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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Saturday 10th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    62kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1

    Happy to get a solid single at 80kg. 80kg will be the 90% number for he next cycle so I want to make sure I can nail before I start that cycle. Next week will be the last week of the current cycle.

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+1
    85kg 1 x 2+1
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1


    70kg 1 x 3
    87kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    110kg 1 x 3
    125kg 2 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 12th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1 Solid
    80kg 1 x f
    77kg 1 x 1

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    92kg 5 x 2+2

    Jumped back on some of the cleans but they most of the sets were acceptable.

    Push Press:

    60kg 5 x 3


    80kg 1 x 4
    95kg 1 x 4
    105kg 1 x 4
    115kg 6 x 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 14th if Jan.

    Power Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 2
    57kg 1 x 2
    62kg 8 x 2

    Last few were borderline.

    Power Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 6 x 2+2

    Front Squat:

    70kg 1 x 3
    80kg 1 x 3
    90kg 1 x 3
    102kg 6 x 3


    117kg 6 x 3

    Good Morning:

    45kg 4 x 6

    Started doing my good mornings in flat shoes and they feel much better.

    Weighed in at 86kg both morning and after training. I'm still carrying a fair bit of pudge around the mid section. Currently eating 2600-2800 cal a day. Realistically I can't see myself eating much less than that so I'll just see where that puts me over the next few weeks. Still feeling good despite the loss of body weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 16th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 6 x 2

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+1
    85kg 1 x 2+1
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    102kg 2 x 1+1


    85kg 1 x 3
    95kg 1 x 3
    110kg 1 x 3
    122kg 6 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 19th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1 3 x f
    77kg 1 x 1 1 x f

    Meh. First single at 80kg was good, second was miles away and attempts three and four were close.

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    95kg 4 x 2+2

    Heavy but good. Only one dodgy jerk on the last set where I adjusted my hands way too wide after the clean.

    Push Press:

    62kg 4 x 3


    85kg 1 x 4
    95kg 1 x 4
    105kg 1 x 4
    117kg 5 x 4

    Bodyweight up slightly to about 87.5kg. Have to be a bit stricter with my intake and will aim for about 2400-2800 every day this week. Hitting the lower end on rest days and higher end on training days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 21st of Jan.

    Power Snatch & Hang Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 1+1
    57kg 1 x 1+1
    65kg 6 x 1+1


    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    82kg 5 x 2+2


    Front Squat:

    70kg 1 x 3
    80kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    107kg 5 x 3



    120kg 3 x 5


    Good Morning:

    50kg 4 x 5


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 23rd of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    67kg 1 x 2
    72kg 5 x 2

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+1
    87kg 1 x 2+1
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    102kg 1 x 1+1
    105kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 2 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+ no jerk


    80kg 1 x 3
    95kg 1 x 3
    110kg 1 x 3
    125kg 5 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Saturday 24th of Jan.

    Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + OHS:

    52kg 1 x 1+2+3
    57kg 4 x 1+2+3

    Power Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+1
    75kg 5 x 2+1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 26th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x f 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    92kg 1 x 2+2


    80kg 1 x 4
    92kg 1 x 4
    105kg 1 x 4
    120kg 2 x 4

    Bench Press:

    65kg 2 x 3

    Was originally going to do a medium week this week but that went out the window after how crappy I felt during the snatches. Felt pretty beat up doing the clean and jerks as well so I definitely made he right choice in deciding to do a light week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 28th of Jan.

    Power Snatch & Hang Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 1+1
    57kg 1 x 1+1
    62kg 1 x 1+1
    65kg 1 x 1+1
    67kg 1 x 1+1

    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 2+2

    Front Squat:

    70kg 1 x 3
    85kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    110kg 2 x 3


    120kg 3 x 3

    Good Morning:

    50kg 3 x 4

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 30th of Jan.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 2 x 2

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+1
    87kg 1 x 2+1
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1


    85kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    112kg 1 x 3
    130kg 2 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 2nd of Feb:


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 2 x 1
    72kg 2 x 1
    75kg 2 x 1
    77kg 2 x 1, 2 x f

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    92kg 4 x 2+2

    Cleans were ok but jerks were awful, some of the worst I've done in a very long time.


    80kg 1 x 4
    92kg 1 x 4
    105kg 1 x 4
    115kg 5 x 4

    Bench Press:

    65kg 4 x 3

    Bodyweight is jumping around between 85 and 86.5kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Biz lazy with the logging as of late. Training is going well and I've signed up for the Intermediates in the middle of March. I will start a a 4 week competition cycle on Monday. Going to make weight as an 85 for the first time. Currently 86kg so the cut shouldn't be too stressful, hopefully. Not sure on what numbers I hope to hit yet. I'll see what happens in training over the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 16th of Feb.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 2 x 1
    75kg 2 x 1
    77kg 4 x 1, 1 x f

    Clean and Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 1+1
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 4 x 1+1


    87kg 1 x 3
    100kg 1 x 3
    110kg 1 x 3
    120kg 4 x 3

    Snatches were ok. Need to switch to a lighter tape on my thumbs. The tape I am currently using is too heavy and is causing my grip trouble. Back starting felt a bit **** half way through the snatches, the type of pain you can train through though. Clean and jerks were very solid, especially the jerks. Squats were fine. Back doesn't feel too bad as I type this now so I'll hopefully be ok by Wednesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 18th of Feb.

    Power Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 2
    57kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 5 x 1

    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    92kg 3 x 1+1

    Front Squat:

    75kg 1 x 3
    87kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    110kg 4 x 3

    Clean Pull:

    110kg 4 x 3

    Good Morning:

    50kg 2 x 8

    Power snatches and cleans were good. Was pretty whacked after them though so the rest of the session was a bit of a slog. Used a thinner thumb tape today which made a world of difference in the snatch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 20th of Feb.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 2 x 1
    72kg 2 x 1
    75kg 2 x 1
    77kg 2 x 1

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 1+1
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    102kg 1 x 1+1
    107kg 1 x 1+1
    110kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+nojerk


    87kg 1 x 2
    97kg 1 x 2
    110kg 1 x 2
    120kg 1 x 2
    132kg 4 x 2

    Snatches weren't great which is frustrating. I think I will have to reintroduce snatch pulls after this competition. Clean and jerks feeling very good, will try for 112 or 115 next week. Squats were somewhat heavy but still fast. Body weight is about 86-87, might forego the cut to 85 and see if I can lift as a 94. It's not worth making the cut if it's going to mess up a good run of training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 23rd of Feb.


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 2 x 1
    72kg 2 x 1
    75kg 2 x 1
    77kg 2 x 1
    80kg 2 x 1, 1 x f
    82kg 1 x f had this locked out overhead but my left elbow started to hyper extend so I dropped it.

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 1+1
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 6 x 1+1



    87kg 1 x 3
    97kg 1 x 3
    110kg 1 x 3
    127kg 6 x 3

    Good session. Was very tired by the time I got to the squats so they took an absolute age to get through. Happy enough with where my classic lifts are at the moment. Bodyweight was 85.5 this morning despite eating like a gob****e over the weekend. Will have to get on a different set of scales at some point because I have not idea if mine is accurate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 25th of Feb:

    Power Snatch:

    Power Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 2
    57kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 3 x 1 All three were probably borderline powers but were all caught well above my usual full snatch depth
    70kg 1 x 2

    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    92kg 1 x 1+1
    97kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 2 x 1+1 Again these were probably borderline, second single was solid though. Will try for 102 next week maybe.

    Front Squat:

    80kg 1 x 3
    92kg 1 x 3
    102kg 1 x 3
    115kg 5 x 3

    Clean Deadlift:

    110kg 5 x 3

    Good Morning:

    50kg 2 x 10

    Ate 4000 calories today, oops.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 27th of Feb:


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 3 x 1

    Decided to video myself for the first time in ages and it's not good. Technique is awful, jumping back a foot or more. At least I am making the 80kg snatches but some serious work to be done after the intermediates.

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    87kg 1 x 2+2
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    105kg 1 x 1+1
    110kg 1 x 1+1
    112kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 3 x 1+1

    Jumping back in the cleans as well but less than in the snatch. 112kg is a training pb which is nice. Could have a shot at PB in the intermediates hopefully.


    90kg 1 x 2
    100kg 1 x 2
    110kg 1 x 2
    120kg 1 x 2
    130kg 1 x 2
    140kg 5 x 2


    So much technique work to do after the intermediates. Should video myself more often, I hadn't realised how bad the backwards jump had gotten :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 2nd on March:


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1
    82kg 1 x F
    70kg 1 x 1
    75kg 1 x F

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 1+1
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    105kg 1 x 1+1
    110kg 1 x 1+F Jerk
    100kg 1 x 1+1


    80kg 1 x 3
    90kg 1 x 3
    100kg 1 x 3
    110kg 3 x 3

    Snatches were much better today. Higher hips in the starting position made a big difference and the pull feels much better. Still jumping back but not as much. Cleans were solid but jerks weren't great. Squats felt somewhat heavy and speed was lacking a bit so I think my legs are still tired from Friday's workout.

    This is basically the last heavy c&j session before the intermediates. Last heavy snatches will be on Friday. I was 86kg after training so should be ok to make weight easily enough. Openers will likely be 80 in the snatch and between 105 and 110 int he clean & jerk.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 4th of March:

    Power Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 2
    57kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1
    72kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 1

    Need to stay over the bar longer going by the videos. I'm bringing my shoulders back too early which I think is the main thing making me jump back.

    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    75kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1 Best 100kg power clean I've ever done
    102kg 1 x 1+1 Met the bar above parallel but got pushed down below

    Probably need to stay over the bar a bit longer with the clean as well but it's not as bad as in the snatch. Jerks are solid although I'm stepping a bit short the odd time.

    Front Squat:

    70kg 1 x 3
    80kg 1 x 3
    90kg 1 x 3
    102kg 3 x 3

    Clean Deadlift:

    110kg 3 x 3

    Good Morning:

    50kg 2 x 6

    Feeling pretty good. 85.5kg this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 6th of March:


    52kg 1 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 1 x 2
    75kg 1 x 1
    77kg 1 x 1
    80kg 2 x f

    70kg 5 x 1

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 1+1
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x f


    90kg 1 x 2
    100kg 1 x 2
    110kg 1 x 2
    120kg 1 x 2
    125kg 3 x 2

    Usually get one of these crappy workouts before competition, it usually happens on the Monday of the week of the comp. So it's happening a bit earlier than usual which I suppose is a good thing. I actually felt good warming up for the snatch but as soon as I missed the single @ 80kg I died a death and felt terrible for the rest of the workout. Couldn't even rack a 100kg clean.

    84.5kg this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 9th of MArch:


    50kg 2 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 5 x 1

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 1+1
    90kg 4 x 1+1

    Snatch Deadlift:

    77kg 4 x 3


    90kg 1 x 3
    105kg 1 x 3
    115kg 2 x 3

    Snatches ok. C&J were a bit off. Technique should improve as I freshen up during the week. 85kg this morning and after training. Going to go and get a new set of scales tomorrow as I don't trust the one I am using at the minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 11th of March:


    50kg 2 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 6 x 1

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 4 x 1+1

    Front Squat:

    75kg 1 x 2
    90kg 1 x 2
    102kg 2 x 2

    Yeah so I went and bought a new scales yesterday and it turns out I am a bit heavier than I thought. I was 86.7kg this morning so I've got a bit of weight to drop before Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Friday 13th of March:

    Change of plas so won't be competing tomorrow. Called into Capital Strength today for a max out instead.


    50kg 2 x 2
    60kg 1 x 2
    65kg 1 x 1
    70kg 1 x 2
    75kg 1 x 1
    78kg 1 x 1
    80kg 1 x 1
    82kg 1 x 1
    84kg 1 x 1
    86kg 1 x 1
    88kg 1 x 1 PB
    90kg 2 x f

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 1+1
    90kg 1 x 1+1
    95kg 1 x 1+1
    100kg 1 x 1+1
    105kg 1 x 1+1
    110kg 1 x 1+1
    115kg 1 x 1+1
    118kg 1 x 1+1 dodgy clean
    120kg 1 x 1+f better clean but didn't catch a bounce really so had no legs left for the jerk.


    206kg PB

    Front Squat:

    100kg 1 x 2
    115kg 1 x 2
    125kg 1 x 2
    135kg 1 x 1
    140kg 1 x 1

    Good day. Think bodyweight was between 86.5-87kg.

    Cheers to Capital Strength for letting me train in their gym and for some good coaching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Did a bit yesterday but still feel a bit off. Took ages to loosen up. I'm really itching to get going again but I need to go easy this week. Back feels a bit ****ty so hopefully the rest will do it some good.

    Leinster open is the next target I suppose. I'll have 10 weeks from next Monday so I'll do 6 a 6 week prep phase and then a 4 week comp phase. Will use the same template I've been using as it seems to be working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 23rd of March:


    52kg 1 x 3
    60kg 2 x 3
    62kg 3 x 3

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    82kg 5 x 2+2


    80kg 1 x 6
    100kg 1 x 4
    110kg 6 x 4

    Bench Press:

    50kg 1 x 4
    55kg 1 x 4
    60kg 2 x 4

    Back Extensions:

    16kg 3 x 10

    Discovered the heel on one of my Adipowers has a big crack in it which is a bit of a bummer. Back to using the power perfects for the minute. Hopefully there is some sort of warranty on them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Tuesday 24th of March:

    Power Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 2
    57kg 5 x 2

    Power Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+1
    77kg 4 x 2+1

    Snatch Deadlift:

    82kg 5 x 3

    Back Extension:

    BW 3 x 20

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Monday 20th of April:


    52kg 1 x 3
    60kg 1 x 3
    65kg 1 x 2
    70kg 5 x 2

    Power Clean:

    70kg 1 x 2
    75kg 1 x 2
    80kg 5 x 2

    Snatch Deadlift:

    80kg 5 x 3


    75kg 1 x 4
    90kg 1 x 4
    105kg 1 x 4
    120kg 1 x 4
    105kg 3 x 4


    40kg 5 x 4

    Back Extensions:

    bw 3 x 20

    Got sick a couple of weeks ago and it has taken a while to get things going again. Signed up for the Leinster open so I've got six weeks to try and get back to where I want to be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Wednesday 22nd of April:

    Power Snatch & Hang Snatch:

    52kg 1 x 1+1
    57kg 1 x 1+1
    60kg 2 x 1+1
    65kg 2 x 1+1
    70kg 1 x 1(full)+fail

    Clean & Jerk:

    70kg 1 x 2+2
    80kg 1 x 2+2
    85kg 1 x 2+2
    90kg 2 x 2+2
    92kg 1 x 2+2
    95kg 1 x 2+2
    90kg 1 x 2+2f

    Missed the last two jerks as I was spent after the 95 double.

    Clean Pull:

    105kg 5 x 3

    Front Squat:

    75kg 1 x 3
    90kg 1 x 3
    100kg 3 x 3

    Back Extension:

    bw 3 x 20

    Demolished a rhubarb pie afterwards.
