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Leaving Cert Dreams



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,103 ✭✭✭shefellover93

    I had a dream the day before the Leaving Cert that I was in my Accounting exam and knew none of the answers and was freaking out!

    I don't do accounting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭Whatsernamex33

    Keep on having the same one about geography, that I was sitting it again but there was questions I had never seen in my life... Yeah. :/ Nothing special. That's about it xD

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Raeone

    I had a dream that I was doing my home economics exam and it was at the end and the examiner was coming and giving me all the answers :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 noname123

    Five or six days before, I had a dream that I missed English paper one.
    I was distraught and began crying. I went on into the street and I was in Paris. I rode away on a motorcycle.

    It made no sense but the sense of relief was amazing

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    I had a dream about a week ago that we were called back to resit the biology paper! Weirdly enough we were doimg the exam in this big church or monastery (with those cloisters) and it had all those edco codes on it. Everyone was just looking up rge answers on their phones but my wifi wouldn't work :(
    I know what you mean about the AMAZING sense of relief when you realise it was just a dream!! :D

    I hate trying to predict my points by the way because I'm sometimes really mean to myself (and the total calculated points depress me!) and when I'm nice to myself I know I'm just getting my hopes up! My mam keeps asking me what I think I got in everything and what I think are my definite As. I'm always like I'm not going to get any As! I've come to the conclusion that it's better to tell yourself and everyone else that you did really bad because then if you do not so well you won't be disappointed and if you do really well you'll be even happier! :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 454 ✭✭irishdub14

    I dreamt that when I opened the biology paper it was all physics, and then thinking damn, I haven't done any of this before!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Had a bit of a strange one the other night about my actual results. Opened the envelope in my old English Classroom and saw the following:

    Irish- B2
    English- B2
    Maths- B2
    French- 54.5%
    Geography- 0.00%
    Economics- 89.5%
    Business- 100%

    :pac: No sign of Music or LCVP however. It was a bit random to say the least! But, the one good thing. Even if I really did that bad I would of gotten 395 points :P. And my 3rd choice! Arts! :P my safety blanket!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    I remember I had one about me getting into my first choice uni :).
    I had another that I woke up late for my business exam and missed it and got an F in the results .

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 jenifa

    I had another one.

    Last night I dreamt I went back to repeat my leaving cert.. again, and I went back to a all girl school. In my dream there was a Jewish girl in my class that everyone picked on except for me and this other girl because 'that's racist!'

    But then my word didn't hold value against the bullies, because I was repeating my leaving cert..again. :(

    When do I have the dream that I'm in university?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 jenifa

    I had another one last night, I already started a thread dedicate to LC dreams after I had a horrific English paper 2 dream. In that one, I wrote a perfect Sylvia Plath A1 standard answer and felt so happy..only to wake up and slowly remember that she didn't come up in the REAL exam.. :'(

    Last night I had another in which I went back to repeat the leaving Cert. Again. But this time in a all girl school. I felt in my dream that it was the right thing to do in order to get law in Trinity.. although no one respected me in class, despite being the only adult. But when has that ever worked for teachers I suppose..!

    I feel confused now... do I repeat ..again?!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭QueenOfLeon

    Threads merged.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭Siobhnk

    Sorry I didn't see the other thread :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 suplad

    Did the LC last year, still have nightmares once every 2-3 weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Nicole.

    I've had a few Leaving cert dreams, none during the exams just before and after.

    Once I had a dream that my Home Economics teacher was chasing me around the school because I left my tv and xbox on standby and we were learning about energy efficiency.

    Two nights ago I dreamt that I got horrible results, a D in English (my best subject) and Ds in everything else. It was because in my dream they didn't correct our exams in relation to a marking scheme first time round. They only corrected them using a marking scheme the second time around.

    I've had a few more, if I remember them, I'll post again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,305 ✭✭✭Chuchoter

    I never had them before the leaving but now I'm getting them all the time. Mostly about English, where the paper keeps changing and I'm running out of time. Had one the other day where I got 59% in Physics which was disastrous (and wholly possible :S )

  • Registered Users Posts: 976 ✭✭✭NinjaDucks

    I had a horrid nightmare about English wherein I wrote my letter all in French, and for the poetry I wrote about Plath instead of Kavanagh. S: when I woke up I really believed I did that, and I had to stave off tears for about half an hour before I drifted back to sleep. It was horrible. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    I had a dream that I got a C2 in English (my best/second best subject) and my teacher was just like "haha, sucks to be you". I was so crushed. ;_;

    Then I had one last night that I was celebrating being finished and then had to do them all again and I was like why did I celebrate, how did I forget about round 2? :pac:

    I had one where I went in for business and I was chuffed because it was my last exam and then it ended up being "French Paper II", where we had to compose French music and I was freaking out because I want an A1 in French and obviously had never done French music composing. Oh god, the relief when I woke up. :')

    The last one I remember at the moment was that I didn't study in between the exams and did pretty badly as a result. I was studying JC history and geography because they were more relaxing? :pac: Then later in the dream they let me resit the geography exam (the real one - the nightmare itself :P) because I'd been so pissed off after it, and because I didnt study, I'd forgotten all the stuff I was dying to write about in the mid-latitude question I'd been expecting. It was heartbreaking. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    I had a dream last night that we were getting our "Official" Junior Cert results in my primary school. My old art teacher was giving them out and they were these multi-coloured sheets. They had what grade we got in each section of each exam, so after each subject you'd see something like "CDBCEFD". I remember getting all terrible results in all these weird subjects I didn't do like "teapot studies". I kept crying on my dream saying "but I did the ACADEMIC subjects!" and my teacher was laughing at me. it was horrifying cos I woke up thinking "I wish the provisional JC results were the real ones"... before realising that they were! :) the relief!

    It's weird that I had a JC dream rather than an LC dream!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭imelle

    i had a dream the other night that i was getting my results, i opened the report card and it said "we weren't bothered correcting two of your papers but here's €50 instead."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,813 ✭✭✭Togepi

    Had a very short and detailed results dream last night (the first I've had!).  The sheet said:

    French:  A2
    Irish:  B2
    Phys/Chem:  B2
    English:  C1  :(
    Maths:  C1  :pac:
    DCG:  C2  (I don't remember seeing my DCG result on the page but, a C2 makes sense for the next part.)  :P

    Points:  480  (It actually said this on the page.)

    That's all I remember from the dream, it was only a few seconds long.  :pac:

    I've predicted that there's no way I'll get over 480, so my subconscious is clearly very optimistic.  :cool:

    Brain, Y U NO forget about the results?!  :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    I also had a Results dream last night for the first time in weeks. Got my results, but didn't seem to do that well in anything.

    Looked half way down the sheet and saw:

    History (HL)- A

    Then, the grade was accompanied by a small, handwritten note saying:

    'you seem to no must of yer stuff'

    I remember seeing 'no' and thinking, 'God, my examiner was so stupid!'.

    Then, I realised I didn;t know whether I got an A1 or A2 so I had to try and google the number of the SEC but I couldn't find it. Eventually, I got the number and the SEC told me I got an A9..

    THEN, I realised my exam number was wrong, ending in 723 as opposed to 843. I got really upset and just stopped trying to find out what I got..

    :pac: It was such a long dream and it came out of nowhere, I didn't even do history..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,763 ✭✭✭finality

    I had a weird school dream last night where I had to go to a different school for no reason until the LC results came out, my friends were there too but they didn't know me and everyone was really friendly with each other but they ignored me completely. :L And I had to learn weird stuff like American history. It was horrible, god I'm glad I'm finished school :L

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭imelle

    i've had this dream 4 times now where i'm in a classroom with my old irish teacher and she hands me back my actual written irish paper and i always get an E+ on it and she just laughs at me while i cry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,068 ✭✭✭LoonyLovegood

    Had one just there, was walking to an Internet cafe to get them (wtf?!) through Temple Bar. Went into a pharmacy and my results were on the wall. Woke up sobbing :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 976 ✭✭✭NinjaDucks

    It seems I'm constantly plagued by the leaving cert: when I'm awake, I spend every single moment worrying about the results and when I sleep, I dream about them. I had one where I was playing badminton with my scary (yet brilliant!) French teacher and she kept yelling at me in French that if I couldn't beat her, I'd fail French and forever be a dunce. :p
    Then I had this really horrible one where the CAO rang me up at the end of July to tell me my exams had been cancelled due to the fact my History project had been declared 'unfit'. They said they'd found this new book written the day after the projects were sent off, written word-for-word as my project (must have been a tiny book) and they'd decided I had stolen it from the publishing house and therefore I was to fail all my exams and be barred from college. It was a terrible dream and I woke up wondering how to break the news to my parents haha. Ugh. Awful.
    oh, and I had a tiny one last night where I met a butterfly and it told me that in order to pass my leaving cert, I had to duel a dragonfly (and somehow I shrank to fit their size). I can't remember what happened next but such a dream :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Nicole.

    I had a dream last night sort of Home Ec, Biology related. In my dream, I had to show someone sources of vitamin C but they kept saying they wanted ascorbic acid and I got really annoyed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭Sunny!!

    i had a dream last night about geography lol i left out the whole regional and elective questions, to say i woke up in a sweat is an understatement :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 Beware

    Well, I did have one very good dream where I got an A2 in Ag. Science! I had somehow managed to get a better result than the best student in the class. Ah.... what a dream! I was very disappointed when I woke up to find myself back in reality with no A2 :( .

    The second leaving cert dream I had was me receiving my English results. Not only did we get a grade, but we actually got our paper back. I discovered that I had failed english, and with tears in my eyes, I opened my paper to see where I went wrong. To my surprise, it wasn't my english paper that was looking up at me, but my maths paper. I immediately put up my hand, and said to the examiner, "there's been a mistake in my paper! This is maths, not english!" The examiner walked to me, and glanced at the paper. Then he looked back to me and said, "Sorry, where is the problem?" I explained again that this was a maths paper. At this time people in my school were watching me curiously. One approached me, and said, "This isn't maths! What are you talking about?" It was at this time that I looked at everyone around me, including the examiner, and found them staring at me with an expression that read that I clearly was being very, very stupid.

    Luckily, I did wake from that second dream.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Jesus Christ, had another dream about the results last night. This time, it was kinda a mixed one, with subjects that I didn't do well in getting A's and my best subjects scraping B's.

    So, I dreamt I was in my house and my Dad was sorting through everyones results in my year in the Dining room while everyone waited nervously in our Living Room. I went to get my envelope and realised my results were all bended which really annoyed me :mad: :P

    Anyway, I opened the envelope and these were my imaginary results:

    Irish- C2
    English- A1
    Maths- B3
    Geography- B3
    French- A2
    Business- B2
    Economics- B3
    Music- B1

    That comes to 505 which would be an absolute dream come true. I woke up soo delighted to have gotten an A1 in English and somehow managed an A2 in French, but I didn't know how to break to my parents and teachers how I only got a B2 and B3 in Business/Economics!

    I was really disappointed! :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    Worst one so far tonight. >_>

    I had to crawl down a huge steep hill to get to a table where results were being given out. All my friends from every school were there too and when we got our results they were in boxes.

    I ended up in my house in my kitchen opening them away from everyone in the sitting room, but in my box there were socks, money, all sorts of things for my future (:pac:) but no results. :( My eyes weren't working (happens in my dreams sometimes, it's really weird and unnerving) and I went in and asked my friend to help me find them but she was just like "cant be arsed, I did great, I'm going out tonight :cool:" and I was really sad. :(

    Woke up still sad, and went back asleep. Can't wait to get the results and hopefully be done with these dreams!
