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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Trig1 wrote: »

    well done, great racing!

    Photographers always manage to get me in pictures like that. First two blokes looking light on their feet almost floating whilst you look like your wading through treacle :D

    Obviously a fraction of a second later the roles reverse but the photographer misses that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    hhmmm.. where to from here, got my M.R.I. results back and the doc told me I have a stress fracture in my Femur!!! he also said make sure not to do any running... oooppss!!;) gonna have to stop all running for awhile but what the hell .. I did Kilkee with no running training so I'm gonna enter Brian Boru Oly Distance and see how things go :D not gonna train until wednesday..and then back on the bike .. also need to get a new back wheel for my bike as my one is "knackered and cannot be fixed" as per the guy in tribikes.. if anyone knows where I can get a decent wheel at the right price please let me know..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    back training tonight after 3 days off..
    planned a light 25k cycle into work..first 10k was mostly spinning in a light gear sitting up off the tri bars and waking the legs again.. did a "steady state" (rowing term- think its prob the same as this ftp. I keep reading about) for the next 15k- felt good- legs felt great- think they were glad to be back in the saddle and driving the pedals..finished off the session pretty sweaty as it was extremely humid out- good session even if it was only 46mins- will be cycling home in morn too so it'll be 2 sessions tonight (or before I go back to sleep anyway)

    session: 25.12k cycle, time:46.05secs, speed: 32.6kph..

    p.s. registered for Brian Boru oly tri so my log now will be gearing towards this.. will try do sub 2.40hrs in this one even though cycle and run are supposed to be very tough - cycle is 4k less..
    wont be doing any running for at least next 3weeks so all cycling/swimming and weights..
    put on a bit of weight pigging out over last few days- weighing in at around 87kg's- need to get this down to around 82/83 for Brian Boru if new goals for Bran Boru

    Weight 83kg
    Swim...32mins (lake so hopefully will go faster than kilkee- did 33.30mins in water in kilkee and that was 1600-1650)
    T1......1 min
    Bike....1hr12mins (not sure of course-heard its hilly but this time is avg 34kph-could be faster on day)
    Run....50 mins- did 50mins in kilkee on a tough run course with no running training- no reason why I should not be able to do same again (will bring more gels on run also this time)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle home from work yesterday morn...very tired and very laboured...

    session1: 25.6k cycle, speed 26.6kph, time 59mins

    Cycle into work yesterday evening- felt more alive after sleep, tried not grinding as much going up hills like i usually do, dropped into lower gears and spun hard- sweaty session- felt good though..

    session2: 25.1k cycle, speed 33.1kph, time 45mins30secs

    hopefully cycle home in the morn wont be as laboured..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle home this morning.. felt better than yesterday morning anyway.. that was up until the last 10 mins when I hit the long drags home and my body just seemed to give up- prob a combination of lack of sleep and over 100km's cycled in 36rs... was averaging 33kph up until last 10mins finished at 30kph

    ..4hrs sleep and back up out of bed into days mode again..wrecked at moment but hoping to get endurance weight session done this evening

    Session...25.8k cycle, time 51.20mins speed 30kph

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    not gonna be logging any training for at least a week as the doc was speaking to the other half friday evening, he was supposed to ring me he got through to her instead :( ... so he warned her that I am not to train for a full week until he gets to show the mri results to specialist.. sickening thing about this is he's meeting specialist today and then going on hols until next monday so I have to wait until he comes back from hols to find out when I can train again.. was gonna try get some sneaky training in during week but wife watching me like a got my swimming gear ready for swim this morn before work and when she caught me I got another lecture!!!

    ..sitting in work this morn I pulled a muscle in my back yawning :D , went to docs (another doc) and was told I'm after doing damage to a fasset joint- out of work for a week now.. maybe its Karma but i'll definitely be a week off training now...
    foam roller and stretches only..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Day 4 of no training...think i'm getting withdrawal symptoms, sitting here getting my fix reading everyone else's training diary's..a little envious I have to say

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ok had enough of no training and the wife keeping her eye on me, needed to get something done or I was gonna crack up, wife went to town to get eldest fella's hair cut so I put on a movie for the 3 girls in the sitting room, quickly on with the gear and into the weights room for a sweaty light weights endurance session..did 10 mins on the treadmill warm up at 9kph- leg felt fine then endurance weights...
    Bench press.. 25kgs x 80reps x 4
    leg raise....... 20kgs x 80reps x 4
    hamstring curls 15kgs x 50reps x 4
    arm curls....... 15kgs x 50reps x 4
    sit ups.......... 80reps x 4
    press ups ..... 25reps x 4

    really sweaty lactate building session especially on bench press and leg raise but enjoyed it, prob took 1.5hrs, short but at least I was sweating again.. Wife caught me towards end of session so tried to explain I was only doing light upper body weights... tried to suss out if i could go to killaloe tmrw for open water swim but she was having none of it... hopefully she goes somewhere tmrw so I can try get something else done :D:D, gotta ring doctor on monday to see what consultant said.. until then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Monday evening...

    ow swim..went down to worlds end monday evening for ow swim- first swim since kilkee.. was a group down so just intended swimming to the "tree" and back -a bit mire than 1500m... before we started though there was a girl looking for someone to do a shorter swim with her as it was her first time in ow.. no one else volunteered and i was waiting for a mate anyway so I said I'd stay with her- didn't realise that she was only doing breast stroke and was afraid to put her face into the water, anyway stayed with her and did breast stroke (slowly) for 400m (200m up and 200m back) 2 other guys were going into water at this stage so stuck with them, 1 guy was a fish and the other was slower than me so just headed towards the tree- got to the tree in 16.30- turned around just in time to catch the rest of the group swimming back (they did 2k) passed out 1 or 2 then paced off another guy similar speed to me the whole way home- we were pretty much racing each other home- felt really good and had an enjoyable swim- got home exactly on 30min1sec- fastest 1500m yet- very happy with that and a good banter with the guy after it- turns out we were both trying to break each other and we were both sighting off each other- good fun though..

    session Open Water swim , total distance 400m warm up, 1500m steady..time for 1500m 30mins

    Tuesday morning..
    Cycle to work...

    weird cycle to work this morning- felt fine but legs just really were not working..prob because its been more than a week since I was on the bike..body did feel ok though..

    session 25.1k cycle..speed 30.7kph.. time 49.10mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Tuesday evening
    Had a score to settle with myself tuesday evening as I had a miserable cycle to work in the morning.. said I'd do a steady state 20k and light rest of way home... did 20k in 35mins30secs speed 33.8kph- was happy with that , legs felt alive again,, did lightish for rest of 5k home
    session: hard 20k cycle 35mins 30secs 33.8kph, total cycle 25.7k 32.7kph 47mins55secs

    Wed afternoon
    Endurance weights: did 15mins at 10kph on treadmill warm up- felt fine
    bench press 25kg+bar x 80reps x 4
    leg raise 20kg x 80reps x 4
    arm curls 15kg x 60reps x 4
    hamstring curl 15kg x 50reps x 4
    situps x 80reps x 4
    upright rowing 20kg+bar x 30reps x 4
    press ups 25reps x 4

    wed evening swim
    Just did a light 1500m in pool tonight
    first 750m 17mins30secs (silly rythym for first 5 lengths then clicked and started moving..
    2nd 750m..16mins52secs (first time Ive broken 17mins for 750m in u.l in months)- just concentrated on really long relaxed strokes..
    total time 34mins 22secs- think thats my fastest 1500m in pool also in months- getting faster slowly but surely :D

    session 1500m swim in pool 34mins 22secs

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well done on the swim. Considering you did weights that afternoon too, it was very good going. Did your arms not feel heavy in the pool?

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭warder6161

    Trig1 wrote: »
    well went to physio this morning..good news is I didnt tear my hamstring, bad news is my hip is kinda displaced this is whats causing the groin soreness..the affect of this was too much pressure on my other leg thus the hamstring nerves got affected.. I didnt really understand him to be honest,, got something to do with the hip flexors and all the muscles around the hip being inter connected.. anyway thankfully recovery time should only be another 3 weeks and I will be able to do light runs during that time.. this with the cycling and swimming should keep me fit and keep me on the road towards Kilkee on the 23rd june..
    Hip/groin all pretty sore at moment after a lot of manipulation today so decided to skip my swim tonight and rest.. plan for tomorrow (if I dont wake up with hip totally in bits) is a long 70k cycle with some 4min 90% of max pieces thrown in..... I'm still very slow in the water..gonna do my first open water swim next monday evening.. would love to get some tips from anyone reading this on what they did to help themselves go faster in the water..

    who was the physio..was he any good

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well done on the swim. Considering you did weights that afternoon too, it was very good going. Did your arms not feel heavy in the pool?

    no arms felt fine, just did long and relaxed and tried over-exajjerating the length- obviously working , just need to learn how to use my legs now

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    warder6161 wrote: »
    who was the physio..was he any good

    physio I went to in Newport wasn't great- not gonna say name of course but he was a physical therapist and not a physio.. guy I went to in Raheen was Excellent and I'd highly recommend him- Niall Hally- he is a chartered physiotherapist and cheap enough 061300333- he's only a young lad starting off but he is a runner too..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    plan today was do 60k wet windy hilly cycle out past killaloe and take in some of the Brian boru course..
    Set off at a decent pace from newport to birdhill on back roads- was soaked after 20min but expected this , the going got tough on the back roads as they were pretty hilly, hit 20k just around twomilegate in 37min55secs- 31.7kph, kept going and it got tougher and tougher went through a small town called ogenelloe and realised i'm not on the right route, I was going up the downhill section of the brian boru trail- kept going uphill until I hit 30k, -just under 1hr- 30.1kph avg. turned here and was soaked to the skin at this stage- went downhill and speed thankfully started increasing- was doing 50+kph for few km's then speedo cut out due to driving rain.. got back into killaloe pretty fast but don't know when I passed 40k.. then I stopped at traffic lights at killaloe bridge, had to sit here for a few mins to wait for lights to change so decided to stop the stopwatch until lights changed.. at least I knew I was doing 60k and was on the watch... lights turned green and off I went- felt really tired now and moved down into a lighter gear and tried keeping cadence high, got to birdhill and knew I had only 10k left- checked my stopwatch to realize I forgot to turn it back on at the lights at birdhill.. so no stopwatch and no speedometer.. tried to keep pushing but my legs and head caved in on the category 10??? hill at birdhill on the back road to newport- had nothing left in me, was soaked/was cold/had no timing / also my aldi energize tablets ran out the other day so only had 1 750ml of water which was gone around 15km ago.. just went into a lighter gear again and pedal'd home very light with the head down.. not one of my better cycles..
    anyway got it done thats the main thing I think??:rolleyes:

    session: 60k cycle wet/hilly speed ~28-30kph time ~2hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well after taking last 2 days off due to family commitments I went out to killaloe today to do a 30min swim followed by the brian boru cycle course..46k..
    Swim again I loved.. really beginning to like these swim sessions -unsure of distance but I swam from the right of the pier with the lifeguard over across the pier and followed a set of red buoys until I got to a platform with a blue buoy on it, turned around at this-swam back to pier then turned around and did same again.. Wife and kids were sitting and playing and watching me.. finished swim and of with the wetsuit and of course the heavens opened- told the wife I'd be prob 1hr20mins because I had to do 2 loops,but as it was raining (also she gave me the look:eek:) I'll only do 1 loop and meet them back at playground in ballina.. so headed off in the lashing rain and found the proper turn off for the right course this time:D , started climbing the hill and after around 3k from when I started I got a puncture:( first puncture since I got new tyres around 6 months ago, It didn't help that the course has fresh loose chippings on it, anyway eventually got tyre changed and started climbing again and speedo cut out again in rain.. eventually got over summit and all downhill, got back to the main road and was conscious of wife and kids waiting for me so didn't do last 2k to tuamegreny- turned back towards killaloe and belted home... overall the 4k uphill is very tough and that needs to be done twice, then alot of downhill which is great,
    on saying that I think its time to re-visit my predicted time for the race-
    swim... 30mins (going well in swim)
    t1....... 1min
    cycle... dont know what to expect here -also its 46k and not 40k so gonna put in a time of 1hr25mins here
    t2....... 1min
    run...... this is supposed to be extremely hard uphill run and seeing as i'm doin f*ck all running I'm gonna put in a time of 55mins here so....
    I'm aiming to do Brian Boru oly tri in sub 2hrs 55mins

    session 32min ow swim followed by 30k cycle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Didnt get much done today.. plan was to cycle to and from work and then o.w. swim in worlds end.. unfortunately it was lashing rain again when I got up for work so drove instead...
    open water swim this evening in worlds end - water was rougher and colder than usual, only around 8 down, went slightly beyond the tree and back- 32mins50secs- prob around 1600m.. hope to do 60-70k cycle tmrw taking in the full brian boru olympic course..

    session 1600m o.w. swim 32min50secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well plan today was to do a long cycle taking in the brian boru olympic 46k route..
    Again expected rain today so tucked up for it- put on a cycling one piece- leggings, cycling top, cycling jacket and a rain jacket, filled my 750ml with my aldi energy tab, breakfast 3 weetabix, 1 banana and energy drink and off I went. I thought twomilegate was around 10k from my house so had planned 10k there then 46k route then 10k home- around 66k in total- 17.5k later got to twomilegate in 34mins30secs-my speed was showing 30kph- very hilly and windy and I was sweating hard due to all the gear I had on and surprisingly the sun was out :eek: anyway kept going and within 1k of starting I got another puncture on my rear wheel again!!:(
    changed it but took my time this time- took off tyre and checked everywhere to make sure there was nothing causing punctures- found nothing so got tyre back on and pumped wheel as much as I could but I knew it was prob only 90psi now but nothing I could do- got to the climb and I was shattered from it- did 2k of the climb in 9mins :eek: - my speedo was now showing 27.1kph , i was also really overheating as it felt like there was no wind on the climb and the sun was beating down on me with all my gear on. got over the climb and I was relieved to say the least- on the downhill section my speedo started acting up- I knew I was doing 45+kph but speedo was only showing 30kph- once I got to bottom of downhill I stopped again to check connections on the speedo and all was fine??. anyway off I went to tuamegreny to the turnaround and back towards twomilegate- this is where I really had to fight the demons in my head, my speed wasn't great, I started telling myself that if I just did 1 loop- 23k +17.5k out and 17.5khome then that would be nearly 60k which was loads for the day- my head was all over the place- will I do the full oly distance which meant doing climb again or go straight home- dunno what happened over next few minutes- went on autopilot and before I knew it I was into the climb again, felt a bit better this time and did the hard 2k of the climb in 8mins this time (climb is 3.8k with hard 2k- prob category3or 4) anyway got to the top and had to stop and take off the rain jacket- I was soaked in sweat and my drink was all gone and I reckoned I still had around 35k left- went hard again downhill and speedo was still registering 30kph- reckoned it was because of bumpy road surface as on main road it was fine- got to tuamegreny again and turned around- after 2mins chain came off- couldnt get it back on so had to turn bike upside down and eventually got it on again- flew hard back to twomilegate and crossed the dismount line in 2hr1min30secs- giving me a time of 1hr27mins- now here is the puzzling thing- if that time was for 46k which this course is supposed to be- 31.7kph then I'm happy with that time, but my speedo only said I did 41k-28.2kph not happy with that time for 41k- not sure if all the stops affected speedo distance (i stopped the watch for the 15mins when changed puncture). anyway kept going as I knew I still had 17.5k to home and I was parched- really struggled home-especially up the backroad from birdhill to newport- eventually got home with speedo reading 75.5k at 27.1kph and 2hrs47mins- not good speed at all but considering I had to stop 4 times which all affected the speedo then I suppose I'm happy enough...nearly 3hrs of riding was hard- got home and wife said lets go to her mams in templemore for afternoon so I though why not- nice relaxing afternoon- got there and her Mam wanted me to try fix the kids treehouse out the back- this was built 30years ago and was rotted through- the more I tried fixing it the more the wood was breaking away in my hand- so off Maria and her mam went and they arrived back 20mins later with new wood, hammer nails and a hand saw :mad: 3hrs later I was again soaked in sweat with a swarm of flys bugging the sh1t out of me and trying to hammer and saw a new tree house back together-called it quits at 9pm as I could barely stand- told her I'd come back next week to finish it (for the grandchildren anyway)
    gonna try do the aquathon series tmrw night at twomilegate- think its 750m swim and 3k run- will be my first road run since kilkee so it'll be interesting to see how this goes..

    session 75k cycle- 27.1kph 2hrs47mins- took in Brian boru olympic distance -46k?? in 1hr27mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Wednesday 18th
    went out to killaloe- twomilegate tonight to do the 2nd of the aquathon series races- 750m swim and 3k run and what a disaster!! plan was to do under 16mins for swim and anything under 15mins for run would be great as it'll be first time running since kilkee, on with wetsuit, set up runners and down to the pier- umpire then calls Beginners forward- they would have 3mins on intermediates who in turn had 3mins on elites- I saw a lot of guys go with beginners and i started doubting myself-should i be with intermediates or beginners???- the beginners left and they flew off- OHHH SH111TTT!! if they are beginners what will intermediates be like- 3 mins later and they were nearly at first buoy 300m away already. into water and intermediates set off and I was dropped instantly- then I did what i should never have done- started panicking and trying to go harder- couldn't catch my breath- i was dead last!! with 3 elites yet to come up my ar5e.. I really knew i was in trouble when I kept swallowing water- I breathe to the left ONLY!! and the waves were breaking in my face everytime I tried to take a breath-- it took everything I had not to give up- i even reverted back to my old way of swimming for a few strokes- head up out of water to get my breath:eek:.. eventually got to the first buoy - turned around this and now swimming into the waves (these wre not waves-just small swells but they felt like 5ft waves to me)..few seconds later the 3 elites passed me and the guy in the kayak was paddling alongside me to make sure I was ok- really embarrassing :o .. i soldiered on and turned around the 2nd buoy and instant relief- waves were now with me and my breathing and technique (what little I have) switched on straight away.. I even passed out some other poor fec*er who was all over the place to come out of the water 2nd lastin a time of..............wait for it...............21mins40secs could not believe it when I looked at watch- I suppose some consellation was that everyone said it was between 800 and 850m- but disastrous swim it was...on with runners and I was really hiding my face heading off on run- also had to take run easy as I didnt know how my hip was gonna react- run was a hilly cross country 1.5k loop to be done twice- passed out .........................1 person on the run- a Lady!!!:o:o at the very end of the run.. stopped watch at finish on 34mins40secs- did the 3k run in 13mins:D at least I can be happy with that- have my doubts as to whether it was a full 3k though as I didnt feel I was running that fast, anyway lets chalk it down to experience.. gonna go back next wed for last race ..1500m swim followed by 4.5k run.. think I'll head off with beginners group this time.. prob still be dropped though :(..

    session 750mswim and 3krun- 34mins40secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Thursday 19th July 2012
    after the upset of the boru aquathon and the few bad cycles Ive had over the last few days i needed to cheer myself up and head out on my flatish 40k tt course and try do new p.b.- course is newport to finnegans the out old dublin road to Birdhill and around the roundabout -back to finnegans and back to newport and home- around 49k in total but I said i'd do a hard 40k and spin here's how it went...
    First 10k felt good... 16mins50secs- 35.6kph--
    20k... 33mins30secs..avg speed 35.8kph- noticed by speedo acting up again- giving wrong readings- dropping to 18kph when i know I'm going over 40kph- or staying at 30kph when i know i'm going faster- i wonder is battery going? anyone know?.. anyway was going well when again i got another Bloody puncture :mad::mad::mad: just at birdhill- 23k!!!- the only tube i had left I brought with me today but it only had a 40mm valve and i wasn't sure it would fit- stopped watch and got off to replace yet another tube- found a tiny hole in tyre by valve with stone in it- hoping this is what is causing punctures- anyway fixed puncture and said i'd do 2 20k tt's instead of 1 40k- so i reset my speedometer - back on the bike- start stopwatch again and off i go..was coming up to 10k so checked watch and its reading 53mins!!! ffs.. I never reset the stopwatch- so now I have no clue how i'm doing- so just decided to push all way home-got back to house in 1hr28mins43secs- 33.1kph for ~49k..
    Again an annoying frustrating cycle- also back wheel is in bits and really creaking badly- if anyone had a loan of a decent rear wheel until after worlds end tri I'd really appreciate it:D ..
    session 49k cycle..1hr28mins43secs 33.1kph

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle to work tonight..figured out there is definitely something wrong with my speedometer... cycle is exactly 25.12km.. did cycle in 46.02secs on stopwatch- giving me speed of 32.7kph... speedometer readings were 34.7kms and speed of 32.2kph... need to get new speedo or battery- this was over short cycle- difference is probably more over longer cycle- hopefully this is one of the reasons why my speed on my cycles has been a bit slower of late...

    session 25.1k cycle to work 46.02mins 32.7kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Got on the bike this morning to cycle home and I had only got my shoes into the pedals when the rear tube exploded again:mad:.. felt like smashing bike to bits- what the hell is going on with the wheel????? had to ring the wife to come in and collect me, fair play to her- thanks hon!!;) out of bed at 5pm and tried to motivate myself to get on my gear and do some treadmill and weights but to no training done today- no tubes left for the bike until I get my order from chainreactioncycles...
    ...good news..the brother rang me today to say he isn't doing the brian boru tri- "run is too hard", he said i can borrow his tt bike if i want :D:D:D yippee- my first time on a tt bike and racing a triathlon- getting it next week to train on for the week - cannot wait- heres a pic of the mean machine

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    work again tonight- didnt have time to do much after trying to fix my bike again to no avail- spent 45mins cleaninig and checking back wheel/rim/tyre- put on new tube- pumped to 120psi, everything seemed fine- went to wheel bike out back door and tube blew again- looknig for advice if anyone has any

    anyway arrived down for openwater swim late and had to be in work for 8 so just got down to the "tree" and back- ~1500m in 31mins30sec- lovely conditions

    session 1500m o.w. swim 31mins30secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    heading into my 5th 12hr night tonight and pretty exhausted but need the extra overtime cash... anyway good news is I got over 30mins done on the treadmill tonight PAIN FREE :D, longest run since Kilkee, just did nice handy light follows
    km1..6min40, km2..6min20, km3..6min, km4..5min40, km5..5min20 then wind down.. couple of weights after this..
    Bench press 30kgs+bar x 50reps x3
    leg raise 20kg x 50reps x 3
    situps 50x3
    hamstring curl 15kg x 50reps
    roll on aquathon tmrw night 1500m swim and 4.5krun at ulac at 6.30pm in twomilegate if anyone is interested- hopefully I'll get a better result than last week:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    wed 25th july
    went down this evening for the last of the aquathon series races- 1500m swim and 4.5k run.. swim was to be 1 loop of buoyed 750m course-out of water-small run for 100m then back into water and 750m course again...
    went of with beginner group this week and felt alot more comfortable-kept it long and controlled- had 2 people guy and girl tnat were same speed as me so paced off them for the whole lot-- got out of water after first 750m and watch read 18.30- wtf...felt it went well- cannot be 750- has to be more- on the + side its the exact same course as last week and I did it 3minutes faster- did my little run and back in again-felt more comfortable this time- run was prob 45secs. still with same 2 people but started pulling away from them on for last 500m- out of water in 37mins30- still dissapointed with time considering I felt i had a good solid swim- after race everyone was saying their swim time was very slow and it was around 1700m- happier a bit.. anyway of with the wetsuit and on with the runners- head of on run -look at the watch 38.30... felt good again on run- not fast but good solid controlled-it was a hilly muddy cross country run- 3 loops of 1.5k run- finished the run-sprinted for last 100m- hip slightly sore for run- stopped watch dead on 55.30min- 17mins for run-NO WAY!!:D i'm not that fast.. I've never gone sub 22mins for 5k yet- no way I did 17mins for cross country 4.5k...more than likely course is under 4k long.. anyway overall in the series I came 17th out of around 48- considering my 2nd last place last week I was very happy with tonights performance- stong and comfortable on swim if a tad slow and comfortable and fastish on the run- i know the bike is my strongest leg so looking forward to Brian Boru tri next week...
    session 1500mswim/4.5krun 55min30secs.

    thursday 26thjuly..p.b.
    A bit stiff after yesterdays race so decided just to do a quick cycle on my hilly 22.6k route- newport to murroe past clare glens then murroe back to newport coming into newport past garda station... to loosen out the legs-conditions were lovely so said it have a go at my p.b... which was 33.53secs for 20k on this route-very hilly with some long drags..
    Headed off on course and got up a good head of speed for first 2k- by the time i got to the first hill I was at 38.9kph- loving it and was flying (if only I could ignore the sound coming from the back wheel- gotta get a new wheel)- after this first hill I had another downhill section before 3 hard hills and 1 long drag in a row- pushed as hard as i could for these and got to 10k point in 17mins56secs- its here when i realized i forgot my speedo was on the fritz- I was doing savage speed and definitely ahead of my p.b. but I knew I passed the 10k point a few hundred metres back, anyway Kept going as per reading on speedo, next 10k had alot of downhill whit a few long drags thrown in and 1 hard uphill climb but definitely a faster 10k than first 10k- passed what i knew was the 20kmark- just outside fire station in newport in 33.02secs- smashed by p.b. by nearly 1minute with a speed of 36.3kph- speedo read 19.5k- did next 500m on speedo on long drag section and finished 20k according to the speedo in 34mins30secs- decided to keep pushing for home which was another 2.6k of a long drag- have never done sub 42mins for this course but I was hungry and powered the drag- my legs were screaming at me and the more they screamed the more i pushed, wanted to see how much punishment i could take- was doing this section at 30kph usually i crawl it at 20kph.. finished the clycle in 38min57secs- smashed my p.b. for this whole cycle by 3 mins- Never thought I'd do this cycle in sub 40mins- let alone 38.57mins- avg speed 35.1kph- although my speedo read 21.8k in 33.9kph (thank god i knew distance and had my stop watch)... now for the test..
    Got my brothers TT bike today-- can i beat 38.57mins on this course with his bike- I'll find out over the weekend
    22.6K TT 38.57mins 35.1kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well, went out on the bro's tt bike last night and lasted 5 mins- way too small for me even with the saddle adjusted to the last... oh well- back on the old reliable tonight

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Ah thats crap. Would like a shot on a TT bike to see what difference it makes to me over a race. It always seems so effortless for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Ah thats crap. Would like a shot on a TT bike to see what difference it makes to me over a race. It always seems so effortless for them.
    yep..was looking forward to having a lash off the brian boru on a tt bike, oh well, in negotiations at the mo. with a guy with a 56cm Dolan Aria tt for sale..will hopefully have it next year with some cheap chinese 88mm carbon clinchers:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Saturday 28th july:
    Got home from a 12hr shift at 8.30pm and was pretty tired but wanted to get something done so changed quickly and got the bike out to attempt to break the 38.57mins pb I did on thurs night on my hilly tt route... off i went anyway (too hard) by the time i got to te first hill my legs were aching, looked at the speedo and my speed for the last 3k was avg 40.7kph, tried to keep it as high as possible over the hill, by the time i got to the other side it was still avg38.7kph, started feeling the tiredness though and the last 2 days 12hr shifts were catching up with me.. the next 3 hills really hurt and I hit 10k in 18min05secs- I was surprised that I was 10secs down on thurs night especially after a harder start, tried to drive the legs as hard as possible for the 2nd 10k stretch ,felt I was getting good speed but the last 3-4k which mostly consisted of uphill drags really killed home in a time on 39mins37secs- dissapointed that I was over 40secs slower than thurs night but happy I got another sub 40mins on this difficult showered and downstairs for 10pm to watch the sky plused olympic road race from earlier today:D
    session:22.6ktt 39mins37secs speed:34.3kph

    Sunday Morning 29th july
    Slowish cycle to work this morning- still felt the effort of last nights tt in my legs as it was only 10hrs ago, started off on the tri bars but my legs started achng straight away so decided to give them a break and sit up-on normal bars and spin ~60-65% effort into work..might go harder on way home depending on how legs feel
    session 25.1k light cycle time 51mins04secs speed:29.5kph

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Sunday evening cycle home from work- really good cycle, very sweaty, very hard, did the 25.7k cycle in 46mins35secs... got a loan of a road bike of the neighbour today, gonna try it out and see is it faster than mine, if not I'll just swap back wheels..anyway...
    session 25.7k cycle 46mins35secs, speed 33.2kph
