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Due Feb 2013!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Thanks bp sorry i haven't updated the list yet i will get it done today. I've not been around here much since last week.
    Scan went grand babs is weighing around the pound mark, they are 85% sure its a boy. Unfortunately i do have a low lying placenta. It's 8mm away from the opening of my cervix atm. 2cm is the "safe" zone but they said there's a chance it will move. I've to have another scan @ 34 weeks. If it hasn't moved enough by then they'll decide what to do then. In the mean time they are just keeping an eye on things. Doc appointment tomorrow and hospital again in 2 weeks.
    So how be you? And everyone else of course?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    I am glad babba is ok, and hopefully the plecenta moves

    Wahoo a boy for you :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    It bloody well better i'm in bits with cervical and lower pelvic pain atm. Throw in the million and one kicks a day. lol
    How's everything going for you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    TillyTally 1st of Feb CUMH
    Bp 11th of Feb Holles Street
    Househunter 23rd of Feb Holles Street
    Expecting the Unexpected 24th of Feb The Coombe
    Thumby 24th of feb the coombe (possible induction/section in jan though)

    Sorry it took me so long Bp:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    :-) It will be worth it in the end!!

    I am good, finding it hard to roll over in my sleep now...and finding it hard to find a Halloween costume that fits around bump!!! :-)

    Apart from that kicking and punching away happily...I will remember that when they want pocket money! Also went to a baby yoga class there the other week and they showed us child birth...I wasn't ready for that yet - denial is a wonderful thing!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    bp wrote: »
    :-) It will be worth it in the end!!

    I am good, finding it hard to roll over in my sleep now...and finding it hard to find a Halloween costume that fits around bump!!! :-)

    Apart from that kicking and punching away happily...I will remember that when they want pocket money! Also went to a baby yoga class there the other week and they showed us child birth...I wasn't ready for that yet - denial is a wonderful thing!

    Sleep???? What is this thing you speak of???? :D

    Ah jaysus don't be worrying about those birthing dvd's, they always seem to pick out the worst ones imo. Trust me the horror stories are few and far between. Heck if my three previous births haven't put me off you'll be grand. I went to ante-natal classes on my first and that was that, haven't even gone to the refresher ones any other pregnancy. You'll be fine honestly hun. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp


    you should have seen the face on me!!! with all of these turns and pelvis movements :-)

    I prefer ignorance is bliss - I think that way is more fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    bp wrote: »

    you should have seen the face on me!!! with all of these turns and pelvis movements :-)

    I prefer ignorance is bliss - I think that way is more fun!

    *Drug assistance*

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭Expecting The Unexpected

    Hi all,

    Went to the doctor this morning and she confirmed I have SPD. I am so upset as it seriously hurts and seemly it only gets worse over the pregnancy!! She said it is very early for me to have it which is obviously not a good sign. She asked me to ring the hospital to book a physio appointment and when I did there was no one in the semi private clinic to talk to so they put me through to emergency who laughed and said ring the physio then which i did and they were on holidays till tuesday. Seemly it takes weeks to get one of these physio appointments so this morning I went private to start the process. He showed me loads of stretches to do and how to sit down and up etcetc. but its still so sore. He said around week 28 its going to get worse and not to wear the belt till then as if i do i will have no come back for the pain at that point. he thinks i shouldbe able to manage it if i do my physio religiously however I was in agony last night with my hip and could not sleep a wink. lets hope its just a bad phase. In good news the baby is perfectly healthy and in flying form and already well over weight for my time. so really i should not complain.

    I am determined not to let this get worse. So will be doing everything to manange it and doing physio twice a day if i have to!

    just noticed our month appears to have the least amount of mums to be! lets hope the hospitals are this quite when we go in!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    hey expecting - how are you feeling? I hope the physio does you some good :-(

    you poor chicken - I am progressing nicely, clients at meetings now feel comfortable congratulating me and asking when I am due - I think up until now they weren't 100% sure!!!

    Still got my head wondering buried in the sand in relation to this child birth stuff!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Hi Expecting - sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You sound like you are having a terrible time with it. Hopefully the physio will help ease the pain for you and make things more manageable. Fingers crossed for you!

    I don't think I realise how lucky I am not to have had any bad symptoms or complaints so far and I'm two thirds of the way there - 27 weeks today. I was actually told last weekend by someone (not a close friend) that my pregnancy was quite boring for everyone cos there was nothing happening with it!! I just laughed it off. Other than that I just feel like I'm the size of an elephant cos I'm all bump sticking out the front. Slightly concerned as to what size I'll be at the end!

    BP - I refuse to listen to anything birth related, I don't feel the need to freak myself out completely. My opinion is that it has to happen but I don't need to listen to the horror stories. January's ante natal classes are time enough!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Morning girlies,
    Hope everyone is doing well. Expecting how are you feeling now? I'm so sorry you have spd, from what i've heard it's horrible. Maybe you should give Princessa from the jan thread a pm. She was diagnosed with it a good bit back. She might have some tips on how she manages everything with it to share. Hope the physio helps give you some relief at least.
    Sorry I haven't been around as much lately, it's been a few hassle filled weeks. The uti my gp diagnosed me with at my natenatal with him last friday didn';t clear up with the antibiotics and I gave some poor woman a fright in Mothercare on Thursday evening as she thought I wasgone into the labor the pains hit that bad, so it was back to the gp yesterday morning who sent me up to the hospital, after telling me there was no way in hell I was getting braxton hicks because 1 it's too early for them (i'm offically 24 weeks today) and 2 they aren't painful at all. The hospital disagreed with him as they seen the contractions for themselves, didn't even need to feel my bump as they were hitting me, but did and were shocked at how strong they were. I'm in for a fun time when real labout comes around. Although they have upgraded my uti to a full blown kidney infection and were "concerned" I had gone into preterm labour. Thankfully I wasn't *wipes sweat from brow* phew lol. They won't put me on any more anitbiotics though until they get my urine cultures back so they know what will work this time. So im expecting that phone call on monday. In the mean time i'm on as much bedrest as possible and then couch rest when the little one is up and about, i'm under orders not to walk anywhere at all unless absolutely necessary as they are still concerned I could go into labour until I get and finish my new dose of meds. Oh and on top of all that myself and the oh split up a week and a half ago.
    Good news is we are starting the babys bag and my actual hospital bag on wednesday, I've no choce in the matter according to him. The damn sweet insufferable idiot that he is.
    Anyhow, hope everyone has a great weekend. Anyone got anything nice planned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Hi Thumby, only seeing your message now or I'd have replied sooner. You poor thing, you are going through an awful time. I think I'd be going mental if only one of those things was happening to me, never mind all that you are going through. Sorry to hear about you and your OH splitting up - definitely bad timing there when you are getting your head around all these pregnancy issues. I hope everything works out for you and will go well for the rest of your your pregnancy. Once you and baby are ok, thats the main thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hi Thumby, only seeing your message now or I'd have replied sooner. You poor thing, you are going through an awful time. I think I'd be going mental if only one of those things was happening to me, never mind all that you are going through. Sorry to hear about you and your OH splitting up - definitely bad timing there when you are getting your head around all these pregnancy issues. I hope everything works out for you and will go well for the rest of your your pregnancy. Once you and baby are ok, thats the main thing.

    Thanks a million hun.
    I don't do the "easy pregnancy" thing apparently. But babs is doing great there was no signs ofdistress or anything in the hospital on friday, he's happy out at the min. Beleive it or not myself and himself are still getting on great, we both had alot of other things going on when we got back together (we were together 16 years ago) and then me falling pregnant just put alot of extra pressure on both of us that we just couldn't handle as a couple. Like I said we're going baby shopping on wed morning and we still hang out and everything it's just a case of everything got to serious to quick for us. We weren't that long back together when i fell pregnant. But sure feck it, things will work out what ever way they are meant to, we're both just glad that we haven't lost the closeness that we've had the last 16 years and we can't wait for our little man to get here, safe and sound of course.

    How's things going with you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Oh no problem! At least baby is doing fine so thats the main thing. You need to look after yourself as well and you are allowed be a bit selfish when you are dealing with all of this. Its good that you two are still on good terms though, nothing worse than hassle going on at a time when you really don't need it. Hopefully your friendship will stay strong throughout the rest of the pregnancy and he'll be able to help you as much as possible.

    Things are going great with me, I'm probably the helathiest that I've ever been to be honest. I just hope it all continues like this and I don't pay for it with the worst labour on record!! We're in the middle of doing alot of work to our house so I feel like I'm living on a construction site. I had to crawl under scaffolding all last week to get out the front door...not the easiest thing to do really! But I'm sure it will be all worth it and everything is meant to be finished by Christmas so to give us a chance to prepare for the little bundle in February.

    Take care of yourself, hope you feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    Hi all just said id pop in and say hi and congrats to all, hope everyone is well.. im due feb 15th second baby and cant wait :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    missymad wrote: »
    Hi all just said id pop in and say hi and congrats to all, hope everyone is well.. im due feb 15th second baby and cant wait :)

    WElcome missymad and congrats. Hope you're doing good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    TillyTally 1st of Feb CUMH
    Bp 11th of Feb Holles Street
    Missymad 15th Feb
    Househunter 23rd of Feb Holles Street
    Expecting the Unexpected 24th of Feb The Coombe
    Thumby 24th of feb the coombe (possible induction/section in jan though)

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Congratulations Missymad, hope all is going well for you!

    I just noticed that I'm apparently the only person giving birth in Cork in February - I'll be expecting a nice quiet hospital ward and loads of doctors and nurses fussing over me!! ha ha!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    yes alls good thanks looking forward to feb and more noise around the house.. my 5yr old is all excited to thank god, he's convinced its a girl for some reason .. unfortunately my husband has decided a few weeks ago that he no longer wants to be in the marriage (he's timing is just great dont u think) but anyway ill have to put that to one side and concentrate on feb and the new arrival little bit bitter sweet for me this time around :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Oh you poor thing, sorry to hear that Missymad. His timing is fairly awful alright, especially when you want stability now in the last few months. But make sure to look after yourself and the baby - thats the most important thing right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    I no but thats life sometimes.. we really wanted this baby so nothing is going to put a damper on it for me and who knows he might have a change of heart and if not onwards and upwards i have a beautiful son and another baba to look forward to now that spends its day kicking me to remind me to get on with things :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Tilly Tally

    Well that's great that you are being so positive - I don't think I would be as brave. But I guess having a new baby on the horizon kinda makes you get on with things cos he/she is going to arrive and need minding regardless!! I hope everything works out for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    Well its a matter of good days and bad days at the mo.. but thank you hopefully by feb everything will be ok again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    @missymad, i'm sorry to hear about you and the hubby, if it's any consolation I'm in the boat right beside ya. My oh and i split about 3 weeks ago and i'm due between jan and feb(the hospital haven't made up their mind yet on when they are going to let me have the babs). But don't worry about it, you're not on your own, i was a single parent for years and yeah you have your good and bad days but it really shows you what you're capable of as a parent. Don't let yourself get down thinkin you're alone, you won't be., there are some great support groups out there as well. I think there's a sticky with a list of any and all contact groups pregnancy related in this forum which includes some form single mums/mums to be.
    Like you said you have a great five year old and a long awaited for bean on the way, just look forward to it and enjoy every moment you can. Don't worry about having off days or feeling down they are only natural and to be expected. And if ya ever need to chat feel free to pm. I went through my last pregnancy completely on my own and this one while we're not together he is still very much involved in my life so I've been on both sides of the "how do I do this". I may not be able to give you any advice but at least you can vent to someone in the same position as you.

    Hey tilly, how's you today? We went baby shopping earlier, only supposed to pick up a small few bits but he annoyed me so i let him spend a small fortune instead hahhaha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    well i cant say its nice to hear of someone being in the the same situation as me, i wouldn't wish it on anyone.. its heartbreaking to have such great news and not being able to enjoy it to the full, however i try to be an optimist so i always try to see the bright side of things which is hard at times like this.. my husband is a great dad and iv no doubt he'll be here for the baby watever way it finishes with us.. he's staying in the house because he doesn't want to leave me on my own when pregnant (seperate rooms of course) which i cant help but think its going to make this twice as bad for me when he does is great to talk about it tho so thanks.. for now im going to concentrate on buggys and trying to get the baby room sorted :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    It's good that he's there physically as well you'll need the help in another few weeks if not already lol.
    You seem to have a very positive attidute and that's great just hang on to it as much as you can and you will be just fine. :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh and speaking of buggys i've finally settled on which one i want. It's perfect for both my daughter and the babs and can be used as a single one as well. Best bit is that the bar is height adjustible with me being a shorty most of them come up to the chest which can be a lil bit uncomfy to push lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭missymad

    I know its been such a task choosing a buggy, i really love the baby elegance neyo. im hoping to get it this week or next week fingers crossed.. funny enough the height was one thing i liked about this buggy to as im a shorty aswell haha.. i av nothing else done. still have to sort out the babys room thank god i dont have much else to buy this time around it makes it so much easier..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I'm going with the dimples duo missymad. It's perfect for both myself and my x height wise etc and the seats are multi positionable as well which i'm delighted with. We went to do a "tiny" bit of baby shopping yesterday, we were only planning on getting the baby clothes for the hospital but came home with loads of baby gros, vests the going home outfit, snow suit blankets and the moses basket. He got a little bit carried away and because i was "slightly" vexed with him i let him spend a small fortune lmao. :-D the big (expensive) things we're leaving till the jan sales as i'm not due till 3rd week of feb, and even if i go early (i always do) the start of jan still leaves plenty of time anyway (hopefully). :-)
