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Due March 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    The test was redone and little man didnt even budge or make a sound he was so good. We'll only hear back if the result is not normal. It was borderline so not too bad. Even if it comes back that he has really high levels its the most treatable and nothing too serious to worry about so we're both at ease about it now.

    I'm just on my way to get my hair done looking forward to it.
    I dressed Sean in his first 'big boy' clothes 2day little jeans and top. His new born baby look is already gone :-( it doesn't last long does it?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    elly123 wrote: »
    The test was redone and little man didnt even budge or make a sound he was so good. We'll only hear back if the result is not normal. It was borderline so not too bad. Even if it comes back that he has really high levels its the most treatable and nothing too serious to worry about so we're both at ease about it now.

    I'm just on my way to get my hair done looking forward to it.
    I dressed Sean in his first 'big boy' clothes 2day little jeans and top. His new born baby look is already gone :-( it doesn't last long does it?!

    I'm sure the results will be fine elly. They weighed my poor man wrong and then told me he was losing weight a week later!

    Little O has been in his big bit clothes for a while. No jeans yet but little trackies and tops... He's dead cute in them. He was only 7lb 10 born but has a really full face so everyone thinks he's much older.... Think he got the big chops from me :(

    We moved him into the comfort formula yesterday to try and control the reflux. It's desperately gloppy stuff and we're struggling finding the right teat to allow it flow through. Is anyone else using comfort?

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Hi everyone and babies.. where is the time going at all?? They're growing up too fast,, Elly I hope the heel prick test will come out normal and he sounds like a little food monster :)
    Yellow hen, how u doing with the bottle feeding? How come u have to stop with the breast, does it make the reflux worse? Bottle feeding in least u can have a bit of a routine with it.. is the Dr.brown bottles good for reflux I know they're brilliant for colicky babies.
    CB how is Bonnie 2 weeks already ha ha time is flying how did she get on? And yourself? Good to leave the house..
    Lilbe how u getting on? Are u still breastfeeding hows it going? Say its easier without the growth spurts?
    Guys I need help with wind, its driving me insane really lacking in sleep, ,I'm using infacol and it helps a bit with Katelyn but its really hard to get all the wind up,, so I could put her down thinking all the wind is up a half hour later she's screaming in pain I try to get it up but sometimes I can't and she could cry to her next feed.. none of us are sleeping properly and its getting very hard..

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    Hi annettea,

    Bonnie has wind after every feed.
    Try different positions.
    Sit her on your leg with her leaning forward over your hand and rub her back in ANTI-CLOCKWISE directions.
    Then up on shoulder... BEWARE - projectile vomit all over the wall, pillows and bed behind you... LOL!!! (Laundry every day for sheets)!!
    Get up -- as hard as it is to do this -- and walk around the room, bouncing her gently with your steps...
    Lift her up with hands under her arms pits so her legs dangle down and she looks like a rag doll but --- her stomach gets stretched...
    Try everything, a 100 times, until she burbs or pukes... then at least, she is happy and you are happy... until next feed....

    .....and start all over again!

    VERY tiring!

    I have puke in my hair... puke down my back... puke on my cushions in the kitchen...
    O dear Lord!!!
    And I only just had had a lovely shower, washed hair, put body moisturizer on... the lot!!
    Oh motherhood!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Sounds like a horror house with the amount of puke ha :) I think missy moo is colic!! She has one crying spree a day but now its happening through the day and not the night but I shall try those techniques, hopefully it'll ease at the last feed I usually give her a good massage and make sure the tummy is soft soft.
    I really need to get my act together I don't have time to do anything for me. Hows the breastfeeding going? Ur nearly at the 3 week growth spurt or did it happen already?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    annettea wrote: »
    Hi everyone and babies.. where is the time going at all?? They're growing up too fast,, Elly I hope the heel prick test will come out normal and he sounds like a little food monster :)
    Yellow hen, how u doing with the bottle feeding? How come u have to stop with the breast, does it make the reflux worse? Bottle feeding in least u can have a bit of a routine with it.. is the Dr.brown bottles good for reflux I know they're brilliant for colicky babies.
    CB how is Bonnie 2 weeks already ha ha time is flying how did she get on? And yourself? Good to leave the house..
    Lilbe how u getting on? Are u still breastfeeding hows it going? Say its easier without the growth spurts?
    Guys I need help with wind, its driving me insane really lacking in sleep, ,I'm using infacol and it helps a bit with Katelyn but its really hard to get all the wind up,, so I could put her down thinking all the wind is up a half hour later she's screaming in pain I try to get it up but sometimes I can't and she could cry to her next feed.. none of us are sleeping properly and its getting very hard..
    Hey Annetea, its going well. Yes, I breastfeed and I love it, specially since I figured out how to do it lying down and now I sleep properly at night. growth spurts are fine, I don't mind the baby eating, I would be worried if he wouldn't eat! Jacob grows, we moved him to bigger nappies and bigger clothes, and he started to smile, it's the best thing ever!
    I don't even try to do anything for myself, just take care of the baby. I have my sister in law starting with us, and she does all the house work, don't know how I would manage without her. Today and tomorrow she had to go away, and I struggle even to warm up my lunch - the little man does not like to be away from his mummy even for a little bit. How do you girls cope with housework, do you also have somebody helping our do you manage to do it yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Lilbe its great u have the sister in law there u need as much help as possible especially with breastfeeding , do not worry about housework, I did that when mum left and it affected the milk supply.. but u can do bits when the baby sleeps or put Jacob kicking on the ground when his awake and content.. oh the smiles I can't wait for the smiles, your so lucky! Does he have tears? I'm dreading the tears. How is Jacob sleeping?

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    annettea wrote: »
    Lilbe its great u have the sister in law there u need as much help as possible especially with breastfeeding , do not worry about housework, I did that when mum left and it affected the milk supply.. but u can do bits when the baby sleeps or put Jacob kicking on the ground when his awake and content.. oh the smiles I can't wait for the smiles, your so lucky! Does he have tears? I'm dreading the tears. How is Jacob sleeping?
    Yes, he has tears when he cries, but not much. He sleeps very well when I'm next to him or in a car or in a pram, but that's about it. sleeping at home without me is pretty much impossible! But he does stay quiet when awake and I put him in a bouncer, he seems to like it. How is Katelyn sleeping pattern? Does she give you any time to rest?

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    hey annetea and Lilbe,

    i'm beginning to think I have OCD..!!! nearly as bad as Elly when she was preggers...
    even though i'm exhausted, I still have to do my bit of housework!!
    maybee I gotta cool it down on the housework --- i'll be too worn out before I know it...

    Bonnie feeds A LOT too, but I am trying to teach her that she can't be on the boob ALL the time, 24 hours a day... trying to be ok with her crying a little bit, if I take her away from the boob after say 2 hours...

    Puking has calmed down Annetea!!!
    Just little pukes now!!
    But still lots of wind... Night times are hard, fighting back the sleep, and having to get up and wind the poor wee thing after every feed and for 2 hours at a go, till she falls back asleep...

    Sometimes the falling back asleep can take forever, like 4 hours.... anyone else find this???

    Do you guys let your baby cry ever? Torn between letting her cry a bit or keeping her on boob so she doesn't get upset, but then it's hours and hours often, up to 4 hours a go... very full on.
    What about you guys who are also breast feeding???

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi cb, ice verb reading this thread but just haven't had a chance to post back. When I was bf, my lil man could stay at the boob for hours too. It was defo a comfort thing. I used to just remove him and rock him to sleep. Turns out that the boob was a bit if comfort to him as he had reflux.

    Re crying, my little man is tough work and doesn't sleep well at all but I think it's too early to let them cry alone. They're just too young so continue to comfort bonnie as you are doing now. We'll pray it eases up soon!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    hey annetea and Lilbe,

    i'm beginning to think I have OCD..!!! nearly as bad as Elly when she was preggers...
    even though i'm exhausted, I still have to do my bit of housework!!
    maybee I gotta cool it down on the housework --- i'll be too worn out before I know it...

    Bonnie feeds A LOT too, but I am trying to teach her that she can't be on the boob ALL the time, 24 hours a day... trying to be ok with her crying a little bit, if I take her away from the boob after say 2 hours...

    Puking has calmed down Annetea!!!
    Just little pukes now!!
    But still lots of wind... Night times are hard, fighting back the sleep, and having to get up and wind the poor wee thing after every feed and for 2 hours at a go, till she falls back asleep...

    Sometimes the falling back asleep can take forever, like 4 hours.... anyone else find this???

    Do you guys let your baby cry ever? Torn between letting her cry a bit or keeping her on boob so she doesn't get upset, but then it's hours and hours often, up to 4 hours a go... very full on.
    What about you guys who are also breast feeding???

    Jesus CB that sounds really full on. I have easy compare to that.
    Fair play on the house work aswel. I'm getting bits of house work done but OH does the hoovering everyday. I still have him at home and he does every second feed. Will be lost when he goes back to work.

    We had to change Sean's formula again. Reluctantly We put him on the Aptamil hungry baby food but I think it was too much for him making him windy and wasnt getting it up and was in pain. Waking every 40mins. Still quite constipated aswel. Doc and MWs said its normal that he's only pooing every 2-3 days but he does be purple trying to push and nothing coming out. We have now put him on the cow & gate comfort and he seems to really like it and its suiting him. He's sleeping longer and not as windy. He hasn't pooed since Monday so hopefully the comfort food will kick in and he'll start going more regularly. Other than that he's starting to sleep a little more. He's a big buster already.

    He has his BCG on Tuesday slightly dreading it. Hope he's ok after it.

    I'm going doc 2moro to see if he'll sign me off to drive, im feeling fine, rang insurance company and there happy enough for me to drive if my doc gives me the ok! I'm out walking every day and doing my tummy exercises everyday and I feel fine. Oh the bleeding has finally stopped :-)

    Booked little mams christening, end of May. Just a family meal after the church.

    So much on over nxt few months need to be organised. Also got his birth cert last week and his pps number in the post this week :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi elly, what yest do you use with the comfort formula? We tried it but the lil man couldn't manage the bigger avent 3 year and it clogged the 2 teat. We had to give up on the comfort after that.

    Lil O is on gaviscon and it makes him very very constipated but a half teaspoon of brown sugar in an ounce of cool booked water ecery second day has worked a dream. Give it a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Hi everyone, sounds like our Bubs are hard work but where is the time going they're really growing up :( I just can't wait for the 3-4month mark no more winding.. she is sooo windy, farting the whole time as well worse than daddy haha.. think she's starting to go into her size 3 nappies :')
    Lilbe- ur doing great, sounds like u have got a mummy's boy :) but how u feeling with it? Katelyn I must say is great with sleeping when she has no wind, , she wakes up 1-2 times a night now thank God but were still tired but I give her a massage and powder her with lavender also I got this great invention called a soother it helps her pass wind, stops using the bottles as a dummy but for me to justify giving her a dummy it prevents cotdeath. I hate dummys but its great and she loves it. I keep missy awake a few hours a day so maybe that helps with her sleeping as well but she will still have 1 crying fit a day cos of wind its awful.
    Cb- when I was breastfeeding my mum cane down and she told me feed for 30-40 mins on a breast, put her down to sleep when she wakes up feed for 30-40 Nina on other breast through that 30-40 mins make sure they're feeding and not using as a dummy so they're feeding for the 30-40 mins no break for the wicked ha and it worked for me she slept for 2-3 hours at a time when my mum left I didn't know wat to do as Katelyn was crying crying crying so I kept her on the boob thinking she was hungry for 7 hours that's when I went to bottles now I know it was wind and that my mum shouldn't have left me haha. U can rent my mum she's great with encouragement :) which u need breastfeeding is
    hard work.. if feeding on demand works for u that's great cos soon it wont be so hard :) also with the crying, it depends on the cry, if its a whinge I leave her whinge she soon settles if its a cry cry I pick her up haha.
    Yellow hen- sma do a reflux milk I seen it and thought of u.. hope his doing ok and yourself xx
    Elly hopefully you'll be back on the road soon and the comfort milk will help. Good luck with his next nappy he'll prob need to be power hosed afterwards haha explosion of a nappy :) ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    Thanks guys for all your thoughts...
    Really appreciate that..
    Will write again tomorrow... the night looms ahead...

    Hope everyone gets some kip


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Thanks guys for all your thoughts...
    Really appreciate that..
    Will write again tomorrow... the night looms ahead...

    Hope everyone gets some kip


    We moved the little man to his cot ton

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Thanks guys for all your thoughts...
    Really appreciate that..
    Will write again tomorrow... the night looms ahead...

    Hope everyone gets some kip


    We moved the little man to his cot tonight and as I write, we've had 3.5 hours if sleep already. Hallelujah!! Hopefully he conked after this feed and we get some more. I wont know myself :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Morning ladies, happy Friday. Does that even mean anything as each day just rolls into one! :-)

    Little man had a BIG dirty nappy lastnight, you could see the relief on his little face after it. I've had to start putting 6 oz in his bottle he's not taking the 6 but he's taking the 5.

    YH well done on putting little O in his cot, seems to have helped both of ya get some sleep :-) The comfort food seems to be helping Seán sleep he's a lot more settled on it. I'm using the 2 teat and so far so good although the formula tin does recommend you use either a fast flowing 1 hole teat or a variable 1 hole teat. If I find he's struggling with the 2 I'll get some of the variable teat.

    Annettea I've been given Seán the soother since day 2. He doesn't take it all the time and generally spits it out after awhile and doesn't cry for it back, Like you said it makes it easier to give it to them known it helps prevent cot death, PHN said we should prob try take it from him from 3mths on so that your not constantly putting it in their mouth every time it falls because by that stage they will cry for it!

    Ladies do any of ya let the little one sleep in the bed with ya's? I know your not suppose to but I have Sean in the bed every night it's usually only for an hour or so between his 2am and 6 am feed he usually wakes about half 5 ish and I take him up and he then generally sleeps on me till 7. It's like he likes being all warm and cosy and he sleeps longer. I don't generally sleep as such when he's on me, I snooze but don't sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    Hi Elly,
    Bonnie sleeps in with me and I love it...
    On my chest too, or else curled up beside me.... Some nights when I am seriously haggard and so tired I can't keep eyes open, I don bundle her across to 'her' side of the bed and leave her with her own blankets and pull the duvet over, so it's just over me... There are no rules ;-) :-) especially in the beginning.. it's all about the bonding and the comfort... they just out of the womb!

    Tried the soother Annetea on Bonnie when, after a two hour feed (comfort, nappy included) I put her down in the bed and 5 mins later she was wide awake again... this is like 7am or something.. I was like WTFFFFFFF, NOOOOOOOOO!!! So I tried the soother...
    She kept trying to spit it out but then eventually gave it a go.... but yea, as you said Elly, I had to hold it in her mouth the whole time, so I didn't get back to sleep anyways!!!

    She took ages to settle all this morning...

    she's hardly STILL hungary after feeding 4.30am till 7am full on and again from 10 till 1pm full on...?????????????????????????

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    YellowHen ... well done for the cot...!

    I'm MILES away from that... will be a mission to even put Bonnie in a Moses basket for a while...!!

    She's really still only getting used to being outside her warm and cosy water world....

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    hey annetea and Lilbe,

    i'm beginning to think I have OCD..!!! nearly as bad as Elly when she was preggers...
    even though i'm exhausted, I still have to do my bit of housework!!
    maybee I gotta cool it down on the housework --- i'll be too worn out before I know it...

    Bonnie feeds A LOT too, but I am trying to teach her that she can't be on the boob ALL the time, 24 hours a day... trying to be ok with her crying a little bit, if I take her away from the boob after say 2 hours...

    Puking has calmed down Annetea!!!
    Just little pukes now!!
    But still lots of wind... Night times are hard, fighting back the sleep, and having to get up and wind the poor wee thing after every feed and for 2 hours at a go, till she falls back asleep...

    Sometimes the falling back asleep can take forever, like 4 hours.... anyone else find this???

    Do you guys let your baby cry ever? Torn between letting her cry a bit or keeping her on boob so she doesn't get upset, but then it's hours and hours often, up to 4 hours a go... very full on.
    What about you guys who are also breast feeding???
    Hey Caramelbarrel, have you tried breastfeeding lying down? It helps a lot at night. Take Bonnie to bed with you, lie on your side, attach her to the boob. She will fall asleep pretty soon, as she is close to you and it relaxes her. I used to have all nighters with my little boy, he can stay on the boob for 7 hours, and with lying down he feeds for 10 minutes and falls asleep, the wakes up in 2 or 4 hours for his next feed. I was afraid first that he does not get enough food, going from 7 hours to 10 minutes, but his weight gain is fine and nappies are dirty, so it is fine.
    During the day I feed him for say 15 minutes, and once he detaches from the boob, dress him and put to his pram, and we go for a walk. He cries at first, but I know that he is not hungry, and movement rocks him to sleep.
    hope this helps!
    And I also found cuidiu people very helpful, you can call them and they will help you over the phone if you need.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Lilbe

    elly123 wrote: »
    Morning ladies, happy Friday. Does that even mean anything as each day just rolls into one! :-)

    Little man had a BIG dirty nappy lastnight, you could see the relief on his little face after it. I've had to start putting 6 oz in his bottle he's not taking the 6 but he's taking the 5.

    YH well done on putting little O in his cot, seems to have helped both of ya get some sleep :-) The comfort food seems to be helping Seán sleep he's a lot more settled on it. I'm using the 2 teat and so far so good although the formula tin does recommend you use either a fast flowing 1 hole teat or a variable 1 hole teat. If I find he's struggling with the 2 I'll get some of the variable teat.

    Annettea I've been given Seán the soother since day 2. He doesn't take it all the time and generally spits it out after awhile and doesn't cry for it back, Like you said it makes it easier to give it to them known it helps prevent cot death, PHN said we should prob try take it from him from 3mths on so that your not constantly putting it in their mouth every time it falls because by that stage they will cry for it!

    Ladies do any of ya let the little one sleep in the bed with ya's? I know your not suppose to but I have Sean in the bed every night it's usually only for an hour or so between his 2am and 6 am feed he usually wakes about half 5 ish and I take him up and he then generally sleeps on me till 7. It's like he likes being all warm and cosy and he sleeps longer. I don't generally sleep as such when he's on me, I snooze but don't sleep.
    elly, or little man sleeps in our bed every night. He attaches to my boob in the beginning of the night, then starches and sleeps. sometimes I'm asleep before him! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Caramelbarrel

    Thanks Lilbe,
    Yes, I do...I do for sure!
    But she needs to be winded after every feed so I end up having to sit up and wake up properly after 15 minutes of feeding... So wake up properly! :-( :-( !!
    Then after winding, time for changing nappy and then she wants some more... then she needs to be winded again!!!
    And the cycle starts again...

    I might try what you do...
    Feed her, and then when she cries, put her into the pram and get walking!! Even if she cries... because, like you, I know she can't still be hungry... it's purely comfort... but it can go on for you know with the 7 hour boob attachments!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Hi everyone and babies :) so I take that everyone is guilty of Co sleeping? ? Its great especially if u need to get sleep.. also are yer other half's in different rooms? ? Mine moved in there last week :(
    Carmel so sorry soother didn't work,, have u given her infacol for the wind? ? Its easy enough to bring up the wind as all the small air bubbles go into a big bubble I've stopped giving it to Katelyn as she still had that crying fit once a day, so maybe its not all that ha ha. How u getting on u not wrecked?? I miss the breastfeeding especially its a great way of getting your baby back ha and away from some people :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Hi everyone and babies :) so I take that everyone is guilty of Co sleeping? ? Its great especially if u need to get sleep.. also are yer other half's in different rooms? ? Mine moved in there last week :(
    Carmel so sorry soother didn't work,, have u given her infacol for the wind? ? Its easy enough to bring up the wind as all the small air bubbles go into a big bubble I've stopped giving it to Katelyn as she still had that crying fit once a day, so maybe its not all that ha ha. How u getting on u not wrecked?? I miss the breastfeeding especially its a great way of getting your baby back ha and away from some people :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    annettea wrote: »
    Hi everyone and babies :) so I take that everyone is guilty of Co sleeping? ? Its great especially if u need to get sleep.. also are yer other half's in different rooms? ? Mine moved in there last week :(
    Carmel so sorry soother didn't work,, have u given her infacol for the wind? ? Its easy enough to bring up the wind as all the small air bubbles go into a big bubble I've stopped giving it to Katelyn as she still had that crying fit once a day, so maybe its not all that ha ha. How u getting on u not wrecked?? I miss the breastfeeding especially its a great way of getting your baby back ha and away from some people :) x

    Annettea as far as I know some babies have a crying time where they just cry and whinge once a day.
    I was using the infacol with Seán but I'm only using it now for his two night feeds I was finding that if I gave it to him he would only take 2-3oz of the bottle if I don't give it he takes the full 5 oz. I found the infacol would buy me time between him starting to cry for a feed and getting the bottle warm enough. I tend to let him cry for his feed that way he takes the whole bottle. If I feed him when he's due before he crys he only takes an oz or two.

    He was very unsettled on Friday for about 3-4 hrs didn't know what was wrong with him I think between wind and a few ppl had held him throughout the day had him unsettled. I don't really let him be held or passed Around as such as I think it does unsettle him.

    Still only getting a dirty nappy twice a week. I taught the comfort would help him go more regular, giving him the warm water with brown sugar aswel hasn't seemed to help this time around, it did work 2-3 weeks ago tho.

    Oh and I got the OK from doc to go back driving :-) so I'm back on the road and can get my independence back and don't have to rely on OH.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Oh Elly I know how u feel we went to a wedding at the weekend oh God she's only back to normal now well today and she'll only sleep beside me at night hopefully she'll go back to cot tonight I don't mind either way, think I'm bonding with her more now.. hows Sean? Hows he sleeping Congrats on the driving

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭wicklori

    Hey ladies!
    Haven't been on for ages! Don't have a minute it seems anymore!
    Sounds like a lot of us are doing it a bit tough... Can't complain too much here. Bad days here and there but all in all things are going great.
    Kinda afraid to say this in case I jinx us but c sleeps from 11pm to 5am. Evening time can be bad- withing hour from 7pm to 10pm-cluster feeding and whinging...

    Discovered lil man was completely bored though too :-) got him play mat and it made a big difference. He will lie on it and look at the toys a kick and coo. Very cute!

    Can't believe it's nearly 6 weeks. Never even talked birth story with you girls- did everyone else? Is it too late?
    Are many of us still exclusively breast feeding? I am. It was no joke in the start but its great now- nothing in the baby bag which is best bit :-)
    Got back driving after 4 weeks- thankfully! Was starting to climb the walls!! He's much more settled when we get out- walking or in the car. And everyone talks to me now- in shops, randomers- all over the place!!!
    Missed you ladies! Going to be better for linking in.... And we need o pan a meeting soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 503 ✭✭✭aniascor

    Hi everyone

    Haven't checked in in ages either girls. Life with a three week old has been fairly hectic! I'm still exclusively breastfeeding wicklori. It's been tough going but we seem to be getting there this week.

    We cosleep as well. I have a cosleeper cot so we always planned on cosleeping this time around. I'd say she spends about 2/3s of the night in the cosleeper and then there's usually one sleep on my chest. We're getting plenty of sleep though so I'm not complaining.

    My birth story is here wicklori if you're interested:

    How did things go for you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭annettea

    Hi everyone.. babies..
    How is everyone? I think we had our babies at a great time the weather is getting better except for today ha. Anyone planning a christening?
    Aniascor I read your birth story, sorry it didn't go to plan you'd think that they would have cover?! But in least little missy is here safe and sound.. how u getting on?
    Wicklori- its lovely getting out of the house.. have u noticed most people will say "oh u forget how small they are"
    Birth story: I never thought I'd be one of these ladies that share birth stories nor rob thought he'd share it but I think he's worse than me ha.. so it was Tuesday March 19th I woke at 3.45 am to go to the toilet came back to bed , patted my tummy asking when are u gonna come home, my waters broke with a pop (which scared me) I woke rob up, he hopped out of bed thank God I had the bags in the car already cos our heads were all over the place. Rang the hospital told me to come in.. on tge way to hospital contractions started .got in there at 4.30.. made me go to the toilet went into the labour room told me to hop into my nightdress, so I thought. this. was it ha even though I only had 2 contractions hopped onto my labour dress nurse came back in told me nothing would be really happening for awhile yet so I just hopped into a normal nightdress .. monitored me for awhile. Went to the Ward at 6 told me to go to sleep ha fat chance of that. happening when contractions were getting worse I couldn't even lie down so I started pacing up and down, I was getting tired tried to lie Down but couldn't so I kept walking, at 7 I went out to the nurse she said nothing should be happening told me to go have a shower said since its 1st baby it'll take awhile .. went for a shower but I really couldn't take it anymore went back out to them they gave me panadol ha took then to keep them happy, went out again and they asked did I really want to be checked I said yes. Went back into delivery room lied on the bed and finally at 8am the staff changed over, the midwife was saying ur not in labour until ur 3cm she checked me and was shocked said Congrats ur at 3cm so they kept monitoring me etc gave me gas and air for the next 2 hours pains were getting worse around half 9 begged them for epidural rob said I didn't need it they gave me a leaflet seen where they say they make a small incision I was like no thanks,, started to feel pressure said it to the midwife asked if I could go to the toilet before it all started she started smiling and said I didn't need to , she said it to the main midwife checked me at 10 I was at 10cm so I was like okay time to push, but not yet waited 45 mins than pushing time. at.11.45 Katelyn was born weighing 7'12.. do mad at the night nurses but.all was. good in the end I didn't get. my toast or tea :( also they asked me did I want to feel the head which was a no thanks told rob got to cut the cord

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  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Great reading the birth stories :-)

    Here goes mine :-)
    OH was fininshing up working nights on wed night his shift was 9pm - 7am Thursday morning. I had felt niggles for a few days I had been out walking a fair bit convinced myself I'd go over.

    So Thursday morning lying in bed I hear a pop and then a gush of water, first thing I did was check the time it was 7:05am all u taught was oh poor OH finished work only 5mins after a long night. I woke MIL she panicked a little I reassured her it was all fine and there was no rush as I had no contractions. I rang the hosp they advised me to take my time have a shower and breakfast and make my way in. MIL was amazed at how calm I was. Had breakfast, showered straightened my hair and even put some make up on :-)

    Eventually arrived at the hosp around 10am. Was assessed in the assessment unit and then given a bed on the labour ward. Still no sign of contractions OH was half asleep on the bed while I just looked at iPad. My mam then came down and OH went to here house which is 10mins from the hosp for a rest myself and my mam walked the corridors, had lunch and went to the oratory and said some prayers and I had a little chat with my grandad up above to help me through what lay ahead.

    Started getting very mild contractions about 3pm every half hr or so, by 5 pm they increased to every 8mins so OH made his way back down to me and my mam then left. Contractions quickly intensified to every 1-2min lasting anything from 50 secs to 3.5 mins. I bounced on ball until contraction came then I had to stand and lean on the table and sway while doing my breathing. Twice I rang the bell for the midwife as the pains were really strong, eventually midwife examined me at 7:30 and to my horror I was only 2cm I was 1.5 when assessed earlier.

    I had then started to vomit with the pain. And pains were getting worse so she offered me Panadol, I actually just laughed and asked was she for real! About half hr later she came back and said she'd got me a bed on the delivery ward as she said based on my contractions she taught baby would be born late the night, anyway got to delivery ward about 8:45 room was huge and really nice. I got into my nighty, tried gas &air didn't find it any use at all.

    Contractions were really bad now and I was begging midwife to exam me but said she couldn't until 9:30 as they only exam every 2hrs. I was watching the clock like a halk, so 9:30 arrives I'm examined and I'm 3-4 so anesthetist called to do epidural.
    He arrived about 10:30.

    But prior to that I had started vomiting again and midwife was saying that's a good sign they use the phrase 'sick at 6' meaning its a sign you have reached 6cm. So I managed to position myself on the bed for epi, just as anesthetist cleaned off my back his bleeper went off, he was been called to so an emergency c-section I was distraught and OH was disgusted and even the midwife noticed how disgusted OH was I had to get him to apologise Hahaha. Anyway they got some1 else to cover the section and continued with me thank god. They were saying the epi doesn't work for everyone and Im sitting on the bed telling myself this has no f'ing option but to work for me!

    Throughout all this I surprised myself at how calm I was and never panicked I just continued to breath. Epi kicked in and I was so relaxed like a new person it is the best invention ever!!

    So 11:30pm I'm examined and I'm 9cm. Delighted with life and all the midwives popping there heads in congratulating me on progressing so well.

    1:30am examined again and I'm 10cm. They left me an hour as baby's head was still high up.

    2:30 examined again baby's head still high so left me again to try get baby's head to come down. They gave me antibiotic as waters were gone 18 hrs.

    I think it was about 3:30 when I started to push, nothing much happening so I was given oxitocin to make contractions stronger, I could feel them with my hand so I knew when to push, so pushing away for a good 40mins midwife could see baby's head a little as she told us he has hair. I was thinking great he must be nearly on his way a couple of more pushes and he'll be here.

    At about 4:10am midwife said we'd need assistance if he didnt come out in nxt few pushes. 4:25am no sign.

    Doc arrived with forceps tried to get one in but struggled eventually said we'd have to go to theatre as I'd need an episiotomy. Forceps and episiotomy were two of the things I did not want. I asked doc if she would just section and she said no. So decision was made to take me to theatre about 4:40. The anesthetist came in to sort out epi but while getting changed from nightie to theatre gown the epi tube got tangled so it stopped working on one side. I didn't notice as I wasn't feeling pain.

    There was about 10 ppl in the room at this stage. Eventually got sorted and we were transferred to theatre. As the epi stopped working I needed a spinal so got that and for some reason it went right up and I was pretty much paralysed from the mouth down.

    When lying down two docs checked position of baby with hands and the little man had turned and was face up so wasnt safe to do forceps so an emergency section it was. Baby Seán was born at 5:36am. I couldn't talk as spinal had paralysed me it was so weird and strange but I didn't panic. I didn't see baby when they showed him to us all I seeing was a leg. Eventually he started crying it was brill to hear, baby was given to daddy and sent on there way. I needed an internal stitch as baby cut me from been in the birth canal for so long.

    An hour and a half later I was reunited with my little man for the first time. It sounds all a bit hectic but there was no panic baby never got into distress and I'd do it all again 2moro.

    Having my little man in my arms words just can't describe. :-)
