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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    few lovely pics of finish line added with the kids in tow

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done to you!!! Excellent work for an excellent result. And I can see how proud the kids are. :D Nice report too!! So was it just one big wave start for the swim? That's a lot of swimmers all at once! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Few pics of me coming to the line with the 3 kids in tow!

    I notice you snuck an extra place as well while dragging the kids in - nice work ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done to you!!! Excellent work for an excellent result. And I can see how proud the kids are. :D Nice report too!! So was it just one big wave start for the swim? That's a lot of swimmers all at once! :eek:

    ya, 200+ in 1 wave, it was fun :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    catweazle wrote: »
    I notice you snuck an extra place as well while dragging the kids in - nice work ;)

    ha ha yes, beat him by 1 sec, If I didnt beat him I would only have come 20th:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    50k light cycle today to wake up legs after weekend....1hr32mins
    average speed 31.4kph

    session 50k cycle, 1hr32mins, 31.4kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well done lad on a solid result. Is that is for the season now? Any ideas for a plan of attack next year? Close the gap on the Bro..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well done lad on a solid result. Is that is for the season now? Any ideas for a plan of attack next year? Close the gap on the Bro..

    ya thats it for this season Mike, time to try lose more weight now, hope to do a half ironman distance next year and try get a top 10 finish in a sprint distance..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    went back down to the pool tonight (u.l. 50m), plan was to try do a 3.8k swim and get a time for it, went nice and slow and long, 1500m in 34.45, 3k in 70.45, unfortnately was kicked out of pool at 3.3k - anyway was still longest swim yet- 3.3k in 1hr18mins

    session 3.3k pool swim in 1hr18mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    thursday 30th Aug
    5k fast run on treadmill...I've had a phobia of the treadmill for years- for some reason I've always been slow on treadmill and alot faster on the roads???? today I decided to try conquer this fear- I usually struggle at 11+kph on treadmill and I dont think I've ever done a sub 25min 5k on it so I set off hardish at 4min57sec for first 1km, bringing it down to 4min45sec by the end of km2 , km3- 4min30sec by the end, km 4 4min20sec-, km 5 around 4min15secs also- winding down to 4min5secs- was f**ked after it- delighted to get it done but sweating buckets- took 23mins20secs for 5k...hard weight session after this
    Bench press...40kg x40repsx3rnds
    Leg raise....... 20kg x80repsx3rnds
    Arm curls...... 20kg x40repsx3rnds
    Hamstring curls 15kgx50repsx3rnds
    power cleans..40kgx40repsx3rnds (these were absolute torture)
    Had nothing left in me after the power cleans so called it a day...

    session: 5k on treadmill 23min20secs + endurance weights

    Woke up stiff as a poker friday after weights so took a day off- was working 12hr days anyway

    Saturday 1st sept

    Cycle to work this morn- this was to be one of my last cycles on the tt bike before I put it away for the winter...I set out this morn on the way to work with the intentions of trying to beat my p.b. for this route to work unfortunately after around 2 miles my legs caved in- I just had no power in them- I had a long slow cycle to work in 47mins10secs ~31kph... maybe the cycle home this evening will be better?

    session:cycle to work- 25k- 47mins ~31kph

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Saturday 1st Sept..cycle home from work
    Felt alot faster cycling home from work tonight but delayed a couple of times at traffic lights and chain came off bike at parkway roundabout,

    session 25.6k cycle in 48mins40secs

    Monday 3rd Sept 50k on tt bike
    last session on bime this morning- kitted out the road bike again today
    Newport-Finnegans Roundadout- birdhill-back to finnegans and back home
    2nd 10k in 16mins05secs-37.3kph
    3rd 10k in 17mins26secs-34.4kph
    4th 10k in 18mins33secs-32.33kph
    passed house at 48.6k- 1hr24mins47secs- kept going to finish off 50k
    5th 10k in 19mins44secs-30.38kph

    total cycle...1hr28mins54secs,

    session 50k cycle..1hr28mins54secs, 33.8kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great 1st season there, Trig!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    nice handy 10k was the plan today on the treadmill watching la vuelta..
    first 4k at 5.39min/km, (was wearing a pair of soccer shorts and started feeling a little chaffing between the legs) next 4k at 5.24mins/km (feeling more uncomfortable between legs but was nearly finished so continued on) did next 2k at 5.10mins/km- felt really comfortable- exactly 55min/10km - la vuelta was nearly over so just continued running up to 60mins- did last km at 5.00min/km- still felt nice and handy... 11km/60mins.. got off the treadmill and knew straight away I was in trouble -couldn't put my legs together as they stung like f*ck.. I had really bad chaffing (ire) between both legs- had a shower and was nearly screaming with the stinging pain- laced myself with vaseline but unfortunatley had to go to work for a 12hr shift- walking around like John Wayne for the night and getting the slagging of my life-- it hurts sooo badly!!!!!! :o:o

    session :11k on treadmill 60mins flat

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Snap indeed :D Thats gas. U poor thing, Im not too bad just a little raw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    I missed my road bike and I know why now- got on the bike tonight and felt so comfortable. Ass wasnt sore, back wasnt aching, shoulders were not sore- just flew into work really comfortable and effortless (really need to get a fitting done for the tt bike for next season)... 25k cycle into work done in 46.04secs...32.6kph and felt nice and relaxed...prob around 65% to 70% pressure...
    p.s. put on a load of talc going to bed this morning on the delicate parts and worked a treat...all better tonight ;)

    session: 25k cycle to work 46mins4secs, 32.6kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    thursday 6th sept
    cycle home from work thurs morning- nothing major just took my time as I was a bit tired, also a lot of traffic about as schools back.. took 56mins ~28kph

    session 26k cycle home from work...56mins

    thurs night 6th sept cycle to work
    The high
    Had a fast cycle to work on wed night without much effort so I knew the legs were going well, decided to try beat my p.b. for cycle to work tonight- my p.b. so far was 45mins30secs, so off I went, perfect conditions and was going well- hit 10k in 17mins45secs- knew that was around 30secs faster than last night, was not going flat out race pace but was probably doing 85% of max, still had loads left in the tank, kept going hard, got caught at 2 sets of lights, went through 20k in 36mins, pushed hard for last couple of km through town- nearly got knocked down twice (cars just dont see bikes whatsoever, 2 major near misses)reached work in ...45mins06secs- very happy with that and knew I had more in the tank...33.6kph- might not seem very fast but its a hilly route and I had a big gear bag weighing around 5kg on my back..

    session:25.2k cycle to work..45mins6secs...33.6kph

    friday morn cycle home from work
    the lows....
    Felt fine for first few hrs in work after cycle but the long 12hr nights and only 5hrs sleep during the day does take it out of you - had a very busy work in night where I was on my feet for the full 12hrs and sweating for most of it,, knew I was in trouble when I was falling asleep at 6am in the canteen with still 2.15hrs to go to home time...finished work at 8.15 and I was shattered- really considered ringing the wife to collect me but I thought the cycle home would wake me on the bike and immediately I knew I was in trouble- the legs were absolutely dead and wouldn't move the pedals, I crawled home, really wanted to ring home but resisted- free wheeled down the hills and crawled up the hills in the lowest cog- 1hr later and I was still a few km from home...the cycle home was the worst and hardest cycle I have EVER done.. took me 1hr6mins- it has never taken more than 1hr before- my average speed was a shocking 23.5kmph..fell into bed wrecked... think I'll take 1 or 2 days off training after that one

    session 26k cycle 1hr6mins- 23.5kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    12hrs working and sweating on the bog yesterday, a triathlon of turning,footing and loading, I'm a broken man after it, harder than any race this year :)
    another rest day today to let my body recuperate

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Cycle to work
    after 2 days rest since my bog escapades I was raring to go for my cycle to work this morning..went off hard and tried to maintain it, did a good strong powerful bike and delighted to beat my p.b. twice in less than a week- at least my bike speed is improving.. did cycle in 44mins33secs...33.9kph

    session:cycle to work 25k in 44mins33secs

    cycle home
    Usually I have either a good cycle into or out of work but never both..felt good tonight though and had another stong cycle- cycle home is around 800m longer as I have to cycle around the industrial estate, anyway another good strong cycle home..(bit hillier on way home too) 48mins34secs...32.1kph

    session:cycle home 48mins34secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    plan today was to do 10k+ on treadmill(not road running yet until hip is completely fine) so treadmill until then, first 3k at 5.15mins/km.. felt nice and easy, next 2k at 5mins10secs/km, next 2k at 4mins57secs/km, next km at 4mins50secs, nextkm at 4mins40secs/km, push next km up to 10k mark and gradually brought it down to 4mins08secs/km...hip felt slightly uncomfortable but went through 10km in 50mins30secs... brought speed down to 9.7kph for next 2mins to give myself a breather but then back to 5mins10secs/km for km11 and km12, finished off with a 4min53sec/km for km13 and called it quits after that, very happy with session and felt very fit and comfortable throughout...
    13k done in 66mins.....

    session 13k treadmill 66mins flat

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey Trig1 good work going on. Tip: the log is very very numbers focused. Numbers are good to measure progression but what really counts more than PBs and general progression is how you feel during sessions. Constantly chasing numbers will lead to burn out or peaking too early. Perhaps do some sessions off the clock and learn to just listen to what the body is telling you. Tri is an endurance sport but extensive endurance mainly rather than intensive endurance like rowing. Just suggesting from experience. When I first started tri training every session was chasing the metric of the session before it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Thanks Mike, I know what you mean, rowing mentality creeping in, thanks for the advice and any more advice is more than welcome..

    Haven't done much sine the last treadmill session..
    Saturday 15th went out to twomilegate with kids and the brother-- did an hour messing around in water with kids with some 50m swims thrown in then went off with the bro for a long swim- plan was to do 4k as he is doing the 5k swim in 2 weeks.. did what was prob a 1500m loop and back to start in around 28mins (was prob bit shorter then 1500m) was heading off again but the wife started calling that the kids were cold so that was my cue to head out.. the bro went off again and he was flying it,, looked so easy for him..anyway maybe someday..

    session ~1400m o.w. swim 28mins..

    that evening the hip started acting up again..obviously the combination of the 13k treadmil and the swimming has aggrevated the hip again so have taken the last few days off and will take another couple of days off until i get this hip sorted properly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    pool swim..
    my new Kick buoy and proper swim togs arrived the other day so down to the pool last night and just did 1hr swim alternating between using the kick buoy and not using it, think it was my first swim this season not counting lengths, just 1hr thinking about technique, I'm nearly positive that its my swim kick that is aggravating my hip- I do a kind of silly breast stroke kick every stroke..thus i got the kick buoy to try help...if anyone has any further tips on how to correct this i'm all ears.... i did do 1 sneaky 50m- kind of flat out to see where my speed is compared to my entry on the 8thjune2012...did the 50m in 50secs flat- not fast but it is fast for me and an improvement of 4-5secs in 3 months...its something I suppose
    session..1hrs swim alternating with kick buoy..1x50m in 50secs

    cycle to work
    nice handy cycle to work this morn..25.3km in 47mins35secs..32kph


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hmmm, not sure what you are asking about your kick - are you not doing a flutter kick, but rather a combo of a scissor/breast kick? There may be value in having an instructor look at it for you - one session may be all it takes to get you on the right track, especially if you think it's causing hip pain.

    Well done on improving your 50 meter time! 4-5 seconds is significant - keep up the good work! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hmmm, not sure what you are asking about your kick - are you not doing a flutter kick, but rather a combo of a scissor/breast kick? There may be value in having an instructor look at it for you - one session may be all it takes to get you on the right track, especially if you think it's causing hip pain.

    Well done on improving your 50 meter time! 4-5 seconds is significant - keep up the good work! :)

    Thanks Dory, yes its probably a wierd scissors/breast stroke kick, I'm putting alot of power into 1 kick with my left leg per stroke (stronger side) which hopefully a bit of coaching and pull buoy work will sort out, thanks for the feedback

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    20/sept/2012- cycle home from work
    Good cycle home from work- caught at a few traffic lights but felt strong whole way home. 26k in 49mins11secs

    session- cycle home from work 26k, 49mins11secs

    plan today was light 5k warm up on treadmill followed by endurance weight session..actual....started off 5k at 5mins30per km...felt really comfortable for first 2k so decided to take speed up..km3 at 5mins15/km...still felt extremely comfortable so just kept increasing speed throughout last 2k- did last km at 4mins/km - 25mins flat for 5k... bit stupid considering my hip is still a bit sore but I'll never learn....happy after it though...only did a quick set of endurance weights as I knew I was doing a long cycle next morn so didnt want to be stiff...
    Bench press.....40kgx40repsx3
    leg raise..........20kgx80repsx3
    Arm curls........ 20kgx40repsx3
    Hamstring curls 17.5kgsx40repsx3
    Called it quits after that- sweating buckets though..
    session 5k on treadmill ...25mins flat and endurance weights

    22/sept/2012- long cycle
    Had actually arranged to do a long cycle with a mate from work this morning- this would be my first time doing a cycling spin with company since training for hell of the west with the brother..
    My plan was to get 90k done in 3hrs (depending on how fAst other person was)..this would be my longest ever spin..
    So met my mate at 7am- it was pretty cold so tucked up was lovely having someone to chat to for the spin...Pace wasn't as fast as i would have liked but it was nice and comfortable and i enjoyed the chat and company..we were doing an average of around 28kph which was fine...after around 50k he headed off in different direction as he had to be home early- I kept going determined to get 90k done...brought pace up slightly once he had left so speed from 50-80k was 30+kph... legs were pretty tired for last 10k and struggled the last few km's home up the long drags....delighted to get full 90k done though...did full session in 3hrs 5mins at pace of 29.2kph..

    session 90km cycle 3hrs5mins..speed 29.2kph

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Was a lovely morning to be out alright. Nice spin

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    24/sept/2012 10k cross country run
    Wanted to get away from the treadmill and get out running in the fresh air again so knowing my hip was still not 100% I opted to the laps around the local gaa pitches- there are 3 pitches together and I found out quickly that a lap around the 3 is just under off I went- clocking average 4.45mins/km for first 5k but decided to slow down a bit for next few to average 4.55mins/km, brought up last km just so i'd get a sub 49mins...of course in hindsight this was still too hard and I should probably be doing 5.30min/km...anyway was happy to get session done- was sore on calves as it was a bit soggy underground but good session nonetheless..still find that I'm more comfortable and I can run faster outdoors than on treadmill strangely... i wonder is anyone else the same...did the 10k in 48mins42secs...sports tracker is saying 49mins15 as it took me a couple of secs to get the stupid phone out of the pocket and press stop...

    session..10k cross country run..48mins42secs..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I've used the treadmill this training cycle more than I care to think about...and I think running outside is easier in many respects. I do, however, like doing intervals on the treadmill because it forces the targeted pace in a safe and steady manner (I injured myself doing intervals on the track because I couldn't control my pace, so I am gun-shy), but in most other types of running sessions I prefer the freedom of running in the out of doors and think I have the potential to run faster than on the treadmill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    plan today was a long lightish cycle on hilly route, conditions were awful.. rain and wind but no turbo trainer so tucked up warm and off I went...(request has already gone into santa for turbo trainer for xmas)...actually really enjoyed cycle...kept bike in light gear and spun the legs for 2 hrs... had a few problems with my sports-tracker loosing satellite.. sports tracker is saying average speed 30kph but was probably a bit more...speedo was reading 31.5kph but thats probably wrong too... anyway was soaked when I got home but really enjoyed it..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    26sept2012- pool swim
    75mins swimming in pool today- actually did a few drills for a change...
    started off with 2x200m... 4.06mins and 4.20mins for these, then a few lengths stretching out and a few lengths with pull buoy then 50m x 10 x 2 off 70secs..
    did first set with pull buoy and was coming in around 58secs with these... did 2nd set without pull buoy and for first 5 was coming in around 1min flat but this crept to 65secs by last couple... then did 500m light with pull buoy and then 500m light without pull buoy concentrating on length, also did few lengths with closed fists and few lengths with paddle buoy - kick only (wasn't moving for these).. finished off with a few lengths of breast stroke to wind down...prob around 3k in total...enjoyed it

    75min pool swim with mixed drills
