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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sun 26th Jan
    Plan was to get out on the bike but with the rain wind and hailstones another sufferfest session beckoned...sufferfest Hell hath no fury...5 min w.u. then 5.30mins at threshold then straight into 20mins road race will hills and sprints, 7 mins recovery then another 20mins road race then 5mins recovery then 3.30mins tt. good session and sweat bukets during it.

    session :sufferfest Hell hath no fury

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Monday 27th JanMore Turbo... Sufferfest Revolver... with a few extra pieces thrown in,,,, 5mins warm up then 18X 1min flat out 1 min light, great fast session, kept going for last 10mins to get the hour done... tip- dont do this just after dinner on full stomach

    session : Sufferfest Revolver

    Tues 28th Janyet more turbo due to the horrible weather and still not able to run...long steady session on turbo today..130mins at around 6.5/10 intensity, good sweaty session whilst watching 30 days of night..

    session 130mins turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 29th Jan....Turbo.... 90mins steady turbo at around 7/10 intensity, cadence 70 rpm watching Zombieland

    session 90mins turbo

    Thurs 30th Jan Morn yet again more turbo, planned to get out on road today but wife was unwell so stayed at home and did a short session in case I was needed, good solid session though...sufferfest downward spiral, kept the flat out pieces at cadence 105+ and increased the resistance since last week, felt really strong, quality 1hour session,

    session- turbo downward spiral 1hr

    Thurs 30th Jan evening swim...looking at shotgun's log I decided its been a long time since I did an hour solid piece so decided to do an hour solid tonight and see how I got on...went fine for first half hour, wasn't going flat out by any means, just kept length and whatever technique I had, went through 750m in 15.xx and through 1500m in 32.21 , had to stop twice in last half hour to adjust new goggles as they were killing my eyes, good thing is I still felt fit in last 10 lengths even if technique went out the window, got 55 lengths done in 1hr 4secs, 2750m, 12 lengths(of 50m pool) slower than shotgun :eek::eek: I'm so sloooooooooowwwww.. good session

    session 1hr swim 2750m

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey good going. The hour in the 50m is tough. In a 25m you are getting twice as many turns and glides so overall so well done. You will hit 3k with consistent hard work and staying technically focused, and I've every faith you will get there too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Fri 31st jan- unfortunately had to take day off today due to unforseen circumstances

    Sat 1st feb- well with the weather the way it is and with the kids stuck indoors all day and the wife laid up with bad back I only had a small window of opportunity to train, running still out for at least another week so it was more turbo, what better way to spend and hour on turbo...sofferfest :Revolver. warm up then 16X 1min flat out 1min light, felt tired for these and it was a real struggle to get them done, could not get cadence over 95rpm, stayed on the turbo for the last 15mins just to get the hour done.

    session: sufferfest revolver

    Sun 2nd Feb- Just 1 hour at steady tempo on turbo around 7/10 intensity,did 1 10min piece for last 10mins increasing intensity gradually, good sweatty session..

    session: 1hour turbo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Tues 4th FebTurbo-Sufferfest- hell hath no fury, good session, felt strong for the 3.30min tt at end, kept going to get 80mins done

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    when are you planning trying to run again trig?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    mossym wrote: »
    when are you planning trying to run again trig?
    Need to build back into it slowly, have been doing loads of calf strenghtening exercises and have just intorduced skipping today as per physio, might try light 10mins tomorrow to see how it goes.. don't want any re-occurence so giving it time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Thurs 6th Feb woo hoo got out for a spin today, also took the tt down out of the attic and dusted her off so it was a spin on the tt bike, nothing too hectic, nice 50k spin with a few bursts thrown in, pushed a hard 8k on the route home from limerick to newport , strava had me third so far on the route 14 secs behind a certain Triathlete so I just said i'd pushed that route a bit to see how I got on, it was also unfortunately into a headwind but nonetheless I am now "king of the Hill" on that route, did the route at 36.3kph into headwind with few drags, happy with that, fastest on strava so far on this route was 33.8kph 14.01mins, knocked just under a minute off it doing the route in 13.03mins, beginning to like strava... anyway after that I was pretty tired so just plodded the last 3k home.. av speed before last 3k was around 35.5kph, finished the 50.4k in 1hr30mins at speed of 33.3kph

    session 50k on tt bike 1hr30mins 33.3kph

    also started a skipping routine today, 100(revolutions),80,60,40,20 and another 50 for good luck... sweating after just 5mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wow...found myself on page 2..must try update more often but unfortunately due to numerous reasons not getting much training done but not gonna go into the reasons so only 2 sessions done in the last week

    10th Feb 2014- 2hrs easy on turbo
    11th Feb 2014- 90mins steady on turbo...

    hoping to do first run tomorrow in few weeks(weather providing)- only 2k :( but gonna heed physio's advice this time....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    13th Feb 2014- afternoon- Sufferfest -Downward spiral- this hurt a hell of a lot, lungs were screaming at me, tough session!!!!!!!!!!

    evening- went out for a light run in work this evening to see how i am for Limerick Duathlon next week- unfortunately this doesn't look like its gonna happen now, calf went again after around 15mins, very annoyed and pi$$ed off now, was looking forward to the duathlon as the bike is going well...oh well, looks like my aim now in Banner Duathlon on the 16th March!!

    sessions: 1hr turbo-downward spiral, 3-4k light run

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Fri 14th Feb no training - wine and nice food instead

    Sat 15 Feb turbo- 90 mins easy

    session 90mins easy turbo

    Sun 16th Feb Turbo torture chamber pain cave time... Missus went out to a play so after lighting a fire in the sitting room I put kids to bed , brought the turbo into the sitting room which was like sauna and stuck on "the armstrong lie", pushed for 90mins in a pool of sweat at tt pace, aimed to do 2hrs but 90mins was more than enough as I fell off the turbo probably half stone lighter :cool: still doing loads of foam rolling in a hope that I might be able to get back running within the next few weeks....

    Armstrong lie..... good watch for a turbo session, I wonder is there anyone clean out there, Bradley wiggins??? doubt it, chris froome?? I would like to think so. Nicholas Roche, Dan Martin ? I hope.

    session 90 mins tt on turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wed 19thFeb: Working my 4 12hr days this week, usually I would be getting some run sessions in but as i cannot run at the moment training is suffering..spoke to physio yesterday and he wants me to get mri on calf... wont be happening soon unfortunatley due to funds... anyway had a rare swim tonight.. was tired and didnt have much time after work so just decided on a quick session...plan was 100,200,300,400,300,200,100.. tried to keep all at decent tempo...around 1min2secs per 50m (decent for me)...first 100 was bang on 2mins, 200 was bang on 4mins8secs, 300 was 6mins13secs, 400 was going well until I bashed into 4 breast strokers in a line on the last 100 (in the fast lane:mad::mad:) ended coming in on 8mins30secs..(was only taking 40secs rest between each set) waited for a clear 50m before starting the next 300m- 200m into it I hit the breast strokers again and stopped dead annoyed but got session finished with some stop/starting and breast stroking myself due to traffic so didn't bother timing the last few 100's...will hope to get bit of a turbo session in tonight and some decent miles on the bike over the weekend!! fed up with my running and dont know what direction my season is going in at the moment...head not in a good space....also the ma is sick again which is a big worry.. lungs this time :(:(.. she is very strong and positive though - I'm sure she will get through it again- round 3 for her with the big C !!!!!!

    session : 1600m swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sorry to hear about your mother. Sounds like an amazing woman. Make sure to mind yourself too while carrying all this worry around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I echo sb8's sentiments and will keep you and your ma and the rest of your family in my thoughts.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    really sorry to hear about your mother trig, puts an element of perspective on getting too worried over training niggles. hope it turns out okay

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well seeing as i'm still not running alot of cycling was done over the weekend and the legs are feeling it this morning....
    Fri 21st Feb... got an 80k cycle done this morning in the wind and rain...Newport to finnegans roundabout, Finnegans roundabout to nenagh roundabout and back again and back to newport... First 12k was tough as it was into a headwind...around 28kph... the next 30k was all done with a huge tailwind and was great fun, pushed for a few 5k and 10k stints during this and did a 10k in 15.10mins - 39.6kph, 5k in 7.25mins at 40.3kph, then gave it everything for 5k and did it in 6.25mins -46.8kph:cool: (had a tailwind though) once i got through this lovely 30k spell I had a horrible 30k of grinding at 20kph into a vicious headwind- great training though...once i got over this i said i would give my "king of the mountain" on the Limerick -Newport road another bash.. was going well on this with a tailwind until -while i was at 40kph a STUPID woman decided to pull in right infront of me and stop dead, I did everything to avoid her- slammed on both brakes and skidded all over the place, missed the car by milimetres..shouted loads of abuse towards her and i noticed she wasn't even looking in my direction- she still hadn't even seen me and she nearly killed me.. headed off again furious and put the pedal down unti i hit newport, got home to find out from strave results i was only 3secs off beating my time, lost at least 30secs due to the car, oh well!!
    80.6k done in total at 28.8kph with some good strong intervals thrown in
    session: 80k cycle- 2hrs40mins

    Sat 22nd Feb:
    2hrs of steady sweatty turbo today watching the irish Rugby match- gutted for the lads- great match

    session: 2hrs turbo

    Sunday 23rd feb:
    60k today in total but broken up into 3x 20k's
    cycled 20k into town to Enda's to watch the duathlon- bit of headwind and took it easy as legs were a bit sore- 26.5kph

    Next 20k went around run course infront of runners (asked by marshalls to do it) then did bike course- pushed this a bit- went of before everyone else, was surprised that the two first lads took so long to catch me and went passed me slow enough, would loved to have seen what could i do on the tt bike in race situation... pushed back in with the tailwind only passed by handful more lads on tt bikes, then did the run course on bike again in front of runners 21.2kph av for this 20k

    Then cycled home raging I couldn't race with this stupid leg..bit of a tailwind home so speed was a bit better at 30kph

    Session: 60k in 3x20ks

    So good weekend of cycling with 200k done in total.. hopefully i'll get a few swims in this week! still no running though..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Forget triathlons, come bike racing with me :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Forget triathlons, come bike racing with me :-)

    Might have no choice if this leg injury keeps up!!

    Thanks for the offer though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Mon 24th Feb.

    Got down to the pool today for a lunchtime swim.. the tri club were doing sets in a lane so I joined at the back of the group...was told they were doing 100's and 50's, they set off and I was immediately dropped, felt I was swimming good and going fast but I was dropped like a rock.. I kept pushing the hundreds, took a breather at 500 as I was wrecked and took a breather at 1000, I didnt know what was going on , I kept being lapped whilst taking breathers but I then heard one of the lads asking what pace they were at as they were all wrecked- the other said "she" is doing 1.28-1.30 pace.... i would like to think this "she" in shotguns "nemesis" that he always talks about.. I could no way keep up with the pace, after around 1200m of killing myself I concentrated on technique and kick buoy and closed fists for few lengths... just got 2k done in total then back to work!

    session: 2000m swim

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    what time was your lunch hour? :eek::eek::eek:

    i might be on for meeting you at Ul some nights on your lunch hour if the timing worked for a swim. i reckon we;re about the same pace, we came out of the water together at castleconnell so can't be that much between us.

    i usually swim in the mornings but one evening a week might work

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Mon 24th Feb.

    Got down to the pool today for a lunchtime swim.. the tri club were doing sets in a lane so I joined at the back of the group...was told they were doing 100's and 50's, they set off and I was immediately dropped, felt I was swimming good and going fast but I was dropped like a rock.. I kept pushing the hundreds, took a breather at 500 as I was wrecked and took a breather at 1000, I didnt know what was going on , I kept being lapped whilst taking breathers but I then heard one of the lads asking what pace they were at as they were all wrecked- the other said "she" is doing 1.28-1.30 pace.... i would like to think this "she" in shotguns "nemesis" that he always talks about.. I could no way keep up with the pace, after around 1200m of killing myself I concentrated on technique and kick buoy and closed fists for few lengths... just got 2k done in total then back to work!

    session: 2000m swim

    I've made the mistake of joining that lunch session in UL and ended up putting on my fins to keep up!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mossym wrote: »
    what time was your lunch hour? :eek::eek::eek:

    i might be on for meeting you at Ul some nights on your lunch hour if the timing worked for a swim. i reckon we;re about the same pace, we came out of the water together at castleconnell so can't be that much between us.

    i usually swim in the mornings but one evening a week might work
    might be up for joining ye too if time suits.

    D was that Laoise in the lane? If so then that sure is my nemesis. I'm way off her times right now so she is the target once again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    I rarely get to the pool for a lunchtime swim- snuck away this time but I'm nearly always at the pool wednesday evening at 8pm and thursday evenings at 7.30pm- should be there this wed and thurs evening- I'll be the guy splashing around with the bald head and beard!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    might be up for joining ye too if time suits.

    D was that Laoise in the lane? If so then that sure is my nemesis. I'm way off her times right now so she is the target once again!

    not sure who Laoise is but she did look familiar

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Ok so ..not updating or training as often as I should but its been a tough week so here is a quick update...

    Wed 26th Feb- Got a quick window for a swim- 1500m straight swim in 32.40mins- light easy swim.

    Thurs 27th Feb- Sat 1st Mar
    Spent up in Dublin with the Dad as the mam was in St james getting operation (half lung removed)- was a success and she is hopefully home tomorrow...roll on the recovery!

    Sun 2nd mar- Got a lovely new Heart Rate monitor in Aldi for 16 euro :D so checked it out today on the turbo doing Sufferfest- Hell hath no Fury... My max Heart Rate was given to me as 182- basically 220-my age
    so for the warm up and the first 5.30mins tempo the heart rate was nicely around 120-130, started the first 20min piece and it averaged around 152 for the piece (usually 145 for the flats and 160 for the climbing, hit 171 for sprint at end), back to 120 for the light then 2nd 20mins was higher at around 156-162 and hit 173 for sprint at end (this is over 85% of my max but didn't feel too hard), last 3.30mins tt was at average 166 and creeping to 172 for end- 166 is 89% of max.... felt like a usual tough session but I'm wondering are the thresholds wrong or am I working to hard on turbo?

    Promised the young fella (11) I would go for a quick run with him (basically 2.5k to check the calf... again went fine for the first 8mins then calf started to go again - kinda fed up with it at this stage and it now looks like I'm also going to miss banner duathlon in 2weeks time, leg is not healing- have given it 2 months+ already...

    sessions: 80min turbo- hell hath no fury,
    2.5k run

    Mon 3rd Mar: Beautiful day for cycle so decided to climb over the silvermines- not a very hilly climb but enough hills to make it a very good workout with 641m of climbing.. lovely sunshine, big headwind which i didnt mind- enjoyed every minute of this 27.3kph av heart rate was around 140bpm

    session: 61k cycle over silvermines 2hrs15mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Trig1 wrote: »

    Thurs 27th Feb- Sat 1st Mar
    Spent up in Dublin with the Dad as the mam was in St james getting operation (half lung removed)- was a success and she is hopefully home tomorrow...roll on the recovery!

    great news on operation, hope the recovery goes well

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Promised the young fella (11) I would go for a quick run with him (basically 2.5k to check the calf... again went fine for the first 8mins then calf started to go again - kinda fed up with it at this stage and it now looks like I'm also going to miss banner duathlon in 2weeks time, leg is not healing- have given it 2 months+ already...


    don't know what physio you use but there is a very good sports physio out in patrickswell, let me know if you want details and i will PM them to you

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    don't know what physio you use but there is a very good sports physio out in patrickswell, let me know if you want details and i will PM them to you

    Thanks Pmaldini
    I'm using a pretty good physio at the moment in adare but could always do with second opinion, if you sent me on his details that would be great.

    Thurs 4th Mar 90 mins turbo this morn at 130 av h.r. watching the expendables :D nice sweaty session

    session 90 mins turbo 130hr

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭e30fitz

    Just read through the whole thread interesting stuff are you doing the keeper challenge this year? Im trying it for the first time, looking forward to it.
