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Temple of Set

  • 10-06-2012 1:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭

    Hi Everyone,
    I was recently posting about Satanism in another thread on and I thought it may be of interest to some to learn a little more about the Left Hand Path School known as the Temple of Set. As there is a lot of misinformation abound online and superstitiousness I thought I would post resources here and information for those curious, interested or those that want to ask questions. I've been affiliated with the Temple of Set for a number of years so I can speak from experience and I live in Dublin.

    Ill begin this thread with a brief outline of what the ToS is and define a few key words.

    The Temple of Set is probably best described as an Initiatory magical order of the Left Hand Path, a description which probably doesn't mean much to those without occult backgrounds.

    "Initiatory" means the ToS advocates self-advancement through a series of levels of self-knowledge. It is a process of conscious self exploration with the goal of actualising ones individual potential [in my School this can be referred to as ones NonNatural Identity].

    "Magical" means that the ToS openly works with magic (non-scientific cause and effect), not stage magic.

    "Left Hand Path" indicates that the path followed by Initiates is one of concentration and refinement of the self, leading toward more and more individuality and more and more individualism, as opposed to the Right Hand Path goals of growing toward some outwardly given standard or tradition.

    The primary source for information concerning the Temple of Set is at its own public web site:

    For the first time since its release Michael A. Aquino's Black Magic In Theory & Practice is officially available to the public at large. This has been obtainable 'unofficially' for some time but this is the only accurate, current, and complete "BM" on MA Aquinos Temple webpage. Located here:

    The Crystal Tablet of Set is the documents available to the Iº Setian after being accepted for affiliation with the Temple of Set. Black Magic in Theory and Practice is one of the books from that Tablet. Black Magic is a summary of the history, principles, and philosophy of the Temple and its initiatory system. While Black Magic was originally intended for Setians only, so many incomplete, inaccurate, and obsolete versions of it have been pirated on the Internet that public disclosure of the complete, accurate, and current text is appropriate.
    Included with this file is the Temple of Set Reading List (several of whose publications are referenced in the Black Magic text). Available here:

    Well worth a study read if you are drawn to Darkness and its Prince.
    General information on the ToS available here:

    Also available at this website is MA Aquinos Church of Satan.
    The CoS is a documentary history of the 1966-1975 Church of Satan and in my opinion [as a once practicing Satanist] is the only reference material needed for that Golden Era of Diabolical Indulgence along with the Satanic Bible. CoS available here:

    I hope you enjoy the links. Feel free to comment, ask questions or discuss.
    Ill add more information and links to this thread in time.




  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Hi everyone.
    I have been asked many times about the Temples patron the Prince of Darkness. The Prince of Darkness is THE First Form or general principle of isolate intelligence from which all manifestations of individual consciousness [aka your subjective universe] are derived. The Prince of Darkness is the ULTIMATE deity of the Left Hand Path.

    Here is an excellent essay by Don Webb about the PoD. Enjoy.

    The Prince of Darkness

    Christianity calls him Satan. Ancient Egypt called him Set. Who or what is the Prince of Darkness?

    Back in 1996, Gwen Saylor was seeking to better understand the differences between Satanism and the rest of modern Paganism. Part of this discussion compared the modern Pagan view of Satanism against the Christian view. She suggested the following as an initial definition:

    A Satanist seeks to control and modify life to suit himself; his deity is the entity considered the opposite of the Catholic "God." A Satanist is a pagan and a ceremonial magician who feels free to do whatever is pleasurable with no threat hanging over him.
    Instead, I offered "...this deity is an entity which Christianity has declared evil, and which Christianity considers the opposite of the Catholic 'God.'" That requires some explanation to be clear.

    Let's first remove ourselves from specific modern or historical religions by not giving him the name of any specific religion, but rather let's call this deity4 the Prince of Darkness.

    The Prince of Darkness is a spirit of rebellion (Question Authority and never sell yourself into slavery; become, be, and stay free). He's a spirit of independence, intelligence, will, pride, indulgence, enjoyment, and similar qualities.

    The Prince of Darkness has been represented by a large variety of gods and spirits throughout mankind's history. Set, Odhinn, Loki, Mercury, Prometheus, Coyote, and Quetzalcoatl share characteristics of the Prince of Darkness, as do quite a few others. If there is one Prince of Darkness rather than a family of related beings (not yet conclusively determined), then how well any of these compares to the Prince of Darkness is subject to speculation and debate.

    For instance, one aspect of the Prince of Darkness held by many Setians is that the Prince of Darkness is self-created. Though that seems to imply that he didn't always exist, it's very possible that his views/experiences of time are different from ours, and that in our space/time continuum he has always existed. Many other religions do not include this attribute of self-creation as part of their definition of the Prince of Darkness.

    Christianity's Satan lives in the underworld called Hell. I wouldn't call the Prince of Darkness an "underworld" deity, since I personally generally "place" the Prince of Darkness into the night sky, among the stars, rather than under the ground. Others view the Prince of Darkness as a spirit of nature and/or "of this world", roaming its surface rather than being above or below the surface.

    The Prince of Darkness is often associated with the left hand path, usually viewing the Left Hand Path as that path of extreme individuality and independence from everything (more extreme as you veer more to the left).

    To the extent that the Prince of Darkness wants people to do things, those things are to explore the pleasures of life, to intensify our indulgence in life, without sacrificing our independence but instead increasing our independence from each other and from society. We should strengthen our self-knowledge and power, our confidence and pride (intelligently and based on reality, not falsely swelling our pride based solely on imagination), and accomplish what we choose.

    Among these is the pursuit and accumulation of knowledge. The Pope was right to castigate Galileo -- his accomplishments were the work of the Prince of Darkness, and Galileo (and similar scientific greats) are honored by modern Satanists.

    Among the many areas of knowledge which the Prince of Darkness leads us to is the occult study of magic. Those who work with the Prince of Darkness are often magicians, those who are studying and (trying to) work the arts of occult magic. Most Satanists are magicians, but not all. Most of those who are magicians are ceremonial magicians, but not all. Among those that are ceremonial magicians, not only the magicians who believe in the Prince of Darkness as a being, but also most of those who see him as symbol, form, or metaphor will invoke the Prince of Darkness as if he were a being during magical ritual.

    Gwen asked a very important question about this activity, the ritual invocation of the Prince of Darkness:

    When you invoke him, how do you know it's him? I'm not being sarcastic at all with any of this, so don't ever be thinking that. To explain, I think maybe it'd be best if I tell you what I believe as a pantheist magician. I believe the Universe is God (not the Xtian "God" in any way), who is not "out there" waiting for us to pray to it, but contains all the energies anyone could ever hope for, including all the spirits. As one of these spirits, I am a god (note that I hang in there with what I was taught in English classes and don't care much if I'm PC on gender). I don't worship the gods of any pantheons, since I believe they are of human construction, but I do recognize that some entities may choose to play god for anyone who wants them to. Therefore, I am careful *not* to invoke anybody. On occasion I use circles and ritual to raise and hold and discharge intent. I have permanently protected my space.
    It's a fair question. If there is a powerful Prince of Darkness that I invoke and who answers my invocations, he's powerful enough to fool me in a wide variety of ways. If there's one like that, there could be several. So how do I know who/what I'm dealing with?

    I don't. Based upon the teachings within my tradition (Setianism), based upon my experiences with him, and based upon discussions with and feedback from others whom I respect in this area, I make the best determination I can.

    Occult/spiritual evidence that I've gathered indicates a consistency which supports the theory that I deal with one major being. The attitudes of that being are consistent with the Prince of Darkness as I know and understand him. I use this information and perspective as a working theory at least until something better comes along.

    The Prince of Darkness does not demand or even request worship -- each individual needs to focus primarily on that individual, not on the deity. Respect or reverence as toward a parent or older brother might be in order, but debasing respect is antithetical to following this deity's lead.

    Why are these various approaches to and perspectives of the Prince of Darkness called Satanism by modern society? Because (again), "...this deity is an entity which Christianity has declared evil, and which Christianity considers the opposite of the Catholic 'God.'"

    The Prince of Darkness' program and/or inspiration goes counter to most of Christianity's belief in sin, and definitely counter to Christianity's belief that the deity is more important than the self. The actions taken and beliefs held by those who follow the Prince of Darkness are therefore seen as being evil by most of Christianity. These include: freedom of choice, personal power, individual responsibility rather than god-given morality, knowledge of the universe (including that which disagrees with the bible) is good, etc.

    One of the reflections of the Prince of Darkness therefore, one of the newer ones, is also Christianity's Satan. IMO this is a particularly twisted and inaccurate reflection, as from a highly warped mirror or lens, but that happens to be the way it is.

    We live in a Christian society, as evidenced by the extensive influence Christianity plays in the media, and by the oppression Christians employ against others. Christianity sees almost all aspects of the Prince of Darkness and this path as being Satanism. Living in this society, I'll therefore not struggle too mightily against the term, answering only, "If you call me a Satanist, then let me tell you want Satanism really is, since what I do is..."



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,368 ✭✭✭Cill94

    Can you elaborate on the magical aspect of this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Cill94 wrote: »
    Can you elaborate on the magical aspect of this?

    Certainly. Do you mean in respect to how the Temple defines and uses Magic as a means?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,368 ✭✭✭Cill94

    Certainly. Do you mean in respect to how the Temple defines and uses Magic as a means?

    Yeah exactly. The Temple's definition of what magic is, and how it is used by them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Cill94 wrote: »
    Yeah exactly. The Temple's definition of what magic is, and how it is used by them.

    Officially the Temple would define Magic as follows " The Willed application of symbolic methods to cause or prevent changes in the universe by means of symbolic acts of communication with paranormal factors".
    Quite a mouthful but broken down makes sense as magic is both a science and an art [as Crowley said "Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will"].
    Basically I see Magic as any intentional act of Will. As the Temple of Set specifically teaches Black Magic, this practice of Will is seen to originate from ones most potent Self.
    Magic is seen to make things happen that originally would not happen. Magic consists of pulling things from the Darkness into the Light [Darkness being the realm of potentiality. It may also be understood as the future, the repressed, the hidden or the forbidden].
    Basically, need job, did ritual, got job, well you pulled that job from the Darkness.
    Obviously things get a bit deeper when we go into the realms of Greater Black Magic but hopefully the above elaboration will answer your question.



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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭lolo62

    why did you choose this path specifically?

    did you have extensive experience with the occult in general before?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    lolo62 wrote: »
    why did you choose this path specifically?

    did you have extensive experience with the occult in general before?

    Well under investigation and study, Left Hand Path philosophy makes perfect sense to me and arguably is the only valid method for fighting against delusion and false beliefs through theory and practice.
    No I was not that experienced in general occultism before my investigations. Even as a child, I have always been drawn to darkness, symbols and archetypes of the outsider or the forbidden [I mean forbidden in a cultural sense, not forbidden in the law of the land]. I came across an article about LaVayan Satanism many many years ago and was fascinated by his 'Vital' approach to existence. I tried a few rituals from the Satanic Bible and something resonated with me. I later learned of the Temple of Set [an off shoot of the Church of Satan and what I would consider to be High Satanism] and was drawn to its strong emphasis of Spiritual dissent and decided to dig deeper, dismissing the urban folklore, and weigh it with my own heart. Many years later I am now a Priest in the Organisation, what would be called a III° within the walls of the Temple.



  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    To those in Darkened Shrines.
    Here is a little info online I thought I was pass on to those interested.
    This is a link to an old study (1998CE )done about the Order of the Vampyre in the Temple of Set.
    If one envisions the Temple of Set as a university, the Orders of the Temple are its departments: specialized fields of study and research overseen by one or more Masters IV° of the Temple. Recognition to the status of Adept of the Temple of Set requires a broad foundation in the magical arts but after this Recognition is attained, Initiates may choose an Order to pursue topics of interest in depth.
    The Order of the Vampyre is one such Order [there are many Order in the Temple, for example I am in the Order of the Trapezoid]. In a nutshell, the Order of the Vampyre is an international organization. Its members use the image of the vampyre as a model for their spiritual growth.

    In Life Immortal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭lolo62

    Well under investigation and study, Left Hand Path philosophy makes perfect sense to me and arguably is the only valid method for fighting against delusion and false beliefs through theory and practice.
    No I was not that experienced in general occultism before my investigations. Even as a child, I have always been drawn to darkness, symbols and archetypes of the outsider or the forbidden [I mean forbidden in a cultural sense, not forbidden in the law of the land]. I came across an article about LaVayan Satanism many many years ago and was fascinated by his 'Vital' approach to existence. I tried a few rituals from the Satanic Bible and something resonated with me. I later learned of the Temple of Set [an off shoot of the Church of Satan and what I would consider to be High Satanism] and was drawn to its strong emphasis of Spiritual dissent and decided to dig deeper, dismissing the urban folklore, and weigh it with my own heart. Many years later I am now a Priest in the Organisation, what would be called a III° within the walls of the Temple.



    thanks for the reply..i have more questions!

    when you say that the left hand path is arguably the only method for fighting delusion etc have you tried others?

    what place do empathy and love have in the belief system?

    i think theres real power in seeking self-sovereignty but i am wary of any path that places a huge amount of emphasis on the it fair to say the left hand path does that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Thank you for the questions.
    when you say that the left hand path is arguably the only method for fighting delusion etc have you tried others?

    Do you mean other paths? I was raised a Catholic which is very much Right Hand Path. I investigated many before affiliating with the ToS and I have a general interest in theology, culture and mythology. Obviously I am drawn to the philosophies and practices that hold Individualism and Individual responsibility as corner stone to ones development.
    what place do empathy and love have in the belief system?
    Speaking about schools of enquiry [like the ToS], I would consider them to be highly important as I have a loving wife and family. You see the practicing of Initiation increases ones awareness of Self and what gives meaning to ones life. For me, it is not the pursuit of any kind of nihilistic behaviour. Quite the opposite really. This extends to non human animals too of course in the form of companionship, compassion, welfare and respect.
    i think theres real power in seeking self-sovereignty but i am wary of any path that places a huge amount of emphasis on the it fair to say the left hand path does that?
    As I mentioned above, the ToS is a school of enquiry and the Setian method is in part a fight against delusions or against false beliefs. Questioning and testing are important tools in order to understand ones relationship with the universe. As is noetic inspiration, the thing that takes you to the discovery of your own inner divinity.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭lolo62

    thanks again this is really interesting.

    RE other paths, Yes. For example The Mystery School preaches ''Know Thyself'' and claims to put initiates through their paces in a similar way through ''advanced spiritual training''

    Im sure there are others too but this is the only 'school' I have experience with

    To me it seems like an extreme lifestyle choice for someone who was raised a catholic. I say this because I was also raised catholic

    Do you think a big part of satanism is a reaction to christianity?

    I dont mean that to undermine your beliefs in any way, I just like to understand and everything comes from somewhere...

    Self enquiry is a fundamental aspect of my life too and although I am questioning you here in many ways I am questioning the residual fear that the word 'satan' holds for me giving the conditioning I received as a child

    You must have had to overcome some major obstacles in your own mind to be initiated, as a result of your upbringing..?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    lolo62 wrote: »
    thanks again this is really interesting.

    RE other paths, Yes. For example The Mystery School preaches ''Know Thyself'' and claims to put initiates through their paces in a similar way through ''advanced spiritual training''

    I completely agree with the Socratic concept of 'Know Thyself' and I would also add another quote from Socrates "The unexamined life is not worth living". As mentioned above, I consider the questioning and testing of beliefs to eliminate falshoods an important tool for development and this could can be seen as a form of Socratic reductionism.
    To me it seems like an extreme lifestyle choice for someone who was raised a catholic. I say this because I was also raised catholic

    Do you think a big part of satanism is a reaction to christianity?
    The 2 points you are raising above and here are actually very intertwined. Questioning oneself in ways such as "What beliefs are mine and which have been programmed into me by society?" are often the starting point for independence of mind and spirit. As an Initiate I wish to distance myself from the roar of cultural propaganda, what better way to begin then embracing the Adversary, the very spiritual essence of Cosmic rebellion. To go against the grain of culturally conditioned normative values is to seek a higher law of reality founded on knowledge and power.
    I dont mean that to undermine your beliefs in any way, I just like to understand and everything comes from somewhere...
    I agree and much of it inherited and never questioned.
    Self enquiry is a fundamental aspect of my life too and although I am questioning you here in many ways I am questioning the residual fear that the word 'satan' holds for me giving the conditioning I received as a child.
    You must have had to overcome some major obstacles in your own mind to be initiated, as a result of your upbringing..?
    Yes, it requires strong spiritual courage to identify oneself with cultural norms of "evil" as it sets oneself apart from fellow man. This requires the most vigorous ethical standards as these standards are based on understanding and not blind obedience to some external authority. The Left Hand path is simply the way of non-union, of individuation, of independence. To seek to develop the Self to the point of divinty - a heightened sense of Self is not the path for everyone, nor can it ever be.
    Thanks for the questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭Sin City

    Isnt this the religeon that was invented by an ex milatry personel just to use it as a tax free business.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Sin City wrote: »
    Isnt this the religeon that was invented by an ex milatry personel just to use it as a tax free business.?

    An interesting question.
    Michael Aquino was a Lt. Colonel in the US Army and originally a IV° or Magister Templi in the Church of Satan.

    The Temple of Set grew from a crises within the Church of Satan [CoS] in 1975ce. Michael Aquino [then Magister Templi in the CoS] was informed by Anton LaVey [then High Priest and Founder of the CoS] that Initiatory degrees would be awarded on the basis of financial or other types of contributions to the Church. This was seen as an extreme departure from LaVeys previous statements on the nature of the Satanic Priesthood. Michael Aquino felt LaVey had corrupted his own Church by issuing such a policy, as apparently did most of the Satanic Priesthood in the CoS.

    This resulted in the resignation of Aquino and other Priests of the CoS to leave Anton LaVey's Church of Satan and form their own church or temple dedicated to the Prince of Darkness.

    In an atmosphere of crises Aquino performed a Greater Black Magical Working that resulted in an inspired document called the Book of Coming Forth By Night.
    In this book Aquino was named the Magus of the word 'Xeper' [an ancient Egyptian term]. Aquino summarises the magical meaning of this word as 'the transformation and evolution of the Will from a human to a divine state..." [para-phrased]. This began the establishment of the Temple of Set.
    The ToS is a legal Church in the States and so Tax exempt. It is not recognised as a religion here. Personally, I would be more then happy for a taxation on all Churches. I certainly wouldn't complain.

    I hope this answers your question.


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    For the curious seeker.
    I thought I would share the following.
    Here is a link to a 'mock' interview with Oztech [not her really name] of the Temple of Set created back in 1992.
    Although the returns are a little stilted at times, Oztech articulates Setian philosophy and practice exceptionally well.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Arcanis

    Hey I was just wondering if you could tell me how I may get involved with ToS in Dublin. I have dredged the web to find information on the latter but to no avail. It is quite frustrating.


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Arcanis wrote: »
    Hey I was just wondering if you could tell me how I may get involved with ToS in Dublin. I have dredged the web to find information on the latter but to no avail. It is quite frustrating.


    I would recommend reading the general information letter here:

    Im a Priest of Set and can be contacted here:



  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    KPHR - "The Voice of Darkenss" is website hosting a podcasts with interviews conducted by my good Friend (and founder of KPHR ) Magister Robert Adams in San Franscisco.
    There are many excellent podcasts available on this site pertaining to the Temple of Set, Divination, Black Magic, philosophy and Runa. There is even one podcast by myself on the Irish Ogham (Ogam) it's history, mythology and practical use by contemporary Black Magacians.

    You can find links to all the Podcasts here:

    I hope you enjoy them.
    Feel free to comment or ask questions if the desire takes you.



  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    The Work of the First Degree Setian

    Note: The following is an extract from a letter recently wrote by a Magister in the ToS to a new First Degree member of the Temple of Set. This is posted for those interested in what the experience and expectations of this Degree are like.

    The First Degree in terms of activities really falls into three main categories.

    The first, as outlined in Ipsissimus Webb's discussion of the Degree System in "Within You and Beyond You" has to do with the training of the Intellect or the Cognitive aspects of the Self-Complex. Much of the Reading List, particularly the ToS-1 texts or those which Ipsissimus Webb has recommended on are designed to stimulate along this line. You will also be expected to develop your own approach to this Work.

    The second area of Work associated with the First Degree is the pursuit of what Ipsissimus Webb terms "Rulership of the Inner World" in his Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path. This is a process of identifying the things which are making you ill and detrimentally under the effect of outside forces and eliminating their hold over you. Once this is begun finding ways to move towards a self directed sense of wellness, physically, emotionally, intellectually and Daimonically, becomes the focus. Ipsissimus Webb's discussion of this has some good starting points. Also Dr. Aquino often suggests that if people aren't sure where to start taking up a study of effective Martial Arts and Stage Magic can be good first steps in this area.

    The third area of Work associated with the First Degree is the development of skills in practical Black Magic. In particular this means skills at being able to impose your Will upon situations and also an ability to receive subtle information about situations that others may miss. In terms of the traditional language of magic this would mean skills at Enchantment and Divination, however it is best to avoid focusing just upon "occulty" methods for doing these things. Taking an experimental attitude, trying a variety of approaches and discovering the ways in which your capacity for Black Magic takes form can be key for success in this area.

    As you explore these areas and begin experimenting use the resources of the Temple as you see fit. Material on the Reading List will prove helpful. Using forums like TS1 to as questions that arise from your Work can be very valuable.

    You will likely go through a lot of ups and downs in the course of your Work. Finding others to exchange with about this process in the Temple can be invaluable. Finding other First Degree who are at various stages in their own Work can give you a sense of what others are struggling and triumphing with. Talking with Second Degrees will give you a sense that the process is both survivable and acts as a foundation for thriving in other areas as well. Talking with the Priesthood will give you a varied sense of how long-term Setian Work effects people as well as access to those who my be able to see aspects about your Work that you have not yet noticed.



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Will, I understand that you have a deep involvement and interest in this topic. However, this is a discussion forum, and a lot of the posts here are more suited to a blog. I would prefer to see less copy and paste of information*, or external links, and more actual discussion, which there is little of here.

    Thank you.

    *which may be in breach of our strict copyright laws.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Dear Oryx.
    Thank you for the feedback and I appreciate your concern.
    My intention is to provide information on the Temple in the hope of generating discussion, questions, queries etc. I have received some private correspondence as a result of their postings but I can ask them to post there queries here [when appropriate]. I can also also open up my posts by providing some questions and not just points of discussion.

    Please note any links or material posted is with the original authors permission [most of which I know personally from within my School], with the exception of the Oztech interview as the interviewer is no longer affiliated with the ToS.

    Thank you.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3 noevoluti

    I just finished listening to your podcast on ogham, it was very interesting especially the experiences at the end, thank you for recommending it on boards.
    I was wondering if you had any more information on the connection between ireland and lucifer, i believe you mentioned hynm or ode to lou in the podcast.
    Could you explain a bit more about being attracted to darkness? Why or what do you think led you down this path? Did you have an attraction for darkness before you found the occult?
    What is your opinion on pharmakeia and altered states?


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Dear noevoluti,
    I was wondering if you had any more information on the connection between ireland and lucifer, i believe you mentioned hynm or ode to lou in the podcast.

    Apologies. It was a few years ago when I done that podcast so I am having trouble remembering exactly what I said, but anyhow.
    In brief think of the similarities like this. Lucifer, in Latin literally means "Bearer of Light" [also a name for the Morning Star]. Lugh, or Lug [proto-Celtic] means Shining One. Both could be understood as a motivator and illuminating force of the mind and subjective world of the Initiate. Both could be conceived as a manifestation of Individual consciousness.
    Could you explain a bit more about being attracted to darkness? Why or what do you think led you down this path? Did you have an attraction for darkness before you found the occult?
    I cover this a few posts back and quote myself below:
    "No I was not that experienced in general occultism before my investigations. Even as a child, I have always been drawn to darkness, symbols and archetypes of the outsider or the forbidden [I mean forbidden in a cultural sense, not forbidden in the law of the land]. I came across an article about LaVayan Satanism many many years ago and was fascinated by his 'Vital' approach to existence. I tried a few rituals from the Satanic Bible and something resonated with me. I later learned of the Temple of Set [an off shoot of the Church of Satan and what I would consider to be High Satanism] and was drawn to its strong emphasis of Spiritual dissent and decided to dig deeper, dismissing the urban folklore, and weigh it with my own heart. Many years later I am now a Priest in the Organisation, what would be called a III° within the walls of the Temple."
    Of course my understanding of 'Darkness' has changes somewhat under investigation and I now view it as multi-layered in meaning, but if I was to define it at this point in time I would say Darkness is the potential of all that is becoming.
    What is your opinion on pharmakeia and altered states?

    Do you mean drug induced mental states?

    Thanks for the questions.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3 noevoluti

    Hi Will,
    Thank you for the reply, Yes i mean drug induced altered states or psychosis, and your views on using these to achieve "illumination" or "enlightenment" or for practicing magick.
    What is the nature of the being or essence that is represented by the darkness? Could you explain what your own beliefs are concerning the statement " Lucifer is the light, Adonai is the darkness " and your opinion on what both these entities mean to both the left and right path?
    Thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    noevoluti wrote: »
    Hi Will,
    Thank you for the reply, Yes i mean drug induced altered states or psychosis, and your views on using these to achieve "illumination" or "enlightenment" or for practicing magick.

    In my late teens and early 20 I was an art student, dabbling in drugs was all par for the course really. I never painted or designed anything I would consider personally revelatory or experienced any gnosis from drug usage. For the most part this was down to having no specific 'INTENT' with the drug used outside of some loose indulgence. I am sure given the right circumstance, context and specific aims [resonante with the chemicals you are inducing] you may have some individually profound experience. The key is taking that new found knowledge, communicating and integrating it in someway that is Self building and leading towards individual refinement. I dont really have any interest in drug taking these days outside of a glass or two of wine : ) From my experience, I can get into an altered state rather easily and dont need any drugs to aid that. There is loads of ways to achieve that be it through meditation, holotropic breathwork, dancing etc etc. Drug free also has the advantage of 'ending' the altered state when you feel the work is done. Those are my personal opinions, officially the Temple does not condone drug usage for Magical operations. I believe its a little more common with Chaos Magicians such as the IOT although I have never been present at any of there Workings [but I did share a room with a senior IOT member in Edinburgh some years back. Nice chap].
    What is the nature of the being or essence that is represented by the darkness?

    Im not sure what you mean here? Can you clarify? If it helps I see 'essence' as the core self outside of space and time, and state of 'being' as the self caught in space and time, like a snap shot. With this in mind, darkness could be the unseen of the past, the unspoken of the present and the unperceived of the future. One of the reasons it can scare the bejaysus out of many!
    Could you explain what your own beliefs are concerning the statement " Lucifer is the light, Adonai is the darkness " and your opinion on what both these entities mean to both the left and right path?

    I dont really understand what you are asking me here.
    Being honest, it actually does not really mean anything to me without any context, can you provide one or explain your own understanding of it?

    Thanks for the questions.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3 noevoluti

    I have had some experiences with an entity/presence represented by darkness, to me it seems closely connected to fear, and after reading many other peoples experiences with something that was also represented by darkness and also represented by fear i was wondering if this entity/presence was the same in all these experiences and who or what it is.
    When i use the terms entity/presence and who or what it is i am asking as someone that is not initiated, so please forgive the looseness of my terms.
    Could you explain what your own beliefs are concerning the statement " Lucifer is the light, Adonai is the darkness " and your opinion on what both these entities mean to both the left and right path?
    I dont really understand what you are asking me here.
    To clarify, some organisations represent lucifer as light and adonai as darkness, im sure you are quite familiar with this term, i believe they have classed two "entities", lucifer representing light and adonai representing darkness, if this is a representation of positive and negative can you tell me what the left hand paths beliefs are ie. positive and negative towards lucifer and adonai, and also the right hand paths beliefs regarding lucifer and adonai.
    Do you feel that by becoming part of a brotherhood ie. temple of set etc, that you are still unique in your life/path or have now just become one of the many, same initiation, same degrees, same learning, same steps up the ladder, unable to be one of a kind.

    Thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    I have had some experiences with an entity/presence represented by darkness, to me it seems closely connected to fear, and after reading many other peoples experiences with something that was also represented by darkness and also represented by fear i was wondering if this entity/presence was the same in all these experiences and who or what it is.

    I have also had experience with a 'form' in the context of a Magical Working although I would be pressed to call it another entity so to speak, I think of it more in terms of a transpersonal Self, isolate, dynamic and informing. I have never been scared doing Workings with the exception of my Induction into the Order of the Trapezoid, but fear and its effects [heightened senses and awareness] is a normal enough reaction when dealing with Black Magic to some degree. Some operations can be quite intense!
    In terms of defining what you are experiencing, I can not really say. The Temple of Set would essentially be dualist in that we see a distinction between the objective world [the measurable, quantifiable and predictable universe] and the subjective world of the initiate [dynamic, evolving, non natural]. You may have just touched on that part of yourself that is separate from the rest, some call it a soul, others a psyche, it is the most profound level of your potential.
    To clarify, some organisations represent lucifer as light and adonai as darkness, im sure you are quite familiar with this term

    I am not familiar with Adonai either as a deity or a metaphor of darkness.
    if this is a representation of positive and negative can you tell me what the left hand paths beliefs are ie. positive and negative towards lucifer and adonai, and also the right hand paths beliefs regarding lucifer and adonai.

    I think a brief definition of LHP and RHP may be a good starting point. I will be broad and general.

    The right hand bath refers to natural, biological, collective, "automatic", inherited cultural growth that leads one to be biologically, socially, mentally and legally recognised as an adult by the culture in which one grows up and lives. It offers a collective means to order and maintain living in a shared culture with shared basic values and laws. Further, it refers to more or less ways to bring value, meaning and purpose to ones subjective and objective world based on authorities other then the individual. It is the path of union with some outwardly given standard.

    The left hand path refers to non natural, individual development that is based on individual needs and effort. As an ethical school, the ToS seeks development to become more conscious, truthful, beautiful and capable based on ones will, reason and sense of Self [the central principles of Self Initiation]. Further, left hand path refers to more or less systemic ways to bring a sense of meaning, value and purpose to individual human existence in ones subjective and objective world. This is the path of non-union with a collectively given standard. It is to replace this standard with a higher truth where one is ordered in and of them selves.

    If I am understanding you correctly, using these definitions and referring to your Lucifer/Adonai polarity above I can comment that it is not a matter of good/bad, positive/negative as such. I see the world, the objective universe, run by regular laws, laws which are opposed to 'desire', I would use Lucifer as an emblem for that 'desire' in this context. Adonai as darkness I can not comment on.
    Do you feel that by becoming part of a brotherhood ie. temple of set etc, that you are still unique in your life/path or have now just become one of the many, same initiation, same degrees, same learning, same steps up the ladder, unable to be one of a kind.

    Given my definitions above, no as I am dealing with Individuality above any collective dogma.
    The Temple of Set is a Left Hand Path School. Broadly, it teaches the path on non union as defined above. This is done by the Initiate learning to isolate consciousness within the subjective universe and refining the psyche to ever more perfected levels. The essential elements of the left hand path are philosophy and magic. The thing that binds those 2 together is initiation.

    Hope this helps and thanks for the questions.



  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭Etc

    I have never been scared doing Workings with the exception of my Induction into the Order of the Trapezoid, but fear and its effects [heightened senses and awareness] is a normal enough reaction when dealing with Black Magic to some degree.

    I would be really interested to know why you felt scared during your induction ?. What created the fear and on reflection would your induction create the same fear again ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭WilliamMelmoth

    Hi Etc.
    Etc wrote: »
    I would be really interested to know why you felt scared during your induction ?. What created the fear and on reflection would your induction create the same fear again ?

    Aspects of the induction into the Order of the Trapezoid are purposely created to 'test your mettle' so to speak. Overall, it is a closed Rite and part of the inner Workings of the Order so I am not at liberty to reveal its particulars here. I will say that I would still experience fear had I to do it again even with the knowledge of the Working that I have now.



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