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Don't even know what to call it any more.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Deload workout

    Leg extensions - 5 x 15
    Inverted rows - 5 x 10
    Ab wheel roll outs - 5 x 10
    Med ball twists - 3 x 20
    Good mornings - 5 x 10
    Overhead Press - 5 x 10

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycle - 26 mins

    Meant to be testing

    Warmed up
    Squatted up to 100 x 1.
    Weird crunching noise in lower back.
    Left squatting and didn't DL

    Bar - 2 x 10
    50 - 5
    60 - 3
    70 - 1
    80 - 1
    90 - 1
    95 - 1
    100 - 1
    Left it there

    Bar - 2 x 5
    30 - 3
    40 - 2
    50 - 1
    60 - 1
    65 - 1
    70 - 1
    72.5 - x

    3 rounds of
    Med ball Russian twists x 25
    RFE split squats - 25 e/s
    KB rows - 16kg KB - 25 e/s

    Cycle home
    10km - 26 mins

    More frustration
    My back & my knees are starting to really frustrate me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 983 ✭✭✭Frogdog

    Bar - 2 x 10
    50 - 5
    60 - 3
    70 - 1
    80 - 1
    90 - 1
    95 - 1
    100 - 1
    Left it there

    Why??? You were testing! :confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Back is still tender.
    Improving slightly,

    Doing mobility, yoga/pilates stuff.

    Yesterday - 20km cycling

    Today - 52km cycling in 2:17;34
    Happy with that

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work
    10lm - 25 mins

    Foam rolling

    Ab circuit
    V ups, Russian twist, side planks

    Cycle to gym

    In gym
    Warm up
    Jumping jacks
    Band pull aparts
    Mountain climbers

    A - Front Squats
    60kg 3 reps with 2s pause OMEM x 11

    B - 10' work block
    KB lunges - 2 x 12kg KBs - 8 e/s
    SA DB Press - 15kg DB - 5 e/s
    KB row - 24kg KB - 8e/s
    6 rounds

    C - Tabata Wakl balls with 10kg ball

    D - Core circuit
    2 rounds of
    Plank x 30s
    Russian twists with 10kg ball x 30s
    Palloff Press - black band - 30s e/s

    Smashing glutes with lacrosse ball

    Cycle home
    10km - 30 mins
    Damn wind

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work
    10km - 24 mins

    Foam rolling

    Chins - 2 x 5

    Afternoon sesh

    Foam rolling

    Hip flexor - 2 x 20s each side
    SL RDLs - 8 e/s
    IYTs - 10

    Block 1 - 10 mins
    Farmers walks - 40m
    2 x 24kg KBs - 20s on/20s off

    Block 2 - 10 rounds of
    16kg KB SA Press - 5 e/s
    15s plank
    40m dash

    Block 3
    Rounds of:
    5 reverse lunges off right leg
    5 offset KB squats with KB on RHS
    5 reverse lunges off left leg
    5 offset KB squats with KB on LHS
    6 rounds

    Block 4
    3 rounds of:
    V up hold - 30s
    Russian Twists - 20 reps
    Cobra Stretch - 30s

    Static Stretching

    Protein shake, banana, Apple & 2 hour break

    2.5km spin to gym

    Evening session

    Warm up
    3 rounds of:
    Squats - 10
    Jumping Jacks - 10
    Band pull aparts - 10
    Mountain climbers - 10
    Lunges - 10

    A - bench
    65% of 1RM
    67.5kg - 11 x 3 with 2s pause OMEM

    B - 10 min block of:
    10 wall balls with 7kg med ball
    5 burpees
    12 rounds

    C - Tabata air squats
    20s on/10s off x 8

    D - shoulder circuit
    3 rounds of:
    10 scap pull ups
    2 x 10 two way pull apart
    10 Seated DB Power Cleans
    10 Face pulls

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    10km cycle home

    Tough day of training but enjoyable

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km spin in the rain to loosen out the legs
    28 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Thursday - 20km of cycling
    Foam rolling
    Shoulder circuit


    Cycle to work
    New route - 8.4km - 20:33

    Foam rolling
    Core circuit

    Evening session

    Warm up
    3 rounds of:
    Squats - 10
    Jumping Jacks - 10
    Band pull aparts - 10
    Mountain climbers - 10
    Lunges - 10

    A) Deadlift 65% x3 on the minute every minute x11 minutes
    115kg - 11 x 3

    B) 10 minutes for max rounds of:
    -goblet squat x10 with 16kg KB
    -sit up x10
    -jumping jack x10

    C) 20s on/10s off x8 of:

    D) Core Circuit:
    -plate shift x45s
    -30s break
    -russian twist x45s
    -1 minute break
    -repeat 4x


    Cycle home
    9km - 24:48

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycle to work - 24 mins

    3 rounds of:
    24kg KB swings x 20
    Push ups x 10

    Foam rolling

    Swimming - 10 lengths if breast stroke

    Some snatches, cleans, jerks & a core circuit

    Cycle 2.5km to gym

    A1 -72.5kg squat with 3s eccentric
    4 x 8
    A2 - DB Press
    20kg DBs - 8 with 3s eccentric
    15kg DBs - 3 x 8 with 3s eccentric

    B1 - BB row
    45kg - 4 x 12 - 2s pause at top
    B2 - KB reverse lunge
    2 x 12kg DBs - 4 x 8 per leg

    C1 - DB floor press-15kg DBs x 25
    C2 - KB row - 16kg KB - 25 e/s
    C3 - hollow hold/leg raise - 30s
    3 rounds

    Glute smashing with lacrosse ball

    Cycle home
    10km - 25 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Double post

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Wednesday - 25km cycling in total

    Thursday cycling
    8.5km in 22 mins
    4.5km in 15 mins
    10.5km in 25 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle 10km

    Foam rolling

    Warm up
    Hip flexor stretch
    Bird dogs
    Glute activation
    Jumping jacks

    A1 Deadlift
    4 x 5 @ 112.5kg
    A2 - DB Tri Ext
    4 x 8 with 2 x 14kg DBs

    B1 split squats
    2 x 16kg KBs - 12 per leg
    B2 inverted rows
    4 x 12

    C1 25 push ups
    C2 25 KB Swings @ 20kg
    C3 30s plank
    3 rounds

    Static stretching
    Loads of sushi

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Random session

    Foam rolling
    Glute activation

    C2 rower
    6 x 30s on 30s off

    15 mins running increasing speed every minute up to 13.5km/hr for 1 min

    DB Bench Press
    30kg DBs - 3 x 5

    3 x 3

    Glute bridge
    60kg - 4 x 10

    30kg - 4 x 10

    Sauna - 10 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Monday - 10km cycling

    Tuesday - Morning cycle - 10.7km

    Afternoon Staff Sesh
    IYTs - 10

    Block 1 - 10 mins
    Farmers walks - 40m
    57.5kg on trap bar - 20s on/20s off
    15 trips

    Block 2 - 10 rounds of
    16kg KB Single Arm Press - 5 e/s
    15s leg raise/hollow hold
    40m dash

    Block 3
    KB swings - 24kg KB
    6 rounds of 30s on/ 30s off

    Block 4 - 6 minutes of Rounds of:
    5 reverse lunges off right leg
    5 offset KB squats with KB on RHS
    5 reverse lunges off left leg
    5 offset KB squats with KB on LHS
    6 rounds

    Block 4
    3 rounds of:
    V up hold - 30s
    Russian Twists - 30 reps
    Cobra Stretch - 30s
    Back extensions - 10

    Static Stretching

    Some porridge & protein

    2.5km cycle to gym

    Evening session

    Warm up
    A1 -77.5kg squat with 3s eccentric
    4 x 8
    A2 - DB Press
    20kg KBs - 4 x 8 with 3s eccentric

    B1 - BB row
    60kg - 4 x 12 - 2s pause at top
    B2 - KB reverse lunge
    2 x 16kg KBs - 4 x 12 per leg

    C1 - DB floor press-20kg DBs x 25
    C2 - KB row - 16kg KB - 25 e/s
    C3 - hollow hold/leg raise - 30s
    3 rounds

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    10km cycle home
    28 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycle to work

    2.5km cycle to gym

    Evening session

    Grid rolling
    Lacrosse ball smashing

    Warm up
    3 rounds of:
    Squats - 10
    Jumping Jacks - 10
    Band pull aparts - 10
    Mountain climbers - 10
    Lunges - 10

    A1 bench - 65% 1RM
    67.5kg - 4 x 8 pauses at bottom
    A2 - KB Swing - 2 x 24kgs - 4 x 8

    B1 - KB Row - 28kg
    4 x 12
    B2 - Close Grip Bench Press
    4 x 12

    C1 - BB Thrusters to med ball
    22.5kg - 3 x 25
    C2 - plank
    3 x 30s

    D1 - sit thrus - 20s on
    10s off
    Sit ups - 20s on
    10s off
    4 rounds

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    10km cycle home

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycling

    Warm up


    A1 Deadlift
    120kg 3 x 5 and 1 x 7
    A2 DB Triceps Ext
    2 x 16kg DBs - 4 x 8

    B1 - split squat
    2 x 16kg KBs - 4 x 12 e/s
    B2 Inverted Rows
    4 x 12

    C1 push ups
    3 x 25
    C2 KB swings
    24kg - 3 x 25

    D - 4 rounds of:
    Sit thrus - 20 seconds
    10s off
    Sit ups - 20s
    10s off

    Hell & Back
    10km obstacle course
    1 hour 55 mins

    10km cycling

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycle to work - 24 mins

    Foam rolling

    20 - 2 x 10
    40 - 5
    50 - 5
    60 - 5
    70 - 5
    80 - 3 x 5

    KB Press
    2 x 16kg KBs - 4 x 15
    TRX Roll outa
    4 x 15

    Curls - 3 x 12
    Sit ups - 3 x 12


    Cycle 2.5km to gym

    Foam rolling

    WArm up

    A1 -85kg squat with 3s eccentric
    4 x 8
    A2 - KB Press
    20kg KBs - 8 with 3s eccentric

    B1 - BB row
    65kg 4 x 12
    B2 - KB reverse lunge
    2 x 16kg DBs - 4 x 12 per leg

    C1 - DB floor press-20kg DBs x 25
    C2 - KB row - 16kg KB - 25 e/s
    C3 - hollow hold/leg raise - 30s
    3 rounds

    Glute smashing with lacrosse ball

    Cycle home
    10km - 25 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycle to work - 24 mins

    2.5km cycle to gym

    A1 bench - 70% 1RM
    70kg - 4 x 8 paused
    A2 - KB Swing - 2 x 24kg - 4 x 8

    B1 - CGBP
    50kg - 4 x 12
    B2 KB Row - 24kg
    4 x 12 with 3s eccentric

    C1 - 22.5kg BB Thrusters to med ball
    C2 - plank
    3 x 30s

    D1 - 20s sit thrus
    10s off
    D2 - 20s sit ups
    10s off
    4 rounds

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    11km cycle home
    28 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle 10km

    Foam rolling

    Warm up
    Hip flexor stretch
    Bird dogs
    Glute activation
    Jumping jacks

    A1 Deadlift
    127.5kg - 3 x 5 & 1 x 7
    A2 - DB Tri Ext
    4 x 8 with 2 x 16kg DBs

    B1 split squats
    2 x 16kg KBs - 12 per leg
    B2 inverted rows
    4 x 12

    C1 25 push ups
    C2 25 KB Swings @ 24kg
    3 rounds

    Core work
    Side planks
    Hollow holds
    Back raises

    Static stretching
    Loads of sushi

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Morning cycle - 10.7km

    Afternoon Staff Sesh
    Warm up

    Block 1 - 10 mins
    Farmers walks - 40m
    62kg on trap bar - 20s on/20s off
    15 trips

    Block 2 - 10 rounds of
    16kg KB Single Arm Press - 5 e/s
    15s leg raise/hollow hold
    40m dash

    Block 3
    KB swings - 24kg KB
    8 rounds of 30s on/ 30s off

    Block 5
    20s sit thrus
    10s off
    20s sit ups
    10s off
    4 rounds

    Static Stretching
    Apple & protein

    2.5km cycle to gym

    Evening session

    Warm up
    A1 -90 kg squat with 3s eccentric
    A2 - DB Press
    24kg KBs - 8
    20kg KBs - 3 x 8 with 3s eccentric

    B1 - BB row
    70kg - 4 x 12 - 2s pause at top
    B2 - KB reverse lunge
    2 x 16kg KBs - 4 x 12 per leg

    C1 - DB floor press-20kg DBs x 25
    C2 - KB row - 16kg KB - 25 e/s
    C3 - hollow hold/leg raise - 30s
    3 rounds

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    10km cycle home
    40 mins
    Horrible weather

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Wednesday - 20km cycling

    Cycle 10km

    2.5km cycle

    Foam rolling

    Warm up
    Hip flexor stretch
    Bird dogs
    Glute activation
    Jumping jacks

    A1 Deadlift
    135kg - 3 x 5 & 1 x 8
    Double overhand
    A2 - DB Tri Ext
    4 x 10 with 2 x 10kg DBs

    B1 RFE split squats
    35kg - 12 per leg
    B2 inverted rows
    4 x 12

    C1 10 plyo push ups
    C2 25 KB Rows @ 24kg
    C3 - pallof press alphabet
    3 rounds

    Static stretching

    10km cycle

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work
    8.6km - 19mins was flying it

    Warm up
    Bench - bar - 3 x 12
    KB swings - 20kg - 3 x 8

    A1 bench - 75% 1RM
    75kg - 4 x 6with 3s eccentric
    A2 - KB Swing - 2 x 20kg - 4 x 8

    B1 - Close Grip Bench Press
    50kg - 4 x 12
    B2 - DB Row - 32.5kg
    4 x 12 with 3s eccentric

    C1 - BB Thrusters to med ball
    3 x 25
    C2 - plank
    3 x 45s

    50 sit ups

    3 x 20 push ups
    3 x 35s hollow hold

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Out of action with the flu/chest infection for the last week.

    1st day back doing a bit today

    Warm up
    3 rounds of
    10 squats
    10 pull aparts
    10 lunges
    10 mountain climbers

    A - 11 Turkish get ups each side with a 16kg KB

    B1 - RDL - 4 x 10 with 90kg
    B2 - split squats - 4 x 12 e/l with 2 x 12kg KBs

    C1 - BB French press - 35kg - 3 x 12
    C2 - inv rows - 3 x 12
    C3 Russian twists - 3 x 30

    D1 - BB 21s - 3 sets
    D2 - band push downs 3 x 21

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    10km cycling today

    Gym Day 1
    A1 - 100kg squat with 3s eccentric
    3 x 6
    1 x 8
    A2 - DB Press
    2 x 16kg DBs - 4 x 10

    B1 - BB row
    80kg - 4 x 12
    B2 - KB reverse lunge
    2 x 16kg DBs - 4 x 8 per leg

    C1 - DB floor press-20kg DBs x 25
    C2 - KB row - 16kg KB - 25 e/s
    C3 - hollow hold/leg raise - 50s
    3 rounds

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Spin on the bike
    21km - 57 mins

    11.1km cycle to gym - 30 mins

    A1 bench
    80kg - 8
    85kg - 6,5,5
    A2 - KB Swing
    28kg - 8
    32kg - 8
    2 x 24kg - 8
    2 x 32kg - 3 x 8

    B1 - CGBP
    60kg - 12,10,10,10
    B2 KB Row - 32kg
    4 x 12

    C1 - 20kg BB Thrusters to med ball
    C2 - plank
    3 x 50s

    D1 - 20s air squats
    10s off
    D2 - 20s sit ups
    10s off
    4 rounds

    Smash glutes with grid roller

    10km cycle home
    28 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor


    Foam rolling

    Warm up
    Hip flexor stretch
    Bird dogs
    Glute activation
    Jumping jacks

    A1 Deadlift
    145 - 4 x 3
    Double overhand
    A2 - DB Tri Ext
    4 x 10 with 2 x 12kg DBs

    B1 RFE split squats
    35kg - 12 per leg
    B2 inverted rows
    4 x 12

    C1 10 plyo push ups
    C2 25 KB swings @ 24kg
    C3 - pallof press alphabet
    3 rounds

    Static stretching

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    50.4km on the bike
    2 hours 18 mins moving time

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work
    9km - 23 mins

    Am session
    Foam rolling
    A - Inc DB Benching
    2 x 30kg DBs - 4 x 6

    B1 - DB Flies
    12kg DBs - 4 x 12
    B2 - KB Swings
    24kg KB - 4 x 25

    C1 - band assisted Triceps dips
    3 x 12
    C2 - med ball Russian Twists
    3 x 30

    Pm session
    Hang clean and jerks
    40kg - 3 x 3
    50kg - 2 x 3
    60kg - 2 x 2
    70kg - 2 x 1
    80kg - 2 x 1
    85kg - 1
    72.5kg - 5 x 1

    Cycle home
    9km - 26 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work:
    9km - 20:42

    Am sesh
    Foam rolling

    Snatch technique work
    Drop snatches

    Hang Power Snatch
    40kg - 4 x 3
    45kg - 3 x 3
    50kg - 3 x 2

    Clean pulls
    90kg - 5 x 3

    Afternoon sesh
    Warm up

    1. 10 min block
    Racked KB carry - 24kg KB - 40m
    20s plank
    15 rounds

    2. Litvinovs
    24kg KB swing - 10
    20m sprint
    20m walk
    Repeat x 10

    3. 10 min block
    SL glute bridge - 5 per side
    Med ball Russian twist - 20
    SA KB press - 16kg KB - 5 e/s

    4. Core work

    Apple, protein shake, chicken wrap, coffee

    2.5km cycle to gym

    Evening session
    Deload sesh

    Warm up
    2 rounds of:
    10 oh squats
    10 pull aparts
    10 jumping jacks
    10 mountain climbers

    A1 - 120kg DL - 3 x 6
    A2 - split squat - 3 x 12 each side
    A3 - KB swing - 3 x 25

    B1 - DB floor press - 25kg DBs
    0301 tempo
    4 x 6
    B2 - DB row - 25kg DB - 4 x 12 each side
    B3 - SA press - 12kg KB - 4 x 20 e/a

    Hip flexor - 90s each side
    Bottom of squat - 120s

    Cycle home
    10km - 28 mins

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    Cycle to work:
    9km - 22 mins

    Cycle to gym
    2.5km - 6 mins

    Warm up
    2 rounds of:
    10 oh squats
    10 pull aparts
    10 jumping jacks
    10 mountain climbers

    A1 - BB row - 70kg - 1040 - 6 reps
    A2 - band pull aparts 2s pause -12
    A3 - Lat raises - 8kg KBs - 25
    7 rounds

    B1 - 6 burpees
    B2 - 12 push ups
    B3 - 25 air squats
    7 rounds

    Core work

    Cycle home
    10km - 30 mins
