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Electric fence on our bill.

  • 27-05-2012 1:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭

    This house was empty years before we moved in and the landlord/famer thus kept the power connected to run his electric fences. We have asked time and time againg that he pays us for his fences; he just ignores even written requests. It may not be much but even so.. We struggle to pay bills on a small pension as it is and he is free of the standing charge now of course.

    There is also after two years painting needing doing; we are happy to do that but we ask that materials be provided as we have always done in the past with no issues.

    Letters on this ignored.

    He has been good re the frequent problems with the water pump, but nto with damage caused by leaks to furniture etc; I think he was worried he would have to put a new pump in...We get round that by asking for the one plumber who knows the system here.

    Other maintenance work is like pulling teeth; 18 months to get the gutters cleared.... and finally he has put gravel on the huge potholes in the laneway. I asked for tarmac so he gave

    We have suggested in writing that we hold the rent one month and use the money to buy paint etc as well as recoup the electric fence money; keeping stricy account etc .but he never replies.

    And advice gratefully received... the house is old and getting very shabby.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    I think you just have a bad landlord, regarding the painting well it really doesnt look like he is willing to pay for it so you can either leave it as it is or pay for the paint yourself. Legally he is under no obligation to paint the place if he doesnt think it needs it, if however the paint is falling off the walls you may have a case...maybe take some pictures and send them to him but other than paint falling off walls I cant see him doing much.

    As for the electric fence is there a fuse in the fuse box or s switch in the fuse box that you can turn off the electric fence therefore problem solved....if not then maybe get in contact with threshold and get them to act as a go between with this issue it is not fair that you are paying for an electric fence that you are not using, if the landlord wants it on then the landlord pay it

    Grace make sure you keep a record of any letters sent and if you can send them registered post

    I understand that you and your Oh are on pension and I really dont think that at your stage in life you should have to fight for everything with a landlord, I know you may not want to hear it but maybe its time to think about moving

    best of luck with it all and i do hope you get some resolve or find somewhere more decent

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,310 ✭✭✭Pkiernan

    Cut the electric fence.

    Phone the PRTB: 9:30am to 1.00pm Monday to Friday - +353 (01) 6350600

    Explain to them the situation.

    If the property is not registered with the PRTB, then also call the Revenue and inform them that you LL may be evading tax.

    Then move out - why would you want to live in such a house?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB


    He is playing you for fools.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    Ah thanks for the support! He is registered with PTRB; he wasn;t when we came but we saw to that!

    He is an amateur simply; one of the nouveau riche in Ireland. Illiterate and paperwork panics him; not his fault as he would have been taken out of school to do the farmwork, being the eldest. Dresses like a tramp and can hardly speak real English so communication gets hard. It was only recently I saw where he lives! A palace, new built, and his sister the same. Here it is rural and rich. Clearly he got rich by acting like this. lol!

    When we came, he thought he could walk in anytime; " I own the house!" Soon sorted that. Via the agent who found us the house.

    No intention of mioving or of involving the "heavies" ..
    Your support has helped me so much,,

    We had a year's lease; that ended in August last year and nothing since although I have mentioned it to the agent without result, but I know the tenancy is safe. Had five moves in as many years and the last one nearly killed me.

    When I have mentioned the fence, they have brushed it aside. Does not use much they say.. And I cannot unplug it without risking the cattle getting in the garden or on the road and would not do that to anyone. Four got in last year and destroyed around E200 of plants etc and not a word of reparation.

    The garden is why I stay; he rashly offered to clear a large area then tried to back down but I have been in Ireland long enough to know to grab an offer. It feeds me and provides sale things for the charity work I love.

    Given his hatred of paperwork etc, it terrifies him..... I think I will go ahead and withhold one month's rent; backdate the cost of the fence ie standing order and some for the power to when we came. That'll cover a month's rent; will keep the letter with the others! He would not get anyone else to live here as the house is pretty basic. Call his bluff yet have the rent ready; we have just had all the new rent allowance stuff so I can blame that if he says anything.

    My guess is that he will say nothing. If he tries to evict, then will sort that then. He has not the know how to do that and the agent will not take that from him.

    The paintwork is a mess. so will add that later! A few other small jobs need doing and I suiggested using a month's rent money do do that too.

    He is just mean is all. Needs taking in hand!

    Seeing his house changed my whole attitude!

    THANK YOU! Will cancel the standing order this week and take it from there; he may have taken the proposal to do that as intention and I shall take it as such.

    Things are different with these rural landlords!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    Grace I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from however as a tenant you have obligations just like any landlord and just because he may not be playing by the rules does not mean that you shouldnt

    If you are with holding rent for painting and other stuff then you need to provide the landlord with receipts for the paint and what ever else you are using it for, I'm sure all hell would break loose if the landlord where to keep your deposit for cleaning and other stuff without supplying receipts

    We may not have many laws and a few recommendations as to how landlords and tenants behave so it is vital that the few we have are respected by both parties

    Best of luck with it all

    Peace and love xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    edellc wrote: »
    Grace I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from however as a tenant you have obligations just like any landlord and just because he may not be playing by the rules does not mean that you shouldnt

    If you are with holding rent for painting and other stuff then you need to provide the landlord with receipts for the paint and what ever else you are using it for, I'm sure all hell would break loose if the landlord where to keep your deposit for cleaning and other stuff without supplying receipts

    We may not have many laws and a few recommendations as to how landlords and tenants behave so it is vital that the few we have are respected by both parties

    Best of luck with it all

    Peace and love xx

    Thank you and I hear you and agree totally.

    What is clear to us is that the LL has no idea what the laws and rules are let alone following and obeying them. The house had been empty years so no experience of a "proper "tenancy and we were very gentle on many things. They were coming in at first when we were out, thinking they coiuld do jobs and avoid bothering us, so then I added a wee extra padlock to the door. ie they are not the type to start objecting to things like that.

    I had already written to the LL to his sister who co-owns the house, to the agent etc etc etc, listing what we need in detail and stressing that we will keep strict accoun, receipts etc etc etc etc. Not one reply and we are weary of the lack of any contact and need especially to recoup moneys from the fence costs. We first asked about this well over a year ago so we have respected totally the laws etc.

    Amazed the agent has not replied; it may be that he has spoken to the LL and nothing then done. So we will copy all letters to the agent also.

    Explaining what we are doing and why.

    The LL is a strange man to deal with, last autumn I had an email from a stranger saying he was mailing for the LL ( who cannot even get the hang of messages on his cell phone..) wanting to arrange to view the house, as if he were selling it, Utter panic and we started looking on daft.. Finally the agent, a local man, said that he thought he was on about an inspection and was going the wrong way about it and we heard no more. And now even when the plumber comes, the LL does not come near the inside of the house. So he has been told we think.

    We just want to get this soirted so we are not out of pocket and also can keep the house nice ourselves without intrusion, We have serious health issues and came to this house as we were promised seclusion and privacy.

    The lack of communication is maddening, How he runs the cattle business escapes me... Ah well; again, thank you for the support and the air is a little clearer now. We do not want anyone upset just for things to be done in a businesslike and hassle free way.

    Blessings and peace

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    Updating this after yesterday...

    We stopped the rent for this month only, explaining fully to the agent why etc; it pays the back money on the fence and a little left for paint etc.

    That was on 17th and nothing has been said etc. I imgaine the agent who is on our side always, has said something.

    Interesting though. After the bad storm here in West Cork, I noticed the cattle had gone from the field next to the house. Assumed he had taken them out as the deluges were so bad.

    Yesterday afternoon he appeared at the wall, looking very woebegone. The electric fence had been struck by lightning, and the cattle had panicked in the storm and vanished. He had at that stage only found half of them " Over half the county they are.. desperate altogether.."

    He is very country Irish and at some stage he is going to see this as divine justice. .... Interesting life we lead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,879 ✭✭✭D3PO

    your an absolute disgrace. You have no right to withold rent because you want the place painted.

    whatever about the electricity you have no right to demand paint materials after two years. You chose to live there not the other way around.

    Rogue tenants are just as bad as rogue landlords and you are certainly the former.

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭jimmydkid

    I can see this getting very messy. i know you are frustrated with the lack of response from your land lord but you cant stop rent any time you feel like it to do things around the house, If the landlord is not doing his job i would consider moving out. I also have an electric fence in one of my tenants garden sheds and i give them twenty euros per year to cover cost. Id suggest to organise a meeting between the agent, landlord and yourselves and get everything sorted out properly

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    D3PO wrote: »
    your an absolute disgrace. You have no right to withold rent because you want the place painted.

    whatever about the electricity you have no right to demand paint materials after two years. You chose to live there not the other way around.

    Rogue tenants are just as bad as rogue landlords and you are certainly the former.

    I have reported this post of course.

    But I am honouring your rude and offensive post with a reasoned and reasonable reply.

    Maybe if you read the entire thread?

    So it it OK for a landlord to leach money off disabled pensioner tenants month after month so that they cannot afford to heat the house in winter? Which is what has been happening here the last whiles.

    It is OK for a landlord to ignore pleas about this? Month after month after month?

    We have said that we have no intention of taking this to PTRB as the LL is illiterate and it would shame and upset him greatly. And we would not do this to anyone.

    This is an old house and needs constant upkeep to avoid it deteriorating further, which means paint. We are happy to do the work, to look after his house, but we cannot afford to pay for materials. We live way below the so-called poverty level.

    No demands made; simply for safety and comfort. Paint is falling off walls etc and the plaster is old now.

    One room needs attention after a pipe burst; it is unusable just now. That also has been ignored.

    No one here is calling anyione names. ( except you!)Simply striving to find a way through a very taxing situation without causing offence or involving tribunals etc.

    Which in poor health we could not cope with.

    The only person using abusive words and throwing heinous and unjustified accusations around is yourself.

    If that is how you choose to look at the world, you are very welcome to do that.

    Does not impress us or anyone else.

    Clearly our actions have been accepted and the debt the ll owes is now cleared.

    No one here is rogue anything. We pay our rent and we take care of the house. But there comes a time when things have to be set right. There really does. And it has been two years.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    jimmydkid wrote: »
    I can see this getting very messy. i know you are frustrated with the lack of response from your land lord but you cant stop rent any time you feel like it to do things around the house, If the landlord is not doing his job i would consider moving out. I also have an electric fence in one of my tenants garden sheds and i give them twenty euros per year to cover cost. Id suggest to organise a meeting between the agent, landlord and yourselves and get everything sorted out properly

    We tried for this and reply or response.... and clearly something had to be done. ....It really did.

    As far as we are concerned, all is now clear. Chatted amicably with the ll yesterday and nothing was said so it seems this has been accepted and all is fine.

    In all our previous dealings with the ll, it has been the agent who has sorted him out so we are sure that this has been done this time. There have been a few smaller issues and this is what we have done then.

    I am glad that you have dealt openly with your own tenants about this. Thank you.

    It is the total lack of replies or responses to queries that has necessitated this action. We can barely afford to run any heating here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Graces7 wrote: »
    He is an amateur simply; one of the nouveau riche in Ireland. Illiterate and paperwork panics him; not his fault as he would have been taken out of school to do the farmwork, being the eldest. Dresses like a tramp and can hardly speak real English so communication gets hard.
    Things are different with these rural landlords!

    Graces7 wrote: »
    No one here is calling anyione names. ( except you!)Simply striving to find a way through a very taxing situation without causing offence or involving tribunals etc.

    Actually you are in my opinion.
    You have labelled the guy illiterate, complained he dresses like a tramp, can't speak English and then you go on to made a snide remark about rural landlords.

    Being of a farming background, leaving school early does not necessarily make people somehow illiterate tramps who surprisingly cannot run a business.
    Some of the nicest people and some of my relatives match most of your description.

    And on the other side some of the most untrustworthy lying cheating backstabing gits I have met are the ones that happen to dress impeccably, have gone to some of the best universities and sound totally posh.
    All of that still does not alter their underlying character.
    It simply dresses it up under a mask.

    You landlord appears to be a bit of a cheapskate, but from reading your posts you appear to have a superiority complex going on.

    You are right that the landlord should not have the electric fence on your electrcity bill and he should make sure the house is in good condition, but there is something from the tone of your posts that makes me think some of the problems with communication rest on your side also.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,402 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    D3PO wrote: »
    your an absolute disgrace.
    Tone it down.

    The landlord appears to be taking liberties, including stealing electricity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭Dymo

    Graces7 wrote: »
    Had five moves in as many years and the last one nearly killed me.

    I know and a lot of them documented here on boards (and your eviction), everywhere you go you seem to have huge problems with your landlords and never ever have you once been culpable for any of it. And never learning from your past experiences
    He is an amateur simply; one of the nouveau riche in Ireland. Illiterate and paperwork panics him; not his fault as he would have been taken out of school to do the farmwork, being the eldest.

    Dresses like a tramp and can hardly speak real English so communication gets hard. It was only recently I saw where he lives! A palace, new built, and his sister the same. Here it is rural and rich. Clearly he got rich by acting like this. lol!

    This sums up the attitude you have for him and I'd like to hear his side of the story as he hasn't got a voice here. As your on Rent Allowance you have no right to keep the money that is intended for the landlord, it should be returned to the SW

  • Registered Users Posts: 350 ✭✭Baralis1

    To be honest, the electric fence barely uses any electricity. All they do is carry a very low current, just enough to shock an animal that wanders too close around a field. It is an extreme exaggeration to try and claim that this has had any effect whatsoever on your ESB bill. Now he could give you a couple of euro a year as a gesture for having it but it would be pretty mean spirited not to allow him to leave it there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭ootbitb

    Baralis1 wrote: »
    To be honest, the electric fence barely uses any electricity. All they do is carry a very low current, just enough to shock an animal that wanders too close around a field. It is an extreme exaggeration to try and claim that this has had any effect whatsoever on your ESB bill. Now he could give you a couple of euro a year as a gesture for having it but it would be pretty mean spirited not to allow him to leave it there.

    Agreed it probably cost only 20 euro or so to run the fence but he is avoiding the cost of installing his own ESB meter and the monthly standing charge.

    I believe every tenant is entitled to their own meter without interference from the landlord.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 407 ✭✭LLU

    A typical mains powered fence will be rated 10 watts, even at that it will probably draw half that. So for the worst case lets say 10 watts x 24 hours per day x 365 days per year this comes to €16.10 or €18.27 incl VAT. Realistically it's more likely costing you in the region of €10 per annum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭peter_dublin

    Graces7 wrote: »
    Updating this after yesterday...

    We stopped the rent for this month only, explaining fully to the agent why etc; it pays the back money on the fence and a little left for paint etc.

    That was on 17th and nothing has been said etc. I imgaine the agent who is on our side always, has said something.

    And yet Graces7 has withheld a full months rent for it and if enough is left some paint, how can she deduce it would cost a full months rent to run it to date but seemingly perform no calculations which would have revealed the cost. As it has been said before it works both ways with tenants and landlords and this seems to be the other.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,237 ✭✭✭✭djimi

    Graces7 wrote: »
    He is an amateur simply; one of the nouveau riche in Ireland. Illiterate and paperwork panics him; not his fault as he would have been taken out of school to do the farmwork, being the eldest. Dresses like a tramp and can hardly speak real English so communication gets hard. It was only recently I saw where he lives! A palace, new built, and his sister the same. Here it is rural and rich. Clearly he got rich by acting like this. lol!
    Graces7 wrote: »
    We have said that we have no intention of taking this to PTRB as the LL is illiterate and it would shame and upset him greatly. And we would not do this to anyone.

    Not having a go but just out of curiosity if he is as bad as you say he is then why did you get involved with him in the first place, and given the way he has carried on (based on what you have said in this thread and in others) why on earth do you care in the slightest about him with regards taking a PRTB case against him? From all that you have said this man is criminally unsuitable to be a landlord and his actions should not be allowed to continue, be it whether it is you or another tenant that is involved.

    Personally I would be doing all in my power to ensure that this man is never allowed to rent out property again; there are enough rogue/unsuitable landlords in this country and we as tenants should be doing all that we can to ensure that they are stamped out as quickly as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭Odelay

    I also agree, you seem to have a lot of bad luck with landlords. How could this be?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Lalaloca

    Pack your bags and go. Problem solved. In a nutshell -s*** or get off the pot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,420 ✭✭✭✭athtrasna

    Lalaloca wrote: »
    Pack your bags and go. Problem solved. In a nutshell -s*** or get off the pot.

    If you read the OP's post you will see that they are not young and mobile like most tenants. And in some of the country, rental properties are not readily available.

    While I don't condone witholding of rent, the OP has discussed it with the letting agent and so is not totally doing it alone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,391 ✭✭✭✭mikom

    Odelay wrote: »
    I also agree, you seem to have a lot of bad luck with landlords. How could this be?
    Lalaloca wrote: »
    Pack your bags and go. Problem solved. In a nutshell -s*** or get off the pot.

    The bags know how to pack themselves at this stage I'd say...

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,402 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Constructive posts only please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,338 ✭✭✭convert

    The house I'm living in at the moment is situated on about 20acres of land. There's electric fence wire around all the ditches. I was curious to see how much the electric fencer would cost, and switched off all other power except the fencer. The dial barely turned. However, it was a whole other story when I plugged in the freezer... It costs an awful lot more to run it than the fencer... :(

    If you have access to the meter, I suggest you plug everything out, except the electric fencer, record the meter reading, come back a few hours later, take the new meter reading and then, based on the usage in that period, work out how much the landlord owes you for running the electric fencer off your meter. You might be pleasantly surprised at how little he owes you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    convert wrote: »
    The house I'm living in at the moment is situated on about 20acres of land. There's electric fence wire around all the ditches. I was curious to see how much the electric fencer would cost, and switched off all other power except the fencer. The dial barely turned. However, it was a whole other story when I plugged in the freezer... It costs an awful lot more to run it than the fencer... :(

    If you have access to the meter, I suggest you plug everything out, except the electric fencer, record the meter reading, come back a few hours later, take the new meter reading and then, based on the usage in that period, work out how much the landlord owes you for running the electric fencer off your meter. You might be pleasantly surprised at how little he owes you!

    We have the last bill from before we moved in so we know the cost fully and accurately. And have rated it accordingly of course.

    No one but folk here are making a fuss about our decision. Interesting is that. Landlord and agent are fine. We are fine.

    As are the lengths some go to here to insult and accuse. Says much re the accusers of course. Picky., picky , picky!!!:rolleyes:;)

    And it would be bizarre to pay money to someone who owes you money ...

    Interesting too the pro-landlord and pro-tenant divide here. Always the same of course and it gets so predictable.

    Same old digs when someone is not acting as you think they should....Yawn...

    Over and out on this for me... Blessings and peace. Have a nice day...

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    djimi wrote: »
    Not having a go but just out of curiosity if he is as bad as you say he is then why did you get involved with him in the first place, and given the way he has carried on (based on what you have said in this thread and in others) why on earth do you care in the slightest about him with regards taking a PRTB case against him? From all that you have said this man is criminally unsuitable to be a landlord and his actions should not be allowed to continue, be it whether it is you or another tenant that is involved.

    Personally I would be doing all in my power to ensure that this man is never allowed to rent out property again; there are enough rogue/unsuitable landlords in this country and we as tenants should be doing all that we can to ensure that they are stamped out as quickly as possible.

    We do care deeply about this man. Period. We know him and respect him in spite of all the problems.

    And he respects us in his own way.

    Because we know his limitations and his strengths. And a case etc would destroy the man and is not needful and would achieve nothing.

    Soem here know the trouble we had with the old man next door.

    Unsuitable sums it up perfectly.. But we are finding ways to sort issues. Maybe unorthodox but they work in the end. ;)

    And if that suits both parties that is fine surely.

    No he is not in any way criminally unsuitable... simply .. a word like ignorant has bad connotations. But it fits here. He genuinely had no idea of what was to be done and what was right and expected. And red tape and paperwork floor him. I would nto do that to him and it is not needful.

    He had no idea re privacy; the agent was asked re that and he took that in hand and now we have privacy.

    For now we are here. Not able to go anywhere much. And so many features here accommodate our health and other needs.

    As someone said, properties, especially with any special needs and on RA are very hard to find, and never perfect. And yes, rural letting is different from a city.

    We know too that when our time here ends, the house will revert to empty. As it was before we came.

    So if needs be to sort issues in an unorthodox way, fine and good.

    When the cattle got loose in the storm he came round so we could commiserate and that is all fine too.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Graces7 wrote: »
    He is very country Irish

    If you don't like it, Just Leave.:D

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    Lalaloca wrote: »
    Pack your bags and go. Problem solved. In a nutshell -s*** or get off the pot.

    If you disagree with a post- refute the post- without attacking the poster. Its not difficult to remain civil towards one another. Any more snide jeering comments like this- and you will have a holiday from posting in this forum. Regards, SMcCarrick

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor


    If you don't like it, Just Leave.:D

    Read my last post. If you disagree with a post- refute the post, without attacking the poster. Its not the wild west here, and its not difficult to remain civil towards one another. If you want to make sarcastic remarks or comments- take it elsewhere- or you will have a holiday from posting in this forum.


