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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I really don't know how ye ladies manage to stay on your feet all day long! I was in dundrum on sat and after an hour walking around I nearly keeled over from the weakness!! You must be wrecked after work!

    I think my chair is just really bad, there's no support for my lower back and the only thing that relieves it is getting up and walking about a bit. I suppose we can't win!!

    Good luck tomo, hope results are good :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi girls,how are you all doing?I've had a rough few days with a stomach bug:(Very sore and vomiting and that is not pleasant,I feel a little better today,just quesy and lack energy.It's really not fun being sick and pregnant,the last few weeks I feel have been dealing with constant sickness between cold and stomach bug.I hope that's my lot now and no more.It seems my daughter is picking these things up in pre-school and coming down with a mild version and I get it full on,it must be the pregnancy that is making my immune system fail somewhat.I normally get a sniffle every few years:(
    anyway baby is still kicking up a storm and doesn't seem bothered by it all thank god:)Over the 20 week mark now-wow where is the time going!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Also bit sick with a cold and generally feel rotten since yesterday. Raging as I had been doing so well and feeling quite energetic of late...R and R today!

    Think I'm feeling some movements since last weekend. Tummy was very itchy on Saturday, and I think I had a bit of a growth spurt after that. Bump is looking more rounded now and is quite obvious depending on what I wear.

    Countdown is now on for 20 week scan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Good luck with your scan nead,lovely to see baby:)Sorry you are feeling sick,definitly a lot of bugs going around at the moment,one of the many cons of being pregnant in the middle of winter.Enjoy your day of relaxation,you will feel so much better for it.When is your big scan?I have another one coming up next tuesday,I saw consultant at 18 weeks and 5 days and he did a scan but he couldn't see her feet so he has me booked for another one next tuesday.I saw her legs and feet at my gender scan at 18 weeks so I am not worried about it.It will probably be my last glimpse of baby before her arrival in april:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Nead21 wrote: »
    Also bit sick with a cold and generally feel rotten since yesterday. Raging as I had been doing so well and feeling quite energetic of late...R and R today!

    Think I'm feeling some movements since last weekend. Tummy was very itchy on Saturday, and I think I had a bit of a growth spurt after that. Bump is looking more rounded now and is quite obvious depending on what I wear.

    Countdown is now on for 20 week scan!

    Good luck with scan Nead, mine is next Thurs cannot come quick enough just want to know all is ok with baby :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Thanks ladies. Scan in 2 weeks. Feel exactly the same Digs, just want to know everything is ok and I'm not really sure what to expect. Also dying to see the difference in babs since the scan we had a 13 weeks....a mix of excitement and nervousness i guess.

    Meggysmom you must be delighted to have the main one over with? Hope you feel better soon too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Yes it is great,I think it really does relax you for the final part of pregnancy when baby starts to grow by the day....I think this scan is a little unnessesary next week but as my gender was a private one he want's another one done in the hospital to confirm legs and feet are ok:)Again at Gender scan tech measured both her legs and printed out pics of her feet,but I will go ahead with it anyway....exciting times for us all,I feel i'm growing daily now since week 20 hit,,my belly button is flat with no hole there anymore which seemed to happen over night during the week:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi girls, hope everyone is well. MM hope you're feeling back to yourself. I feel like I am in between having a bug and morning sickness. Very nauseous since the weekend but putting it down to everything being squished upwards....also having funny little aches and pains, everything is def on the move.

    Mm did you need a full bladder for your scan at 18 weeks, I forgot to ask them when I booked ? Have my anomaly on Thurs.... So nervous. Baby is being bold and not moving as much as they were the last week, but it's prob all in my head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi Digs,I am back to my normal self and feeling suprisingly great:)My daughter got a very mild case of bug which may be what you have but could also be baby pushing on your stomach,my heartburn is pretty constant now!!
    For the scan at 18 weeks or after you shouldn't need a full bladder,just be well hydrated which they say gives clearer images.Will you find the sex at this scan?Is it private and if so just wondering what made you decide to go have the anamoly scan?My hospital doesn't offer it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Digs wrote: »
    Hi girls, hope everyone is well. MM hope you're feeling back to yourself. I feel like I am in between having a bug and morning sickness. Very nauseous since the weekend but putting it down to everything being squished upwards....also having funny little aches and pains, everything is def on the move.

    Mm did you need a full bladder for your scan at 18 weeks, I forgot to ask them when I booked ? Have my anomaly on Thurs.... So nervous. Baby is being bold and not moving as much as they were the last week, but it's prob all in my head.

    With my daughter and with this pregnancy,baby went through a quiet period for a week at a time where the movements were far apart and not as strong,I like to think they are asleep while they are going through a growth spurt:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks MM, you have said what I needed to hear re movements :) Think I am over analysing everything as I am nervous about Thurs. Had a little listen with the doppler last night and found babies hb, but it was hidden a bit by another very low thump thump so I am thinking they are hiding beihind the placenta!!

    Glad to hear you are back to yourself, long may it last! I am feeling off since Friday lunch time so possibly something I ate but like you I am crippled with heartburn so thinking it could be related to that also? I know indigestion goes hand in hand with it. I had such a good appettite the last two weeks but it's disappeared now!

    Our scan is part of the maternity "package" with holles street, I am public so not sure if it is diff with private or sp. They don't do a dating scan or anything in early pregnancy just this anomaly scan between 20-22 weeks. We paid for a private scan at 7 wks and 12 wks.

    Am so between two minds with finding out the sex. Am not even sure if Holles Street will do it for us. It will absolutely kill me not to know, was convinced up until recently we were having a boy but not so sure now. If they tell me everything is ok I will prob ask out of sheer excitement. My parents have told me they want to wait for the suprise but I spend an awful lot of time with them so I know if I did find out I will let it slip somehow!!

    MM - I also meant to ask what your daughter thinks of having a little sister? Major excitment no doubt!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    digs,she is very excited,loves babies at the moment and tells anyone who will listen she is getting a new sister.I try not to talk about it on a daily basis as it's a long wait for a 4 year old until april,but with the growing bump,she has started bringing it up almost everyday.She put my handbag on yesterday and was pushing her toy trolley around and asked me if she looked like a mommy,and then said I just need something to make my belly fat-hilarious:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Hi Girls, glad everyone is ticking along... I'm finding it very slow at the moment, despite work being really busy and a ton of family stuff going on I feel this pregnancy is dragging, and everyone says the second one flies by!

    Glad to hear your reassurances about movement too, I'm just 18 weeks but started to feel movements 2 weeks ago, but now if I start to think about it daily I get worried if the baba is not moving enough.

    Our little one got that bug too the other week and was quite sick with it but we managed to avoid it thankfully. I'm still very very tired but not nauseous at all any more which is great. Anomaly scan is in 2 weeks, really looking forward to it. Good luck with all of yours. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Chuchu- Its easy to start worrying over the movements not been frequent Im 21 weeks along now and spent all weekend moving house and felt very little movement and got worried then that night the baby kept me awake kicking harder than ever hasn't stopped since. Im finding the run up to christmas going too fast and Im sure when its all over it will drag

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    After my whining about movements earlier hubs bought me a bottle of lucozade. Mini digs is doing somersaults all evening. I've been drinking decaf tea and coffee since day one so poor thing is prob high on caffeine!!! As guilty as I felt its making me giggle :)

    Mm your daughter is too cute. Love the belly remark :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Hey girls just checking in. I'm 19.5 weeks now. Starting to show, but still haven't felt any movement. I was a bit worried about it but the internet says that some women don't feel movement til as late as 25 weeks! So will try not to worry. Heard the heartbeat in the GPs 3.5 weeks ago, and next Tuesday is our 20 week scan. Can't wait - am definitely going to find out the gender. Just really want to peek inside and check everything is okay. When you don't have a big bump/ movements/ morning sickness, it doesn't feel like you are pregnant at all anymore!! Heartburn and backache a killer, am finding those microwave heat bag things really helpful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi Holding - glad to hear you're well. One thing I have learned so far is no two pregnancies are the same, nothing textbook about this baby growing business!! I believe if the placenta is positioned in a certain way it is very difficult to feel movement until much later. We definitely have the heartburn and back ache in common though :) and bump coming along is a great!! I bought two big bottles of gaviscon in the chemist last night, don't know if it was bump or the two bottles that gave it away but the girl serving me said baby must be hairy :D:D I am guzzling the stuff now, no matter what I eat or drink the heartburn is constant...the joys :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    My bump has finally arrived! Since the weekend i've been getting growing pains every night in bed and there's a big difference between now and last week. Bought myself 2 maternity tops on tuesday in case i don't fit into anything by the end of the week!

    Starting pregnancy yoga tonight and i'm hoping it will help with the whole stretching process.

    Best of luck with the scan today Digs :-) let us know how you get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Nead congrats on bump. There is no denying mine now too :) let us know how yoga goes would love to try it myself!

    Scan went great, all measuring perfectly, was so emotional and such a relief!! Couldn't resist finding out and we are having a little girl!!! Such a shock as we were convinced it was a boy! Such an amazing feeling we are so delighted!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Ah Digs I'm thrilled for you:)Another little girl in the april gang:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Big congrats.. Great to know all is well in there.... And little girls rock! :D
    Our scan is Monday week and can't wait to find out too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    holding wrote: »
    Hey girls just checking in. I'm 19.5 weeks now. Starting to show, but still haven't felt any movement. I was a bit worried about it but the internet says that some women don't feel movement til as late as 25 weeks! So will try not to worry. Heard the heartbeat in the GPs 3.5 weeks ago, and next Tuesday is our 20 week scan. Can't wait - am definitely going to find out the gender. Just really want to peek inside and check everything is okay. When you don't have a big bump/ movements/ morning sickness, it doesn't feel like you are pregnant at all anymore!! Heartburn and backache a killer, am finding those microwave heat bag things really helpful.

    Holding in my firt preg I didnt feel movement til much later, like 22 or 23 weeks easily. Good luck with scan next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks girls, it's so exciting :) even hubby had a bit of a cry!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Great news another little girl for april :-)
    Holding, best of luck to you now on tues!

    Yoga was great last night. Really relaxing and it was great to meet other mums to be. There's also a few that are at the same stage as me which i love.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Good luck today Holding, hope all goes great :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Im 22 weeks and Im 67 kg and been that since before getting pregnant is it normal not to gain a few pound by now? Any got this with there pregnancy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Has your GP/consultant commented on it during visits? If you're worried about it I would definitely bring it up during your next visit.

    I've gained doctor weighs me every visit, joy!!:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Im 22 weeks and Im 67 kg and been that since before getting pregnant is it normal not to gain a few pound by now? Any got this with there pregnancy

    I was about 66kg before getting pregnant which, for my height, was prob a bit heavy. I didn't put on a pound until 20 weeks and then from 22 weeks it piled on. I'm 27 weeks now and have out on a stone . My gp didn't weigh me as they said weight really wasn't indicative of anything with the baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I have put on 10 pounds since week 12. I had lost about 2-3 in the first tri.

    Tbh though my diet was pretty strict before getting pregnant and I was very careful with what I ate. Since gettin preg that has gone out the window :) so my body is prob having a field day. Luckily so far it's all boobs and bump!

    Say it to your gp/consultant at next visit. There doesn't seem to be any norm in pregnancy but no harm in asking!!

    Nead when is your scan must be coming up soon ? :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    It's Friday Digs. Really looking forward to it, but also kind of nervous at the same time. Three clinics to go to Friday afternoon, and have to book in with antenatal classes.
