few days to recover and not run until saturday,
    gonna take thursday off and head to kilkee on friday- might do a light spin on friday to wake up the legs for saturday morning...getting excited now!! first olympic distance triathlon only 5 days away!!:)

    Session 1500m o.w. swim 33.53mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    didnt do much this evening as going to kilkee tomorrow for a long day..
    just did 20 mins on treadmill- 15 mins at 10kph- felt ok, could feel the hip constantly but it wasnt very sore- should be able to run ok on it saturday,
    also did a few leg weights- half squats/power cleans/leg raise/hamstring curls..
    +half hour stretching and foam roller...

    session 20mins treadmill/leg weights and stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Trig1 wrote: »
    didnt do much this evening as going to kilkee tomorrow for a long day..
    just did 20 mins on treadmill- 15 mins at 10kph- felt ok, could feel the hip constantly but it wasnt very sore- should be able to run ok on it saturday,
    also did a few leg weights- half squats/power cleans/leg raise/hamstring curls..
    +half hour stretching and foam roller...

    session 20mins treadmill/leg weights and stretching
    How was the bay?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1'll find out now Mike..
    went to kilkee yesterday for a swim,cycle and bit of run, -if the conditions are gonne be like yesterday then there will be p.b.'s set all over the place..Bay was fairly calm , wind was blowing out to sea and slight waves were breaking out, I didnt plan for this as I only breathe to the left... anyway the swim course wasnt buoyed yet so myself and the brother decided to go from the slip at the pier- swim out to a white buoy which we thought was around 400m out then swim straight across to a buoy at the diving boards, then straight in towards bay until we hit another orange buoy on the left side of bay and then straight back across to the slip by the pier, around 1600m we thought.. didnt go "straight" at all, I set off around 5 mins before the bro towards the first buoy, I didnt consider the current and everytime I looked up for the buoy I was heading in the opposite direction... very annoying- eventually got to first buoy the headed straight across to diving boards- this I found very though as waves (small ones at that) were breaking into my face- had to stop to catch breath once- eventually got there- bro passed me out here- headed straight in against current and waves now- again found this tough but do-able- last leg was back across bay- this was fine and calm as it was shallower- got to the slip and stopped watch at 24.52mins,, we both reckoned it was too short and that maybe it was 300m instead of 400m between each buoy so prob did around 1200-1300m instead of 1500, anyway was good experience- lessons learned for sat- sight more- a lot more!!!..2 hrs later the water was like a sheet of glass-looked perfect

    Bike... got out of water and got bikes ready and went off on the cycle.. conditions were perfect- bit of headwind going out and bit of tailwind coming back- didnt push bike too hard, did a couple of hard 5 mins pieces and attacked a few hills, talked alot on the cycle as believe it or not it was our first cycle together for a year and were both similar speeds- he was giving me some tips telling me I'm grinding too much.. anyway cycle was relaxed- pushed the last 10mins which was very though- did the cycle in 1hr21mins- at ~32.6kph- I feel if conditions are same then I could knock easily 4-5mins off this..

    Run...just did 15mins running- bit on beach (sore) and bit on road(not to sore).. decided not to push it,,..

    All in all..good experience- not too confident in swim-conditions depending,confident on bike... again conditions depending... run- ??? we'll see..

    Got a well deserved massage and some deep tissue work off neighbour when I got home.. really needed... no more training now until saturday.. roll on ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Fingers crossed! A headwind out and tailwind home is what the doctor is ordering...

    The Bro is moving well so, I'll have to get him on the bike if at all...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Fingers crossed! A headwind out and tailwind home is what the doctor is ordering...

    The Bro is moving well so, I'll have to get him on the bike if at all...

    ..was talking to him about you and he reckons you'll beat him by few mins- he's hoping to beat 2hrs30, i reckon if conditions are favourable he could do 2hrs 25, he'll prob do 23min swim, 1hr 17bike and 44min run ..have you a time in mind?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nope no time in mind, beat my swim nemesis out of the water, that will probably require a low 23 or thereabouts. Bike sensibly and don't toast the legs. Also experiment with electrolyte drink. If all that goes to plan I'd hope to run close to 40 on the run. The thing about Kilkee is that if you get the bike wrong you can very easily add 5 minutes to your run time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    cannot believe its the day before the race and I'm as nervous as a bag of cats, butterflys like mad in my stomach..haven't felt like this since I was at the start! under starters orders!! at my last regatta- which was the Irish Championships around 5 years ago:eek:...dont know why i'm so nervous but maybe its good, also a bit nervous hoping my leg will hold up :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    How did you deal with the nerves back then?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Good luck with the race Trig1. For me the nerves show how much effort I've put in in my training. The more nervous I am the more training I've put in. Almost as if I've more to lose than if I didn't do the training.

    I find visualisation great for dealing with the nerves. I go thru the whole race in my head beforehand and imagine how it will all go. Great for settling me down but not sure if it works for everyone.

    Enjoy the race tomorrow, you have def put in the training so try get some enjoyment out of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    How did you deal with the nerves back then?
    ha ha, went as hard as i could until I puked - but that was only 6min race- this is 3 hrs!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Good luck tomorrow!! Woo hoo!! Enjoy the day - can't wait for your report. Breathe in....breathe out..... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ..well this could be long so here goes..
    after a serious bout of Injury and not being able to run at all over last 2 months by goals had been reduced to getting cycle and swim done in under 2hrs and head off for a jog up dunlicky and try do sub 3hrs for full race and if possible be in top's how it turned out..
    Evening before race...
    The brother and i got down the evening before the race to register, I commented to him at registration that the jackets the volunteers were wearing were lovely and its a pity they dont have jackets for everyone- we both if ! we were shocked to check our goodie bags and find out not only did we get lovely jackets but also a nice pair of Giro Sunglasses worth a good couple of quid..not bad eh,worth the registration alone :D. drove down past the bay and water looked rough.. spent evening hydrating/carbo loading and foam rolling.. if anyone looked in the window of the house we were staying in, they would have got a fair surprise when they saw 2 grown men lying on the ground foam rolling their Glutes (arses) watching Germany destroy Greece:)..anyway off to bed at 11pm..
    Morning of race...
    Got down to the course at 9am to set up bikes, decided not to put my bike shoes on bike this time, runners,racebelt,2 gels on bike and 1 at runners, put helmet on ground alongside bike as it was fairly windy... everything set up..looked out at conditions and was fairly bad with big swells..wetsuit on, 2 swimhats on, listen to umpires and off we went walking down to enclosure for my first Olympic Distance triathlon- I wasn't that nervous now as everything was done.. from enclosure I looked up behind me to see did family make it down and i was delighted to see the wife and kids waving down wishing me good luck...
    Everyone waded into water waist high..we were told that there was 1 orange buoy far beyond the pier-aim for that then turn towards diving boards and aim for buoy at them then into shore..I was about to start a warm up when suddenly the hooter went without notice and everyone started scrambling and I was in the middle getting the sh*t kicked out of me:D.. set off myself and honestly found it tough going..waves breaking in my face..huge swells, one second I felt like I was deep under the water, next second I felt like I was flying through the air.. Kept sighting the orange buoy as i had learned from my mistake on wednesday..managed ok..was happy when i saw the buoy coming closer and closer..I was just onto the buoy and was thinking ..that wasnt too bad-closer than I expected.. but wait-why is no one turning and why is the guy in kayak pointing out to sea...ahh!!! ffs!!! that wasnt the buoy--there was another buoy no one told us about another 150m out-so out we went to that one, got around this and the rest of the swim didnt feel too bad- got back into the bay and when i got out of the water I looked at my watch and it read 33.30m-- ok I thought-on target... ran up the beach and over the timing mat into T1.. time for swim was 34:33- this included run up the beach.. I found out later that swim was actually 1600m- that would have put me at 31/32mins for 1500m- would have been very happy with that..
    Swim...34:33mins- 289/~600, 76/141 in my age category...
    Had a bit of trouble getting wetsuit off over timing chip but eventually got it off..helmet on..glasses on..belt on..glug of water to get rid of taste of sea salt...Cycling shoes on and off i went
    T1...1:41mins- 324/~600, 74/141 in my age category...
    Felt really good and strong on the bike..average speed on the way out to the turnaround was 37.6kph- had taken one gel at this stage and felt good..turned around and hit a vicous headwind (as I was expecting)- what I wasn't expecting was hailstones and driving rain... knuckled down onto the tri bars and drove the legs as hard as I could.. took my 2nd gel with around 20mins to go in the speedometer cut out due to getting soaked in the rain, reckon I passed out maybe 70-80 people in this and was passed by 4 people..
    cycle 1:18:52.. Total av speed 33.5kph 100/~600 23/141 in age category
    was fairly straight forward...drop in bike..put on my soaking wet runners-no socks- grab my last gel and off I went
    t2...1:00mins 216/~600 45/141 in age category
    ok this was the part I was dreading, I looked at my watch leaving T2 to see that it read 1:56:xx - delighted to hit my first goal.. now could I crawl a 10k in 1hr3mins to do sub 3hrs...started off really gingerly with a fair amount of pain in my hip area- actually contemplated stopping before I got to the first km mark but what kept me going was the fact that i thought I was crawling but I still hit the first km mark in 5mins30.. then my head started computing- if i did 10 5min30s then that would be 55mins giving me around 2hrs 51mins.. kept going- next km- same, next km same- hip was sore but did not get worse- being cheered on by some mad woman with an Irish Jesters hat:D also gave me a boost. started noticing my speed increasing slightly at 4km doing prob 5min15sec km's--all of a sudden sub 2hrs50mins was in sight..hit the turnaround at around 2:23:XX- around 27mins for first 5k..hit turnaround and I was feeling GOOD. leg was sore but i was delighted knowing that bar a disaster I was gonna do sub 2:50.. decided to up the 6 was sub 5mins-felt good, km 7 sub 4.45, km 8 sub 4.30, km 9 sub 4.30, last km now before I knew it and sub 2:47 was in my sights... got over the line in 2:46:09- absolutely thrilled- got all emotional when I saw wife and kids- nearly even shed a tear..I did it- completed hell of west in my first year as a triathlete-even did a very respectable 2:46:09.. found out later I also acheived my 2nd goal- come in top 200-came 189th overall..
    Run...50:01mins.. 310/~600 overall , 88/141 in age category...

    Full result... Hell of west- 2:46:09 189/~600 170th in my gender, 50/141 in age category...
    Absolutely thrilled :D:D .....................................................................................

    Of course ..then came the what if's... here are my what if's..............
    What if the swim was 1500m instead of 1600m - 2mins faster??
    What if I had a ttbike and not a heavy road bike- 2/3mins faster??
    What if I wasnt injured and had been running for the last 2 months and didnt take the first 5k easy- 3/4mins faster??
    so on so on..what if sun has shining/no wind etc.etc....

    Anyway I know this was really long, prob riddled with spelling mistakes too but this was my account of the day...loved every minute of it- roll on next year for my sub 2:40 ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Awesome job....and you nearly had me shedding a tear too! Fantastic report - and all those what ifs give you nice room for improvement next race. Well done trig! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Great report and result Trig,
    in the picture are you one of the limerick lads :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Great report and result Trig,
    in the picture are you one of the limerick lads :D

    HaHa... yep i'm defitinely one of the Limerick lads ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    As you said in your report No socks!!!
    Well done, great result.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    As you said in your report No socks!!!
    Well done, great result.

    ha ha, no socks but i did have Calf Guards and ya I am the 3rd guy who looks like he is going to pass out on the line- bit of weight still to lose!;)
