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Fat and unfit to 2hr40min Hell of west in 1year



  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Twas indeed a very sweet day for Munster :D Now how do we ensure some of the Quins team just happen to be injured for April!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Had planned to go out cycling but missus wanted me to stay at home in case she needed me, plus it was freezing out so jumped on turbo instead, planned 2hrs solid steady state but instead just did a horrible 90 mins and it was a real struggle, just wasn't feeling it today, couldn,t get going, attempted 3 times to start few 5min pieces but stopped after around 40 secs each time, just put gear back in to a light gear and struggled to 90mins... a session best forgotten.........:mad:

    session 90 mins turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    dont worry about these sessions, sometimes the body is tired and we all know you dont do easy sessions :D, you managed 90min out of a bad day thats better than nothing and mentaly worth more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »
    dont worry about these sessions, sometimes the body is tired and we all know you dont do easy sessions :D, you managed 90min out of a bad day thats better than nothing and mentaly worth more.

    Thanks Benny... that actually makes me feel a bit better, working a lot at the moment... its obviously taking its toll on me. Planning a swim tonight so day might not be total write off

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    21-01-2013 Evening swim
    Well how right i was, day wasn't a write off after all- went to the pool for a quick swim before work and bumped into Shotgunmcos finishing his set of 4X1k pieces, told him i was just doing 2x 750m's as i was heading to work and he said he would do them with me and give me a few tips (after doing 4k himself :eek:) I was delighted- really needed a few tips so he headed off and told me to try stay on his toes- felt i was going well and i was being pushed along to try stay with him (prob shouldn't have had a feed of chilli just before the swim :o) finished the set and he turned around and told me I did it in 15.05mins- i was shocked- fastest i've done a 750m in 50m pool was night of the 7th in 15.45 with a pull buoy and night of 16th in 16.15 without pull buoy..just knocked 1min10secs off my 750m pool p.b. thanks to shotgun... After 2-3mins of chatting about technique we went off again, found this one a struggle as I gave it welly in the first one, I also got water trapped in my goggles but couldn't stop to get rid of it as i was trying to stay with Mike..really felt it in my shoulders in last few lengths- finished 2nd piece in 15mins50secs- still delighted with that time- 2x 750ms in sub 16mins :D chuffed- all thanks to shotgunmcos- got another few good tips after the swim.. thanks Mike- really appreciate it!!! Day wasn't a write off after all :):)

    session: swim 2x750m 15.05min and 15.50mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    22/1/2013- Good solid sessions
    Afternoon- 1hr solid on turbo- 10mins warm up then sufferfest downward spiral- 2mins flat out, 2 mins light, 1min45 flat out 1min45 light...down to 15secs flat out 15secs light, 5 mins recovery then same again with 10mins cool down at end- great session- good solid hour... flat outs were done in heaviest gear on bike and gear 2 on turbo- cadence 105-107 , hr 160-168

    evening- Missus went to a Parents council meeting, kids were in bed so hopped on treadmill before work- did 12k in 1hr6mins- just nice light sweaty session with negative splits- started at 9.7kph ended at 13kph- averaged just over 11kph for the 66mins- nice and handy, felt good..

    sessions: 1hr turbo- 2x downward spirals, 1hr6mins treadmill 12k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    24/1/2013 MIDNIGHT RUN
    Plan tonight was another 3 loop run ~ 11.5k in total- had a mate out with me.. nice steady pace for first km or 2 but we started increasing pace after that, big time negative splits the whole way... He was planning on doing 8k so i changed my mind and decided to do 8K instead, we ended up really going for it for last 2k doing ~ 4min10sec per km, wrecked after it but it was good to stretch the legs and see did I still have the speed- was happily surprised at how quickly i recovered- getting fitter! I hope :D ...
    Run was just under 8K and did it in 34mins51secs- enjoyable.

    session 8k run- 35mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Brought kids to their swimming lesson in Nenagh pool Friday afternoon , went in for quick swim myself, both ends of pool were cordoned off due to swimming lessons so pool was only around 20 metres with no walls to kick off at either end. Swam for around 30 mins just concentrating on rotating hips and length, used pull buoy for full session, was joined by my 2 kids after their lesson for 20 mins of throwing kids in the air and holding our breath under the water, good fun...... prob only 1k of swimming in total....

    Starting to increase my running distance again after the glute injury, using the 10% per week rule, have been doing a few 12k runs so just planned a 14k run today... had a few beers last night so was a bit hungover heading off on run... planned to do it nice and slow at around 5.30mins per km, felt I was going really slow but was surprised that most of my first 8k were around 5.07mins per km, started really suffering over last 6k as most of it was uphill and I felt I was sweating pure alcohol, got it done though, average for run was 5.16mins per km. Slow but glad to get it done....will post link later

    sessions 1k swim , 14.1km run

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    27/1/2013 cycle
    Headed out this morning on tt bike for a cycle hoping for a decent spin, instead had a miserable 2 hrs fighting a headwind for most of it, leg zapping.....60.25km in 2:02:41 speed 29.5kph... glad its over.
    will post link later..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Trig1 wrote: »
    27/1/2013 cycle
    glad its over...glad its over...

    I take it you're glad its over :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ha ha' ya had to edit it there to delete the repetition, glad its over though!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well done getting a couple of hours bike done, 'twas well gnarly out there today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Missed a session yesterday so long hard session planned today...... 80mins steady on turbo at 80rpm, hr around 146 followed by 6k progression run on treadmill, started first km at 10kph and increased each km by 0.5kph .....felt great, did the 6k in just over 30 mins .....good sweaty 110mins training done

    session 80mins turbo followed by 6k treadmill

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Long swim this evening.... 50 lenghts of u.l. pool ....2500m in 54mins. Nice long and relaxed, went through 750m in 16.12mins, went through 1500m in 32.32 mins, happy with those splits for a long swim.....

    session 2.5k swim...54mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    run at lunchtime in work this evening with my buddy- the buddy is getting faster each run and thus pushing me to get faster too which is good- gonna start using these fast runs as some speed work.. did roughly 8k this evening at just below 10k race pace- (how I judge this is we were still able to talk but barely :D) did the 8k in 33.43secs- knocked over a minute off the same run on 24th- we were both chuffed with that, nothing better than having someone fast to push you....

    session 8k run- 33.43mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Brought kids to swimming lessons this afternoon, hopped in myself to get a bit done while they were doing lessons, they had both ends of the pool cut off and no lanes so I just swam in a squarish/circleish formation avoiding swimmers for 25 mins (the duration of the swim lesson). It must have been pretty comical to watch me from the sides but it was actually decent open water training. Got a full 25mins done of constant swimming around in circles, did probably around 1.2k, spent next 20 mins splashing around with the kids and letting them show me what they learned, good times! :)

    session 1.2kswim..... 25mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Plan today was a long 3 hour turbo whilst watching the rugby. Couldn't get out on road as the wife was gone away for the weekend and I was left at home with the 4 kids. Turbo was going great for first 2 hours.... steady cadence of 80rpm and hr of around 144. Legs just caved in after around 2hrs20mins .... called it quits at 2hrs30mins... still a good long sweaty session done watching an epic rugby match....

    session...2hrs30 turbo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    3/2/2012..long run
    Wife was still away today so my long run was gonna be on the treadmill, also got my new race runners so was dying to try them out- K-Swiss Kwicky Blade-Light off I set on the treadmill at 11.3kph watching the Italy/France Match.. lost a bit of concentration after around 20mins and stubbed my big toe badly- Initially thought I broke it but after taking off my runner and checking it out it seemed fine so I hopped on the treadie again...was a bit sore but didn't take any notice... went through 10k in 54mins.. nice handy pace average around 5mins30secs, brought up the pace for next 8k to 5mins2secs per km for first 4k and down to 4mins50secs per km for last 4k... body felt good, nice long run.. hoped off treadmill and toe started throbbing straight away, had 2 blisters on my achilles also from new runners but besides that they felt good.. took the runners off and my big toe was black and blue... icing it at the moment hoping its nt broke...I can bend it so hopefully its fine.. anyway....

    session 18k treadmill in 94mins avg.. 5mins13secs per km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Oh jeez Trig1 hope the toe is ok. Nice run there by the way

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Oh jeez Trig1 hope the toe is ok. Nice run there by the way

    Thanks Solobally,
    Took the day off today to rest toe, a lot of movement back in it so not broken, thank god, very black and blue though....back running tomorrow hopefully

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    5/2/2012- RUN
    Well after resting the toe yesterday it felt much better today, still black and blue but not sore anymore so decided to do my longish lunch time run, also wanted to try out my 2nd set of new runners (training runners as opposed to the kwicky blades which are racing only) - got myself a lovely luminous set of asics gel 1170's along with my first gait Analysis, the kwicky blades are 9oz per shoe and the asics are 11.5oz per shoe (kwicky's size10/asics size 10.5) but the asics feel like running on pillows- love them...anyway did a nice 12k (did around 500m longer than the usual route to ensure to get the full 12k), went out in the rain/sleet and hailstones, no music, no sports tracker (doesn't work in the industrial estate) just my stopwatch which I only looked at once-when I finished, felt great during run, nice and relaxed but still felt like I was tipping away nicely, unfortunately comming into last couple of mins i felt my calf strain so i stopped running straight away and walked last few hundred metres, dont know if it was the new runners or probably my neglecting the foam roller but need to get back on it tonight, shouldn't be a major issue but just anxious as I have 2ish races over the next 2 weekends- 100km cycle with Sean Kelly on Sunday in Killaloe- not really a race- more like a charity event, following weekend is Limerick Duathlon- need to mind myself for these..anyway

    session : 12k run ...56mins37secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Good to hear the toe stub is nothing too serious. Have fun on the roller with that calf :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    hey were you doing laps of the est at lunch time today?
    and +1 on the toe, you will be grand for the duathlons

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »
    hey were you doing laps of the est at lunch time today?
    and +1 on the toe, you will be grand for the duathlons

    No Benny wasn't me- was out there at 17.30 this evening and yesterday evening

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Annoyed with myself this evening- did 2 things I told myself I wouldn't do this year...1. run 2 days in a row (need to give my old body time to recover) and 2. run on an injury.... and what did I do...both of them today...said to myself after tweaking my calf yesterday and doing loads of foam rolling last night that I would go out for a really light 5k just to see how leg was...headed off for light 5k and i could feel the calf tightening straight away but it didn't get any worse- its was there for the whole run but felt ok, manageable, finished the roughly 5k run in 28mins and straight away the calf and shin on my left leg were aching- shins are very sore to the touch- felt like I was over-compensating for the calf- oh well no running for a few days-monday at the earliest me thinks!!! :(

    session: light 5k run- 28mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    HELL HATH NO FURY......I had great plans of doing a 2hr30min turbo session. said to myself I'd do...hell hath no fury (sufferfest) followed by downward spiral (sufferfest)...:D how wrong was I.....began my first...hell hath no fury (thanks catweazle)... 4 stage session starts with few minutes warm up then 5 mins steady session then 2x 20min intervals with 6min rest between them then 5 min rest then a 3.30min flat out tt to finish it off....warm up was fine and 5 mins steady was fine.. decided around 8 mins into the first 20mins that no way would I be doing downward spiral after legs and lungs were exploding... a combination of light gears flat out at 110+cadence and heavy gear standing up at 80cadence almost killed me... managed somehow to get through first 20mins.. 6 min rest was delightful then into next 20mins and omg I was hurting so bad I was nearly crying:eek: put everything I had into the 2nd 20... wife walked in on me with 3 mins to go and I think she let out a bit of a scream, there was a waterfall of sweat streaming off my chin.. got through it but I still had the 3.30min tt to get through and I was spent, and apparently I was 11secs down in the race.. so off I went like a bat out of hell at 110+ cadence in heavy gear. Thought it would never end. Finished it and hopped straight off bike into the jacks for a little puke :o. Got back on bike for 15 min light just to make up 80mins..hardest bike session I,ve ever done.. beats 5k's on the ergo hands down

    session 80 mins turbo... hell hath no fury

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Trig1 wrote: »
    . Finished it and hopped straight off bike into the jacks for a little puke :o.

    Wow you are totally badass trig1!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Wow you are totally badass trig1!!

    Thanks Solobally,although most people would call it stupid ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    You obviously didn't do your ergs hard enough!!

    I've done some grim turbos (60TT) but I'd do them over an erg test any day. 2ks are truly horrible but 5ks were just extended torture after the 10 minute mark

    Id recommend doing a T5 + T20 test to figure out some zones. 2*20 @ FTP is plenty of intensity to bring on your TT stamina. Doing them both all out is counter productive IMO

    Again a bit of the rowing mentality there. We frequently had to be peeled off the erg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    You obviously didn't do your ergs hard enough!!

    I've done some grim turbos (60TT) but I'd do them over an erg test any day. 2ks are truly horrible but 5ks were just extended torture after the 10 minute mark

    Id recommend doing a T5 + T20 test to figure out some zones. 2*20 @ FTP is plenty of intensity to bring on your TT stamina. Doing them both all out is counter productive IMO

    Again a bit of the rowing mentality there. We frequently had to be peeled off the erg

    Haha how dare you, I always did my erg hard enough ;) . Unfortunately cannot get an ftp as I have a cheap turbo, would love to get an ftp and work off that full time but for the moment I'll just be working off gut feeling... still don't think it is counter productive though... wasn't all out..prob head pace rather than regatta pace
