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  • Site Banned Posts: 109 ✭✭saspeir

    some people really are living on the moon lol


      • PTC 1 We're you on tv this morning?43 minutes ago via mobile

      • PTC 2 no sir I was not i am trying to secure a slot on RTE Late Late, I may be in Dublin in the morning for a meeting are you going41 minutes ago

      • PTC 1 What meeting is this?40 minutes ago via mobile

      • PTC 2 I got an email about it in Dublin so I think ill go down, I've me your email address and ill forward it to you, tomorrow is the end of the 10 day's restructuring39 minutes ago

      • PTC 3 I'm heading down to the meeting. The one in The Ashling Hotel?36 minutes ago

      • PTC 4 Whats the meeting? Didn't get an email35 minutes ago

      • PTC 3 It was sent to parents, its run by the parents34 minutes ago · Edited

      • PTC 4 who from?34 minutes ago

      • PTC 2 yeah chris I'm thinking about going down i just have a few things to do so il try and yeah it sure is34 minutes ago

      • PTC 2 Brian Kealey33 minutes ago

      • PTC 1
        ..also how can my parents get o to that dad is looking to get on it 27 minutes ago via mobile

      • PTC 2 ok nb give me a little while to work it on and it will be sorted24 minutes ago

      • PTC 1 Cheers mate 23 minutes ago via mobile

    I see they're trying to get on The Late Late tonight. Will be interesting to see if that transpires. I took out the names and some details of those above to be fair but PTC 2 is Conor, the P.R. chap.

  • Site Banned Posts: 109 ✭✭saspeir

    Just noticed, the Late Late is finished up for the summer. He must be trying to get on with Miriam (she could fund them all on her wage) O'Callaghan. I'd say RTé 'd only love to have them to fill some air time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,460 ✭✭✭donkey balls

    Is the Late Late Show not on its summer break after the 50th year celebration show a few weeks ago?:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭Su Campu

    So yet again the students' research is top class!

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Milan Cobian

    Very sensible to broadcast your plans via a public FB page :roll eyes:

    Some of the traits on display here include:
    piss-poor planning and research,
    dodging responsibility,
    a well developed blame everyone else syndrome,
    an equally well developed entitlement culture.

    An FO displaying such traits would be less than welcome in most cockpits. Furthermore, persons displaying such traits would be very unlikely to be able to cope with the rigors of the industry in general. A rude awakening would surely have awaited them, it just looks like the awakening came earlier rather than later.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    I am increasingly coming to the view that these PTC students are teenagers who were easily seduced by the idea that they would all be flying 747's and being swooned over by dishy Cabin Crew while they earned fortunes in their ' glamorous ' careers.

    I have serious doubts about their true level of interest or knowledge of aviation matters , they saw a glossy brochure and asked daddy to stump up and the rest is history.

    I now have zero sympathy for the whole lot of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Milan Cobian

    I agree with you there Delancey. I have to say that if I were of the unfortunates in this situation, I'd be distancing myself in a big hurry from their "spokespersons" and I'd be encouraging same to shut their mouths right now. Trying to get something from the government is not gonna happen, so for those who are interested and able to continue training, I'd stop this current nonsense right now before you're all permanently tarred by this carry on. Aviation is a small game and people have long memories. Being part of the whining cohort will do you no favours...

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Jesus Nut

    Did anyone meet any of the students at Fly In's at grass strips through out the years ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    Jesus Nut wrote: »
    Did anyone meet any of the students at Fly In's at grass strips through out the years ?

    Doubt if any of them even knew aircraft could use grass strips :D

    Reminds so much of the wannabee '' Airline Pilot '' on the forum last year who asked '' What does RAF mean ? '' ....FFS !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 SrS123

    I would like to start off by saying that I am one of the current students caught up in the mess with PTC. The first point I wish to raise is would you all kindly not tarnish us with the same brush as the few students who are writing under the name "PTCSTUDENTS" and contacting the government for help. There are almost 200 students out here, over 80 of which are self-sponsored - it is very naive of you to believe that the majority of us are immature, did not do research, are rich kids, or have not held lifelong dreams (like many of you) to become pilots, due to the actions of the few.

    Like many of the other students here, I do not blame the government for what has happened, and do not believe they are responsible for the continuation of our training. I admit I do place some blame at the feet of the IAA, as this has happened at least twice before to large Irish schools and by now measures should be in place to prevent it. The system must be changed for the future. Again, let me reiterate, I do not believe that the IAA or Government are responsible to pay for our training to continue.

    I take some of the blame for this situation, for agreeing to PTC's payment plan (not 80k entirely up front, but made in instalments. In retrospect that was the biggest mistake however). Unlike some are claiming on here, I did do research into PTC before I accepted with them, and while I found many negative comments, the majority of the claims I found out to not be true. The quality of the instructors was fantastic, both with FIT and PTC, and ground instruction could not have been better. Many students achieved over 90% if not 95% in ATPLs. There was perhaps a sense a naivety that would not come from someone with experience in the industry already, but remember that you were all rookies once - you may not have made the same mistakes, but many have. I for one happened to have some scepticism basing my decision on nameless, faceless comments from someone I have never met sitting behind a keyboard.

    I would also like abolish this ridiculous assumption that everyone here was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. It is true that there are individuals who are from a wealthy background, as there are at any flight school, but the vast majority, myself included, are not. Houses have been remortgaged, family life saving have been spent, and loans have been taken out to finance most of the courses here. Many will not be able to continue flying, so the image that we are all privileged rich kids is absurd. I will personally be going home to work my ass off to build up enough funds to finish the last part of my course if no funds are retrieved from PTC. But trust me, it is PTC who I will be going after, not the IAA, not the government, not the media.

    Again I ask, please do not base your opinions on us from the few who are publicly voicing theirs. The majority have been seeking guidance from the IAA and their respective government officials, not repayment. We are seeking information on the accreditation of hours, continuation of training with other schools and other matters. I am extremely grateful that we have our flights paid for (regardless of your opinion, I do not believe anyone here would reject that if offered).

    For most out here dreams have been shattered, and the only thing they are guilty of is paying for the entire course before being half way through. Your hurtful comments do not help the matter, and simply rub salt into the wounds of many of us reading forums like this. I ask for a bit of decorum please ladies and gentlemen.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey


    You certainly would make a far better spokesperson for your group than any of the others.
    An eloquent post in all fairness. Thanks for posting .

  • Registered Users Posts: 399 ✭✭king2

    Best of luck, I hope You and your mates get sorted out and can continue your training. This thread and threads in general are full of people blowing hot air, hiding behind anonymity and saying things they wouldnt dare say otherwise. I wouldnt take much notice

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Jesus Nut

    SrS123 wrote: »

    I admit I do place some blame at the feet of the IAA, as this has happened at least twice before to large Irish schools and by now measures should be in place to prevent it. The system must be changed for the future.

    The IAA wont do a darn thing.
    Flight Schools go bust every day. Statistically, more than 365 FTO's go out of business around the world each year flight international have stated.

    I feel sorry for you lads but remember this! There are other Irish people who are in the very same position or worse in some cases, but you don't hear those student pilots on RTE!

  • Registered Users Posts: 702 ✭✭✭Cessna_Pilot

    You shouldn't have paid up front. Plain and simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Milan Cobian

    Good post Srs123. A voice of sense to counteract the hysterical ravings of (a small group?) your peers is to be welcomed. It can only, in the long run, be beneficial to you all to accept that the government, and by extension, the taxpayers, can not, should not and will not bail you out.
    I hope it works out for you and I equally hope that the egotistical nonsense purveyed by some of your cohort doesn't negatively tar the rest of you. It's in your own hands to ensure that that's not the case.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 174 ✭✭troposphere

    Okay we can all agree that statements like ""The least the Irish Government owes us is the rest of our training" is all a bunch of **** but do we really need to keep pointing out to these people that they should not have paid up front? I doubt even the most immature arrogant one of these people is sitting there thinking they have not messed up. I personally was a complete screw up trouble maker when I was 18 before I completely turned my life around. That is basically the same age as far as I can tell that the main spokesperson is (at least of one group of the students) I don't think these people need to be made whole by the government but lets take into consideration that there appears to be really young people who are trying to deal with this. My advice would be to try to renegotiate the loans with the banks and be thankful that you live in a country where 3rd level education does not require you to take out massive loans like here in the US.

  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭happy_head

    SrS123 wrote: »
    I would like to start off by saying that I am one of the current students caught up in the mess with PTC. The first point I wish to raise is would you all kindly not tarnish us with the same brush as the few students who are writing under the name "PTCSTUDENTS" and contacting the government for help. There are almost 200 students out here, over 80 of which are self-sponsored - it is very naive of you to believe that the majority of us are immature, did not do research, are rich kids, or have not held lifelong dreams (like many of you) to become pilots, due to the actions of the few.

    Like many of the other students here, I do not blame the government for what has happened, and do not believe they are responsible for the continuation of our training. I admit I do place some blame at the feet of the IAA, as this has happened at least twice before to large Irish schools and by now measures should be in place to prevent it. The system must be changed for the future. Again, let me reiterate, I do not believe that the IAA or Government are responsible to pay for our training to continue.

    I take some of the blame for this situation, for agreeing to PTC's payment plan (not 80k entirely up front, but made in instalments. In retrospect that was the biggest mistake however). Unlike some are claiming on here, I did do research into PTC before I accepted with them, and while I found many negative comments, the majority of the claims I found out to not be true. The quality of the instructors was fantastic, both with FIT and PTC, and ground instruction could not have been better. Many students achieved over 90% if not 95% in ATPLs. There was perhaps a sense a naivety that would not come from someone with experience in the industry already, but remember that you were all rookies once - you may not have made the same mistakes, but many have. I for one happened to have some scepticism basing my decision on nameless, faceless comments from someone I have never met sitting behind a keyboard.

    I would also like abolish this ridiculous assumption that everyone here was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. It is true that there are individuals who are from a wealthy background, as there are at any flight school, but the vast majority, myself included, are not. Houses have been remortgaged, family life saving have been spent, and loans have been taken out to finance most of the courses here. Many will not be able to continue flying, so the image that we are all privileged rich kids is absurd. I will personally be going home to work my ass off to build up enough funds to finish the last part of my course if no funds are retrieved from PTC. But trust me, it is PTC who I will be going after, not the IAA, not the government, not the media.

    Again I ask, please do not base your opinions on us from the few who are publicly voicing theirs. The majority have been seeking guidance from the IAA and their respective government officials, not repayment. We are seeking information on the accreditation of hours, continuation of training with other schools and other matters. I am extremely grateful that we have our flights paid for (regardless of your opinion, I do not believe anyone here would reject that if offered).

    For most out here dreams have been shattered, and the only thing they are guilty of is paying for the entire course before being half way through. Your hurtful comments do not help the matter, and simply rub salt into the wounds of many of us reading forums like this. I ask for a bit of decorum please ladies and gentlemen.

    Very good post! Where were you when they were electing a spokesperson? You really should try get in touch with whatever muppet is currently writing statements on behalf of PTC students and tell him to keep his little rich mouth shut! He is the reason people are loosing sympathy for you in this situation!

    Best of luck in your quest to retrieve your money, but somehow i think YOU will do alright! Better chance than the other plonkers calling on the government! You're best distancing yourself from these, and getting a few like-minded students to form their own little group get your best solicitors to repesent the few of you, and keep your campaign a little less public.

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Xpro

    When you see this sort of attitude from some of the PTC students:eek:
    This was just when the $hit hit the fan, they were probably unaware that everybody in Ireland already knew the story

    Quote PTC1:
    ok people i have personally been onto the evening herald in ireland..its about time this went public..he said if we get a photo in our uniforms the story will be parents are also in contact with them..

    anyone tat dosents no the evening herald is the biggest paper published in ireland..

    Quote PTC2:
    i honestly wouldn't advise that, any money coming in from poor bastards still signing up is the only chance of us getting any money back. honestly hold back a few days

    What does this tell you??

  • Site Banned Posts: 109 ✭✭saspeir

    Xpro wrote:
    Quote PTC2:
    i honestly wouldn't advise that, any money coming in from poor bastards still signing up is the only chance of us getting any money back. honestly hold back a few days

    Speechless. I hope that PTC2 was one of the students that paid up fully. If that's the way you think you deserve to get fully hit.

    Edit to say: If it were me quoting those people, I would have named and shamed PTC 2.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭Su Campu

    That guy is every bit as bad as the head of PTC himself!!

    Anyway, I note that this morning the PTC site is gone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 702 ✭✭✭Cessna_Pilot

    Xpro wrote: »
    When you see this sort of attitude from some of the PTC students:eek:
    This was just when the $hit hit the fan, they were probably unaware that everybody in Ireland already knew the story

    Quote PTC1:
    ok people i have personally been onto the evening herald in ireland..its about time this went public..he said if we get a photo in our uniforms the story will be parents are also in contact with them..

    anyone tat dosents no the evening herald is the biggest paper published in ireland..

    Quote PTC2:
    i honestly wouldn't advise that, any money coming in from poor bastards still signing up is the only chance of us getting any money back. honestly hold back a few days

    What does this tell you??

    I wonder could someone link the original source of this to RTE and the Papers!

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Xpro

    On the news today again, ptc students are seeking to meet up with Minister of transport on wenesday in the dail!
    What a joke, what i cant understand who in the media is entertaining this bull$hit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭Shamrock231

    Maybe there's something to be admired about doing all they can to try and get their training finished. It can't hurt to ask, and they really have no better options other than to try to do what ever will get them at least some of their money back. Keeping it in the media spotlight may well be their best chance at getting some of their money back which is what has to be their aim...

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,417 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    They're going to picket the Dail on Wednesday. Let's hope that if they do get media coverage, there will also be people in the same camera shot protesting about cuts in special needs assistants and other real and worthy causes.

    Expecting the taxpayer to cough up to compensate them for their crass stupidity is beyond a joke at this stage.

  • Site Banned Posts: 109 ✭✭saspeir

    Maybe there's something to be admired about doing all they can to try and get their training finished. It can't hurt to ask, and they really have no better options other than to try to do what ever will get them at least some of their money back. Keeping it in the media spotlight may well be their best chance at getting some of their money back which is what has to be their aim...
    What would be admired is if they manage to create new rules for FTOs through the Minister for Transport in the future. Whereas, if they do manage to get anything out of the government it should be given to all others affected by similar circumstances retrospectively. You can't have rules for those in groups that can shout loudest.

    So, no I'm not an admirer of their strategy. Direct it at PTC, administrators and Gardaí if necessary.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 794 ✭✭✭bluecode

    Oh dear God, just watching the news now on the subject. I called them naive, now I know it. They are incredibly naive.

    Varadkar the FG rottweiller will properly tell them they will get nothing more from the government than sympathy.

    Srs123, fair enough. Actually you're right, PTCs training was alway quite good. They had good staff, personal friends among them. But they were always overpriced for what they offered. Plus they were past masters at marketing which is good if they actually delivered. This failure was inevitable. The whole 'Pilot Training College' was an illusion. The attempt was to give the impression that it was something like going to Trinity or whatever. That's the market they sold to and we can see it in the attitude of some of the students. It's as if they were attending a pilot university and somehow they had passed some test to attain this elite status.

    Meanwhile back in the real world, we have the likes of NFC and Atlantic in Ireland and plenty of others in the UK and elsewhere who been around for years. Short on marketing they just deliver training for pilots.

    One thing though, even if the government coughed up to finish their training. They will simply join the ranks of the other unemployed flight school graduates. Ryanair won't touch them, neither will Aer Arann.

    I would suggest it's time to let go the 'dream'. Go and get a real job.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    Any chance there might be a counter-demonstration on behalf of the poor beleaguered taxpayer ?
    These folks are a pain in the hole , they have plenty of support in RTE thats for sure.
    They are going to keep the issue in the '' spotlight '' - God help us all.

    Fxxking sick of this crap now.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 75 ✭✭clown2brown

    These PTC folk are flogging a dead horse at this stage!
    Just call it a day and learn from your mistake in enrolling in the scam. I am going to be furious if they succeed in getting any sort of hand out at the tax payers expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,460 ✭✭✭donkey balls

    If only RTE could do some real journalism and track down edgeworth&co after all there the people responsible for the mess the students find them selves in,On another note I was out at Weston yesterday and noticed that Sky Trace office was closed .yt the website is still up have they closed down as well.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭Su Campu

    Skytrace has been closed for over a month now. A new independent school East Coast Flight Training has set up in its place.
