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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    I'm taking iron MM. I'm taking Galfer every second day, and Pregnacare Plus every other day. The Galfer seems to be what the Rotunda tells everyone to take (or at least everyone with a 'special' diet - I don't eat meat or dairy) - and it's only 2.50e in Boots for a packet of tablets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Christmas shopping is not fun while pregnant! The packed shops and all the standing is just not working for me at all... Maybe im just having a bad week. I keep waking up around 2am and then again at 5am each night and it's having a terrible effect on me. I literally cant remember anything unless i write it down all over the house :-(

    Anyone else getting really bad cramps or pains around their bump? I can only assume they're growing pains as at 5 1/2 months, im sure im due another growth spurt

    Sorry for the rant.... The lack of sleep is getting to me :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Oh i'm there with you nead,the shopping has been really hard.I have SPD which means the drive in the car and then the walking around shops can be so painful,it's like my pelvis is coming apart.It comes and goes.I had it with my 1st too and something that I just have to manage.I went to buy a pregnancy support brace in mothercare yesterday while we were shopping,I tried it on and have to say I felt instant support around my back and pelvis,went to pay for it-45 euro but I think well worth it and my OH had left his wallet at home!!!!Think he has preggy brain:)When i'm going to be walking a lot I won't bring a bag,especially one which is hanging on one shoulder as it puts posture all off and doesn't help at all with spd,so that was my excuse for not have my wallet:)
    I had a few restless nights last week which was terrible,i'm fine again though so hopefully things will improve for you and you can get some much needed rest.I try to drink a lot during the day so I can cut down on water in the evening as it makes me go pee too much during the night!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Thanks Meggysmom. I saw those supports in mothercare and if pain continues i might just have to invest. Good idea about the bag actually. Can i ask how did you know you had SPD? Did the doctor tell you or did you just know yourself?

    I think im just starting to feel really pregnant now and the whole expanding belly thing, although lovely in one way, is starting to kinda scare me....if that makes any sense??

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Well the pain is very different than normal pregnant discomfort.At 24 weeks it shouldn't be too painful just to take a few steps.The pain radiates around my pelvic area and pubic bone.Spd is when your pelvic area relaxes too much too early.It's hormonal as far as I know.I was told this is what it was on my last pregnancy and I had some physio in my last trimester last time around.This pregnancy is the exact same.It's just very painful really,A pair of crutches would have been really handy yesterday or my other half suggested a wheelchair!!!It's not fun trying to walk around shopping while not looking like your in labour:eek:
    I just try my best to manage it and not do things to make it flair up...I was induced at 8 days over last time and had a normal vaginal delivery and I hear unless things are very bad it doesn't effect having a normal delivery!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    MM I didn't realise you have SPD sorry to hear that! I believe it can be really painful, hope you are managing well so far with it :(

    I feel like I have been run over by a bus. Started vomiting Saturday night and haven't stopped since. Can't keep anything down. Initially I thought it was something I ate but think its a bug as I've aches and pains etc have my consultant apt in Holles St tomo which was the only think stopping me going to the gp but the thoughts of sitting in that hosp for hours doesn't seem pleasant, can barely drag myself off the couch!

    Typical Im sick as I had also taken today off until Wednesday to do some Xmas stuff and baking with my mum :( feeling very sorry for myself!

    Baby is kicking away anyway so know she's ok :) Nead I am having all sorts of pains and stretching lately too, seems to be all par for the course :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Thanks Digs,yes at 24 weeks now and it's beginning to rear it's ugly head again,I spent the last 2 weeks of my last pregnancy in bed,Have no idea how I will do that this time around with a 4 year old.Lots of movies and book time I think:)

    Sorry you are sick,sounds like the bug alright,hopefully you are over the worst of it and you will feel good enough tomrrow to enjoy your time off:)Can't wait for xmas this year,we have a wedding to go to aswell so will great to be around all the family:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I don't envy you mm. That's the one thing that has been going through my head since picking this bug up. I don't know how I'd cope looking after an active little one while feeling this rotten! I suppose I will have to get over that pretty quickly, for now I am happy to be like a 5 yr old again and have my mum mind me, lots of boiled 7up ;)

    Family wedding will be fab especially at Xmas. My brother got married recently and it was so lovely, all talk about bump and babies and what the coming year will bring :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yeah Digs such a lovely time,we have a lot to be thankful for so will enjoy every moment of little one is a good little thing and as understanding as a 4 year old can be,and with all that's going on in the world I don't mind one little bit if she wants to tear the house apart while mommy is laid up on the couch:)

    Take advantage of it all,the most treasured part of my last pregnancy experience was having that time to just get pampered and spoilt,things will never be the same again once baby arrives but you won't want it too either,I had stomach bug there a few weeks back,I have no idea how but I also had a growth spurt that week and grew out of a couple of tops so no worries on baby with these little bugs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks mm you are so right, a lot to be thankful for. Worth every ounce of this to have a little baby at the end.

    Had a bit of a panic as took my temp and its 101.5. Rang the hosp and she went through the usual. It shouldn't harm the baby. If I notice signs of dehydration to come straight in for fluids. Otherwise stay away from hosp tomo in case I'm infectious so there goes my first consultant apt :( she advised to go to the gp instead and they can assess me.... And check urine for ketones! Never a dull moment :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Sorry to hear you are feeling sick Digs, hope it passes soon :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks holding, I am on the mend now :)

    Went to gp tues morning and she sent me straight to the hospital as I was dehydrated and had protein in my urine. Things really can go from nothing to something quick in pregnancy! Spent a day and a half on a drip and brought me back to something resembling normality! Didn't realise how zonked I was! Baby is absolutely fine though, kickin away harder than ever!

    Definitely something going around girls so mind yourselves!! Hope ye are all keeping well and looking forward to Christmas, time to put the feet up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Glad everything is ok Digs, lots of R&R for you now. Mind yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Digs you poor thing that sounds awful:eek: hope you're much better now and at least it's over you before the xmas. My last day in work for 2 weeks today, taken a bit of extra leave to give me a long break and relax, can't wait!!!!:D
    Our little one who is 3 has just started to talk about her baby sister and things seem to be sinking in a bit, we want her to be really prepared for it so she's not too shocked, hearing her chat about her is sooooo cute :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I find christmas more stressful been pregnant and am pretty sure I've forgotten loads of stuff that needs doing.
    Im just getting over the bad sleep nights now since first getting pregnant thankfully but the stretchy type pains can be fairly hard to handle at times and the leg cramps at night are a joke. Cant wait until April gets here!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Hope all of you back home in Ireland have a lovely xmas :) I'm here in the desert and had a HORRIBLE nights sleep last night thanks to mosquitos eating me :( I've one particularly bad bite on my wrist and it's so swollen! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Happy xmas all the pregnant April ladies!! Cannot wait til next year when we'll be a little family :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    roll on 2013 seems like we have ages left but am sure it will fly by once all the xmas stuff is out the way!!

    How many of you are ready for arrival or have started getting all you need??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi Girls

    Hope ye all had a lovely Christmas. Mine was lovely and relaxing, didn't lift a finger :) Our house was full of talk about next year and the baby, I kept thinking all day how different things will be! The excitment is so nice, our families are so looking forward to it, it's amazing the impression these little people make even before they are born!

    Synyster we literally just started picking up a few bits. Put a deposit on our buggy, we decided on the bugaboo Cameleon, and Tony Kealys in Dublin have a good deal including a car seat etc so will pay that off bit by bit. I was in mamas and papas yest and their sale is brilliant. My mum was with me and herself and my Dad had said they would get us the cot so we got a great deal on a lovely sleigh cot, it's gorgeous and was half price. We prob won't pick it up until nearer March maybe... have to start decorating babies room first anyway!

    They also have a fab sale on maternity clothes, a few bits I had been eyeing up before Xmas went right down so I got a few items as I am in desperate need of new clothes...this cardi for example, love it

    There's great sales on, you'll pick up plenty bits now :)

    P.S Pinkheels hope the bite is healing for you! Doesn't sound nice. I cannot imagine a hot Xmas, it's cold, wet and windy here :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Beautiful cardigan digs!

    We ordered the cameleon too... So excited!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Definitely worth a trip in YH, was surprised at how good some of the reductions were and the clothes are such good quality!

    Am in love with the Cameleon, the reviews we have heard are too good to ignore, expensive but worth it I hear!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Pandora2

    I hope you Ladies don't mind, I am not pregnant however, my recently turned 17 Year Old (20th December!) is due her baby in April, the 29th!! It has been sometime since I was last in the happy expectant stage you find yourselves in now and considering news of my 1st Grandchild was a total shock to me and that I will be much more involved than any Granny has a right to be, I must confess I have lurked here to remind myself of the feelings and emotions that my daughter is experiencing in real time as it were!!

    I won't bore you with our details but, she just came home from Sale Shopping herself and we have Oohed and Aaahed over tiny vests, mittens and bootees, she is getting the colour back in her cheeks and eating like a horse...and today, I heard her really laugh for the first time in months!! You lot didn't have any idea just how reading your experiences helped me to help her, Thank You and Congratulations!! :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's so lovely Pandora, congratulations!!! Grannys are the best :D

    You are more than welcome on the thread, it's good to hear another perspective also! I would be lost without my Mum, she has been great for advice throughout my pregnancy so far :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Aw Pandora that is lovely to hear.

    Happy New Year to all the ladies here! 2013 is going to be a biggie for us :D

    Love the sales, got a dress and blazer myself. Can wear the dress now - it's 'fine and wide' as my mother announced loudly in the shop - but the blazer might have to wait a bit :D

    The heartburn is killing me lately, and the bump is starting to feel heavy. Going to hit up the chemist tomorrow to see what I can take for the heartburn. The midwife said to try and deal with it without taking anything, but I'd rather have a night's sleep at this stage :/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Pandora2

    Old tip!! Peppermint or ginger tea should take the egde of Morning Sickness :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Holding you have my sincere sympathies I hope you get some relief soon!! Let us know what your pharmacist suggests pls! Mine would only recommend the usual, i drink gaviscon straight from the bottle now and alternate between the original and peppermint as they both make me feel sick from over use! Am back to the GP next week so was planning to ask her then :)

    My appetite has dissapeared completely the last week or so and heartburn is as bad as ever so can't be something I'm eating!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Hi girls, how is everyone getting on?

    My heartburn has eased a bit (will flare up now that I've typed that!), the only really bad night I had was NYE of all nights, didn't sleep a wink. I bought Gaviscon Peppermint, ugh, tastes horrible! Just had one dose of it so far, really hope I don't need it again! It did work though.

    Just wondering if any of you got the flu jab? My GP is really on the fence about giving it to pregnant women, and says it's entirely up to me. I've been reading online about it, and it seems that there are as many pros as cons. The Irish immunisation service page about it is here Just wondering if anyone had decided to not get it for any reason. Thanks girls!

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Hi all happy new year hope all are doing ok.

    Holding I decided against it, I think it's a risk either way and given I had never had the flu jab before I thought thatvgetting it as a slightly bigger risk (i.e. no idea how I'd react to it). No more than yourself I hope I haven't just jinxed myself with this typed out !:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Holding I didn't get the vaccine, kind of went with my GP, like yours she is on the fence about it so I decided not to!

    Hope everyone's bumps are well. I have been getting compliments on my nice neat bump and was rather chuffed with myself until I knocked a load of files off my desk this morning with my belly...... Not as small as I thought obviously!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi Girls,a happy new year to you all....It's been a busy time for us,I would call christmas,enjoyable somewhat and eventful,first our car packed in the day before xmas eve and needed a new engine:(,we had a lovely xmas day with family followed by my little ones 4th birthday party on stephen's day,got a call that night to say my aunt in law had died:(So we made 2 6 hour round trips in 4 days for a funeral and then a wedding as my daughter was not allowed to come to the wedding.It was a hard and stressful time and I have to say I am glad it is all over.
    On the baby front though everything to fine thank god,apart from terrible heartburn and getting bigger by the day:)I started physio yesterday.My pelvic muscels are very weak so I have excercises to do at home and back next week,I found the physio very helpful.I was so rigid from pain that it showed me that moving these muscels is better that walking around stiff cause i'm afraid of the pain.I'm back next week.I can't tell you enough coming from a second timer how important it is to work your pelvic muscels during and after birth,I didn't last time and it will take a lot of physio now and after birth to strengthen everything again-so get squeezing girls:)
    Just about in the final trimester,28 weeks on Saturday and very near to countdown.I dug out all the baby boxes yesterday and took out all we will need for the 1st 3 months so my list is- ready made formula,pacifiers and a wardrobe for the nursery.I have made my other half promise not to let me but anything else as I have filled a chest of drawers and could fill a wardrobe too!!!
    I got the flu jab at 18 weeks,I had got the stomach bug and also a nasty cold which had me in bed for 2 days,with my little one in pre-school I was picking up everything so I decided to opt for the jab.
