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advice needed please xx

  • 27-06-2012 8:16pm
    Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    Bit of a rough subject for me. I have put on a lot of weight recently due to a few different things such as a thyroid problem and possibly being too comfortable in my relationship.

    I have tried it all in terms of losing the weight, weight watchers, different types of diets, even joined the gym but I can never get motivated enough and always seem to have an excuse to put off what I am supposed to be doing.

    However, this weight gain has been really getting me down and my confidence has taken a serious kick and what do i do when i feel down? I EAT!!

    Does anyone have any advice on how to increase my motivation? Weight loss tips? Confidence tips?

    I would be so so grateful to anyone who could help



  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 8,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fluorescence

    Moved from the Ladies Lounge to Personal Issues. More suitable here, IMO. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23

    thank u....bit new to boards!!

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 8,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fluorescence

    No problem at all :)

    You say you've "settled" into your relationship a little... Would it be worth asking your OH to take up some form of exercise with you? Something fun you can do to spend some quality time together and get fit at the same time? It could be anything from walks in the evening, joining an extreme frisbee team or taking up a martial art.

    And don't bother with that weightwatchers gunk. You're better off cooking simple, healthy food (ie, try to eat as "clean" as possible) and cut out the vices one by one :P There's a wealth of excellent information in the Health & Fitness forum, as well as the Food & Drink. Try browsing those for some delicious, healthy food ideas.

    Best of luck in everything :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23

    My OH and I have been living together for over a year now. He is very fit and goes to the gym religiously every day and plays for a local soccer team that keeps him very busy with training etc. We both do shift work which can sometimes making even just spending time together tough....that is part of it aswell i suppose as the nights that he is on evenings and i am on days, i have this idea in my head that "theres no point cooking a proper dinner just for myself".....i just see myself in a viscous circle...

    every monday i convince myself that im making big lifestyle changes but by wednesday i'm just back to my old self :(

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 8,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fluorescence

    Don't cook for 1 day, cook enough for 4 meals and freeze 3 :D May I suggest the Couch to 5k running plan? It's 9 weeks of 30 minute runs 3 times per week (starting from short 1 minute runs/walks to full 30 minute jog). You can squeeze them in around your hectic schedule. Something to think about :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23

    it definitely is....thank you for all your good advice....just time to get my bum in gear now!!!

    my poor boyfriend doesnt know what to make of me lately, im after going from the bubbliest most outgoing girl he knew to not even being able to change my clothes in front of him...going from a size 8 to a 14 in the space of a year.....

    like i said, im pretty new to boards but im finding it great having some sort of an outlet for this, something i don't even speak to my beste friends about

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 201 ✭✭nowyouresix

    OP: there is nothing I can tell you that will motivate you. The only thing I can tell you is to make sure you have your meds sorted out for your thyroid problem, and get up and move. Sometimes you have to give yourself a good talking to. If you want it, then do it. There's no way to dolly it up. What is stopping you? Take will feel great. The hardest part is putting on your runners. Just do it. Stop making excuses for yourself, just get up and do it. Don't go making all these big promises, I'll do this...I'll do that. Think of yourself. Make one change, and that one change is to make a promise to yourself you are only going to do things which benefit you. You make your own choices, no one else. Be good to yourself, by making good choices. Be kind to yourself, by making good choices.

    Best of luck xx

    Incidentally I was at one stage almost 18stone, and lost 7stone by this approach, and by being real with myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi OP,

    Would you be in a position to go to a personal trainer once (or even twice) a week? I have just started doing this myself, as I have also put on a lot of weight over the past year. The thing about one-to-one training is this: if you go to the gym, or do a class where there are loads of other people and decide not to go to the class for whatever reason, you probably wouldn't be missed. However, if you have booked 30, 45 or 60 minutes one-to-one training time with someone, you will most DEFINITELY be missed if you don't turn up....

    It's costing me a few quid (but not an enormous amount), but if I smoked, drank, and had a couple of takeaways I would probably spend MORE than this amount every week on these (much less healthy!!) pursuits. If you can spare the few quid, I would highly recommend the personal trainer route. Maybe your boyfriend could recommend a trainer from his gym to help you out? They could fit you in around your work shifts. Give it a go! For the first time in a long time I feel positive about my weight loss and fitness journey.

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,464 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    Just don't buy junk food. If there are no biscuits or cake in the press then you can't eat them.

    Don't think 'lose weight' food, think 'healthy, good for me food'. If you don't cook for yourself have some fruit and a yoghurt rather than snacking on whatever comes to hand.

    Don't buy ready-meals, no matter how good they are, they are full of fattening stuff. Stirfry a chicken breast with some bean sprouts and other veggies - doesn't come much easier and only one pan!

    Do a bit of food research, not elaborate diets, but find out what food is wholesome and what is less useful.

    Find exercise that you enjoy and do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    If you've found conventional methods don't work you should take a look at 'Fat is a Feminist Issue' by Susie Orbach. Be sure to get the double volume with the self help section at the back. Its all about breaking your emotional dependence on food and learning to love your body.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23


    Thank you all so much for your help. I've started taking steps in the right direction. I have re joined the gym and am meeting with a trainer later today regarding a fitness plan and he will monitor my progress on a weekly basis.

    Did my weekly shop last night and purposely ate before hand so as not to do my usual hungry shopping and buying crap I don't want or need. Prawn stirfry with extra veggies for me tonight!!

    All yer advice has been really helpful and I will be sure to keep ye updated on my thing....get off the ciggies!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,464 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    Yes, yes, yes - get off the cigarettes. I say that as someone with a spouse in stage IV COPD (severe lung disease). However, give yourself a chance, get your new regime established and make a bit of progress before you stress yourself over the cigarettes. Good luck! (we'd love to hear how you get on, as you said, but in PI we can't ask you to do that, so don't feel people are not interested :D)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    I hear you OP trying to loose weight with a thyroid issue is a complete nightmare , getting your meds right is vital and eating correctly also as that feeling of utter exhaustion is just something that people who dont have a thyroid issue just dont understand, and they dont understand that you could be running 10k a day and still not loose a pound due to the thyroid, they think your making excuses

    and then you eat

    and the cycle starts again :o

    I am you...

    have you read run fat bitch run give it a go and see how you get one, the other thing I do is put notes up in the goodies press - cant avoid having it as the OH likes his biscuits so I put notes up telling myself do I really need to be eating that NOW and in my bedroom I have my skinny jeans and top hanging up for me to see everyday with a note on it about how I used to be able to get into it

    Its those reminders that are helping

    but dont beat yourself up if you have a bad day it happens so is life just pick yourself up and start again

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23

    edellc, its great to see that someone understands.... with my thyroid i have times when i get terrible pains in my legs just trying to walk!!! i dont want anyone thinking i am some sort of drama queen....i just really want to get back to a good weight, get my confidence back and become the person my OH, friends and family know and love because thats not who i am at the momoent and the more i think about it the more down i get....

    but i am DETERMINED now....i'm not going to let it take over me, i've finally realised that i am in control of my body and if i want to be happy again its just what i have to do!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    I get those pain in my legs aswell and the sole of my left foot cripples me its unreal, never had these issues before

    and start small dont start thinking im running 10k today, just go round the block and time yourself and get a step counter, 10,000steps aday is what to aim for but it takes time to get to that, time yourself round the block and then the next day try do it quicker, its the little things that add up


    lol right so note to self have to start taking my own advice instead of being an internet agony aunt hehehehe

    I have no excuse have a toddler so should be running round like mad, and i dont drive, but do live in the sticks and pushing a buggy is hard going especially with no energy from the thyroid and a 22mth old who has not slept through the night once since he was born, so im lucky if i get 4/5hrs sleep a night without getting woken up,its a vicious circle

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    If you want to lose weight, the first and most important thing to do is change your diet. Diet is everything. Use sites liek , track your calories, eat clean, meats loads of vegs fruit carbs such as oats, brown rice, wholemeal. If you want it bad enough you'll do it, if you kind of want it you might as well kiss goodbye to the idea cause it aint happening. As soon you get diet in check throw in a bit of exercise and bam if the weight doesnt fall off, you ain't been trying. I've thyroid problem was fat and unmotivated but then I just decided enough was enough took control of my life and dreams and got it done. Everytime you don't want to exercise or want to have that cheeky packet of sweets think of your goals and dreams and you'll exercise and pass on the sweets. You have to want it bad simple as.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    completely agree with diet1234, but you have to be in the mind frame to do it

    and want to thank trinz23 as actually was so knackered this morning wanted to die, but got my trackie on, himself in the buggy and off I went only went for a half and hour but it was a start and was glad I did it, so its just about doing it every morning now rather than say oh im so tired i just cant, yes i can :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭trinz23

    well im doing well so far.....yummy prawn stirfry for din last night....actually HAD a brekkie this morning (which i never did) and hit the gym before work....sweat the life out of myself for 45mins and then hit the pool.....i know its going to take time before i start to notice the results but it will be worth it....edellc, we can compare notes on what we are doin and how we are feeling....good or bad days!!x
