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Going it alone



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Last winter when I was spending a lot of time on the trianer I went through this very same thing on the very same arm/hand.....and of course my overactive mind came up with some ridiculous ideas...but they have totally resolved now, so I hope yours do too. I think I was putting too much pressure on one spot for too long - I think easing up the grip and moving my hands more have helped. :)

    Ya Dory I think you're right- internet self-diagnosis is not the way to go:D. I've been doing what you suggested, easing my grip and moving my hands and it's definitely helping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Brian Boru Triathlon- 5th Aug
    All I wanted to achieve here was a swim where I didnt panic, freak out or end up doing the breast stroke. After that I felt I would be ok, I would plod to the end once I got over the swim.

    Stephen dropped me off at transition and I set myself up quickly. I was in Wave 5 so had plenty of time to spare. All nice and relaxed. Met a lot of people from home, really enjoyed that. Watched all the waves go and then it was my turn.

    Very nervous about the swim but by the time we had made it over the stones to the start point there was a great atmosphere amongst the swimmers, laughing and joking, all good fun. And then we were off. I quickly settled into my own slow rhythm and managed to keep swimming, only slowing down every now and then when I swallowed water while sighting. Finally got to the pier thinking I must be nearly one of the last out but hey it didnt matter- I did it! No panicking, no breastroking, nice and slowly- I did it!! :)

    Stephen shouted that it took me 21 minutes and some of the girls from the club were just a minute or two ahead of me. I thought cool I might catch them on the bike. But as I ran through transition I realised that things werent going to be so straightforward. I felt unbelieveable queasy and dizzy. Just like Athlone, I was near throwing up for some reason. Had a very slow T1, my race belt was all twisted so I had to unclip it and fix it, couldnt get my wetsuit off and spend ages struggling with it. Once it was off I realised it was the timing chip that caused the struggle and i was after ripping it off.!! Had to put it back on. My brain just wasnt functioning at all and my breathing was all over the place already. Took ages to get my bike shoes on and by now I was beginning to get really peed off.

    Running through the grass to the mount line I felt my achilles scream at me and I knew then that I wouldnt be able to do the run. I want to be on the start line in Charleville for the half marathon more than I wanted to finish this race and be injured for the next few months.

    Anyways out on the bike course I was flying for the first 2k. Over taking at least 10 people. But I still felt so sick and my breathing wouldnt calm down. The climb up the hill was brutal even though I've done it plenty times before, I've never done it with my lungs screaming at me like this. I was still over taking people but I knew I would have to slow down. But slowing down didnt ease the pressure I felt in my chest. I was gasping for air and even though I knew I was near the top of the climb I was beginning to consider giving up. I told myself to HTFU but as my vision went black for a minute I realised I was about to pass out. Clipped out and stood to the side of the road. It took about 5 minutes to get my breathing back to some kind of normality.

    I didnt know what to do at that point, I still had no idea what was happening on the descent so I turned back and headed back to transition. A marshall told me to still do the run as the bike was nuteralised but I wasnt going to run on my sore achilles so I just racked my bike and found Stephen. He was shocked to see me but glad to see I was ok.

    So a disappointing day all round. Still I'm not really down about it. The swim went well, I listened to my achillees instead of ignoring it as I have done in the past and I realised that I'm not as good on the bike as I thought I was. But that's not the end of the world...I can work on that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on the swim, and smart decision to stop when you did. For whatever reason, this was not your day to do this event. No biggie, there's another triathlon (or adventure of some sort) right around the corner when you're ready to take it on. I totally lovelovelove your positive attitude about everything you approach - whether it be training or racing, you go at it head on and with gusto and passion. Never lose any of that because it sets you apart from so many. Always love what you are doing, and remember that loving what you are doing does not have to translate into podium finishes, PBing or even finishing a race - it's having the desire and thrill and smile on your face, which you do so well. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Hi soloBally8, tough luck with the achilles, deffo the right choice not to pressure it in the run. Regarding the breathing, I suffer from something similar, can be literally gasping for air during a race, so loudly that other competitors express concern. Usually losing breathing means you've lost control of your body, which starts shutting down in response. Which is fine on a sprint finish, but not good during the race. Take the foot off the gas a bit, slow down your gasps, and focus on getting the breathing under control again- its always going to mean a faster time if you can get your breathing under control during the race. Practice this during training, slower, deeper, breaths; helped me anyway, might do some good for you too.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Well done on the swim. Told ya you could do it! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done on the swim, and smart decision to stop when you did. For whatever reason, this was not your day to do this event. No biggie, there's another triathlon (or adventure of some sort) right around the corner when you're ready to take it on. I totally lovelovelove your positive attitude about everything you approach - whether it be training or racing, you go at it head on and with gusto and passion. Never lose any of that because it sets you apart from so many. Always love what you are doing, and remember that loving what you are doing does not have to translate into podium finishes, PBing or even finishing a race - it's having the desire and thrill and smile on your face, which you do so well. :)

    Ah thanks Dory Dory, what a lovely thing to say:). And so apt for how I'm feeling these days. I think I was getting carried away by being involved with a competitive club where the majority of members are winning races, or their age category. Makes you lose perspective thinking anything other than a PB or a good placing is a failure. I'm now remembering why I do this- for my own enjoyment, for my own fitness and fun, for my own satisfaction.
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Hi soloBally8, tough luck with the achilles, deffo the right choice not to pressure it in the run. Regarding the breathing, I suffer from something similar, can be literally gasping for air during a race, so loudly that other competitors express concern. Usually losing breathing means you've lost control of your body, which starts shutting down in response. Which is fine on a sprint finish, but not good during the race. Take the foot off the gas a bit, slow down your gasps, and focus on getting the breathing under control again- its always going to mean a faster time if you can get your breathing under control during the race. Practice this during training, slower, deeper, breaths; helped me anyway, might do some good for you too.

    I actually had a guy in front of me looking back to see if I was ok as my breathing was so loud! Its reassuring to hear I'm not the only one to suffer this. I will definitely do as you suggested in training. I did feel totally out of control and that my body was shutting down. Realising that I have to slow down in order to be faster in the long run is a big learning point for me from this weekend :)
    Well done on the swim. Told ya you could do it! :)

    I was thinking of you- my inspiration. If M can do it, I'm going to try my best to do it too :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Ah thanks Dory Dory, what a lovely thing to say:). And so apt for how I'm feeling these days. I think I was getting carried away by being involved with a competitive club where the majority of members are winning races, or their age category. Makes you lose perspective thinking anything other than a PB or a good placing is a failure. I'm now remembering why I do this- for my own enjoyment, for my own fitness and fun, for my own satisfaction.

    We all can get carried away with the competitive spirit, and I am as guilty of it as the next. Heck, just reading some of these logs can have the same affect as your competitive club you spoke of, but you know what? Chances are none of us should quit our day jobs. ;):) You've always been that breath of fresh air for me with your gung ho attitude and infectious enthusiasm. You help to ground me and remind me why I do what I do. Hat's off to you, Sollobally8 - keep up the good work, and congrats again on the swim. Awesome!!!!

    Oh, and regarding what Kurt was saying about thing I do is I mentally force myself to physically relax. Have your brain tell your body to ease up and relax - don't be so tense or tighten up. You have to practice it over and over again, but soon it will be mind over matter. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    This weeks training:
    Monday 6th Aug - Decided to do a short run on the treadmill so see how achilles was feeling. Happy to report it was ok, a little niggle there from yesterday but nothing as bad as I imagined during the race. Ended up doing 3.45 miles in a nice easy 32:30. Starting some stretching and core work from today. Focused on my core, chest and back after 10 mins rowing.

    Tues 7th Aug- Nice easy swim 1550m in approx 45 mins. Club cycle in the pm. Wow these cycles have got very fast since I stopped going a few weeks back. 56.04kms with an average speed of 31km per hour. A lot done on my own as we raced back to Nenagh.

    Wed 8th Aug- Plan was 4 mile pace run. I'm still unsure of what pace to aim for in Charleville. McMillian says 6:09 in order to finish in sub 2:10 but at the moment I want to try run a bit faster than that. Decided to do 5:55 per km but after last nights cycle I had nothing left in my legs. I actually had to stop twice thinking I couldnt go on but I didnt want to walk any. Average pace was 6:15 per km for the 6.5kms :eek:
    5 mins rowing after then weights and stuff focusing on bum and legs.

    Thurs 9th Aug - 72 length swim in about 55 mins. Nothing interesting to report. Later on I did 6 mins rowing then 30 mins run on treadmill followed by stretch and strength work focusing on arms, shoulders, chest and back. These exercises are definitely doing something as I have DOMS every day from them. My core is so weak so I'm happy to be doing something about it. I'm also hoping to raise the time spent on the rowing machine slowly but surely. I enjoy it for some strange reason.

    Fri 10th Aug- Swim with sprints. Finally a session where I didnt just mindlessly go up and down length after length. 10 length warm up, 3 x 100m with the fastest coming in at 2:09:D (I'm impressed with myself for that!), 18 easy lengths followed then 5x50 sprints with 58 seconds for the best one. Total: 1825m. Really need to be doing more of these kind of sessions.

    Sat 11th Aug - 75.15km club cycle. I was in two minds about going out on this. I prefer the Wheelers cycle on a Sunday morning but one of the new girls in the club wanted to head out with the tri club and asked me to go with her. I decided the best thing to do would be to take this one easy enough so I would be able to go out Sunday again and not die. It started off well. I stayed at the back and was sheltered from the wind so it was a very easy cycle for me. Problem was it was all too easy maybe and my mind wandered for a minute. Next thing I know I've hit the deck. Hard!! I had come too close to the guy in front of me and hit his back wheel with my front one. We were doing about 30kph so I hit the ground really fast. I dont think I even had the chance to take my hands off the bars to try break my fall. My face even dragged along the ground for a second or two but luckily my helmet and sunglasses prevented my getting road rash. Shoulder missing a layer of skin, knee bleeding and swelling up, hip aching and sore all over I quickly got back on bike and cycled the rest of the way kind of dazed but thinking I was grand really.

    It wasnt until I was back at my car that I saw how big my knee was and then at home the extent of the bruising became obvious. I bruise so easily but I have never had so many at one time. All along my right side and then my left leg has a nice few from hitting the crossbar too.

    Sunday 12th Aug- Too sore to go back out on bike today. I also had planned to swim in the lake but I think my wetsuit might be a bit sore against all my bruising. So I'm having a very lazy day instead. I've also missed out on my lsr but I'm hoping to be ok to do it tomorrow. 10hrs training this week. If I hadnt fallen yesterday I would have reached over 14 for the first time ever.

    Maybe next week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on your swim times.....and mind your road rash and battle wounds. You're one tough cookie for finishing that ride! I assume the fella whose tire you hit managed to stay upright?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done on your swim times.....and mind your road rash and battle wounds. You're one tough cookie for finishing that ride! I assume the fella whose tire you hit managed to stay upright?

    He did I'm glad to say. I would have felt pretty guilty if I had brought him down with me. At least he had the presence of mind to get me and my bike off the road quickly and check the my bike was ok. She is btw, just a little scratched :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    jesus hope your not feeling too bad, sounds sore, get better soon- 2 weeks to worlds end!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Monday 13th Aug
    Leg feeling much better today, swelling gone down and cuts starting to scab over so that was enough progress to give me the go ahead to try a run:D

    I missed my lsr this weekend so I thought I might do it today instead. I had no idea if I would be able to run so decided (with Dory in mind) to do it on the treadmill. Thank god it was only an 8 mile run not 18!

    Plan was to run until I felt too much pain to keep going, if that was only a few steps I would stop and give myself a few more days to recover from the fall. Lucky for me I only felt mild discomfort for the first 10 minutes then it went away and I happily plodded along for my longest run yet this year:D

    Shoulder, hip and knee a bit achey now but nothing too worrying.

    Day off tomorrow as I'm coming up to the big smoke to see Chrissie. I'm sooo excited!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Are you going to wheelworx as well? Was thinking of going to trinners but not sure I'll be assed going back into town - though it's a great excuse to miss swimming. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    No we are only going to trinity. I dont even know where wheelworx is :o although it would be nice to meet her and get her to sign my book. Yes I am aware that I sound a bit stalkery :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8


    Some day I'll be fit like Chrissie :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    So as you can see from above I got to meet Chrissie after her talk in Trinity on Tuesday. Such a nice, down to earth, dedicated lady. Boy does she love triathlon! I wouldnt say her talk was inspirational. I've read her book and already find her inspiring as a woman in sport but her talk was definitely well timed in re-affirming the mindset I've recently acquired towards the sport. I really want to push myself, I want to do big things and achieve the things I feel are almost unachieveable but I want to do them for me and not to prove to anyone else I can do it. She wrote 'Never ever give up' on my book- if only I met her before Brian Boru :D

    Wednesday 15th Aug
    You would think that after meeting an Ironman world champion I would be bursting to go training but the rain and wind were just too much so instead it was 65 minutes on the turbo. Havent been on the trainer for months. I was happy to see I was able to push faster and harder than I could over the winter. Straight on to the treadmill for some intervals. I dont really push myself with speed. I'm always afraid it will irritate my achilles but I threw cautiion to the wind and went for it. A very enjoyable session. I even managed to run at 9mph for the first time although the treadmill didnt like it and started making a very strange loud noise like it was going to blow up:eek:. Really hope its ok as I will be depending on it over the winter when its too dark before and after work to run round here.

    Thurs 16th Aug
    Club swim session. I hadnt been at one of these in 8 weeks! It was almost like my very first day in the slow lane where I thought I would die. Almost but not totally. I was very slow and couldnt keep up with the others at all but I pushed myself much more than I have been in recent weeks. I realised that even though I've been swimming 3 times per week I have only been plodding along, enjoying the distances but not taxing myself at all. I'm going to have to suck it up, ignore the bitchiness and get back into regular training with the club. It's the only way I'm going to improve.

    Had planned a 5 mile run as per schedule but I was just shattered for the rest of the day. I had some friends from home visit and we just pigged out.

    Fri 17th Aug
    Achilles very tender since Wednesday so I'm not sure about running today. Had planned a swim- skipped that too. It's starting to look like my second rest day this week.

    Trip to Tipp 70k cycle tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Managed to haul my backside out to the garage for a 45 min tready session. 10 mins warm up, then 30 mins of intervals, 5 mins cool down. 5 miles total. I'm enjoying these sessions, I like running fast even if I can only do it for one or two minutes at a time. Treadmill was still sounding sick for the first 2 miles then it seemed to be ok all of a sudden. Happy days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sat 18th & Sun 19th Aug
    Trip to Tipp Sportive
    Day 1 70k Three Counties Tour. A really enjoyable day with Stephen and 200 others. The organisation for this was top notch, people so friendly and the food stop totally fab!! The weather even cooperated and I added another layer to my lovely cyclist tan:D
    Day 2 100k including The Glen of Aherlow (sp?) Returned for a second day as I enjoyed Saturday so much. Stephen was at tipp match so a friend Gill came with me instead. Again it was a great day. The organisers even remembered me from the first day, it just had that warmth about it, the whole thing was so good natured. We met up with two guys early on and stuck with them for the whole cycle. The climb up the Glen was very tough but I was determined to get up there after the disaster in Brian Boru. The descent was such a welcome relief!! We also met some guys from Clondalkin cycling club and took turns giving each other shelter for the last 20k. So our merry group arrived back just as the sun came out. Some lovely buns at the end again. I really have to stop eating my way round these sportives!!

    Only down side is my left hand weakness. Its back and a bit worrying. 2 of my fingers were completely useless last night and are only getting back to normal now. I didnt wear gloves as the weakness started when I changed gloves a few weeks ago but it doesnt seem to be the cause. Not sure which way to go with this, maybe a physio or another bike fit?

    Monday 20th Aug
    9 mile lsr. That s should be a huge capital SLOW!! This was not a pretty run but it was actually fun and the most enjoyable run I've had in ages. I decided to do some exploring around the Portroe countryside. It was exactly what I needed to keep me going for what is the longest run I've done in over a year! Most of it was very hilly but I had Kurts words in my mind, firstly some old advice about how to approach running up a hill and then his more recent advice on how to control my breathing. It's kind of liberating to find out that my crazy out of control breathing is not becasue of some illness or an inability to push myself. If I keep calm, breath in and take my time I can regain control of the breathing and keep going. Brilliant!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    So the lovely buns at the end of your ride weren't perched on a saddle but rather served on a plate? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »

    Only down side is my left hand weakness. Its back and a bit worrying. 2 of my fingers were completely useless last night and are only getting back to normal now. I didnt wear gloves as the weakness started when I changed gloves a few weeks ago but it doesnt seem to be the cause. Not sure which way to go with this, maybe a physio or another bike fit?

    Have you got Tri bars on your bike??? If not.. maybe you should try a pair- you can pick them up pretty cheap... I had awful trouble when i first started doing alot of mileage on my road bike-- i was putting too much pressure on my wrists and fingers whilst cycling- laoways had my hands on the top of the brakes and this whilst cycling hard and changing gears killed my wrists and fingers-went numb too after a while-- once I got a set of tri bars and got used to them that was the end of my problems- huge increase in speed too :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So the lovely buns at the end of your ride weren't perched on a saddle but rather served on a plate? ;)

    Ha ha definitely on a plate:D but I have to say this cycling lark is doing wonders for my legs and buns!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Have you got Tri bars on your bike??? If not.. maybe you should try a pair- you can pick them up pretty cheap... I had awful trouble when i first started doing alot of mileage on my road bike-- i was putting too much pressure on my wrists and fingers whilst cycling- laoways had my hands on the top of the brakes and this whilst cycling hard and changing gears killed my wrists and fingers-went numb too after a while-- once I got a set of tri bars and got used to them that was the end of my problems- huge increase in speed too :D

    Thanks for the Trig1, I didnt even consider tri bars as a solution. I had planned on getting them over the winter anyway so might get them sooner and see if that helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Tues 21st Aug
    Plan for today was 6.50am club swim then club cycle this evening at 6.30 pm. In the end I knew I was way too tired to get up for the swim so at 2am this morning I cancelled my alarm and decided that if I woke up in time I would get up and go. Slept like a log till 9.40 :eek: Lovely, didnt feel guilty just rested :). Had been talking to Stephen about wanting to try the swim for Worlds End tri this weekend so he said he would go with me and bring the doggie too.

    Parking the car I noticed the little buoys. They seemed to go on for much longer than 375m so I wondered if it was the route or not. Got strangled by rushes until I was in the middle of the river. They were so gross. I'm glad I have experience of them now and not on race day for the first time. I swam down? up? along the buoys. Lovely sunny day, beautiful quiet river. I was feeling very happy with myself. This time last year I watched the triathlon here, I wasnt able to swim, didnt own an bike and was so badly injured that I couldnt run. Here I am a year later swimming, in a river, by myself!! I took a moment to be proud of myself. Then I started to wonder how long is this bloody swim, the buoys kept coming. I finally got to the last one and turned back. The swim back to the clubhouse seemed way easier, maybe the flow was with me, I dont know. 30 mins in the water, probably 1000m swam. I'm hoping the course will be 750m I really dont want an extra long swim. I doubt I'll be as slow on the day anyway. I spent a lot of the swim cruising along just enjoying it. I also had to stop to let the water out of my leaking goggles about 6 times. Poor doggie fell into the river twice and he cant swim but luckily Stephen pulled him out before he was too traumatised :)

    Cant go to the club cycle later as I have a funeral. I dont mind missing it though. I'm tired after the weekends cycling and yesterdays long run. My left hand is still very weak and sore so I dont want to make it worse with a tough 2 hour plus cycle later on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Slept like a log till 9.40 :eek: Lovely, didnt feel guilty just rested

    Ok so you listened to your body and thats a golden rule!:D
    This time last year I watched the triathlon here, I wasnt able to swim, didnt own an bike and was so badly injured that I couldnt run. Here I am a year later swimming, in a river, by myself!! I took a moment to be proud of myself.

    And so you should be proud of yourself, thats a long way to travel in one year....and you are out there enjoying yourself!!
    Poor doggie fell into the river twice and he cant swim but luckily Stephen pulled him out before he was too traumatised

    Do all doggies not know the doggie paddle, i thought all dogs could automatically swim:o wouldn't you think the first time would have scared him enough for him to learn to stay back from the edge:D
    My left hand is still very weak and sore

    trip to the Physio to get it sorted, get exercise to strengthened and then maybe the handlebars that Trig1 recommends!!1

    Anyway you are flying well done and keep up the good work!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Tues 21st Aug
    Plan for today was 6.50am club swim then club cycle this evening at 6.30 pm. In the end I knew I was way too tired to get up for the swim so at 2am this morning I cancelled my alarm and decided that if I woke up in time I would get up and go. Slept like a log till 9.40 :eek: Lovely, didnt feel guilty just rested :). Had been talking to Stephen about wanting to try the swim for Worlds End tri this weekend so he said he would go with me and bring the doggie too.

    Parking the car I noticed the little buoys. They seemed to go on for much longer than 375m so I wondered if it was the route or not. Got strangled by rushes until I was in the middle of the river. They were so gross. I'm glad I have experience of them now and not on race day for the first time. I swam down? up? along the buoys. Lovely sunny day, beautiful quiet river. I was feeling very happy with myself. This time last year I watched the triathlon here, I wasnt able to swim, didnt own an bike and was so badly injured that I couldnt run. Here I am a year later swimming, in a river, by myself!! I took a moment to be proud of myself. Then I started to wonder how long is this bloody swim, the buoys kept coming. I finally got to the last one and turned back. The swim back to the clubhouse seemed way easier, maybe the flow was with me, I dont know. 30 mins in the water, probably 1000m swam. I'm hoping the course will be 750m I really dont want an extra long swim. I doubt I'll be as slow on the day anyway. I spent a lot of the swim cruising along just enjoying it. I also had to stop to let the water out of my leaking goggles about 6 times. Poor doggie fell into the river twice and he cant swim but luckily Stephen pulled him out before he was too traumatised :)

    Cant go to the club cycle later as I have a funeral. I dont mind missing it though. I'm tired after the weekends cycling and yesterdays long run. My left hand is still very weak and sore so I dont want to make it worse with a tough 2 hour plus cycle later on.

    Shotgunmcos measured the buoys on Garmin from start to finish and its 1000m you'll be glad to know

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Only down side is my left hand weakness. Its back and a bit worrying. 2 of my fingers were completely useless last night and are only getting back to normal now. I didnt wear gloves as the weakness started when I changed gloves a few weeks ago but it doesnt seem to be the cause. Not sure which way to go with this, maybe a physio or another bike fit?

    I use the Specialised BG gloves with gel cushion on the opposite side of the palm to the thumb (does that make sense?) as I used to get the same problem when doing a lot of mountain biking and it's pressure on the ulnar nerve.

    google threw this up -->

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Younganne wrote: »

    Do all doggies not know the doggie paddle, i thought all dogs could automatically swim:o wouldn't you think the first time would have scared him enough for him to learn to stay back from the edge:D

    You would think eh anne!! He is a bit simple our poor doggie :D

    I use the Specialised BG gloves with gel cushion on the opposite side of the palm to the thumb (does that make sense?) as I used to get the same problem when doing a lot of mountain biking and it's pressure on the ulnar nerve.

    google threw this up -->

    Interesting article, it is describing exactly whats happening me. It was once mentioned to me that my frame might be too big for me. Maybe that's part of it. I think a good bike fit, some new gloves and new tri bars might be a start. (My poor credit card always maxed since I started this triathlon lark!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Since I last updated on Tuesday I've participated in two triathlons where I finished both happy with myself for trying my best and getting a time which reflects that effort for me.

    Obviously compared to everyone on here I'm a slow coach but I feel I have been putting a lot of training in this year and finally it's starting to pay off. A nice way to end my season :D

    Wed 23rd Aug- Final Dromineer Triathlon (Club series No 4)
    I had had only finished 1 out of the 3 of these so far. A not so impressive 1:28:05 for the 700m swim, 18.5k cycle and 5k run. The next race was a total bust where I was upset by a club member and abondoned the race after a very slow scary swim leg. Tonight I was determined to finish and to finish with a PB. I managed the swim in a nice and slow 17.10. Im still the slowest in the club but I think lots of work over the winter will change that. A fast bike leg where my average speed was 30.5kph was very satisfying. Then on to the run where I pushed as fast as I could. No taking it easy at any point in the run. I wanted to finish my season with the club having left it all out on the course. Lots of other club members were taking it easy as they had races this weekend but I just wanted to do my best. Finished in 1:20:30. Delighted with a huge PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Saturday 25th Aug - Worlds End Triathlon, Castleconnell
    From the start I have to say how enjoyable this day was. The weather was lovely, the race was so close to home that there was no early start or stress of findng my way there, the course was nice and fast and I met loads of people from home in Shannon again. I'm starting to notice the same people at each triathlon I go to. Im liking this small tri world :D

    Anyways Stephen and I arrived at registration at 10ish. It was a slow enough affair and as usual they had no small tshirts so I have another huge useless tshirt to add to the rag pile :rolleyes: and the goodie bags were the most useless piece of crap I've ever seen in any race ever!!

    But...aside from that it was a great race. The swim was very aggressive and rough. I've never experienced such a level of pushing, shoving, shouting etc in the water but I didnt panic. I had to stop a few times to find a space where I wouldnt be swam on or be swimming over other people so that defintely cost me time. The aggression continued until about 400m in after the turn around at the barrel. Amazing what a difference a few weeks can make. If that had happened after Athlone I think I would have freaked out and gave up. Instead I plodded on and came out of the water in 19:14.

    T1 1:54

    I was held up at the start of the bike by two guys getting on a tandem and posing for photos blocking the road. I then had to cycle behind them and couldnt overtake them as the road was too narrow and spectators were walking up to the next transition. In the end I had to let a shout out to get them to move over so I could get through. Definitely lost a minute here and my sub 40 min 20k goal was lost. Managed to over take a lot of people on the bike course and after a few kms where I struggled to settle down, I managed to get into a nice rhythm out to Birdhill. Passed a good few people on the climbs as usual but was over taken by plenty too:) 40:19 (Damn those 20 seconds)

    T2: 1:16

    Legs were dead coming off the bike and for the first km I had a big mental battle where my head was telling me it was ok to stop and walk. But of course I knew I never do that, I always manage to plod on so I did just that. I was trying to calculate if I could manage my major goal of finishing under 90 mins but I couldnt get the maths right so with 2kms to go I thought I wouldnt be able to get to the line in time. From then on I was telling myself to just enjoy it. That this time last year I watched this triathlon and decided there and then that I would take this sport up. I was injured and couldnt run. I had no bike and I couldnt swim. But here I am a year later about to finish in just over 90 mins. Next thing I realised the finish line was very close and I did indeed have a few minutes left. I was going to make it. I sailed up the last hill and sprinted to the finish. 1:29:05 delighted :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH


    Well done. Great stuff. I absolutely love your last few sentences.
