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Pursuit of Well Being

  • 24-07-2012 10:40am
    Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    I said I'd start a log as I've big plans for the coming year so would like a place to keep track and monitor progress. Current stats are:

    Height: 5'11''
    Weight: 74kg
    Age: 22
    BF: ~14%

    Lifts, as of yesterday (day 4 SS):
    Squat: 100kg * 5 * 3
    Bench: 75kg * 5 * 3
    Deadlift: 100kg * 5 * 2
    Pull ups: 8, 6, 5

    I've been going to the gym for several years but it's only in the past 12 months I've started to become aware of the benefits of certain lifts and the pointlessness of others. The majority of time in gyms for me would have been spent on machine weights & cardio when I was younger. I only started the compound lifts ~9 months ago.

    I started SS last week so I'm going to keep that up until I can bench 90, squat 135 & deadlift 140 over 3 sets (or something like those figures, there's no logic behind picking them). The SS programme advocates doing only 1 set of 5 reps of the DL a week but I'm going to do 1 once a week and 2 at the third session. I want to have one, maybe two, bodyweight workouts as well as one HIIT cardio session weekly too. I'll probably reduce the cardio to once a fortnight when I start to bulk.

    I don't expect much progress in the coming 2 weeks as I'm on a cut. Trying to trim fat as much as I can in this time & then I'm going to start a clean bulk. I would be very happy to get to 70kg in 2 weeks and by the end of the year be 80-85kg with similiar BF and be capable of the above lifts. Is this all realistic?



  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Today's workout:

    40 seconds of each exercise with 20 second break between & 1 min break between sets (total 6):

    Ankle taps
    Mountain climbers
    Renegade row

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Yesterday's bodyweight workout:

    50 seconds of each exercise with 10 second break between & 1 min break between sets (total 4):

    Push ups
    Mountain Climbers

    Today is day 2 of the SS, might do some isolation work on shoulders & biceps too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Squat: 105kg - 5,4,5 (didn't get down too low for a lot of these so tomorrow I'm going to do something like 5*8*65kg)
    Press: 40kg - 5, 5, 5
    Deadlift: 105kg - 5
    Did some isolation work - chin ups & dumbbell shoulder raises

    Checking weight tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Squat: 102.5x1, 70x9x5
    Bench: 77.5 x 4, 5, 5
    Pull ups: 10, 7, 4
    Small bit of bicep curls & dips too

    Should really be doing cardio or bodyweight workout today but going gym with a friend so will have a spotter. Going to try squat 110x5x3 & bench 80x5x3. Don't know how much the lack of recovery will impact. Weighed in at 75kg yesterday so up slightly over 4 days because the diet hasn't been in check. Think I will start bulking next week anyway, hopefully at around 73kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Squat: 110x5x3 -
    Bench: 80x 3, 2, 77.5x 3, 75x 4
    Deadlift: 110x5x1
    Did some pull ups & tricep work too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY


    40 seconds on, 20 rest x 5:
    Rotational Planks
    Plank Jacks
    Squat with Twist
    Push Up with Renegade Row

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Squat: 112.5kg x 5 x 3 (minimal help from spotter on last rep)
    Press: 42.5kg x 4 x 1, 40kg x 5, x 4
    Deadlift: 115kg x 5 x 1
    Pull ups: 10, 6, 6

    Squat & deadlift are progressing well, really enjoy doing both. Bench & press aren't moving anywhere near as quick but I imagine that's normal. Started bulking today, taking in around 3000kcals of, for the most part, healthy foods.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY


    Warm up: 20 squat to lunges, 10 push ups, 20 mountain climbers, 10 spiderman climbs, 1 min rest x 2

    Bodyweight: 25 plank jacks, 20 rotational planks, 15 push ups to renegade rows, 1 min rest x 4

    150m row, 30 second rest x 10 (split never above 33 seconds)
    3 min rest
    150m row, 45 second rest x 10 (split never above 32 seconds)
    5 min rest
    150m row, 60 second rest x 10 (split never above 31 seconds)

    A gruelling workout & Thursday will definitely be a lighter session, probably 20 mins bodyweight & some easy swimming. Diet today was 3 eggs, 3 chicken fillets, 3 burgers, pack of basmati rice, large portion brocolli, green beans & cauliflower, protein shake & 50g cashew nuts. Might have some milk before bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY


    Squat: 115kg x 5, 4, 5 (serious groin strain after this, could feel it after first set - was stupid to continue)
    Bench: 80kg x 5 x 3 - no problems here, I reckon 82.5 will be do-able next session too
    Pull ups: 8 x 4 - good good!
    Deadlift: had nearly forgotten the DL. Said I'd attempt the 120 x 5 even with the groin strain (again stupidity), only got 2 reps.

    Tomorrow will be light swimming and stretching I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Diet: 3 eggs, 3 burgers, 3 chicken fillets, 250g basmati rice, 50g cashew nuts, large portion of green veg, protein shake, 2l milk, 2 chocolate bars

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 117 ✭✭Raven_Melody

    KABLOOEY wrote: »

    Warm up: 20 squat to lunges, 10 push ups, 20 mountain climbers, 10 spiderman climbs, 1 min rest x 2

    Bodyweight: 25 plank jacks, 20 rotational planks, 15 push ups to renegade rows, 1 min rest x 4

    150m row, 30 second rest x 10 (split never above 33 seconds)
    3 min rest
    150m row, 45 second rest x 10 (split never above 32 seconds)
    5 min rest
    150m row, 60 second rest x 10 (split never above 31 seconds)

    I dare ya to try break 30sec in the 150m row.. Bane.Of.My.Life!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    I dare ya to try break 30sec in the 150m row.. Bane.Of.My.Life!

    My last 5 were all under 30 seconds - next time I do it I'll try the 30 sets under 30!

    Groin feels fine today so going to have a decent core/bodyweight workout today & light swim after. Inspired by the Olympics, I'm going to try to master a muscle up later as well as practising the form for the clean & jerk.

    Provisionally set the plan as:

    Warm up: 15 mountain climbers, 10 squats, 12 lunges, 6 push ups to renegade row x 2

    Workout: 20 ankle taps, 30 second side plank (both sides), 5 push up claps, 20 burpees, 1 min rest x 4

    Front plank for as long as possible, 1 min rest x 3

    25kg clean & jerk x 25 focusing on technique

    Attempt a muscle up

    Swim 500m at a slow pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    KABLOOEY wrote: »
    Provisionally set the plan as:

    Warm up: 15 mountain climbers, 10 squats, 12 lunges, 6 push ups to renegade row x 2

    Workout: 20 ankle taps, 30 second side plank (both sides), 5 push up claps, 20 burpees, 1 min rest x 4 2

    Front plank for as long as possible, 1 min rest x 3

    25kg 20kg clean & jerk x 25 focusing on technique - this didn't feel right at all, need to watch videos on it

    Attempt a muscle up Couldn't get one, will need to study this to, couldn't pull myself up or get my hands around, did 10 sets of varied pull ups

    Swim 500m at a slow pace

    Didn't go too hard today, didn't feel 100% and want to get some good lifts in tomorrow.

    Diet: 3 eggs, 3 chicken fillets, 3 salmon fillets, 250g basmati rice, 50g cashew nuts, protein shake, 3 coffees, 1l milk

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    S: 117.5kg x 5, 5, 4
    B: 82.5kg x 5 x 3
    DL: 120kg x 5 x 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Back to the gym today. Ran around 8km on Sat and did a small bit of swimming, then took Sun & Mon off. I'm going to try incorporate some isolation work into the 3 days of SS - not sure if it's needed but I'll see how it goes. So my 3 workouts a week will look like, broken up by cardio & bodyweight workouts:

    Day 1:
    Squat & Bench 3 sets, DL 1 set, 3 sets of pull ups to failure, 3 sets Cable Flys & Cable Reverse Flys

    Day 2:
    Squat & Press 3 sets, DL 1 set, 3 sets of pull ups to failure, 3 sets Incline bench press & preacher curls, 3 sets to failure weighted tricep dips

    Day 3:
    Squat & Bench 3 sets, DL 1 set, 3 sets of pull ups to failure, 3 sets Seated Leg Curls & Dumbbell front & side raises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Yesterday, day 1:

    S: 120 x 5, 5, 4
    B: 85 x 5 x 3 (help from spotter on last 2 reps in last 2 sets)
    DL: 125 x 4
    Pull ups: 9, 6, 5

    Diet: 250g cashew nuts, 1 chicken fillet, 1 bacon slice, protein shake, 2 scoops potato, 250g basmati rice, 500g mince, chopped tomatoes, mushrooms, brocolli, cauliflower, peppers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Hanging Leg Raises: 10 x 3
    Chin ups: 10, 10, 9, 7
    Squat: 100 x 5, 120 x 3, 110 x 1, 100 x 8 x 2 (I'm pretty confident my recent squats haven't been going down anywhere near enough so scaled it back a bit & worked on form, I'm prob capable of 110x5x3 with proper technique and not 120)
    Press: 42.5 x 5, 5, 4 (a bit disappointed that I've not even increased this by 2.5 since I started, something's up I think)
    Pull ups: 6
    Pylo push ups: 10x4
    Burpees: 10x2

    As you can see I'm now leaning toward mixing BW in with SS rather than isolation work as I alluded to earlier. I change my mind too much!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Took the 9th off as I was sick.


    Very good session, had time to spare so spent around 2 hours in the gym.

    Bench: 85x5x3
    Chin ups: 10, 10, 9, 7
    Hanging Leg Raises: 10x3
    Deadlift: 130xfail,
    90x8, 100x5 x 4 or 5, some lighter work too
    Squats: 100x9x2, 90x9x2, 80x9x2, 70x9x2, 60x9x2
    50 pull ups & 50 dips as fast as possible: around 7 mins, going to try this with 100 dips as I was left with loads of pull ups to do
    Did a couple sets of plyo push ups & diamond push ups too.

    Gained a lot of insight from Ferike's log and am already introducing some of the BW exercises in. Feeling strong lately but have put on the gut again from not bulking clean so have to address that. Today I cycled 10km (~24 mins), ran 5km (24 mins) & swam 300m. Will probably just do some light swimming again tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY


    Cycled 25km (60 mins) - tough terrain for long stretches
    Ran 2km - 9m5secs
    Short swim

    In bits now.

    Diet: 4 eggs, 3 bacon, 2 gluten free bread, 2 steak, 2 bread, protein shake, 2 coffees, probably have an omelette later or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY


    Pylo push ups 10 x 3
    Chin ups 8 x 4
    Bench Press: 85kg x 5 x 2
    Leg Curls: 55kg x 12 x 3
    Diamond push ups: 10 x 3
    Pull ups: 8 x 2
    750m swim in 27 mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    5km run - 24:05
    750m swim - 22 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Chin ups: 8 x 4
    Plank jacks: 25 x 4
    Some work on muscle ups, still can't do one...
    Plyo push ups: 15 x 4
    Diamond push ups: 9, 10 x 3
    Pull ups: 10, 7
    About 40 pull ups assisted (10-20kg) changing grip after each pull up
    750m swim @ 22mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Checked up on strength today, down a bit but wasn't fully up for the session so it's ok:

    Squat: 105kg x 5 x 3
    Press: 45kg x4, 4, 5
    Bench: 80 x 5 x 3
    50 pull ups & 50 dips in 10 mins
    750m swim @ 24mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    25km cycle in 1 hour

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    26km cycle

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    15km cycle & 5km run in just under an hour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Warm up: 25 rotational planks, 20 renegade rows, 10 burpees x 2
    Press: 47.5 x 3, 45 x 5 x 2, 47.5 x 5 x 1
    DL: 110 x 7 x 3
    Diamond push ups: 10 x 3
    Pylo push ups: 15 x 3, 11
    Pull ups: 8, 8, 5
    Dips: BW + 10kg x 10 x 3
    750m swim @ 26mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    **** day, been sick all week and not getting any good performances in.

    Warm up: 12 lunges 10 squat 10 clap push ups 8 burpees x 2
    S: 100 x 9 x 3
    Bench: 85 x 3, 3, 82.5 x 4, 4 :(
    Lat Pulldown: 55 x 9, 70 x 9, 65 x 9 x 2
    Curls: 15kg x 7 (both arms) x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    I'm going to switch things up slightly. I've come across the Wendler program and it looks ideal for me for the next 3 weeks - short gym sessions increasing strength with the four major compound lifts. I'm doing a mix of the Boring but Big & BW versions. This program should take less than 1 hr in gym 4x a week so will leave me time to get a 30 min endurance cardio session in every day in training for a sprint tri in 2 weeks. Am going to also add some core BW workouts too. Will kick it off on Monday after a good weekend of cardio!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Yesterday: 22km cycle

    Going for a 20km cycle and 5km run now fasted :o
