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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Glad to hear all is well with you meggysmom and happy new year!

    Hope your physio session goes well and you get some relief. Have been thinking about pelvic floor exercises but done nothing about then, your post has convinced me to get started :)

    I have awful sciatica on my left side. When I'm in work it's at it's worst and I can barely walk by the afternoon. Had a session with my health & safety officer this morning and she was hinting at signing me off on health & safety leave already, think she's afraid I'm going to fall down the stairs!! Want to avoid this at all costs as you only get paid in full for 21 days from work, the rest before maternity leave kicks in is a cut rate paid by welfare! Plus its far too early, I'd go batty at home

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Happy New Year's going to be a big one for us!

    Holding, I got the flu jab this year for the first time. I'm not sure it would be beneficial to get it at this stage as it's nearly the end of flu season.

    Will ye getting the whooping cough vaccine between 28 and 32 weeks? As far as I know I didn't get it as a child.

    Meggysmom, like Digs I've been inspired to keep doing the pelvic floor exercises! Have been doing them on and off up till now but nothing regular.

    Hope everyone is feeling well? I definitely feel pregnant now. Bump grew alot over Christmas and although people keep telling me I'm very neat, I'm getting slower and slower in my daily activities!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I had my ante natal appointment on tuesday gone by and I was told go to my GP to be tested again as they found sugar in my urine and they werent happy with the amount so yesterday (thursday) I went into them and got tested again and there was still sugar there so Im now getting the GTT test done next wednesday gotta spend the morning there. Anyway just as I was leaving I was given a letter saying I only get to be seen on certain weeks and anything outside of them Ill get charged for them, I'v got a medical card and got the letter when I was 8 weeks that I will be covered throughout my pregnancy (I didnt apply for anything it just came in post)
    So I was told to only attend one week before 12 weeks then weeks 24, 30, 34, 37 and 39 and the only other time I went in besides yesterday was a month ago because of hemoroids and at that the meds for it arent covered on medical card when pregnant (even though it happens pregnant women a lot)

    The system was all changed in the budget and seems like it was all kept quiet I think, I dont know.
    Just wondering anyone else gotten this in the last two weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    hi synyster shadow, if ur doing combined care with gp and hosp as far as i know it only ever covered about 6 visits to each, if you look at the back of the white card you have it will give you the schedule of visits, saying that wouldnt be surprised if something had been changed in budget without any mention!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    How are all the April mums?

    My friend had a little girl last week and we went to see her at the weekend. We both melted she is just so so gorgeous. Cannot get our heads around the fact we will have our own little woman in April, although she is busy kicking the living day lights out of me in an effort to make her presence felt I think!! Don't know when this will seem real at all :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi Digs all well here,definitly feeling the last tri creeping up on me.Had some nice braxton hicks yesterday,they were a little painful,had me holding onto the bed doing some heavy breathing,I reached for my pregnancy book for confirmation and it said to drink a couple glasses of water,this did the trick and they settled down thank god,seemingly they are more common in second and subsequent pregnancies,I didn't have them last time...Didn't do my excercises yesterday as it was sunday and all routine went out the window and definitly felt it today, so back on the ball today and doing my pelvic tilts also...
    New borns are just so cute,reality will probably only hit when you are home from the hospital with your little one:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi all,how is everyone doing?Have any of you got apppointments coming up?I'm 29 weeks tomorrow,had Gp appointment today.All well,baby is very low and she said not likely to get out of that position now,she really had to dig deep down low to feel head,said it was really burried in low down in pelvis,this didn't suprise me as heartburn has dissappeared the last week and my pubic bone is so sore at times.She has put me on appointments every 2 weeks from now on.Gosh things are becoming very real:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Had my 27 week appointment last week and got sent for GTT blood work yeaterday (NOT FUN) and got my results today and all good am in the normal limit so no need to stress at all now. Did you find the baby getting very strong the last few weeks? as soon as I was 27 and half weeks I noticed everything been stronger kicks, pushing, stetching and so on. Feeling they effects now nausea and dizziness baby is sitting really high up I can feel the feet and butt and head when it lies certain ways. And constantly kickin my belly button everyone can see the kicks very funny

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Synyster - my friend went for the GTT yesterday too, one out of the 4 blood tests were high so she has to go see a dietitian. She is 36+5 so they are leaving it a bit late to be doing anything!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Yes SS baby is very srong too,belly moves from side to side with the kicks and last night for about an hour you could see a limb pushing out from the side of my belly-amazing great news on the GTT,Gp tested urine today and said nothing there.

    From what i've heard most people with Gestational Diabetes will be induced before term,my firend was at 38 weeks,your friend is almost there now so would be interested to see if they induce early!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Yea we heard about the 38 weeks too so will just have to wait and see what they say. She has a hospital visit on Thursday so should find out more then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    That is kinda late specially if she will be induced but hopefully she will be ok the fact that nothing was picked up on before is good. I always have +++ glucose in my pee test but bloods are fine

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Yea fingers crossed a change in diet will help, think she would rather baby to come naturally.

    Where did you have your GTT yesterday?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    It was done with my GP it was handy going there instead of hours waiting to be seen for the first set of bloods to be done was out of there in 3 hours or so would of been a whole day in the clinic

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    We went to Holles Street but we were sent to the clinic around the corner so it was all done on time. Finished about 12.30

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    yea I was there half 9 and out at half 12 worst bit was not having my cornflakes when I got up I hate missing breakfast

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Yea fasting is never nice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I get cranky when I dont have my cereal :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    meggysmom wrote: »
    Hi all,how is everyone doing?Have any of you got apppointments coming up?I'm 29 weeks tomorrow,had Gp appointment today.All well,baby is very low and she said not likely to get out of that position now,she really had to dig deep down low to feel head,said it was really burried in low down in pelvis,this didn't suprise me as heartburn has dissappeared the last week and my pubic bone is so sore at times.She has put me on appointments every 2 weeks from now on.Gosh things are becoming very real:)

    I am back in the hospital the 29th Jan MM, will be 30 weeks! Baby is still flipping about the place like a kangaroo so have no idea what position she's in.... She's been breech up until now but I believe you don't need to worry bout that until closer to d day, still plenty of time to move :)

    My boss came to me today and told me he is perfectly happy for me to work from home once I feel I need to as he knows I'm in a lot of discomfort. We have a board meeting once a month I need to be in for but apart from that I can stay home, so will prob give the office another week or two and then make the move. He has also rethought maternity pay.... Think he has had a bang to the head! Whatever the reason I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Not having to get in and out to work not to mention the savings on petrol and toll bridge twice a day! Today was a good day :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Wow Digs that's amazing news from your work. Very understanding and what a relief not to have to get into work, especially if you have a bit of a commute.

    Started back doing aqua aerobics this week. I stopped doing it around April last year as it wasn't vigorous enough for me, but now it's just right. Felt great afterwards.

    Anyone else getting pressure in their bumps when they walk? I've noticed this alot in the last week when we've been out walking the dog. It's not low pressure but feels like the baby is trying to push out of my bellybutton! It's probably just all part of getting bigger. Also, we're back to getting up 2 and 3 times a night to go to the loo...I'm exhausted!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    yes Im in the same boat baby seems to be awake alot and active and pushing out every part of my tummy and its uncumfee at times. Sleep is really hard got but last night I was relaxed so got a bit of sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Great news re your work Digs,i'm sure it's a great relief for you:)peeing a lot again myself,like the start of pregnancy,i'm up at least 2 times a night regardless of whether I drink before bed,I also feel the pressure down low and tmi-pubic bone feels bruised almost,must have something to do with getting big and baby's position of head.Need to rest this weekend,feel shattered!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Yeah girls I realise how fortunate I am. That extra 1.5hr in bed will prove priceless as sleep is eluding me now, no more I'm sure than the rest of ye who are working or have little ones to run after! Am testing it out today, didn't fancy the journey in the snow! Hope if any of ye are affected ye are safe.

    I don't think what I'm feeling is pressure, definite increased pain between my legs from the SPD, I am waddling about like mother duck. I think she is still hanging around a lot towards my back and transverse most of the time. Will be interested to see what the consultant has to say about her position next tues...I could be completely wrong!

    Oh Nead plus 1 on the loo trips! First trimester revisited, I've no sooner sat down after going then I feel the need to go again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I think I either pulled a muscle at the top of my tummy just under my boob either that or is it possible to get a hernia that far up? Its getting worse pain wise and turning in bed is VERY painful and trying to get up from a chair. In the last few days Im pretty sure baby has moved into head down position cant feel some pressure in pelvic-ish area so belly button aint hurting as much

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    ouch sunds painful SS although may just be tummy muscels stretching,Also a trip to get measured for bra's might work-no underwire.I went when I was 26 weeks with my little one,I was a small a or b before pregnancy and by then I was a DD, which shocked me,I had been wearing the wrong size a long time and my back and under my boobs was so sore,just a thought,did the trick for me,was so nice to get into proper size and I no longer felt the urge to rip it off every day!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    meggysmom wrote: »
    ouch sunds painful SS although may just be tummy muscels stretching,Also a trip to get measured for bra's might work-no underwire.I went when I was 26 weeks with my little one,I was a small a or b before pregnancy and by then I was a DD, which shocked me,I had been wearing the wrong size a long time and my back and under my boobs was so sore,just a thought,did the trick for me,was so nice to get into proper size and I no longer felt the urge to rip it off every day!!!

    If I thought I could get away with not wearing one I would but someone could get killed walking by me... I was a D and I'm afraid to find out what I am now prob somewhere between an F and PAIN! am gonna get a bra this friday maybe two and some stuff for the hospital. Any tips on the essential must haves? do I need something in particular so I can clean baby's belly button in the first week or so??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Same problem here SS. Was D or DD beforehand and have had to get second set of maternity bras as the cups were just too small.

    The pressure on my bladder is driving me nuts. At least in first trimester I was actually peeing when I went to the loo. Up twice last night convinced I had to go :-(

    On the plus side my lovely hubby painted the baby room sunday and we got lots of stuff from my sister in law on saturday :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    We are painting the nursary this weekend too,can't wait,I can get everything organised after that.
    I got a list in my welcome pack at my booking appointment.We took it out this weekend to have a look,had a bit of a laugh as the amount of stuff we have to bring is unreal.I had my daughter in the states and they supply everything for baby so you just need to bring the going home outfit,this time around we will have to pack all the nappies,blankets clothes,bathing supplies etc and that's just for baby!!I used individual alcohol wipes for my little ones belly button.It helps to dry it up and keep it clean.I still have a box of these so will bring them with me although they may not let me use them.Belly button must be kept as dry as possible until it falls off.This kind of grossed me out and the smell off it was horrible but just for a couple of days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Hi ladies, we painted our nursery yesterday and second coat will go on today, can i just ask what colours you all decided on for the nursery? We know we are having a boy so we went with a lovely soft blue colour we both love it, i wasn't sure at first what the whole room would look like, we were afraid it might be too dark or close the room in but it turned out fab and it is nice and bright. I was chatting to a friend and she was saying that your suppose to keep the room as neutral like white or light cream for first 3 years or so, something to do with brain development i never heard of this before any of you hear of this? we are going to order stickers for the walls they have some adorable stuff online.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    elly123 wrote: »
    Hi ladies, we painted our nursery yesterday and second coat will go on today, can i just ask what colours you all decided on for the nursery? We know we are having a boy so we went with a lovely soft blue colour we both love it, i wasn't sure at first what the whole room would look like, we were afraid it might be too dark or close the room in but it turned out fab and it is nice and bright. I was chatting to a friend and she was saying that your suppose to keep the room as neutral like white or light cream for first 3 years or so, something to do with brain development i never heard of this before any of you hear of this? we are going to order stickers for the walls they have some adorable stuff online.

    Hi elly I have never heard of this before and judging that most people paint boys rooms a shade of blue I wouldn't worry,it's going to be dark in there the majority of the time they are in it and what if you have different colour walls around your house,are you suppose to paint them all neutral?doesn't really add up to me.I'm sure it looks beautiful.
    We are decorating one of the spare rooms,it is hardly ever used and has light blue curtains and a blue carpet.They were there when we moved in and are not worn in any way so I can't justify changing them,so as we are having a girl again and I will be using all the nursary things from my Daughter which are a mix of pink and brown we have opted for a very light lemon,just because we didn't want too many different colours going on!
