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And here we go....



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Did a quick session (had to cut it short to help around the house) will do another later.


    My Fatgripz arrived! :D

    20 Burpees

    3 sets of swinging sixties - using my new toys :D
    For those who are new
    SS = 10 x Pulll ups, Push ups, Hanging leg raises, Dips, Sissy Squats, Back Bridges. No rest between exercises

    +1 for Hanley's recommendation

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Did some more pullup and pushup work.
    Alternating close underhand and overhand grip with the Fatgripzzzz (TM)
    8,8,8,8,8,5,5 = 50 reps if my maths is correct

    Pushups 25 semi planche with feet on bench
    15 diamond with feet on bench
    15 pike pushups same story :D

    Did some eccentric curlz with the gripz attached.

    Handstand work

    Overall very satisfied with the Gripz and they get my seal of approval. Go and buy them. Now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    So the Bar-Barians requirements of membership

    5 Muscle ups
    45 Dips
    25 Pullups
    55 pushups
    5 Muscle ups

    Within 6 minutes

    5 Muscle ups - Check
    45 Dips - Check
    25 Pullups - Check
    55 Pushups - Checkerino :cool:
    5 Muscle ups - Not so much check :o

    My arms gave up after the pushups, done and drained. I need to build endurance and possibly rest a few days before giving this a go again :D. I had to pause occasionally during the sets and maybe should have rested slightly more between exercises rather than jumping into them.

    Almost there though so happy out :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Easy day today. L-Sits and parallette work + handstands.

    I know I sound like an endorser for fat gripz but genuinely surprised at how much harder pull ups are with them !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    20 Burpees this morning
    3 sets of 25 pushups (diamond, semi planche)
    3 sets of 15 pike pushups

    22 pullups, lost 3 reps from lack of regular pullup work, this will need to be rectified.
    12 overhand close grip pulls
    15 close grip chins
    15 pullups

    Training short as I am going to Budapest!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Fun in the sun!

    Budapest is like 30+ degrees

    Out in the park

    5 x 20 diamond pushups

    Loads of pullups. Close grip, wide grip, behind the neck, fat gripz, you name it. Wasn't counting just whatever I could manage + Muscle ups.

    Will get into a set routine!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Morning pushups

    5 x 25 diamond 1 - 2 min rest between sets

    So turns out I wasn't doing the pseudo planche properly, checked some youtube vids and learned I needed more forward lean

    6 x 8 Pseudo Planche

    4 x 8 Pike pushups with legs on chair.

    Handstand holds against the wall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Joined a gym here in Budapest

    5 x 20 - 25 Diamond Pushups

    120 x 5
    138 x 5
    158 x 6

    Bulgarian Lunges
    1 x BW x 20
    1 x 24 kg x 15
    1 x 40 kg x 10

    Gironda Dips- 15,15,12,10

    Dragon flag 3x3

    Wall walking bridges 3 x 10
    Some pullups with the Fat gripz
    Curls and Lateral raises 8kgs with Fat Gripz

    100 seated calf raises with 30 kgs

    Probably hit the park later for pullup training

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ironically was raining all day today so the bar was wet at the park = no Muscle ups!

    So did pullups/chins


    80 secs rest. Alternated grip.

    Played 1 on 1 footy with the bro. A lot of sprints! :D

    Good day overall.
    Time to go gorge myself on cherries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Pseudo Planche pushups

    8 x 5

    Seated Calf raises 4 x 25 x 60kgs

    Inbetween each set 150 skipping rope jumps

    Standing calf raises 3 x 15 x 135kg

    Same thing with jump rope

    Shoulder Dislocates

    Stair master thingy 10 minutes

    Elliptical Trainer 10 minutes

    20 Burpees

    1 Set donkey calf raises x 20

    More of a cardio session as you can see!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Muscle ups in the parrrrrk

    5 x 5
    1 x 3

    Some fat gripz pullups, wide grip, behind the neck

    Front tuck holds and raises, also did some single leg front lever work.
    Back lever tucks
    Skin the cats 1 x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Man, I am loving the farmer's markets here. So much fresh fruit,veg, meat and dairy for cheap!

    Diamond Pushups 5 x 20

    Squats (low bar, getttttting there)
    98 x 5
    108 x 5
    122 x 5

    Pistols 3x8
    Sissy squats 1 x 20; 1 x 15

    Eccentric Curlz & Lateral raizzzes with the gripz (Superset)

    Plyometric/explosive pushups
    5 x 10

    L-Sit into ass ups 3 x 8
    Semi front lever raises
    Hanging leg raises

    Seated/Standing calf raises

    The thing I find about bw training is that it is very draining, you aren't very sore afterwards, you just can't do anymore. Your body says no and thats it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Great post I found on elbow care

    Morning Park workout.

    Human flag practice. Starting to get the hang of the arm positions, now to keep at it.

    Pull/chin ups

    10x10 using different grips

    Handstand pushups 3x3
    Pike Pushups 4 x 10
    Psuedo Planche Pushups 4 x 10
    Leaning dips to l-sits 5 x 10
    Calf raises single/double around 150

    Might have to back off the HSPUs as I get a shooting pain on the outside of the elbow, same with muscle ups.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Weird thing is, pullups and chins are fine!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Man, working out in the heat is really really hard.

    Sitting pretty at 85.5kgs

    So today

    Kickbacks, Curlz and lateral raises. Nice and slow only with 8kgs.

    Diamond pushups 5 x 20

    Side planks 60s

    Front Squats 3 x 8 x 85kgs

    Gironda Dips 2 x 10

    Some calf raises.

    Park later!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1


    Small victory but I'll take it.

    Held a semi flag for about 2 seconds a few times. No momentum just pure hold. Feet were tilted downwards but it was something! :D

    Did some pullups and muscle ups and some lever work too. Most of the focus was on the flag though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    5 x 10 Ring pullups

    Skin the cats into back tucks

    Front tuck holds

    15 chinups

    15 pullups

    Calf raises between sets

    Hands are calloused pretty bad and the pullup work was sore on them. Need to sort that out. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Afternoon in the park.

    40 degrees in the sun.

    Not exactly a very intense workout!

    Did some more flag practice. (Wasn't a fluke :D)

    Some pullups

    Dips into L-sits

    Some muscle ups

    Handstand work

    And a lot of sweating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Training in this heat is very draining. Lose battery power faster than my smartphone.

    130 x 3
    152 x 3
    172 x 3

    Hamstring curls 1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8
    Back Hyperextensions 2 x 15
    Diamond pushups 5 x 20
    L-Sit in ass ups 3 x 8
    Gironda Dips 3 x 12
    Curl & lateral raise supersets with the gripz. Eccentrics.
    Bulgarian lunges 1 x 20 BW, 2 x 8 (2 20 kg plates).

    I have yet to see anyone squat or deadlift here. Not that my numbers are impressive by any means but everyone just seems to bench. I guess what I am trying to say is that I miss Raw....sigh....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1


    L sits on the floor
    Front tuck holds. BOOYA
    Handstand pushups 4 x 3
    Pseudo planche pushups 4 x 8
    Pike pushups 4 x 10

    Afternoon park
    10 x 10 pullups varying grips
    Flag practice

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1


    Same as the day before.

    Except mix of muscle ups and pullups in the park


    3 x 8 x 90kg Front squats

    6 Sets of varying dips x 12 (front lean, gironda, tuck)

    3 x 20 diamond pushups

    3 x 5 Dragon flags with the last rep being held as long as possible

    A few curls

    I found a new calf routine.
    Two sets in:

    First set: Standing calf raises: 12 reps (reps until not perfect form)
    30 seconds of Partial reps (my god the burn)
    Second set: Reps to failure
    30 seconds calf stretch at the bottom
    3rd set same as the second:
    4th set Drop the weight: Same as the 2nd
    5th & 6th set: Repeat set 1 & 2
    7th & 8th Set: Drop weight again set 1 & 2

    x 3 sets of reverse calf raises x 10 and 30 seconds partial reps

    I felt like I was kicked in the legs after that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Loads of pullups and muscle ups

    Skipping in the park

    Oh yeah and:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    I am surprised (in a good way at how many people read my log). Thanks guys. Here is an update pic :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Lower back and calf doms ouch...

    A lot of foam rolling was done this morning!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Didn't really do much yday. Mocks took it out of me.

    Today however was good!


    102.5 x 3
    117.5 x 3
    132.5 x 4

    Calf routine
    Seated Calf raises
    10 strict reps
    30s partials
    Reduce Weight no rest
    Perfect reps to failure
    30s partial
    Reduce Weight no rest
    Perfect reps to Failure
    30s partials

    x 2

    My god the burn
    Reverse Calf raises x 10
    30s partials
    x 2

    Kill me.

    1 Set of dragon flags x 5 (back was still sore)
    3 sets of Dips x 15
    Hanging leg raises all the way up 2 x 10
    Front lever raises 2 x 5

    3 x 20 Diamond Pushups

    And to finish

    Did some wall walking and floor bridges too.

    20 x 100kg squats!

    I think my back will have a serious discussion with me tomorrow :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    11 x 12 Pullups

    2 minutes rest between sets.

    Some muscle ups

    Flag practice. One side is stronger than the other but going well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭blah88

    Hey there, thought you'd be the best person to ask. I'm going on holidays soon for two weeks and won't have access to a gym. Just wondering what kind of bodyweight exercies I should do to try and maintain my strength. I'm sure I'll be able to find something I can do chin ups on. Currently the only bodyweight exercises I do are weighted dips and chins. Any advice would be great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Pretty much the stuff I do in my log, without sounding smart

    Nice slow sets of diamond and pseudo planche pushups (check youtube for these)

    Sissy squats and burpees.

    Pike pushups for the shoulders

    Back Bridges for the lower back

    Yeah loads of pullups, hanging leg raises are also great

    As for sets and reps, its hard to say really because with BW stuff your body just sort of tells you when enough is enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    I did 8 but my brother decided he would film 7 :D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 341 ✭✭BL1993

    I only saw 7.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    You don't know what you saw because you fell.
