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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I seem to have been spared any pressure down below, I'm assuming as head is still up? Have definite groin pain but due to spd, nothing I could recognise as pressure though!

    MM your friend must have got some shock!! Sounds like a nice way to go though, think i would rather that than the whole overdue scenario I think although I'm sure it's a worry baby being early. What a thing to wake up to though..

    I ordered a few bits nipple pads etc for the hospital bag from and they delivered last week. The maternity pads are HUGE, got such a fright as did my husband, but they should def do the trick anyway!! Sorry for the over sharing :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Ha Ha I know what you mean about the huge pads...I got them 1st time around as my mother warned me to get them,I never needed any more than a large always though so I guess everyone is different,I will still buy both this time around as you never know!!!Oh the joys of whats to come:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Haha good to know MM!! I think I overestimated slightly, ordered 5 packs with 10 pads in each :eek: I have been reading far too many horror stories I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Ha Ha best to be prepared Digs,I reckon your well covered there though:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    I keep looking at the pads in the supermarket and I can't bring myself to buy them yet! I've a complete mental block with packing the hospital bags....I just don't want to go into hospital :( I'm hoping the antenatal class tomorrow will spur me into action.

    SS I'm the same as you, getting kicked in the ribs all the time, particularly the right hand side.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Nead21 wrote: »
    I keep looking at the pads in the supermarket and I can't bring myself to buy them yet! I've a complete mental block with packing the hospital bags....I just don't want to go into hospital :( I'm hoping the antenatal class tomorrow will spur me into action.

    SS I'm the same as you, getting kicked in the ribs all the time, particularly the right hand side.

    Yeah same side for me and it causes a lot of burning in that area too! Tryin to get comfee at night is a joke

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    I'm not getting a burning...yet...although I'm a bit behind you! I do feel like baby is trying to dislocate my rib or something :rolleyes: Such a weird feeling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Oh yeah lien down can be brutal when the foot is right in the rib. Today has been a long day baby just won't sleep at all its kicking non stop and pushing its butt out where my belly button is. I have an inny belly button but not today

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Heartburn just doeesn't quit! :( The only thing which helps me some bit is a tall glass of cold milk. Rennies might as well be sweets and Gaviscon tastes rank! Baby seems to be moving all day long now too. He's kicking me harder than ever and once or twice it's actually hurt when I got a jab in the ribs!
    I haven't had ANY antenatal classes because I've only just come back to Ireland last week. The classes are fully booked in Kerry right up to my due date April 12th too so I'm gonna be clueless! The only info I've got is from reading "What to expect when you're expecting" and a babycentre app on the ipad :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Pinkheels I have my first ante natal this Friday, will impart any wisdom I can! If you're planning on breast feeding a friend of mine recommended La Leche League, they have groups around Ireland, website gives good info and might be worth checking out?

    I am seriously exhausted this week, cannot keep my eyes open except at night when heartburn gets in the way. When I do sleep I seem to have developed a drooling problem!!! Don't know what's going on there...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Digs wrote: »
    Pinkheels I have my first ante natal this Friday, will impart any wisdom I can! If you're planning on breast feeding a friend of mine recommended La Leche League, they have groups around Ireland, website gives good info and might be worth checking out?

    I am seriously exhausted this week, cannot keep my eyes open except at night when heartburn gets in the way. When I do sleep I seem to have developed a drooling problem!!! Don't know what's going on there...

    Thanks Digs! That would be great!

    Lol on the drooling that happened me for the first time while snoozing yesterday! :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Pinkheels88 you could try online antenatal classes? I had a quick google and there seem to be some around. I found this one - but I'm sure there are more. I really recommend watching One Born Every Minute too, it's on 4 on Demand for free online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Holding it just hit me last night that they only show the births that have no pain relief,I found that scary last night as I made the big mistake the day before of going out in the sun and sweeping the yard,yesterday I literally could not walk with the pain in my pubic-pelvic area.I have never felt pain like it,I made it in for my regular gp appointment,who recommended crutches if it hadn't improved today,thankfully after 13 hours of rest in bed I am feeling better although tender,baby is still well and truly breech and coming up on 35 weeks tomorrow:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    MM do you mean One Born Every Minute? They show gas and air being taken, they show epidurals, and they even show c-sections. But it does only concentrate on birth and not pain when you're pregnant but not in labour. Hope you are feeling a bit better. TBH I was very nervous of labour and birth a few months ago, but now I'm so uncomfortable during the day and night with this big massive bump that I just want the baby out, don't care how anymore! lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    MM I have had three episodes like that and got the crutches over a month ago now, while cumbersome they are useful for getting around and are a good way to avoid ending up like you did the other day. I know the pain though, excruciating is an understatement so hope you're feeling better!

    I found myself watching one born the last two nights. Not as scarey as I thought although I am beginning to worry a little about the birth, am looking forward to my antenatal class tomo, hubs is coming too so he can watch out for the signs!

    Laser card got a serious battering yest but got an enormous amount for hosp bag. If any of ye are hoping to breast feed dunnes have cute night shirts with buttons down the front for €8. Penny's have those light waffle style dressing gowns for €10 which should be nice and light for hospital!

    Are anyone's baba movements getting quite painful? She is clearly running out of space as some of them make me wince , all elbows and knees in my side!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Thanks Digs I learned a very painful lesson....Having gone through childbirth it is a walk in the park compared to yesterday....
    Re one born I haven't watched much of it lately but I suppose epi or no epi I found the women quiet vocal:)I suppose maybe I'm just a quiet person so I didn't make much noise during labor,but whatever works best for someone else,I just find the noises and screaming very scary!!!
    Digs will be doing the last of my shopping this weekend so thanks for the tips:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's really interesting MM! I have nothing to gauge my pain against so that is good to hear! One of the nights I was particularly bad I got so upset thinking how on earth would I be able to push through the pain in my groin and pelvis, since then I've learned how to minimise it, not being in the office has been brilliant, between that and crutches I've been so much better.

    I'm not sure if its the pain of childbirth I'm worried about more so the fear of labour not progressing and ending up with an emergency c section after being at it all day! Happened to two of my friends recently. Sayin that if she doesn't move her butt upwards it'll be a section anyway, would prefer it to be planned so I could mentally prepare.... Am waffling now, sorry!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    I know what you mean Digs,little one still breech and time is moving on so we will have to see....I was induced at 8 days over last time,went in at 1pm,got settled,was 1cm when i went in and had a foley bulb(havent heard of them being used here,I went to the bathroom at 5cm and it fell out which it's supposed to do,I laboured for couple hours,very manageable contraction pain and then had an epi,I slept through the night,she arrived at 352pm the following day after and hour of pushing,it was long but I had very little pain until after when the epi wore off and after pains kicked in but vicodin took the edge off them.Hope this helps you 1st timers,I loved the experience of my last delivery-stress and pain free-lovely:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's so lovely MM thanks for sharing! Will be interested to hear how you get on at your next apt. I am back with the consultant in 1.5 weeks, ill be 36 weeks so hoping baba will oblige for me and no sections will have to be scheduled :)

    My Mum keeps telling me how like you she had such good experiences on all of us, need to remember these things :) don't know why we fixate on the bad stories..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Started quietly sobbing to myself yesterday watching "Babes in the Wood" on Home & Health (ch 254 on sky!) watching people give birth and scream with pain in labour makes me so scared! :(
    Pretty sure my Brixton hicks have finally started... Bad cramping pain this morning

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I remember after my son was just born and we were still in the delivery room I heard a woman in another delivery screaming. I got very upset listening to her even though my labour was finished. It's just horrible to hear someone screaming like that.

    It's very easy to completely lose it during labour but it's counter productive. That's why breathing and concentrating on breathing through contractions is important. Proper yoga type breathing helps with the intensity of the contraction but also focusing on the exercise of breathing actually helps keep you calm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    I was so focused and in the zone during pushing,the midwife asked if I was alright and still "with us"....I just wanted to focus on getting baby out and completly went into my own world apart from listening to when being told to breath and when to push:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I for one can't wait for babs to be here my cousin gave birth yesterday and iv another cousin due in 3 weeks I just want it to be my turn. I know I'm been selfish.

    Just over 5 weeks left. Iv started walking a mile to 2 miles a day slowly not mad fast and I hope it will help me to go in on time and a smooth labour (I know I'm living in a bubble but doctors said walking is good.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Synyster fair play on the walking, it's a thing of the past for me, the pains would be too much. kills me as I used to run 8km 5 evenings per week before getting pregnant!

    Really enjoyed our ante natal class on Friday. So glad I went and feeling really positive about holles street now. Midwife was very funny, her msg was basically come in with an open mind re epidurals etc. I really don't want one and its hubby's job to remind me no matter how much I holler! She went through a basic rundown of how holles street "do" things and if there's anything we would like done differently to discuss with the consultant beforehand.

    Glad my husband came aswell as she advised of when to come into the hospital ie when contractions are 10 mins apart and 40 seconds long. We are less than an hour from the hosp so can stay home a bit longer :) obviously unless waters break, you come in to get checked whether you're having pain or not.

    Was convinced baba had turned as on Friday I had insane pressure down low coupled with a heartburn free night. Pressure dissapeared sat and heartburn back with a vengeance so not so sure anymore. Plus hiccups are nice and high again.... She gets them about 5 times a day, poor thing :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Digs my husband and I had a code word for 'give me the epidural now'. I wanted to try without it so he knew if I said this word that it was getting too much and I really wanted it.

    I went for about an 8k walk yesterday, with a large break in the middle, and it was very hard at the start. Not too bad once I got going but I was exhausted when I got home. It's very difficult to get warmed up what with a sore pelvis, aching back, constant braxton hicks but it's nice once I get going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Digs my husband and I had a code word for 'give me the epidural now'. I wanted to try without it so he knew if I said this word that it was getting too much and I really wanted it.

    I went for about an 8k walk yesterday, with a large break in the middle, and it was very hard at the start. Not too bad once I got going but I was exhausted when I got home. It's very difficult to get warmed up what with a sore pelvis, aching back, constant braxton hicks but it's nice once I get going.

    Yeah iv spd and walking is hard at first so I take it slow and by the time I'm walking home I feel great for what I achieved. The worst bout walking is thinkin I need to pee but I don't

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Digs my husband and I had a code word for 'give me the epidural now'. I wanted to try without it so he knew if I said this word that it was getting too much and I really wanted it.

    I went for about an 8k walk yesterday, with a large break in the middle, and it was very hard at the start. Not too bad once I got going but I was exhausted when I got home. It's very difficult to get warmed up what with a sore pelvis, aching back, constant braxton hicks but it's nice once I get going.

    Out of sheer curiousity did you go for the epidural in the end? I really don't want one, for no other reason but the thought of it terrifies me! I was surprised at the statistics, the midwife said over 60% of ftm in holles street get one :O

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    No I didn't. I found once I got the hang of it I coped very well on gas and air. Having said that I was in established labour for 3 hours. I can't say how I would've coped if it was going on for hours on end. The worst part for me was the 3 hours up to getting to 1cm dilation. The midwife offered pethidine but I didn't want to take it. I think I would've gotten an epidural st that stage though if it had been offered.

    Once I got into the delivery room, my husband was allowed in and i got the gas and air I started to cope much better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Btw that's why an open mind is very important. It's not just an open mind to getting the epi if you want it but also to not getting straight away if you feel you're coping well without.

    However, as I told a friend after, no one gives you a gold medal at the end for doing it without the epi so if you feel you need it then get it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's exactly what the midwife said, she hopes women don't come into the hospital with the immediate intention of gettin the epi, but to give labour a shot. Likewise there is no prize in being a martyr, if the pain is too much for you just get it.

    She said the time between about 1-5cm is the worst, and once you get that far without it you'd be doing really well and to keep going then. So that's my goal! Hoping all I've learned from gentlebirths will get me there :)

    I suppose that's the unpredictability of childbirth, you just don't know how you'll cope until you're in the middle of it! Fingers crossed this baby turns so I can give it a shot!
