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Going it alone



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done you!!! :) What a difference 12 months make!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well done solobally, great tri and a great day, pity about the goodie bags though

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Planter Fascia injury has reared it ugly head. Really annoying as I thought it was well and truly sorted. I'm used to my achilles reminding me it doesnt like lots of running but I thought the planter was a once off nightmare. Anyways after the tri last Saturday I felt pain in my arch and heel so I iced it and rested for the evening. Decided not to do my planned 11 miles on Sunday so went out on the bike instead.

    Chrissie recommendeds hill repeats so I decided to give it a go. Im blessed to live in a beautiful village surrounded by hills, actually with a mighty big hill running through it so I didnt have to go far to get a suitable hill for the repeats. I cycled out to Nenagh and back for a warm up then up Port Hill nice and slowly. Every time my breathing started to get raggedy I thought of Kurts advice and took control of it again. Made it up feeling good and descended down the other side- terrified as usual. Descending is something I really need to work on next year, I cant be pulling on the breaks as much as I do. Down the hill to Castlelough car park. 1 minute recovery then off again to go back up towards Portroe and Charlie's Hill. That climb is easier as its not continuous, it levels off every now and then so you get a break.

    By the time I was descending the other side I felt I'd done enough but then realised that once up and over and back again probably didnt count as repeats :) so I went as far as the houses in Ballyacardo, 1 minute recovery and back around to climb Port hill again. Amazingly enough second time round felt much easier. Decided to go really easy on myself for this first hill session so headed back down the hill to finish. Hill repeat session 1 complete- 1.5 reps of Portroe/Charlie's Hill.

    Nothing else done all week until today. Family wedding , back to work + huge changes in my home life = 4 days no training. That's the longest break I've had all year!

    Back today with a 3.2 mile run on the treadmill to see how foot is. Still a bit niggly but not too bad. Followed that with a spin on the turbo for an hour and a half moving up and down through gears while watching the Vuelta.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    That's what I like about coming to the dark side- you can train through injuries by focusing on different disciplines.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Congrats on reaching your goal, great report and its amazing what differences we can be achieved when we make a decision on something...its amazing what you ahve done in the past 12mths...keep up the good work. and sorry to hear the foot is playing up, mind it:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sunday 2nd Sept
    11mile lsr today. Up at 6.30 for my porridge :eek: I have no memory of ever being up this early on a Sunday. Well maybe a few years ago coming home from a night out :) But I was joining up with some girls who were doing a 17 miler. I always run alone and was nervous of being able to keep up with them but they reassured me the pace would be nice and slow. First couple of miles were very tough, the girls were gliding along chatting away and I was struggling to keep up the pace. Then we slowed a little and I think I was warmed up by then so it all felt much easier. The 11 miles flew by. I didnt even realise we had so far done. The difference between running alone and running with others is unbelieveable. I will definitely be doing it again. Back home nice and early. Im all smug now trying to decide if that's it for the day or will I cycle later.

    11.06miles in 1:47. Mile paces: 9.20, 9.13, 9.21, 9.38, 9.40, 9.51, 9.55, 9.47, 10.06, 10.02, 10.05.

    Much faster than my usual LSRs but it was a great confidence builder showing me that I am able to run faster for longer than I thought.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    The ole body was very sore and achey after Sunday's run so I took it easy until this evening when I went out for a short recovery run in the beautiful sunshine after work. Decided to dress for the occasion by putting on a pair of shorts which have lived in the drawer for about 4 years because they are those very short, short race type ones. BIG mistake. I have fat flubbery thighs. Fat flubbery thighs and short short shorts = horrible chaffing:(

    Need to do something about the flubber.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    ha ha my last entry in my log..i'm in bits at the moment;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Trig1 wrote: »
    ha ha my last entry in my log..i'm in bits at the moment;)

    Ha ha must be a newbie mistake that we were unaware of- finish the season pretty happy with yourself, go for a run in different shorts, end up in a world of pain :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Thurs 6th Aug 44.5km cycle with Stephen. What a beautiful day for a leisurely cycle! Although the hilly route we took wasnt that easy, it was worth it for the lovely views of the lake. I decided to throw in an extra climb of Port hill at the end as I really want to work on getting more powerful on the climbs for next season.

    I made the decision today to stop being nice to drivers from now on. When I cycle alone or just with Stephen I usually keep in close to side of the road and we often go single file when we think its better than riding alongside each other. Today though I had two incidents with crazy drivers who didnt bother waiting the 5 seconds it would take for the road to be clear before over taking me:mad::mad:. Both cars nearly shoved me off the road as they passed without crossing the line while another car was coming the other way. I was livid. So from now on I'm cycling a nice distance out from the ditch so they will have no other choice to go into the other lane to get past me. Dont care who I hold up and for how long!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    I found your log:o
    Wow I'm inspired, can't believe you weren't doing this 12 months ago!
    Solobally8 wrote: »
    BIG mistake. I have fat flubbery thighs. Fat flubbery thighs and short short shorts = horrible chaffing:(

    So have I and I made the same mistake on Wednesday- decided to go out in short shorts before the winter crawled in and I now have nice red chaff marks in between my flubbery thighs:(

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Fat flubbery thighs and short short shorts = horrible chaffing:(

    Need to do something about the flubber.


    Yer a skinny little thing ye made yoke.

    Besides women have a padding of fat in the upper thighs for a very good reason :pac: No idea why companies make those horrible short shorts for women, some of us don't want to wear shorts that look like a big pair of knickers, I want to cover my thighs. My fave shorts are a 'unisex' pair of more mile ones. Girl shorts are too short and always give me this problem :( Always (well usually buy a size bigger) in girl shorts to try and prevent it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8


    Yer a skinny little thing ye made yoke.

    Besides women have a padding of fat in the upper thighs for a very good reason :pac: No idea why companies make those horrible short shorts for women, some of us don't want to wear shorts that look like a big pair of knickers, I want to cover my thighs. My fave shorts are a 'unisex' pair of more mile ones. Girl shorts are too short and always give me this problem :( Always (well usually buy a size bigger) in girl shorts to try and prevent it.

    I usually wear tight shorts that go just above my knee but for some stupid reason felt I had progressed enough to be allowed wear short shorts on Tuesday:D. Big lesson learned, wont be wearing them again! And you're right, they do look like big knickers or a nappy even:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    madon wrote: »

    So have I and I made the same mistake on Wednesday- decided to go out in short shorts before the winter crawled in and I now have nice red chaff marks in between my flubbery thighs:(

    Ha ha is it wrong of me to be glad I'm not the only one? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Ha ha is it wrong of me to be glad I'm not the only one? :)

    I'll let you away with it I was glad to see I wasn't the only one too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sunday 9th Sept
    12.17 mile lsr. I'm hoping to run the Charleville half in under 2hrs 10 so the planned pace for these long runs is 10.5 - 11 min miles. However after last week's 11 miler with the girls I began to think that maybe I'm able for more than 10 minute miles on the day.

    With this in mind I set off today thinking 11 min miles would be ok for this run but I wasnt going to focus on pace, this was to be done on feel. For the first few miles I felt great and was very surprised to see my times. Mile 1-9:35, Mile 2 -9:51, Mile 3 - 9:48. I had a pain in my shin just like last week and began to think that maybe I had shin splints but it went away once I was warmed up in mile 3

    I just have no idea what pace I should be running at as I'm not sure what in able for so I began to worry during the 4th mile that maybe I was going a little fast for a lsr so dropped the pace a little. Mile 4- 10.18. Mile 5 - 10.15.

    The sun had come out by now and I felt sooo good to be out and running. Injury has plagued me for years now so when I do actually get a chance to run long I really take great joy in it.

    Took a gel after mile 6 as I think that's where I will take one on race day. Mile 6- 9:51. Gel must have kicked in really fast as mile 7 was 9:29 the fastest so far :D

    Mile 8 was a bit of a struggle mentally. My planter fascia began to hurt and I was cursing myself for pushing the pace and not putting in enough miles to build it up first. That pain went away pretty fast though only to be replaced by an achilles niggle which also came and went in that same mile. Must really have been a mental thing really. Every single run leaves me worried that I'm doing something to injure myself again :( Slowed down a little during this mental battle. Mile 8 - 9:53

    Mile 9 - 9:41 then a quick stop back at the car for a drink, a gel and a check of my phone. Then off again for the last 3 miles. Mile 10 - 9:44, Mile 11- 10. 09.

    I decided to up the pace for the last mile as I would expect to do the same in the race. Delighted to see I could go faster after so long on my feet. Mile 12 was the fastest of the day 9:27.

    12.17 miles in 2hrs exactly (or 19.6kms for those who hate miles:D)

    So now I'm in a bit of a quandry. Im beginning to think that if I go with the 2:10 pacers I will get 2.10 but maybe I'm able to do better than that. Maybe I'll target sub 2:05. Will have to think about it. Maybe I should just enjoy my first half marathon and aim for a time I know I can get but that wouldnt be racing then would it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Super running!!! I am no expert here, but based on your splits and what little I know about training paces and how they translate to race paces, I'd say sub 2:05 is very possible. Keep up the good work!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Again no expert but I agree with Dory,
    I ran 12 miles in 2.02 the week before I ran Bohermeen half marathon last March- which is similar if not slightly slower. I ran the Bohermeen half in 2.02 and had loads left in my legs at the end I was disgusted I didn't give it a bit extra during the run and get closer if not beat 2 hours. I think you should be thinking about going out with the 2 hour pacers. Great run:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    madon wrote: »
    I think you should be thinking about going out with the 2 hour pacers.

    +1. This option about "enjoying" your first half... that's really just for newbie runners who have are running to achieve a distance. You've been in enough races at this stage, that each should be a test of your abilities. If you know you can get to 2:10, push yourself a bit and aim for under 2 hours. That's a good target, and worth aiming for IMO. Best of luck whatever you decide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Thanks guys I dont even know why I thought about playing it safe and going with the 2:10 pacers. I suppose I've just always thought of myself as a plodder and its only this year that I'm starting to see that if I actually push myself and am willing to hurt in a race then I get much better results. Hence cutting 8:36 off my 10k PB time in March!

    I'm going to go with the sub 2 hr pacers and hope for the best :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    The decision to do this race was a very last minute one. I had seen a poster for it on the way to work on Monday and thought I really should go for it as I've wanted to do a race at home in Shannon for the last few years but never found one that fit into my schedule.

    On the other hand I wondered what the point of it would be. It's only 10 days out from the half marathon so I was thinking I really shouldnt push it and end up injured. So in the end I decided to just go for it and try to come in under 55 minutes. My 10k PB of 52:18 was set in March when I had been doing a bit of speed work and running regularly. I was shocked to get that kind of time when all I had been aiming for was to come in under 60 mins. Since then though I had wondered was it a fluke but I havent ran any other 10k since to find out.

    Anyways back to Wednesday's race...
    It wasnt that well organised to be honest. I didnt see the route as they didnt have any maps of it when I went to get my number. I didnt even know where exactly the start line was- nor did anyone else it seemed. People were just kind of hanging about outside the leisure centre. Luckily though it was a lovely evening and I bumped into a few people I knew. One of them said that he heard the route was short(oh great! not another one).

    I had ran from my aunts house to the lesiure centre to warm up but ended up waiting around for 20 minutes before everyone started walking down the road and soon we were lined up ready for the off.

    It was a small field so I lined up a few rows back from the start. All of a sudden we were off and I took off at full pelt. Running like it was the finishing straight instead of the first few metres of the race:). I knew it was too fast but I kept on going as everyone seemed to be passing me out. When I eventually looked down at my watch I saw I was running at 4:30 pace:eek: waaaaaay too fast for me. Kept motoring on and by the first mile I was on my own. I could see people about 100m ahead of me and knew there were a few behind but already I was well behind the main bunch. That kind of thing is tough on the spirit as I was running with all my might but it was crap really. In reality though it was my fastest recorded mile ever 7:34!!

    Of course there was never any chance of keeping that kind of pace up and I just got slower and slower as the race progressed. Mile 2 was 8:38! Mile 3, 8.49. It was hard to keep focused on the running as I had no idea of the route and more than once people ended up going the wrong way as there was a 5k going on at the same time. As we were running through the town it became impossible to run on the roads and so there were lots of places where I was running on the footpath. It annoyed me a bit as I knew the route wasnt measured on the footpath but I really didnt have any other choice. There were a few tough miles towards the end and by now I knew it wasnt going to be a full 10k but I tried to keep the pace up. Nothing was hurting except my lungs, which were begging me to stop, as was my head but on the other hand I was delighted with myself - I can actually push past the pain and keep going- woohoo!

    Mile 4, 8:51, Mile 5, 8:46 and Mile 6, 8:36. Sprinted down the finishing chute to a bottle of water, a high viz jacket, a banana and a slice of apache pizza. Finishing time of 51:55 garmin measured 9.81kms

    I'm happy with that. Proved to myself that last March wasnt a fluke. That I can run 10k under the hour no problem. I'm not going to claim it as a PB as it was short but I am going to set myself a new goal of going sub 50 next year. I really think if I train regularly enough I will achieve it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Thanks guys I dont even know why I thought about playing it safe and going with the 2:10 pacers. I suppose I've just always thought of myself as a plodder and its only this year that I'm starting to see that if I actually push myself and am willing to hurt in a race then I get much better results. Hence cutting 8:36 off my 10k PB time in March!

    I'm going to go with the sub 2 hr pacers and hope for the best :D

    Best of Luck, forget the watch and run by feel, bet you go sub 2 quite comfortabley!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Friday 14th Sept- 8 mile lsr with some girls from the club. Again the miles flew by as we where having a great ole chat:) I'm definitely going to keep running as much as possible with them. Being distracted like that means I run faster for longer without even realising it.

    8.03 miles in 1hr 15 mins

    So that's my last long run before the half on the 23rd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Sorry i haven't been over this direction for a while. Well done on the 10km and best of luck next Sun. You should def be on for a sub 2 with the form you are in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Things have been kind of hectic since returning to work at the start of the month so I've been pretty brutal at keeping up with my log here. Not that I've been doing much training either :o

    Anyway since I last updated:
    Sunday 16th Sept- Short and sweet treadmill intervals. Pushed the pace a bit and enjoyed it. 3.25 miles total.
    Tuesday 18th Sept - Could only fit a quick 3.1 mile treadmill run in after work today. Took it very easy.
    Wed 19th Sept- A bit of cross training at work while supervising my students in the gym. Stationary bike and treadmill stuff.
    Thursday 20th Sept - Garmin was dead so I went off watchless :eek: that doesnt happen too often. Really enjoyed running by feel. Again short and sweet but definitely something I will do more often. 3.25 miles
    Friday 21st Sept - 1100 m swim. First time swimming since the 25th August!! Havent been in the pool since the 16th Aug. My shoulders let me know very quickly that they were not used to having to move so much. Nice easy session just to see if I remembered how to do it:)
    Sat 22nd Sept -Very easy 2 mile run to loosen out the legs before tomorrow's race.

    Fingers crossed when I log back on here tomorrow I'll have ran a sub 2 hr half marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Fingers and toes crossed for you.....and some hooting and hollaring too!! Best of luck, and have fun!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Fingers crossed when I log back on here tomorrow I'll have ran a sub 2 hr half marathon.

    Best of luck, give it socks;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Charleville Half Marathon - Sunday 23rd September

    Headed off to this with 2 friends of mine. Nice short journey to Charleville with some sneaky parking at the registration area meant we were ready to go with 40 minutes to spare before the off:). After relaxing in the nice heat of the car we decided to join the toilet queue (for about 20 mins!) then off for a very short warm up on the lovely track. All of a sudden it was time to line up and I was feeling very happy to be once again caught up in the brilliant atmosphere at the beginning of a running race. (I'm finding I prefer the feeling at the start of running races much more than triathlon starts- maybe its because I'm always terrified of the swim in tris)

    I lined up just behind the 2 hr pacers while the girls went off to the 1:50 balloons. Nice quick start, no waiting around in the cold thank god. I some how ended up a bit ahead of the pacers and even though I really tried to stop myself from sprinting off like I usually do, I couldnt slow myself down enough to wait for them so I kept going at what seemed to be a very comfortable pace passing the first mile marker in 8:40. I was feeling ok with that, took it as time banked for later on when I might be slowing down. The plan was to run 9:09 minute miles or 5:40 per kms so I allowed myself to slow down to 9:04 for the second mile. Course was nice and flat, except for a humpback bridge and a few little drags and I was constantly surrounded by people which was nice for a change (I'm often running alone in races with only glimpses of people ahead:o) .

    Excellent water stations every 5kms ish, water bottles in plenty supply. I think I took on too much too fast though at the first one and got a stitch and a bit of a sick tummy for a while. Next 4 miles were all about 9:09 or a bit under and I reached half way in 1:00:03. Lots of people out in Kilmallock to cheer us on. I felt very good for mile 7 (8:59) and was planning on maybe upping the pace from mile 10 to the finish but in mile 8 the wheels came off I had to really fight to get a 9:04 min mile there and felt sick as I took a gel. Pace dropped to 9:14 for mile 9 and mile 10 was worse in 9:17. I was running slower than I had planned and I had nothing in me to pick up the pace even though I was really trying to push.

    I was starting to worry that I was going to get caught by the 2 hr pacers and wouldnt be able to keep up with them. I started giving myself a talk in which I said it was totally acceptable to come in over the 2 hrs. But as I got closer to the town I decided to keep the effort up and keep pushing. I have to be honest I found it very tough, I had a really bad stitch, my legs felt dead and I thought I was going to cry at one stage:eek:

    Nothing left in me I couldnt find that extra gear but as I neared the finish line I knew I had done just enough to come in under the 2hours. Clock said 1:59:14 as I passed the line. Chip time 1:58:59. Totally delighted with that. I swore at the end that I would never put myself through another half again. But now I'm already planning my next one where I'll be wiser with my pacing from the start :D

    Cant wait to work on my running over the winter, imagine if I didnt pick up any injuries and worked on my speed!

    Lovely spread of food in the hall at the end. I stuffed my face with sandwiches and buns:D. Stayed for all the presentations. Wow those winning times were amazing!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Whoo-hoo! 1.58:59! :D Well done! We've all had that midway conversation, its great that you decided to ignore it. The best part of finishing is remembering that point where you decide between easing up, or embracing the pain for a while more.

    Richly deserved!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    well done Solobally8 ,congratulations on acheiving your goal :D
