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kerry4sam & her first Cycling Training Log



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    cdaly_ wrote: »
    Any chance you could make those routes publicy viewable? They're only showing up your member profile at the mo...

    Those two maps are open publicly now on mapmyride. Now, I must say though that they were my intended routes.

    I had them saved on my phone and even wrote out the detailed routes in a notebook I had in my backpack, but I still got lost took lovely un-planned detours in both Limerick & Tipperary adding in extra mileage and scenery :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,440 ✭✭✭cdaly_

    kerry4sam wrote: »
    Those two maps are open publicly now on mapmyride. Now, I must say though that they were my intended routes.

    Cool, thanks. I might be down limerick way next week and thinking it might be worth taking the bike...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    The Regional Roads these days are a cyclists paradise! The traffic was few and far between and the surfaces were better than anticipated by me. I decided to cycle Limerick, the shortest route on day#1 as primarily a warm-up for my 94km in Tipperary, but also because I’d be late travelling up, so the shortest distance with the short evenings we now have made more sense for me.

    Day#1 – Limerick:
    This route was grand to cycle. I hit the outskirts of Limerick City at a very busy time, but all in all, very easy route. No major difficulty, so a grand route for anyone to take on imo.
    My biggest concern on day#1 was that I would be burst a tyre or get a puncture when I’d be in the middle on no-where on my own and that would throw me off for Tipp but all went well, thank God!
    Some lovely scenery though. I took one sharp-turn off to the left beside a pub/shop? before Bruff village, sign-posted Lough Derg drive for cars (had another for buses a little further on), and came across some ruins and fabulous view of the lake with swans a plenty.

    before turning back and joined the main road again for Bruff.

    There really are some lovely, quiet villages on the two routes I cycled.
    I wasn’t on form for this cycle. As the auld song goes “the humour is on me now”. Well, I think that’s the name of the song, it was the way I felt anyways. May have enjoyed it more if that was different, but who knows.

    Day#2 – Tipperary:
    There is some lovely club and county pride evident in Tipperary.

    I enjoyed this route, though it was primarily due to the scenery around me. I did encounter a few climbs but once I told myself “lookit, I’ve climbed the Caha Pass & the Healy Pass so surely I can cycle this sitting-down at leisure”, they were okay. Their were a few periods where twas just up and down, up and down, though I can’t remember if they are on my map or part of my un-planned scenic detour.

    Dolla G.S.

    I am looking forward to cycling around Lough Derg after what I saw the last two days (some pictures on here), and especially if Ballina-Killaloe are anything to go by. The views in parts was like being at home :)


    Every person I met en route were lovely, especially those who gave me directions, even if they did tell me to turn around and cycle back that route to correct myself. The routes were pure country country roads, so peaceful and quiet, where everyone saluted like they do in the country down here. Just a friendly country-folk habit. It was nice.

    I learned I am more than capable of taking on the 128km Lough Derg cycle hassle-free. I do actually have the legs for it and I know the scenery will take my mind off any tough peddling anyways. That cycle will be done.
    Though, I’d like my next challenge to incorporate 3-4days and cover more ground from county A – county B++ maybe?! Some planning to do there but that’s my only step up, challenge-wise as the Lough Derg cycle will just be a treat for me now, more so than a challenge.

    I was expecting myself to be soar?, in more pain I suppose but I'm surprisingly okay. My fitness has really improved! My mental strength to just plow on and keep going while getting tired is stronger than ever! Cycling the last two days in very unfamiliar routes on my own taught me more than a few lessons. I was more than prepared and stocked up with everything imaginable. The major challenge for me was doing this solo, more so than the actual routes. The other cycles in Kerry, Waterford, Cork & Clare had ES personnel travelling, an emergency number to call, support and camaraderie all the time en route and very little to worry about. They was always someone there who could assist.

    If I can cycle 169km+ over two days, without the majority of the above, then anyone can. I learned a few lessons about myself too over the last two days, and if anything, I am even more determined than ever to up my cycling challenges :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Well I've my new set of Personal Challenges set. With other commitments, this will take me my two days off work this week & my 2days off work next-week and I've to find accommodation for both trips to save travelling considering the locations.

    My challenge is to cycle:
    ~ Lough Derg 128km
    ~ Lough Ree 93km
    ~ Lough Corrib 127km
    ~ Lough Mask / Lough Carra 100km

    I'll be taking Lough Derg & Lough Ree (221km) this week with Lough Corrib & Lough Mask/Lough Carra (227km) the following week :)

    My training since I last posted has had me cycling 80-100km trips solo every 3-4 days. My fitness levels are surprising me at the moment. I'm actually passing places smiling these days that when I started out, I needed to stop & take a breather and some fluids. Now - just peddling past smiling delighted with myself at how much I have improved!

    Cycling is something that everyone should be encouraged to take up. Not only is it a great way to improve fitness & stamina, but it gives a wonderful sense of freedom. I was asked, only this week, if I'll be locking up my bike soon for the Winter with the road-conditions getting worse but all I could do was smile and say 'No. Their is such a great sense of freedom on the bike. I'm not ready to put my bike away for the Winter just yet :) ). They had a point though on the worsening weather & road-conditions so I've pushed these routes forward a week to ensure I do complete these two further Personal Challenges. Another reason is that I am waiting on movement on another aspect of my life which will happen within two weeks and that will reduce my spare time again so this week & next is what I am left with. But that's okay.

    If anyone reading here has cycled the above routes and has tips or pointers you'd like to share, feel free to do so.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭Esroh


    Just be careful on the road between Galway and Headford (N84) if it not a Sunday. Its very busy and exposed in places. Also quite narrow and twisty for a few Km before Headford.
    Other than that the 3 lakes a great cycling country. Enjoy

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Esroh wrote: »

    Just be careful on the road between Galway and Headford (N84) if it not a Sunday. Its very busy and exposed in places. Also quite narrow and twisty for a few Km before Headford.
    Other than that the 3 lakes a great cycling country. Enjoy

    Appreciate that advice, Thank You :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    I can actually mark Lough Ree & Lough Derg of my to-do list, seriously delighted & proud with myself! :D

    With everything, I forgot that my University Graduation is on next-week (1st Class Honors - boom!) and work will be unreal busy with mid-term so part2 of 2 of my 5-Lakes will be postponed by at least a week. I know there is a deadline with my charity with where the monies raised will be going and the great work that will be under-taken so my cycle will be done within 2-weeks no fear! :)

    Day#1: Started off yesterday with Athlone as my base for cycling Lough Ree 93km (here) and that was just one long tough cycle! Tbh there were sections of long long straights with little no views of note, mainly bog and greenery, but no view of Lough Ree and no-one to chat to en route as all the towns and villages were so quiet.
    It was good for me though in that it stretched my legs and end result was that I knew I'd the 93+km in me. Progress! :cool:

    One of the few good views of Lough Ree:

    Took a lovely detour to Clonmacnoise for Personal Reasons (I know you're proud of me nan!)

    I even had more in me after yesterday, but probably should have left it there since I hadn't fully recovered in time for my cycle today.

    Day#2: Lough Derg where Portumna was by base and right now I don't know what in the name of all that is holy possessed me to tackle such a huge task after my 90+km yesterday :eek: Savage Heavy Challenge! Wrecked would be an under-statement.

    ~ Teresa & Gerry: You took me in your guest-house and treated like a prodigal daughter. Lovely folks!

    ~ Mary in Scariff G.S.: Thanks for the advice and your parting words made me smile "May the sun shine over you as you look down on Lough Derg". Mary, the only time the sun shone for me was after I left your Garda Station and made my way to Killaloe. Even the ducks made an appearance. This pic is for you hun & Thanks:


    I can easily see why so many groups under-take this cycle for charity. Must return though once weather improves next-year as today as just gloomy and over-cast.

    My Lough Derg route (here) is not actually was I ended up cycling. This morning I awoke to dense fog and mist so reversed my route to finish my cycle on the main National Primary road to Nenagh instead of the local Regional roads considering the bad weather. Visibility was so poor in places that I couldn't see 5-feet infront of me. Very bad weather today.

    ~ To the lovely Guard in Nenagh who I spoke with about that gent, I hope he is okay :o
    I took one turn (won't say where) and ended up phoning the local G.S. about this man, but was diverted to Nenagh instead and spoke with a lovely lady. There was this man, standing on the bend in the fog with dirty torn clothes, handbag and wearing lipstick. Clearly not okay! He was a danger to himself and others there with the speed the cars were travelling that road, he could've been wiped or injured by someone taking that bend. Visibility was poor and he startled me. Last thing I expected to encounter. The guard, once hearing the location, the fact is was a man with a handbag and wearing lipstick told me "ah yes, we know him alright". Luckily not too many of those characters in that area. He was a danger to himself and others. Just smiled when he saw me & I just said 'morning' but I sure peddled faster than I'd ever peddled up a hill before!

    ~ One thing I love about cycling is when I see people going about their daily lives and look like they've the weight of the world on their shoulders but I catch their attention cycling past - I just smile and wave and they instantly smile. It's something I enjoy doing. Even if that smile only lasts those few seconds, smiling instantly makes people feel better and I like that :o Done that several times over the last two days with some people and it even gave me a lickle boost.

    This cycle took everything out of me. Never thought I would actually finish it. The Lough Derg cycle would be enjoyable if the weather was good, and if I hadn't taken on the 90+km yesterday.

    All in all, two very Challenging days cycling, but what a great way to spend my two days off work this week! Delighted with myself for completing this section.

    /I've the routes made public for anyone who would like to take them on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,440 ✭✭✭cdaly_

    Nice one missus! Seems like you're well and truly hooked.

    When it comes time to up your challenges, a bit of Audax might suit you...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    cdaly_ wrote: »
    Nice one missus! Seems like you're well and truly hooked.

    When it comes time to up your challenges, a bit of Audax might suit you...

    Thank You :) Hooked would be an understatement tbh! Whenever a car passes me now with bikes on the back-rack I'm always looking now to see what the bikes are like. Same with other cyclists I see anywhere, I just want to join them :o

    Never heard of that website until now. Will defo be looking into that. Ah but that hill on the top picture looks a right killer :eek:


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    I am going to link this new thread in here purely for Personal Reasons & Inspiration for myself for when I complete My 5-Lakes Personal Cycling Challenge! :).

    Search Results.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    I booked this coming Friday off work for my University Graduation (after so much hard-work I received a 1st-class Honors), then a meeting needed to be arranged by me due to un-acceptable antics in another part of my life. That meeting got postponed today, after I informed the University Staff I would be un-able to attend my own Graduation due to this meeting.

    If people, who others would expect to be honest, were all actually honest to begin with, that meeting wouldn't be needed! Now, I'll recieve my parchment in the post instead of Graduating with my class :(

    This ^^^ leaves me with Friday off to get a decent cycle in somewhere, anywhere really! Want to complete my 5-lakes challlenge on 2 successive days, not 1day this week and another next. So, If anyone wants to post a route for me, I'll take a lookie no bother. Otherwise I'll update my training log on Friday evening with what-ever training I take on Friday. Might just do a familiar route for comfort reasons mainly, but also to see how much my time has improved.
    I'll be aiming for the Midleton 200 (details here), so distance and timing are more of a priority for me now, more than before.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Knocked off my damn bike tonight by an eegit who admitted not looking right at a junction when I had right of way. jeez sum impact, but ankle and knee sore which may put dis weeks cycles off by me :(

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 77,194 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    First things first - How's the bike?

    Seriously though, I hope you're OK. If you've taken a knock it may take a while for all the effects to become apparent. Take it easy and get yourself checked out. You can use the time to start sussing out turbos and the like ,,,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Beasty wrote: »
    First things first - How's the bike?

    Seriously though, I hope you're OK. If you've taken a knock it may take a while for all the effects to become apparent. Take it easy and get yourself checked out. You can use the time to start sussing out turbos and the like ,,,

    Thanks so much Beasty!

    I've said it before & I'll say it again - I've one great lickle Dawes! Strong so she is. I hopped off his bonet and bang down on the ground but my helmet saved my head on impact with the ground - Thank God for Helmets! :eek:

    It could've been a hell of a lot worse. I'm getting my bike checked out proper tomorrow. My dad had a quick look at my bike tonight but says he'll have a better look in the morning. She is fair strong though, think she'll recover faster than my leg tbh! :)

    My leg is swelling up nice now, but I've ice-packs on it, mainly my left leg from impact closest the car. Jeez, I've never experienced anything like it! Some sensation that I never want to experience again! :(

    Least the driver was honest and admitted he never looked right. I'd said he was fair shocked too, nice lad, but jeez man what was he doing out driving he he isn't going to observe right and left. You wouldn't even cross a street walking without looking right and left like.

    It could've been a lot worse. I'm limping around, but man it could've been a lot worse.
    Strange at the scene though, all I wanted to do was hop back on my bike and cycle away. Adrenaline is something else.

    All for my training log. Training withheld for some few days, once my leg recovers fully. Hopefully not too long though.
    Love my lickle racer! :)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    Here's to a speedy recovery, and +1 on what Beasty has already said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 366 ✭✭ugsparky

    Hope all is well - want to keep reading this thread. When do you think you'll be heading up to the sunny Louth/Down riviera ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    smacl wrote: »
    Here's to a speedy recovery, and +1 on what Beasty has already said.

    Thank You. Pounding headache this morning; my neck is sore; I've two bruised legs but only one is badly swolllen. I can stand upright for a few mins at a time so that's something. I can only improve from here :o
    ugsparky wrote: »
    Hope all is well - want to keep reading this thread. When do you think you'll be heading up to the sunny Louth/Down riviera ?

    Thank You. Ah I'll be grand I'm sure.
    Not sure yet tbh and I must do some research into the areas. I'm all ready in theory for Lough Carra/Lough Mask & Lough Corrib, so they're a must by me for hopefully next week. After that I'll be venturing on elsewhere around Ireland :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 366 ✭✭ugsparky

    Thank You. Ah I'll be grand I'm sure.
    Not sure yet tbh and I must do some research into the areas. I'm all ready in theory for Lough Carra/Lough Mask & Lough Corrib, so they're a must by me for hopefully next week. After that I'll be venturing on elsewhere around Ireland

    Well I hope and wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully it will be your one and only spill with a kamikaze motorist :rolleyes: I enjoy reading your thread so long may it continue :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Oh god, you poor thing. Mind yourself over the next couple of days, lots of R&R.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Walked one mile this evening, won't mention the time it took me though. I'm tall and normally have long'ish strides so these miniature steps are taking much-needed patience away from me step by step.

    Yes there were tears of pain as I done my one mile, but I done it without any physical aid and before my pain-killers were due to be taken!

    One step at a time, easy steps will do for now. I'm moving around and gradually will re-gain by usual stride and strength in my legs.

    One mile walk done today but I just wish I could get back to the standard I was cycling at before being thrown from my bike. It's going to take some time to re-gain that strength in my legs, but I'm on my way back there!

    Thanks so much again to everyone who posted here and who contacted me IRL wishing me well. I won't forget you guys! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,950 ✭✭✭billyhead

    kerry4sam wrote: »
    Walked one mile this evening, won't mention the time it took me though. I'm tall and normally have long'ish strides so these miniature steps are taking much-needed patience away from me step by step.

    Yes there were tears of pain as I done my one mile, but I done it without any physical aid and before my pain-killers were due to be taken!

    One step at a time, easy steps will do for now. I'm moving around and gradually will re-gain by usual stride and strength in my legs.

    One mile walk done today but I just wish I could get back to the standard I was cycling at before being thrown from my bike. It's going to take some time to re-gain that strength in my legs, but I'm on my way back there!

    Thanks so much again to everyone who posted here and who contacted me IRL wishing me well. I won't forget you guys! :)

    Sorry to read about your accident. These sort of injuries take time to heal so don't rush back to quickly. Injured myself at the moment and its so frustrating not being able to get up on the bike. Only doing light walks now and my leg is still very painful. Just need to keep the faith and be patient

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    billyhead wrote: »
    Sorry to read about your accident. These sort of injuries take time to heal so don't rush back to quickly. Injured myself at the moment and its so frustrating not being able to get up on the bike. Only doing light walks now and my leg is still very painful. Just need to keep the faith and be patient

    Thank You!

    Hope you return to full-health yourself soon :) I'm trying to do the same as yourself with the light walks, and you're certainly right that it's frustrating not being able to get back on the bike. I'm keeping the faith here but patience is wearing a lickle thin.

    Going to do some retail therapy tomorrow so hoping my legs will hold out. My doctor says I am lucky in that there were no blood clots or breaks & I really got away lightly!

    Cheers again billyhead.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    If you're still suffering to that degree 5 days on, you should really get checked out. You'd be surprised how long you can keep going with something like a minor fracture. In terms of exercise, after getting checked out, may try a bit of swimming. Keeps you limber and burning calories without impacting the joints.

    Either way, best of luck on a speedy return to the bike.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    smacl wrote: »
    If you're still suffering to that degree 5 days on, you should really get checked out. You'd be surprised how long you can keep going with something like a minor fracture. In terms of exercise, after getting checked out, may try a bit of swimming. Keeps you limber and burning calories without impacting the joints.

    Either way, best of luck on a speedy return to the bike.

    Thank You.

    I spent hours on my feet yesterday and at one point even an hour after taking my painkillers I felt weak & faint in a shopping centre. Both legs are still severely sore & bruised a week on! Took on too much too soon, but need to rest them today, no other option as they're thronging!

    Despise going to hospitals, just a seriously bad patient.

    Hope I get back on my bike again soon too :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 695 ✭✭✭talkabout

    smacl wrote: »
    Here's to a speedy recovery, and +1 on what Beasty has already said.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭Dermot Illogical

    talkabout wrote: »


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Back from another medical visit, x-rays and physio (damn expensive!), but

    ~ NO breaks - yey!
    ~ I have full movement in my neck, shoulders & arms again (only took 10-days)
    ~ Legs still tender and sore but some more physio; work by me in the pool & exercise bike in the gym will occupy me and will help me re-gain the strength. I've gone from so much exercise to nothing, but that will change very very soon though.

    *~* My own lickle racer is in flying form, just needs me to get it back out on the roads again! Won't say that I'm not nervous about that though, but I know I'll be grand once I get back on the bike and back out on the road again!

    Again, Thanks So Much to Everyone who posted here and who contacted me IRL about this. Appreciate the Support as it was needed by me after that shock and subsequent injuries! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,950 ✭✭✭billyhead

    kerry4sam wrote: »
    Back from another medical visit, x-rays and physio (damn expensive!), but

    ~ NO breaks - yey!
    ~ I have full movement in my neck, shoulders & arms again (only took 10-days)
    ~ Legs still tender and sore but some more physio; work by me in the pool & exercise bike in the gym will occupy me and will help me re-gain the strength. I've gone from so much exercise to nothing, but that will change very very soon though.

    *~* My own lickle racer is in flying form, just needs me to get it back out on the roads again! Won't say that I'm not nervous about that though, but I know I'll be grand once I get back on the bike and back out on the road again!

    Again, Thanks So Much to Everyone who posted here and who contacted me IRL about this. Appreciate the Support as it was needed by me after that shock and subsequent injuries! :)

    Good to hear your on the mend. I have an MRI scan myself booked for Monday. The GP i went to initially thought it was a soft tissue injury but I am begginning to thinks its a break around the hip area. Fingers crossed its not. To add insult to injury I have come down with bronchitis:(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    billyhead wrote: »
    Good to hear your on the mend. I have an MRI scan myself booked for Monday. The GP i went to initially thought it was a soft tissue injury but I am begginning to thinks its a break around the hip area. Fingers crossed its not. To add insult to injury I have come down with bronchitis:(

    Ah All the Best with your MRI scan billyhead, seriously hope their is no break! Betcha can't wait for the weekend to be over already eh?! Won't be long coming round though hun, and hopefully all be well soon for you :)

    Yeah I'm on the mend Thank God! My injuries could've been a hell of a lot worse tbf!

This discussion has been closed.