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And here we go....



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Noticing much of a difference in your calves with the new programs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Yes! Big time. They are finally responding and while I won't say the are monstrous. There is a definite improve in size and definition

    Here is the actual place I found the programme

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Yes! Big time. They are finally responding and while I won't say the are monstrous. There is a definite improve in size and definition

    Here is the actual place I found the programme

    It hurts like hell too. Thank god I had a foam roller after my 1st session trying this programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    So yesterday I trained with a friend of mine from France, showed him a few moves

    3 x 25 diamond pushups supersetted with 3 x 15 knee tucks (7.5kg)

    Semi planche pushups 3 x 8 with front tuck raises supersets 3 x 8

    10 lateral raises, 12 curls, 10 bent over lateral raises with fat gripz (8kg) super set
    3 x 15 reverse pushups

    He was in a rush so I introduced the calf destroyer programme to him and we did half of it.

    In the evening I did 3/4 stand to stand ab rollers - I don't go all the way out, I hit the wall to stop me so I can go back, but almost there.
    Also did some headstand pushups.
    Working on a new move that I can now sort of do - I go into a headstand and do a reverse leg raise. I lower my legs down from the wall and try bring them to a 90 degree angle to my body. Surprisingly tough

    135 x 3
    155 x 3
    175 x 4

    Semi-Glute Ham raise (these are hard as fsck) - 3 x 8

    Dragon flags 1 x 6; 1 x 10

    Bulgarian lunges (2 x 20kg kettlebells)
    1 x 8
    2 x 10

    Quite a few muscle ups with bar dips

    3 x 5 assisted stand to stand bridges with a 10 rep floor bridge on the last rep of each set

    L-sit pullups 2 x 8
    Normal pullups, not sure how many.

    I am just working on the last few weeks of my FAEs and need to put together an actual pullup/pushup routine including weighted stuff. Right now just sort of doing whatever feels good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Today's sessssssss -

    Weighted vest - 30 kgs

    5 pullups
    5 chinups
    5 ring pull ups


    Pushups - 5 (Body said no more lol)

    Unweighted stuff
    Fat gripz pullups 15,10,10

    Fat Gripz dips - 15, 15, 15

    L-sit into butt ups - 2 x 8
    Some curls and lateral raise work with gripz

    Sissy squats - just kind of threw these in during rest - 2 x 10

    Ring pullups to failure at the end which was a set of 8 (poor lol).

    Breaking Benjamin got me through the workout just fine!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Just an update pic, from the webcam. Tried to get legs in there too.



    Been hitting the froot loops hard recently, it shows, not quite as lean as I was!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Front Squat
    110 x 5
    120 x 3
    130 x 1 (New PB)

    Kettlebells 2 x 16kg x 3 each leg

    Sissy Squats 3 x 15

    Muscle ups x 10 (chest was sooooore after yesterday)

    Assisted Stand to stand bridges 1 x 5
    Floor bridges 1 x 15

    Calf Destroyer programme A

    Was in and out quite quick

    Highlights from training

    Got the 120 x 3, the 130 x 1 and some other stuff.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1


    115 x 5
    130 x 3
    145 x 2

    Front tuck raises
    Front tuck pullups
    3 x 8
    Back hang to back tuck
    3 x8
    (All on the rings)

    Reverse pushups 1 x 15
    Some Close grip pullups

    Also there was 180kgs left on a bar on the floor so I decided to deadlift it once :D, just coz

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    superb man, tip top shape, very impressive lats, massive legs - how u manage to get them that big? not so sure about the boxers though?!
    ferike1 wrote: »
    Just an update pic, from the webcam. Tried to get legs in there too.



    Been hitting the froot loops hard recently, it shows, not quite as lean as I was!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Haha, yeah hindsight is a great thing and maybe the boxers were not the best choice.

    Cheers on the leg complement. I try hard to keep them in proportion as much as possible.
    Front squats,
    Back squats
    Sissy squats
    Glute Ham raises
    Bulgarian lunges

    Those are my leg exercises, usually its Deadlifts + Lunges + GHR & either Front/Back squats with sissy + pistols split. I also throw in the occasional few sets of sissy's/pistols on non leg days.

    For size I really find the sissy squats at higher reps + front squats hit them and for the hamstrings its the lunges + raises.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    r u back in eire? u should consider offering personal training man.

    never knew what a sissy squat was till u lashed up that video, wonder why they r called sissy squats - they look more difficult than the normal ones...

    u r fairly packin the boxers too man ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Yeah I am back in Ireland alright!

    Sissy squats are harder than regular air squats for sure!

    I would love to do PT, just need to get qualified in some capacity.
    Probably once I finish my professional accountancy.

    Btw, out of action for the next few days guys.
    Woke up this morning, sick as a dog. Tonsils killing me with a fever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    What kinda of pressure do them sissy squats put on your knees?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ant11 wrote: »
    What kinda of pressure do them sissy squats put on your knees?

    I find them okay. I think if you get the technique right they are fine. Like normal squats. I think also because I do them unweighted only takes pressure off the knees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Ant11 wrote: »
    What kinda of pressure do them sissy squats put on your knees?

    I find them okay. I think if you get the technique right they are fine. Like normal squats. I think also because I do them unweighted only takes pressure off the knees.

    Cheers I might have a go and see how it feels. I'm always cautious of my knees, I've been through the wars with them. I'm only back squatting the last 6 months so I've a bit of catching up to do with my legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ah right well I have never had knee trouble thank god so maybe be more careful!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Ah right well I have never had knee trouble thank god so maybe be more careful!

    Tried them today, actually enjoyed doing them. No problem at all on my knees:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    So just an update on future plans.

    I recently stopped doing benching or overhead pressing as part of wendler. I will experiment and replace them with weighted dips and pullups. I am also going to train front squats with wendler. This will entail a 4 day split of squats/deadlift/front squats/ weighted dips & pullups. The rest of the work will be calisthenics similar to DJ funk. I will probably focus on short quick sessions so I can train x2 per day.

    Right now just recuperating. .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    A few more pics from different angles - Please feel free to critique! I want to hit the areas you guys think are lagging!
    Front double bi


    Front lat spread (someone order a cobra? :lol: )

    Shoulder 1

    Shoulder 2

    Feeling a lot better today :cheers:

    L sit on the floor and parallettes
    Front tuck holds

    Superman pushups 1 x 20

    Headstand pushups 2 x 5
    Pike pushups 1 x 10; 1 x 15

    Headstand leg raises
    3 x 8

    Ab wheel rollouts
    Stand to wall
    2 x 5
    Floor rollouts
    1 x 20

    Diamond pushups
    2 x 30
    Reverse pushups
    2 x 15
    Semi planche pushups
    4 x 8

    Sissy squats
    2 x 20

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    there is nothing lagging man, pretty much the perfect body. what are u weighing in at currently and what is your bf%? have u measured ur biceps, chest, waist, calves? fair play to you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    gymtime wrote: »
    there is nothing lagging man, pretty much the perfect body. what are u weighing in at currently and what is your bf%? have u measured ur biceps, chest, waist, calves? fair play to you.

    Cheers! Sound of you to say! I think the lighting makes me look better though :D. I am not actually that big really. I know my arm measurements are around 16 inches. I weigh 84kgs, checked that today.

    So still a bit run down but all things considered not a bad session

    185x1 (this was a struggle, the sickness had its effects)

    Semi Glute ham raise
    3 x 8

    Bulgarian Lunges
    40kgs x 8 each leg

    1 Set of plyometric pushups

    Superman into pike pushups 5 of each x 3

    Calf Destroyer Programme B (the seated one)

    Some lateral raises and curls with the fat gripz

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Was that you in Raw earlier?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Ah right, I figured it might have been you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    how much sleep do you need doing the training you do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    gymtime wrote: »
    how much sleep do you need doing the training you do?

    Would be interested to know this too!

    Also just wondering myself how the L sit works. Do you just hold it in the L position for a couple of seconds and return feet to floor, and that would be one rep?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    6-8 hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    no afternoon nap? i suppose doing all of that training will increase your energy levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Light workout

    3 x 5 HSPU's
    3 x 12 Parallete pike pushups
    3 x 20 reverse pushups
    L sit work.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭gymtime

    article on intermittent fasting in the weekend section of today's Irish Indo..did you read?
