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stolen bmx

  • 07-07-2012 9:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭

    To day in the Cove at Bay View on Gold Coast, Orange/Brown BMX, lifted about 4pm, reported to Dungarvan Garda Station.
    No front light, back light working, stickers X-rated Decoy, no valve caps on tyres.
    Any info please contact Dungarvan Garda, car believed involved being checked out.
    Many thanks


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hi, no sign of recovery for the BMX, have a distraught 11 year old who cannot understand why someone should take his bike and ruin his holiday in Clonea.
    Someone must see a B MX today where there was not one yesterday morning, or on Done Deal, we will be checking, if you are offered an orangey X rated decoy please tell the guards in Dungarvan, thanks Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,546 ✭✭✭✭Poor Uncle Tom

    It's bloody disgusting that someone would rob a bike on a younglad. Is there any CCTV cameras around the Goldcoast Hotel or Golf Club House that might help?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    still no sign, the children and parents have been searching the cycle path and the cove, in a vain hope of consuling the lad concerned.
    The tea leaf's might just have a sense of fair play and deliver the bike back, they could drop it at Casey's reception, no one would see them or pop it outside the garda station, but please give it back, you are spoiling a holiday.
    We wish you well despite what you have done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,801 ✭✭✭Roanmore

    I was at the hotel bar yesterday just before 4 to about 5 o clock, didn't see anything suspicious. May have happened before I arrived.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Roanmore, appreciate your concern, my son say's a big thank you.
    Perhaps those responsible do not realise the anguish caused to a young mind, and to his friends who were with him.
    Most of them have been back to the cove searching today, and some parents, it is a bit like the wild west we will get them, a posse thank goodness they haven't got horses.
    Seriously if anyone knows the lads involved, according to the boys there was three or four in a red coloured car down at the cove, please ask them to just drop the bike at Casey's reception in Clonea, leave it against the wall so no one see's them, or perhaps the Garda station.
    If it has been dumped ask someone to drop an note without names to where we can find it, this is a plea from the heart, thank you

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good Morning Dungarvan, Clonea, Abbeyside and Ballinroad.
    Well no news overnight, perhaps those responsible are reflecting on what they did, and how they would feel if it happened to them.
    Grown up's can absorb such things but 11 year olds definately no, to lose a treasured possession at that tender young age is and will leave a very nasty scar.
    You might have made an enemy, and one that will last, of people who do similar things to what you have done.
    Okay you no doubt either have or will attempt to get a few euro;s for your trouble, probably no where what the bmx was worth to that child.
    I hope you are not laughing at our efforts to try and get the bmx back, you must remember that one day you might need help, as surely you will, but do not be surprised if there is no one to give a hand.
    You may remember the dark orange BMX, please take it back or tell us where it is now.
    Thank you

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Sorry to say there has been no news on the whereabouts of our lad's orange BMX,taken from the cove on Saturday afternoon.
    I guess at eleven it is very difficult to understand theft, and that he probably will never see his BMX again.
    He say's but Dad it was a special bike, it was a present and I have learnt to ride on it, I could go out with all the other boy's instead of me having to run to keep up with them.
    So now I either have to run or not go with them, it was so safe riding along the cycle path from Clonea, why would anyone take my bike and spoil my holiday.
    Try explaining that, if you are one that took the BMX, but there again you might be in for a surprise, ever heard of tagging, well the BMX might or might not have been tagged, so if it is you keep an eye out for a strange car sitting up the road, we will do our best to see you shortly.
    Have a very good day and do not worry, just take the BMX back to Casey's reception at Clonea, you won't have to keep watch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,546 ✭✭✭✭Poor Uncle Tom

    I'm sorry for your trouble, but the likelyhood of the thief responsible reading this thread is very very small. Your thread has had 192 visits in three days here.

    I think you might be best making a call to WLR this morning, see what comes of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Phoned WLR but as of now we have heard nothing more, will pop into the Garda Station later on, just in case.
    Well i hope the boy's who stole the eleven year old's BMX are patting themselves on the back, a job well done lads, ruined someone's holiday, it must give them a great kick.
    Let's hope some day they will have to explain to an eleven year old with tears in his eyes that he will never see his bike again, and listen to the plea, it was so special.
    Now he walks everywhere he will have time to reflect on the low life, and you really are, who took his pleasure away.
    You could return it to Casey's reception at the clonea Strand Hotel, he might just see it walking, yes walking to the shop for a bag of chips or whatever, or drop a note as to where it is left, Bobby is our son, so put Bobby on it and they will know who it is, I would appreciate your consideration but if you don't help you will know exactly my thought's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Well the low life of Dungarvan have not had the goodness in their hearts to put back the X-rated Decoy BMX, well perhaps we didn;t expect it, if you steal a childs bike, what do you expect.
    Let's hope someday they have children, god help us, but we wonder what they would be doing, no doubt nicking someone else's.
    To take away an eleven year old's pleasure is fairly low on the list, it shows a lack of moral fibre, and no doubt decent people pass solids that are of better quality than these lads.
    All you have to do is drop the bmx at Casey's receptioin by the Clonea Strand Hotel or drop a messasge as to where the bike can be found, though as time goes on I suspect you are not even capable of doing this.
    What a prospect for future life you have, a blot on the lovely town of Dungarvan.
    Well come on do something to make people proud of you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Well to keep everyone up to date, by the way many thanks at looking at the thread, we went to the Garda this morning and they have no news on the BMX, Casey's reception at Clonea have not heard from the perpertrators of this dastadly crime'During the course of the year a great many bikes do get stolen and abandoned, the Garda eventually have to dispose of them by way of sales.It is not as if this is a major crime, petty I think may be the right word, however to our eleven year old it is the end of the world.He cannot understand why it was taken, but Dad if they use it someone is bound to spot it, what if they have sold it, then the person who paid good money in all innocents could lose out.Such is the logic, so our dear friends who have spoilt a holiday obviously have no such thoughts, as Poor Uncle Tom said they probably don't or can't read the Boards.If they have abandoned the BMX, where, tell us and we will go and pick it up, it is not as if it was the top of the range, very much a standard BMX, can't say where it came from for obvious reasons, but to Dungarvan it would be quite unique.So if you do see an Orange X-rated Decoy dumped or even being ridden please do let us know, either through the Garda at Dungarvan or Casey's Caravan Park reception.Thank you so much it is appreciated

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    When will it stop raining, the least of our worries. Well no sighting of the Orange BMX so far. We are patroling area's of the town just in case someone decides to take it out. How do we know it is our eleven year old's, easy it is not a bike to get in the Dungarvan/Waterford area, so anyone seen riding an orange, dark orange X-rated Decoy will almost certainly be our son's BMX.
    We keep a close liason with the Garda juat in case it has been dumped, being too hot to handle.
    Thank you for reading this thread, you will appreciate that having a youngsters holdiay ruined we needed to do something to try and find the bike.
    No doubt with the weather we are having it might not have got much use, and it isn't much fun walking.
    Thanks again, much appreciated

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Is the sunshine a good omen for our eleven year old, will the lads return the BMX?
    Somehow though the sun might shine, we don't expect those who ruined the eleven year old's holiday have the fibre to do a decent thing. Sad to reflect that there are people who have no thought for other people's property.
    Do they have any feeling that the lad can watch his mates cycle around on their BMX's and he has to walk or just miss out on the fun, because some person is so deprived they have to steal.
    At some time in life there has to be retribution, these people will ask for help, they forget "No man is an island", lets hope the people are more generous than they have been.
    They could change opinion by returning the bike to Casy's Reception at Clonea Strand, or leaving a note to say where it is, I honestly cannot see them going to the Garda Station, but a call would suffice.
    Come on let the sunshine into your life, lift up your hearts, enjoy your life.
    Thank you for reading our plea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 244 ✭✭Brianne

    I wonder if you place an advert in the local Dungarvan Observer and Dungarvan Leader about the missing bike. Certainly a massive amount more people are going to read it there rather than here and who knows what might happen hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭duinegorm

    Drive out by the halting site, if you see the bike there then tell the Guards and they can get it. Had to do this twice before. PM me if you'd like to know from what estates in Dungarvan are the thiefs most likely to have come from. Don't depend on the Guards to do anything, they haven't the resources to have anyone on the lookout for a stolen bike, you'll have to find it yourself. Forget about posting here about it, very little chance it will make a difference and also there is no chance whatsoever that the thieves will see what your posting, save yourself the energy for looking for the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 100 ✭✭waterford

    Why not try the guy in Cathal B---- in Dungarvan I was working there last year
    he buys from young lads ?? and sells on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    hi, thanks for the info, but as we are not from Dungarvan and only staying at Casey's who is Cathal B, or where is he please. Much appreciated for all of your assistance

  • Registered Users Posts: 469 ✭✭JBokeh

    hi, thanks for the info, but as we are not from Dungarvan and only staying at Casey's who is Cathal B, or where is he please. Much appreciated for all of your assistance

    It's the name of this estate here,It has a bit of a reputation amongst the locals

    I agree with what was said above,you won't really find the gards spending much of their time looking for a bike,You are best find out where all the hot spots for stuff showing up is and look your self

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    many thanks for replies but to-date no luck the dark orange bmx is still missing, the garda are most helpful in dun garvan, though they din't think i would be wise to go round that estate, being a brave coward I didn;t.
    But any news please keep us in mind, thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Well despite all your help we have not as yet located the dark orange X Rated Decoy BMX, stolen from the Cove about four weeks ago.
    Dungarvan Gardi have been very helpful and haven't given up hope of finding it.
    Well our lad is missing the BMX, so much that we are thinking of looking for a good secondhand one, it doesn't need to be perfect, any one know of one would appreciate advice. Many thanks to all concerned

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    No response to our last post, pity but there you are.
    The low life must be laughing all the way to the bank with the number of bikes being lifted, there appears very little that can be done to stop these charming people.
    Yes padlocks are a deterent of sorts but most are easy to get over, unless there is a wise person who knows better, any advice in that regard would be of interest as well as getting the bmx back.
    If by chance the lads who stole the bike care to drop into casey's caravan park it would of course be appreciated and might be a step in the right direction for them for the future.
    Have a nice day

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,466 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    foxcoverteddy - at this stage you are not likely to get many replies. You have had a bike stolen, that is a great shame, disappointing for your child and generally upsetting for everyone. Its a bike though. It was stolen. Its gone. You are not likely to get it back at this stage.

    You are more likely to get another on, or freecycle or in a bike shop that does secondhand bikes, rather than a random mention on here when most people have probably stopped reading your posts, unless, like me, they had a quick look to see if you had got it back. Its not that they don't care, but there are other, much greater problems out there that people have to cope with.

    Keep the lines open with the Guards, but really for your own sake, for your child's sake and for the sake of your holiday (I gather you are still in the caravan) you need to let it go and move on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    hi looksee
    Fair comment and thank you, it was very nicely put which is appreciated, there are of course greater problems, how we solve them is another matter.
    Once again many thanks
