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The Battle of the Bulge Redux

  • 30-06-2012 1:47am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,920 ✭✭✭

    Right, so I'm not quite sure how I go about this, but I s'pose it's best to say something about my gut myself. I'm 30, my height is 5"11, and I weigh 227lbs. About two years ago, i was tipping the scales at almost 18 stone or 252lbs. Thankfully, I lost almost 50lbs in about a year and got myself down to 14.5 stone. Unfortunately, due to a rather hectic period over the past 12 months, I haven't had time to work out properly, and my crazy schedule meant that I was snatching fast food at random hours rather than eating in a balanced way. By the start of June, I had shot right back up to 233lbs. And then I decided to do something about it.

    Around the middle of the month, I joined the gym and started watching what I eat. I've been to the gym 7 times in the past 14 days, and I've lost 6lbs. Considering that I'm in the middle of stag/wedding season and like a few pints, that's a very good return IMO. Due to issues with my knees, I'm restricted to the cross trainer machines, but I find they are best for burning calories anyway. I intend to explore a weights regime in the next while. I'm giving up drink for July, and hope that I can lose at least 8lbs.

    Because I've lost a lot of weight and put it back on, I want to have this thread as something as a motivation. If I start to slack, I can look at what I've written here and hopefully get the kick up the aras I need. I hope to be under 15 stone (210 lbs) by the end of August, and hopefully push on from there. Wish me luck!:cool:


  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭kaiserjim

    Best of Luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,920 ✭✭✭Einhard

    So I thought I'd post an update on my progress. As mentioned above, I had lost about 6lbs by the end of June to bring me 16st 1lbs. I was quite happy with that, and considering that I was going sans alcohol in July I assumed that I would shed more. However, the first two weeks in July were somewhat disappointing- I continued to eat in a balanced, relatively healthy way, and go to the gym and yet I lost nothing further. It was quite annoying weighing myself every week to find that I had nothing to show for my efforts.

    About the middle of July, I decided to shake things up a bit, and I decided to fast. My dad had fasted earlier in the summer (for a medical condition, under medical supervision) for a full 14 days, and didn't seem to have any side effects. So, one week I fasted completely for 90 hours. I lost 7lbs in that week. The following week I fasted for about 85 hours, and lost a further 5lbs. I had basically lost almost a stone in two weeks, and I felt quite good. fasting isn't exacty something I'd relish, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

    By the end of July so, I weighed 15st 2 lbs. I went back on the drink the following weekend, and with the drink came yummy burgers and chips and kebabs! However, I managed to keep things in check by a combination of gym work and fasting. My fasting was a lot more relaxed than previously. Instead of 90 hour marathons, I decided that if I had a big night out and followed it up with chips etc on the way home, I'd fast for one day to balance it out. I lost a further 2lbs initially and then nothing for about two weeks.

    This week though, I've been sick...combination of flu and (ironically) flu poisoning. I've eaten a lot less than I would usually simply because I wasn't able to. Horrible week, but in terms of shifting weight, it's been quite effective...I'm down 3lbs for the week to 14st 11lbs or 207lbs.

    So all in all, I've taken a somewhat different approach but one that has worked for me. Apart from a brief period last year, i haven't been at this weight since my late teens. I've also taken up weights regime in the gym, and have noticed an increase in strength.

    While it would have been preferable not to have regained all the weight I lost last year, I think the fact that i did so makes me determined not to do so again. I think that the three lessons I'd take from my experience is summer are as follows: diet is by far the most critical part in losing weight; don't be afraid to try new things; and most importantly perhaps, don't be discouraged if the weight doesn't shift for a few weeks. It will come off evantually.
