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EL's log.

  • 18-06-2012 12:18am
    Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭

    Hi everyone,

    Starting this log to keep myself accountable. I've been training since I was 16 and am now 22. Over the last few months my motivation has dwindled and I began to make excuses regarding my training or lack thereof , after a big wakeup call a massive decrease in strength and conditioning a stone of flab and a long period of introspection I've decided that if I'm going to reach my objectives I need to be disciplined and get the work done or as Jim Wendler says "Get north of vag".


    I'll be following a 3x3 program at the moment and lifting twice a week.I'm cutting at the moment therefore the focus will be on conditioning. I'll be training my bench and squat on Monday and deadlift and ohp on Thursday and finishing up with a metcon I'm not going to be doing any accessory lifts for the next couple of months or however long it takes me to reach my goal weight. Longer duration conditioning will be done on Tuesdays and Fridays and depending on how I'm feeling I may go for a light jog on Wednesday. The rep scheme for my lifting sessions will change in a month and I am going to start running a 5/3/1 cycle.


    After doing a bit of reading on the benefits of intermittent fasting I've decided to include it into my lifestyle and have spent the last week adjusting to a 16/8 ratio between midnight and 16:00 and already feel alot better. As for the actual nutritional approach I'll be following my usual paleo type diet but will be tightening up big time no more drinking gallons of beer at the weekend :D followed by a visit to the local fastfood kip anymore. I'll be doing IF 6 days a week and will take sundays off while being mindful of my diet but having a bit of what I fancy.

    Anyway, stay tuned for my first training entry in about 15 hours :D.

    Any advice,questions or comments appreciated.



  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭echo.lima

    Gym was closed on Monday so did some cycling.



    Mobility: Fire hydrants, leg swings, groiners and mountain climbers.


    Empty Bar 2x5
    Bodyweight Box Squats 4x5
    60kg 3x3
    80kg 3x3
    100kg 3x1


    40kg 3x5
    60kg 3x3
    80kg 3x5

    Pressups 3x10

    Evening Metcon:

    5 minutes of skipping and upper body mobilty follwed by 6 rounds of:

    3 pull ups

    6 Burpees

    9 KB swings


    1)2 tins of tuna, 3 slices of turkey breast and a huge salad with lettuce,onions,olives,peppers and tomato and 3 tablespoons of coleslaw.

    2) Protien shake, 48g of protien and a spoon of cashew butter.

    3) 2 chicken breasts wrapped in parma ham with lowfat cream cheese, another huge salad with olive oil and some green olives.

    Plenty of water and peppermint tea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭echo.lima


    Mobility :

    Fire Hydrants
    Leg Swings
    Mountain climbers.

    Conditioning :

    4 stair sprints
    15 kb swings 20kg

    6 rounds with one minute rest between rounds.
