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Due March 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭kknitter

    Hi All,

    May I join in? I am 9.1 weeks today. My first scan/appointment is coming Tuesday. Have been waiting for it long now. I will be 10 weeks then. I had early miscarriage few months back, hence was apprenhensive joining the thread. As i don't have any confirmation other then positive HPT and doctors positive test. no Morning sickness, nausea, food craving or aversions, just gas :) and a bit of tiredness and peeing a lot (but I anyways drank lots of water before this so not sure). Hopefully my scan gives me the green signal and everything is fine.

    Looking foward to the new begining as it is my first :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    Hey Kknitter, congratulations on your pregnancy! Good luck with your scan :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Congrats Kknitter!

    Girls, Im 11 weeks tomorrow and as of this week, I actually have no symptoms. Boobs are sore but I dont think that would dissappear overnight. I feel ok otherwise, not tired, nauseaus, skin cleared, dont feel bloated at all. Am really worrying now. Just wish we could get the 12week scan over with. It's so stressful isn't it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Congrats Kknitter,

    Yellow hen i wouldn't be worrying about your symptoms going, my mam was saying once ya reach the 11-12 week mark you should feel so much better. My sickness has eased a good bit, not getting sick as often but getting a little more up than before when i actually do get sick but i can handle that. This week I'm really really tired, totally shattered by 11am in work, im in bed by 10 in the evenings and not getting up till 8. I wish my neck and chest would clear its so bad, im wearing light scarf's to hide the spots!

    The last two nights ive had like a period pain really low down and a little dull pain left of my uterus, i get worried when i get the period like pain im always afraid im going to bleed, thankfully there has been now brown discharge or any sight of blood, but still fecking worrying all the same.

    How are the rest of you ladies feeling? All good i hope :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    dont worry about the dull period pains that is your uturs stretching ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellowhen with my little one by week 12 I felt great,the off feeling had dissapeared and skin was glowing:),so don't worry to much,ellie123 sounds like round ligament pain,it's your uterus growing for baby:)i'm getting it now in the evening already when i'm tired and have been on my feet all day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭kknitter

    Thank you all for the wishes. Yellow hen, I am same as you, no symptoms, hence want to get over with the first scan and want to share the news with family :)

    I am feeling good otherwise, just the workout in gym is getting a bit difficult, even though I am just doing light cardio, yesterday struggled at level 2 of cross trainer :eek: considering what I was used to doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Thanks Ladies, that makes me feel so much better, the dull pain ive had since week 5 on and off so i presumed that was the uterus stretching the period pain i also had around week 5 but went away and only came back on wednesday but it all makes sense baby is growing and i'll be 9 weeks on Saturday. this has just brightened up my day to know its normal :D

    I am totally wishing away the next 17 days until my first hospital appt.

    Was chatting to the OH lastnight about things we need done and that. We've also discussed finding out the sex of the baby, i know we have another 10 weeks or so before we make up our minds, he is dead set on finding out but i cant make up my mind!! anyone else had this discussion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    Yellow Hen, my friend had no MS at all during her pregnancy, it's very individual, there is no standard.
    Kknitter, wow, you do workouts! I used to cycle and do Bootcamp, but now I'm so exhausted all the time, don't even think of doing exercises!
    Elly123, I get some of that pain sometimes as well, it should be just uterus stretching.
    Can't wait to get to week 13 and be over with this tiredness and MS!

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Kknitter fair play on the exercise, i haven't been to the gym in 4 weeks im just too tired. I was very fit and active and literally all i am doing now is walking the odd Day and sometimes thats a struggle.
    Im going to do pilates once i reach the 12 week mark and get go ahead from doc.
    I was very swollen from wk 5-7 and none of my work trousers fit but im back wearing them again, swelling has gone, i expected to pile on the weight from not exercising but I've lost 2-3lbs id imagine from the MS but if i can maintain a good healthy weight through the pregnancy i'll be happy. I am not worried about gaining if im honest once im past the 12 weeks that is and ppl know im pregnant and not just FAT :D:D i cant wait to embrace my bump :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Thanks for reassurance ladies! Elly, I am the same, in that my trousers are fitting better now than they did 3 weeks ago. I've also had that dull ache on and off before. Havent had it for about 2 weeks now but then I havent had any aches lately (bar the ever increasy bossom :o)

    I think in our own way, we all get our heads prepared to hear the worst news at the 12 week scan. Im terrified to get too excited as I couldnt bear the dissappointment. It took us so long to get this far. We've already told our parents as they had been waiting and watching for so long that if something went wrong I'd need to tell my mum anyways. Havent told our siblings yet so can't wait to get that news out there!

    Delighted everyone else is feeling pretty ok. A few more weeks and we'll be into the second trimester :) Shur most of us are probably a quarter of the way through the pregnanct already.

    oh Elly, re finding out the sex. I dont think we're going to. Not because there is any logical reason behind it, I think it's the old nerves again and afraid to jinx things etc.... silly really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    I really don't know if i want to know or not, my OH is set on finding out and i know he will wreck my head with 1day saying he and the next saying she, he would never give it away but i think id end up killing him hahaha. I don't think our parents want to know and i only want to know so that we can do the nursery up other than that i don't. We have a boys and a girls name which will probably change a million times before the arrival but we had these picked before i was pregnant so i don't think they'll change. I kinda like the idea of guessing and the surprise element, the OH says it was a surprise finding out we're going to have a baby and if we know what it is there will still be a surprise when he/she is in your arms. Hmmmmm at least ive a while to think about it and decide.

    I decided after the early scan when i seen everything was great that i am going to enjoy this and try keep the anxiety and worry a minimum otherwise i will have myself drove mad.

    I know i keep repeating myself but its great having the reassurance of your ladies here. We'll become one big family over the next 9months :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    hiya expecting mummies :)
    ive my 12 week scan in 4 days totally looking forward to it :) is anyone noticing flutters in the tummy, i woke up this morning from tummy movements like weird sensations , anyone else getting the same? and its not gas :) :P
    i havent got morning sickness or any real signs of pregnancy except boobs went up a cup size ha what puts my mind at ease is my tummy is rounding taking shape,qand the flutters, i dont know if this is imagination.. i just hope everything is okay find out in 4 days :)
    nearly a third of the way done now nearly 2nd trimester :)
    good luck mummies :) xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭wicklori

    Oh my Goodness ladies what a crap weekend of vomiting that was! EEEKKK! At one stage not even water was staying down! I think baby prefers the weekday routine.
    On the exercise front I have been trying to keep up my gym once/twice a week and started pilates on doctors advice once a week aswell. Walk/cycle a little every day. Really find that the days I do some exercise I feel WAY better. Very, very hard to get motivated when I'm feeling pukey though.
    8 days to Nuchal scan.... just trying not to think about it. Saw the heart beat weeks ago so not as worried on that front so much as what if they make some vague statement about an increased risk of something-like what would that mean? Wondering if we did the right thing by signing up for it at all....

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Ah wicklori sorry to hear you had a bad weekend, i think i am the opposite im generally ok at the weekends and worse midweek. my nausea has settled a bit, only seem to get sick now when im hungry or when i feel a bit weak. I had a really bad headache lastnight, at first it felt like a dehydration headache but i drank at least 2ltrs of water. fell asleep for 2hrs but when i woke it was still there ended up taking 1 panadol i was a bit iffy about taking it but i had to take something.

    Your nuchal scan will be fine, how far along are you now?

    Yellow hen and annettea im really looking forward to hearing how your hosp appointments go, you must be so excited. i have mine in two weeks and it cant come quick enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭wicklori

    elly123 wrote: »
    Ah wicklori sorry to hear you had a bad weekend, i think i am the opposite im generally ok at the weekends and worse midweek. my nausea has settled a bit, only seem to get sick now when im hungry or when i feel a bit weak. I had a really bad headache lastnight, at first it felt like a dehydration headache but i drank at least 2ltrs of water. fell asleep for 2hrs but when i woke it was still there ended up taking 1 panadol i was a bit iffy about taking it but i had to take something.

    Your nuchal scan will be fine, how far along are you now?

    Yellow hen and annettea im really looking forward to hearing how your hosp appointments go, you must be so excited. i have mine in two weeks and it cant come quick enough.

    I've had two of those headaches-the pulsing thumping ones? My Mam had a bit of a random idea-put an icepack-frozen veggies whatever, on your head. It definitely gave me relief. I took two paracetamol the other evening-their safe and it's in no ones interests to be in that much pain.

    I'm 11 weeks and 3 days. (Not that we are counting or anything!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    yeah it was the pulse thumping headache i could feel the pulse at the side of my head, i felt when i put pressure on it, it eased slightly, if it happens again I'll try the frozen veggies. Thanks.

    Your exactly two weeks ahead of me based on my early scan :) based on my LMP i should be 10weeks 4 days but i suppose the scan would be more accruate. So i am going by that. I am wishing the weeks away!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭wicklori

    elly123 wrote: »
    yeah it was the pulse thumping headache i could feel the pulse at the side of my head, i felt when i put pressure on it, it eased slightly, if it happens again I'll try the frozen veggies. Thanks.

    Your exactly two weeks ahead of me based on my early scan :) based on my LMP i should be 10weeks 4 days but i suppose the scan would be more accruate. So i am going by that. I am wishing the weeks away!! :)

    I think we are all in the same boat wishing the time by... I honestly will stop doing that once I cross the threshold of 12 weeks! After that I need every single minute of the time to get my head around the idea of us being parents!!!

    You never know what date your next scan might show though either-you could catch up!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    wicklori wrote: »
    I think we are all in the same boat wishing the time by... I honestly will stop doing that once I cross the threshold of 12 weeks! After that I need every single minute of the time to get my head around the idea of us being parents!!!

    You never know what date your next scan might show though either-you could catch up!!! :)

    I hope so :)

    Yeah i think once i can share the news i'll stop wishing the weeks away.

    Myself and the OH were laughing the other day, we really wanted this baby more than anything in the world and now that we're actually going to be parents it is very overwhelming we didnt think it would happen so quick (well it seemed like forever when we were trying, it took 6 months) but now its actually happened we're kinda going ohhhhh sh*t this is now for real :D:D:D:D. Our friends had baby 9weeks ago so we're spending time with them every week, haven't offered to change a nappy or anything like that yet but just been around a baby is good. we are babysitting for them next month so im sure our eyes will be opened to what it entails :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    elly123 wrote: »
    Yellow hen and annettea im really looking forward to hearing how your hosp appointments go, you must be so excited. i have mine in two weeks and it cant come quick enough.

    Unfortuatnely I have had to cancel my appt on Thursday as we have a funeral that we have to go. Am so dissappointed. I called the hosp this morning and left a voicemail so I have no idea when I'll get another appt. :( I was so looking forward to being able to tell people once we knew everything was ok.

    On a side night, I defo felt a change in my tummys shape last night. I put on weight in the last year so it was difficult to see it initally but last night I was rubbing it and there is a definite change in shape down low. You can actually feel the bump when you rub it. I was delighted to see something as Ive had very few symptoms so far and was a bit nervous! Anyone else notice this yet?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Unfortuatnely I have had to cancel my appt on Thursday as we have a funeral that we have to go. Am so dissappointed. I called the hosp this morning and left a voicemail so I have no idea when I'll get another appt. :( I was so looking forward to being able to tell people once we knew everything was ok.

    On a side night, I defo felt a change in my tummys shape last night. I put on weight in the last year so it was difficult to see it initally but last night I was rubbing it and there is a definite change in shape down low. You can actually feel the bump when you rub it. I was delighted to see something as Ive had very few symptoms so far and was a bit nervous! Anyone else notice this yet?

    Awh sorry to hear that, hope your ok. Im sure they will get back to you soon with a new appointment that is not to far away especially due to the circumstances of having to cancel.

    i'm delighted to hear you are starting to take shape, I cant wait for my tummy to take shape, i dont know if im bloated or its a slight bump its not really that firm but its not complete wobble either :D. i do have the little indent/shadow line from just below my bellybutton (not sure of exact name) has anyone else got this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭KillerKity

    I'm finally deciding to join in as it's just about starting to feel real. Im 13 weeks and due the end of feb but think march is more realistic!

    Due to a previous mc and early bleeding I've had a few scans, the last at 11 weeks which was amazing! Like other posters I was measuring small, by 6 days, but it's caught up and right on schedule :-)

    My symptoms have eased off except for heart burn, dizziness and sore boobs. Oh, and my belly is rounding!

    everything is fine but I don't want to tell anyone! My oh tells everyone he meets but I just told my family. I'm loving being pregnant and don't wanna share! It's this really bad?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Not sure what you call that line Elly, will have to go home and inspect my belly now :p

    The coombe called back and I got a new appt for next week so Im happy enough with that. Another week to keep stum........

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Not sure what you call that line Elly, will have to go home and inspect my belly now :p

    The coombe called back and I got a new appt for next week so Im happy enough with that. Another week to keep stum........

    Ah thats great that its not too long of a wait.

    The line is called "linea negra" i googled it some people see it and others dont, but i can defo see mine!

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭kknitter

    Had my first scan, I am 10 weeks, unfortunately it measured 6 weeks, its almost certain it's a miscarriage but EPU will do internal scan to confirm it. Really devasted, I am out of this thread :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    oh kknitter, Im so sorry to hear that. It's what we all dread hearing but unfortunately its all too common. When can you go back for the internal scan? The waiting is so hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    awh kknitter im so sorry to hear that, you poor thing, i hope you can get the internal scan asap xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    Oh Knitter I hope it was just a mistake and the internal scan will show that everything is fine!

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭kknitter

    Thank you Yellow hen, elly123 and Lilbe for the replies.
    Internal scan is for this friday. I doubt yesterday's was wrong as I saw the sac and it was tiny and no heartbeat. But lets c what happens friday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    Morning ladies, how are you all feeling?

    I've started my week 12 and feel much more energy today than I had in the last few weeks. Actually thinking of doing something after work, not just dragging myself home and lie on the couch. And I was able to cook without getting nausious a couple of days in a row! Yesterday even got some extra food from my husband's plate :) Though I still feel queasy and tired in the evenings.
    Things are starting to look brighter, can't believe I'm getting out of the exhaustion and nausea of the first weeks of pregnancy! Looking forward to the second trimester!
