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Pursuit of Well Being



  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Ugh got my distances a bit mixed up but covered a 15km cycle & 5km run in ~75 mins. Was against the wind & a hilly terrain for most of the cycle so it was a tough session but wish I had calculated the 20km better. Tomorrow will probably be a recovery day with some light swimming and then 4 good gym sessions Mon-Thurs. Started intermittent training a few days ago but have been on a calorie surplus binging on junk last 2 nights... time to get serious again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Day 1 of Wendler:

    45kg Press - 8
    Chin ups - 10, 10, 9, 8, 6
    Dips - +10kg 13, 13, 11, 10, 10
    3km cycle, 2km run, 750m swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    DL day of Wendler: 115kg * 6
    Hanging leg raises: 7*2, 10
    Dips: 10*3
    3km run & 750m swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Had a bit of a strange day. Went home from lunch and forgot keys to house so just decided to fast for the day. Only have food on now after the gym making it a ~22 hour fast. Feel fine though and workout was ok. Didn't feel up to cardio/swim at end however.

    Pull ups: 10, 10, 6
    Bench: Windler leading up to 75kg x 11
    Plyo push ups: 10 x 5
    Small bit of diamond, normal & pike push ups
    Wanted to do 3 sets of pull ups again but shoulder was pretty sore after first set of 9. It's a recurring pain in my right shoulder, comes around from any hanging exercises. Will have to try some stretches or something.

    Looking forward to dinner now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Just spend a few minutes jotting down goals for myself. There's no reason to wait until the turn of the year to pen my goals or resolutions. I'm starting my final year in college in October and will be finished in June so there's a good 9 months to accomplish them. I'll keep the personal stuff out so here's my exercise goals, albeit possibly quite optimistic:

    o Weightlifting:
     Squat 150kg*5*3
     Bench 100kg*5*3
     Deadlift 175kg*5*1
     Press 70kg*5*3
     Record over 500kg for 1RM of Squat, Bench & Deadlift
     Master the form for Clean & Jerk and Snatch

    Now I reckon I'm capable of maybe 112*5*3 squat, 83kg*5*3 bench, 125kg*5*1 DL and 50kg*5*3 press at the minute so they're decent and hopefully attainable goals. I'll probably try out a few programs over the 9 months but Wendler & SS will be mainstays. I've never done any 1 rep workouts but I was reading a lot of the other guys' threads yesterday and felt like it's a good way to monitor progress and another good goal that would feel great to hit. I'll post all 1RM lifts in a month or so, have holidays to take care of first!

    o Bodyweight:
     Pull ups: do 20 straight, max out at 3 sets over 12
     Do 10 muscle ups
     100 push ups in a row made up of 25*normal, diamond, plyo & pike

    All attainable for sure, it's hard to set BW exercise goals I think. Will be happy so long as I'm using them regularly for assistance work & seeing gradual improvements.

    o Cardio:
     Compete in 1 or more adventure style runs such as Gaelforce or smaller event.

    Just to keep the competitive drive going and to make sure I don't neglect cardio completely. Also they look like good fun! Might try two out over the 9 months.

    Looking forward to my post on June 1st already putting a big tick beside each goal :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭RyanTubs

    Quite a lot of goals there, good luck with it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Yup may as well aim high. Today was an average session:

    Warm up: lunges, squats, attempts at sissy squats
    Wendler Day :
    S: 50x5, 60x5, 70x3, 77.5x5, 87.5x5, 100x5, 55x10x5 ... went to failure with the 100kg, or close to it, so v disappointed with that.Was doing 100*9*4 only a week or 2 ago. Hopefully just an off day.
    Leg Curl: 60x10x4
    750m swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Friday: 15km cycle, 40 mins

    Today: 15km cycle, 46 mins

    Will run 5km & swim 750m later today

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Just did a ~5km warm up cycle & 3km run. Not the best. 6 days until the tri.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    21km cycle - 50 mins
    5km run - 23 mins
    Short swim to cool down

    Good session and happy with the 5km time (22:55). Think I've ran sub 23:00 before but not positive so have to be very happy with that. Today was always going to be the day that decided whether or not I do the tri. Unfortunately I didn't get to see how my outdoor swimming was, I left it until the end & was too tired. However I'm happy enough with my times on bike & foot to give the sprint tri a go. If I can get in and out of the water in 25-30 mins I'll be happy. I'll set a goal of sub 1:45 which is definitely achievable.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Just did some messing around with BW stuff:

    5 x diamond push ups
    5 x clap " "
    5 x pike " "
    5 x lunges

    X 4

    Also attempted some semi-planche push up work with legs about 3 feet off ground on table. Got 1 rep in after a few fails but hurt my upper back doing it. Going for a 5km run now too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    First day back lifting in over a month I think and I can finally look forward to getting back in a routine. Damaged my ankle pretty bad around a month ago and then went on holidays. Ankle still a bother to run on but fine for everything else. Used today to check how much I've regressed strength-wise:

    S: 90kg*5*3 - pretty tough probably couldn't have done anymore
    DL: 120kg*4 - maxed out on 4
    B: 75kg*5*3 - probably could have done 77.5kg
    Pull ups: 10, 7, 3 - poor third set
    Weight: 78.3kg

    Surprisingly I haven't lost much on the DL but a significant amount on the other two. Should come back quick enough with regular training. Just quoting goals below so I have them on this page. Not sure how they'll change over the coming weeks but for now I'm just going to work on getting a bit of strength back.
    KABLOOEY wrote: »
    o Weightlifting:
     Squat 150kg*5*3
     Bench 100kg*5*3
     Deadlift 175kg*5*1
     Press 70kg*5*3
     Record over 500kg for 1RM of Squat, Bench & Deadlift
     Master the form for Clean & Jerk and Snatch

    o Bodyweight:
     Pull ups: do 20 straight, max out at 3 sets over 12
     Do 10 muscle ups
     100 push ups in a row made up of 25*normal, diamond, plyo & pike

    o Cardio:
     Compete in 1 or more adventure style runs such as Gaelforce or smaller event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Light enough session today:

    Chin ups: 10, 10, 9
    Press: 45kg*5*3
    DL: 110kg*5*2
    Plyo push ups: 10*3
    Dips: 20

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Interesting log, I'm a similar weight, age and height to you so I'll definitely be keeping track of your progress.

    At my best, I was about as strong as you are, though I'm only getting back into gym work now after a few months absence so it'll be a few weeks (4-6 prolly) before I'm back in that shape.

    My log is the Athletics/Running forum, if you're interested. My goals are a bit different, I'm mainly interested in the benefits to my running, but PBs in the gym are always fun to get.

    Best of luck with the training anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Cool thanks, will give your log a look alright. Plan to do a couple adventure runs through the year but main focus will be on strength I think.

    Started a bulk since last update which I will probably keep up for a good while. I'll try get up to ~90kg+ by January and then cut from there. Will be DLing and squatting a lot on the bulk and doing just BW exercises as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    S: 100*5*3
    DL: 125*3
    Bench: 62.5*9*3
    Some two-handed kettlebell snatches

    Will be weighing in on Wed, decided to only weigh in every 2 weeks of the bulk as when I was cutting I was constantly checking in and it definitely doesn't help. Something like .750g a week gains would be great!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Pulled a muscle in my ass so only doing upper body atm. Really need to weigh in soon too, think I'm overdoing it on the bulk. Would estimate I'm 83-85kg now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Still doing upper body, pain has subsided in ass but not fully gone so will give it another week or so. Joined the DCU gym and have been told the barbells there are 15kg by 2 staff and 20kg by another. Doesn’t feel like 20kg to be honest but if it is my bench is showing good progress. Did bar + 60kg x 9, 8, 6. Rest of my workouts have just been press, various push ups, pull ups, chin ups & dips. Still no weigh in…

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Long time since an update and that's due to me rarely exercising over the past couple of months. That niggling injury has been seen by 3 physios and it was deduced that it was a sprain in some large muscle in the ass region. Recovery hasn't gone 100% and it's still sensitive to any leg workouts so am looking at getting acupuncture for it now. Having to stay out of gym for 3 weeks and then having the injury not fully recover just deflated my enthusiasm for exercise really. I did the odd run and cycle but am sure I've lost a lot of strength. Anyway, going to get back to updating this as my plan is cut and get injury sorted in Jan, bulk Feb-Apr and cut May again. I'm following the Paleo diet this month and will do some bodyweight and cardio workouts but main hope is to be able to perform compound lifts again on Feb 1st!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    5 days of Paleo down and it is fantastic! Improved mood, way more energy, more focus and concentration and losing fat; delighted with it. First couple days were tough but have the hang of it now. Have only been doing small runs but will be back in the gym this week for some light sessions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    8 days down. No slip ups. Body fat falling at a nice rate. Unfortunately a lot of my muscle mass is gone too. Back in the gym for the first time in months today so just took it easy, will continue that logic for the month mainly doing HIIT. Hope to be back lifting Feb 1st.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭KABLOOEY

    Slipped up with Paleo twice now but sticking it out for another week or two before beginning a bulk. Regular stretching is doing the trick and rarely feel the injury niggle anymore. Easing myself back into compound lifts:

    Bench: 70x5x3 (75 prob max at the min)
    Squat: 70x5x3 (having to learn new way of squatting as it was bad form that led to injury)
    DL: 70x5x3 (max prob 100)

    Slow and steady progressions from here on in.
