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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Thurs 5th Dec...good tempo 8k midnight run at work...felt good...hopefully my running speed is increasing?? 8k in 37.15mins 4.39mins/km

    session: 8k run 37.15mins

    and the bike is your strong leg? well done, running looking good as well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sunday 8th Dec
    Unfortunately...again...did not get much done over the weekend due to work xmas party on friday and suffering big time Saturday...Wife was working all day sunday (selling cakes) so once i stuck a movie on for the kids I hopped onto the turbo trainer for 75mins of Hell hath no Fury..pushed myself hard for this one..increasing the resistance massively on the hills and grinding as much as possible for the 2X20min hurt but it was a good hurt!! felt good after the session and still had enough in the legs to kill myself for the 3.30min tt at the end...maybe the whole weekend wasn't a waste

    Session...Sufferfest-Hell hath no Fury

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Bit of a disaster of a week for me- here goes...
    Monday 9th Dec. 8k run in work- 40mins- nice and handy
    Tuesday 10th- planned another lunchtime run but got bogged down in work and got nothing done- got home at 9pm and too tired to do anything.
    Wednesday 11th- planned that lunchtime run today and swim group meet tonight with mind set on a december 400m a phone call in work to come home as the daughter was very sick in school and I had to bring her to hospital with suspected into the hospital at 4pm and got home again with a very tired and sore daughter at 1.30am on thursday (bladder infection thank god)..
    Thursday 12th- Another day of nothing due to this being my shift break up in work and i was up the walls all day, also had cake and sweets at lunchtime instead of my scheduled run..
    Friday 13th- today was another work day out with the E.R.T. team- team building day at the U.L. activity centre..involved crystal maze type stuff and alot of climbing and absailing- great fun and I set the record and fastest time of the day for the "skywalk" 38seconds :D... this finished at 4pm and we had to be in town in Limerick city at 6pm for meal and "Free Bar"- free bar lasted until 2am :eek::eek::o...lets just say no training was done on Saturday 14th because of Captain Morgan and his Friends on the night of the 13th..suffered all day long
    Sunday 15th...up at 7am this morning- unfortunately again - not for training but to be at the wife's grandfathers anniv mass in ballachmore for there for 9.25am- mass done, then to the inlaws for soup and rolls, and a full dinner at 10.30am:eek::eek: , they are a bit crazy..after doing the niceties we left there at 1pm and headed straight to the Cresent shopping centre to get xmas shopping done with the 4 home at 7pm stressed to the hilt and not a penny left in my pocket- had some food and 2 beers - watched "gravity"- excellent movie and off to bed with another day of training missed-- no training done in 6days!!!
    Monday 16th- in work today on one of my flexi days and actually got a session done....handy 8k run in 40mins- felt very sluggish in 1 whole week I only got 2 X 8k runs done..and I have the feeling there is going to be many more missed days over xmas....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    There may have only been 2 x 8k runs done, but I'm exhausted reading all that!! ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Tuesday 17th Dec- Sufferfest - local hero - felt sluggish 85mins
    Wednesday 18th Dec- Sufferfest - Downward spiral - felt good- 60mins
    Thursday 19th Dec- Sufferfest - Hell hath no Fury(my favourite)- felt good and strong during the 20min pieces and killed the 3.30mins tt at the end- 75min

    sessions- 3 x sufferfest in 3 days

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Friday 20th Dec...8k midnight run on my last night in work (for a week anyway) felt fine - 39.30mins

    session: 8k run 39.30mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Friday 27dec 2013..after a week of over-indulgence and gluttony i managed a 30min run in work tonight ~ 6k ....its a start

    session:6k run

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Friday 27dec 2013..after a week of over-indulgence and gluttony i managed a 30min run in work tonight ~ 6k ....its a start

    session:6k run

    you back in already?

    well done on getting back into it, once the start is made it's so much easier

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Monday 30th Dec... So last session of the year done tonight unless i get another session done tomorrow which i doubt, in work again unfortunately for session tonight, just got new smart phone so my sports tracker app seems to be working in the Industrial estate again, just did a short progressive run starting off slow and finishing at just under 10k pace,,, km splits were...5.30mins/km, 5.10, 5.07, 5.02, 4.48, 4.19, and wound down for last 400m , 6.4k done in 32.30mins, felt good afterwards..
    session 6.5k run 32.30mins...

    So 2013 as a whole was a good year, highlight being my first Half Ironman race - the lost sheep, plan is much the same for next year...

    Stats for 2013 are as follows...
    total distance swam ...93,300 metres
    total distance on Bike...5,407 Kilometres
    total distance running....896.5 kilometres
    Total training hours.... 283hrs
    sessions: 56 swims/ 125 cycles/ 99runs

    Doesn't seem like much when its written down...definite need for improvement next year...
    hoping to do double the distance swimming- anywhere near 200,000m would be great
    anywhere near 8,000km on the bike and I'd be happy
    and I would take 1300-1400km's running if the legs hold out..

    Anyway happy new year to everyone!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    So with December being a bit of a disaster and definitely with at least a half stone put on I was determined to start fresh in January...1 week into January and still a disaster.....2 training sessions done in a week..
    1st January and 2nd of January were a write off due to hangovers and being sick so decided to start on the 3rd- with kids off school it was hard to get anything done and i knew I was gonna get nothing done on the 4th as it was my Niece's christening so headed out from home at 11pm at night on the 3rd for a run, loads of luminous gear on and a head torch...running the country roads at night is a totally different kettle of fish to running in the industrial estate...could literally see nothing except my 2 feet in front of me, head torch was rubbish, really really spooky, thus the slow pace..Just decided to do a loop I was used to and get 10k done at a handy pace.. was going ok untll 6k gone and really started feeling the 2 hard weeks of beer and food after that, got to 8.8k and disaster-I felt my calf strain, (hasn't happened in months but its a common injury for me)- stopped dead in my track and walked last bit home- straight home and on the foam roller... s not a good start to the year- few more days of no training...

    3rd Jan 2014- 8.8k ran at 5.13mins/km

    6th jan 2014
    Took a few days to recover- will still wait another week before running again, just doing loads of foam rolling- Managed to get out of doors for a cycle on Monday 6th.. was very wet and very windy out so said I'd break myself in gently with a handy 50k...first 13k felt very laboured and wasn't enjoying it, was going into a headwind towards finnegans roundabout- averaged around 28kph, next 11k i had a nice tailwind and was feeling fine again- averaged around 34kph for this 11k from finnegans to birdhill on the old dublin road, with a few km's at 39/40kph..
    turned around into a vicious headwind this time on the open road and felt i was getting nowhere...just to show the difference in speed again the next 13k back to finnegans took me 34.25mins and averaged 22.7kph, just to add insult to injury i also got a puncture on this stretch on the back wheel- took nearly 15mins to change in the rain- i was cold and miserable at this stage and still had over 15k to go til I was home...anyway enough moaning...did last 13k mostly with a tailwind at around 29kph. Miserable cycle overall but good to get out again on the road...

    6th jan 50k cycle 1hr51mins 27.1kph

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 8th Jan 2014
    Got down to the U.L. pool for a swim tonight, plan was just a handy 2k to break myself back in gently, go to the pool and it was packed...recognised a few heads from Nenagh Tri Club including Huff n' Puff, The fast lane was packed and it looked like there was a group starting in the slow lane too so i joined the back of them, after speaking to a few they told me that Nenagh tri club were training here every wed night while their pool was being renovated. so they were starting with 20x50's, got going at the back of them but soon i was breast stroking, passed out a few but was still going slow, alot were stopping after every length so I jumped ahead of a few more, after the 20x 50's was 10 x 100's . went 4th for the first few then 3rd then after they took another break I took the lead, first time ever leading a group :).. in fairness I am slow but it was still enjoyable. I was just sticking to 1min per 50m comfortably but had to slow a little as i was pulling away...they will be in UL for next few months at same time so might venture into fast lane next time and see how I get on...good session overall and was delighted to be hitting 1min per 50m each time, did 100m wind down at end with kick buoy

    session: 2.1k swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Friday 10th Jan
    Got out for another 50k cycle today, another cold and wet day with another puncture, miserable again, little faster than the other day but that was solely due to winds not being as bad today, need to get my cycling mojo back!!!

    session 50k cycle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sunday 12th JanWife away in England for the weekend so did not think I would get a chance to get any training done with the 4 kids to no opportunity saturday but stuck a movie on for them today and just got 2hrs turbo done..its mileage in the legs anyway I suppose

    session: 2hrs turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 13th jan: So went for a run at lunchtime in work today to see how calf was ...unfortunately lasted only around 10mins before calf started straining again, stopped and stretched it for awhile but decided to call it quits after another 10mins after stopping another few times to stretch it..didnt want to cause more damage...another bad session and working all this week!!! not a good space to be in 2 weeks into january!!

    session 3-4k jog/run/walk/stretch :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 15th Jan A good session at last...:D morale has been pretty low since start of new year..even considered chucking in the training, haven't been able to train much due to numerous different reasons..was working my 4 12hr days this week and due to my calf injury I cannot run at work so I knew training would be limited again this week, after a long difficult day in work I even contemplated not going for my usual swim on wed night but I went regardless and planned a long session...100,200,300,400,500,600,500,400,300,200,100....3.6k in total...After getting to the pool late and starting the session late I realised I would have time to fit in the whole session and seeing as I missed my december 400m tt I decided to fit this in too so I streamlined the session to 100,200,300,400(tt), 500,400,300,200,100.. took the first 100,200,300 handy building up slowly to the tt, my p.b. so far for the tt was 8.25mins (miserably slow I know) so started the 400 hard for the first 50m, kept the pressure for the 2nd 50m, Lenghtened out and controlled the next 150m and then started building hard through the next 100m and gave it everything I had in the last 50m, felt strong for most of it but nearly puked (imagine the embarrassment:o) at the end and couldn't catch my breath.. looked at my watch and it read 8:05mins :D delighted to have beaten my last p.b. by 20secs and with minimal training and carrying an extra 3/4 stone since mid december :( ....anyway onwards and upwards ... the rest of the session went by fine, took the 500m nice and easy, went steady for the rest of the session but didn't time any of it glad to get the whole session done 2500m in total

    session 2500m swim 100,200,300,400,500,400,300,200,100 with 400m tt at 8:05mins

    Thurs 16th Jan last day in work today and had a 1hour window after work before I had to collect the young lad from scouts so decided to fly down to the pool for another swim..on the way towards u.l I noticed alot of traffic...then bumper to bumper not moving traffic...I was stuck sitting in traffic raging for next 25mins then to find all the car parks in around u.l closed were on sale IN the pool for Riverdance 20 ... didn't get parking for another 10mins... rightly pi$$ed off now as I just realised I had missed my window for a swim as I had to collect the young lad in 25mins, reluctantly left the pool car park and sulking went off to collect the young lad

    Friday 17th Jan good session on the turbo today.."sufferfest-blender" 100 minutes of everything- road racing- interval sprints and time trials- wrecked after it..also bought a new foam roller today "the grid" so gonna do a long session with it tonight and hopefully back running tomorrow!!

    session: turbo "sufferfest - blender"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sat 18th jan...another attempt at a run tonight...felt fine after the 1st km but calf went again half way through km 2, jogged slowly/walked back to work really pi$$ed off!! cannot get any running done at moment!! time for physio now I think..

    session : 3k of run/jog/walk/hobble

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 20th Jan.. Nice 50k cycle- wanted to push myself today as training hasn't been going well, did a couple of 50k cycles over last few weeks on 1hr50ish so planned to knock at least 10mins off that, happily went well for most of the cycle averaging around 32-33kph up to the last 10k when I just ran out of a bit of steam, did the 50k in 1hr37.30mins at an avg speed of 31.1kph, calf didn't feel too bad- physio appointment tuesday...

    session : 50k cycle 1hr37.30mins 31.1kph

    Tues 21st Jan.. Went to phsyio today..(just to give him a quick plug... he is excellent, he is the same person who quickly diagnosed me 1 and 1/2 years ago with a hip stress fracture after few people missed it.. he is now working in Adare village.. Niall Hally.., 061-395311) , went to him with my symptoms and after a few exercises and stretches he quickly figured out I had a slight tear in my calf :mad:, no running for 4-6 weeks with a real chance of now missing Limerick Duathlon.. after an hour of deep tissue massage and dry needling I left in bits but with alot of exercises to do over the next few weeks to strenghten the calves

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    no running for 4-6 weeks with a real chance of now missing Limerick Duathlon..

    sorry to hear that, signed up for it myself last week. still, better to be missing duathlons in February than goal races during the summer

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    +1 sorry to hear about the calf tear. Sickening. But better now than mid season at least you have time to sort it now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Crap, mind it and keep your Goals in sight. Duathlon is no loss.

    Spending so long answering your questions on the main thread that I've no time to read logs!

    Speaking to Kev O'C today. Mentioned a "not old but still vet" fun 8 for the head. You in that? I'd love a spin out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Speaking to Kev O'C today. Mentioned a "not old but still vet" fun 8 for the head. You in that? I'd love a spin out

    No ...working that weekend unfortunately

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭tiegan

    @Trig1 - read your training with interest - just wondering could you explain foam rolling to a lay person - I too suffer with tight calf muscles and calf and Achilles strains. All minor, but keep having to take time out to recover. Would love to hear more about it. Thanks .........

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    So of week, wanted to try keep up as much training as possible but also needed to rest the leg so decided to do a good quality swim wed evening .....

    Wed 22nd jan.. went to u.l. for 7 this evening as I knew Nenagh tri club were there for 7 and I was gonna try join them for their set, got into pool and did 100m w.u. , after 100m there was a bit of water in the goggles so took them off and checked the lenses and noticed the rubber comming away on 1 side, hoped it wouldn't cause any major issues, went off again for another hundred and could not see anything, 1 eye was flooding now, stopped every 25mins to leave the water out, took off the goggles once more and tried fixing them and set off for a third 100m, no good, could not see where i was going and had no spare goggles, absolutely pi$$ed off and dejected I got out after 300m and went home fed up.. (thankfully the wife had a big fire, nice dinner and a bottle of wine waiting for me:) ).

    Thurs 23rd jan - 2 sessions
    morning... Planned a longish handy cycle today due to leg being still tender- 71k at around 28.5kph , also started using strava which shows leaderboards for certain routes, i noticed a leaderboard for limerick (finnegans roundabout- newport) on it the other day with Ross Higgins as leader so I said I would give the 8k a go, got 3rd in the leaderboard- 15secs behind Ross, not bad for last 10k of a 70k ride in the lashing rain :D..

    strava here if anyone wants to follow me- think I have 1 follower at the moment :o

    session: 71k cycle 2hrs30mins 28.5kph

    Evening: went back down this evennig for my missed swim session, robbed the kids goggles, didnt have as long a window as i only had an hour while eldest was in scouts so just decided to do 600,500,400,300,200,100... pushed every 2nd 100m during the session and concentrated on technique for the other 100's, unfortunately ran out of time after the 300m so had to cut session short, still got 1800m done and 2 sessions done today

    session: swim 600,500,400,300 - 1800m in total

    Fri 24th Jan- Calf was a little tender today after cycle and swim and all the exercise i'm doing for it so no session today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    tiegan wrote: »
    @Trig1 - read your training with interest - just wondering could you explain foam rolling to a lay person - I too suffer with tight calf muscles and calf and Achilles strains. All minor, but keep having to take time out to recover. Would love to hear more about it. Thanks .........

    Hi Tiegan... I have a constant battle with calf strains but i have found compression socks and Foam rolling to help battle the calf strains, here is a great article on foam rolling and why to do it...

    starting off i would reccomend a foamy - soft foam roller but if you dont mind inflicting pain on yourself and you want to get the most out of it I would reccomend one of these...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭baza1976

    Hi Triggs,

    Lurker on your training log for lonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time.

    How do you upload the sports tracker to strava?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    baza1976 wrote: »
    Hi Triggs,

    Lurker on your training log for lonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time.

    How do you upload the sports tracker to strava?


    Hi Baza
    I'm not sure I understand the question...I can't upload the sports tracker to strava but i figured out that i can have both of them on at the same time whilst i'm cycling...only problem is i cannot hear any strava updates... storts tracker still spits out all the times per km stuff....

    Actually does anyone know how to get strava to tell me my speed per km whilst cycling, It will for running but I cannot seem to get it to do the same for cycling...that's why i'm using sports tracker in conjunction with strava

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    strava here if anyone wants to follow me- think I have 1 follower at the moment :o

    should have 1 more now

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    And me :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    And me :-)

    woo hoo, I've got 5 followers, thanks lads

    Sat 25th jan: plan was to cycle to work this evening and cycle home in the morn but the wife put the foot down, "if you think your going cycling in the dark in that bloody weather you have another thing coming to you" something along those lines anyway, so hopped onto the turbo for what I think is one of the hardest 1hour sessions on the turbo bar none...Sufferfest downward spiral, 5mins w.u. then 2mins flat out, 2min light, 1.45mins flat out 1.45mins light, 1.30mins flat out 1.30mins light and so on down to 15secs flat out 15secs light, with 5mins rest and then the same again and 5mins cool down, kept cadence at 100rpm+ for the whole session, wrecked after it but felt good, great fast session

    session : sufferfest Downward spiral 1hr in hell!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭baza1976

    Thanks Triggs. I fooled around and found when on the laptop you export from sports tracker each run/cycle and import to strava.
