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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Baby Laragh arrived today at 10.43am, woke at 1.30 am with irregular pains. went to the hospital at 5.30am with pains 5 mins apart, cervix favourable but not open and after an hours walk in the corridor was at 7cm, midwives were shocked. No time for epi, just gas and tens machine. Am definitely still in complete shock but so in love with this bundle, as is her daddy, I am barely getting a look in!

    HS and DL hope things start moving soon xo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Congratulations digs!! Another fast labour! I was in shock too within an hour to go from not in labour to full blown ready to push wasn't somethin I was prepared for at all. Love hearing everyone else is having there's. My friends been induced on Thursday she was due 5 days after me and she's climbing the walls wanting it over

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    Digs wrote: »
    Baby Laragh arrived today at 10.43am, woke at 1.30 am with irregular pains. went to the hospital at 5.30am with pains 5 mins apart, cervix favourable but not open and after an hours walk in the corridor was at 7cm, midwives were shocked. No time for epi, just gas and tens machine. Am definitely still in complete shock but so in love with this bundle, as is her daddy, I am barely getting a look in!

    HS and DL hope things start moving soon xo
    Congrats Digs, great news!! at least you didn't have to get induced and it seems like a nice birth even if it was was quite quick.. enjoy your new baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    So delighted for you Digs, she was worth the wait :-)

    Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Congrats Digs!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Yeah digs! Welcome baby Laragh!! Such fab news - sounds like a very speedy affair! I'd say u were disappointed when u went in first and then seriously shocked to get to 7cm so quickly!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery - enjoy every sec! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks girls! The speed was certainly a shock to the system, I think all the dates and raspberry leaf tea I guzzled wasn't in vain!!

    SS I sympathise with your poor friend, going overdue is nothing short of torture! Was full sure I'd be induced, just shows baby comes when they're good and ready!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Big congrats Digs,another fast labour in the end,beautiful name...enjoy it all now,you will have some teary days,have the and don't feel bad,they will pass,we are 2 weeks in and things are definitely improving,breastfeeding is going great although it is tiring being her only source of food but I am loving it and hope to continue:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Still waiting ...... aarrggghh!!!

    Congrats to all the April mammies and babies so far!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Definitely tiring being the only source of food but its such great bonding and their little facial expressions make it all worthwhile. Another plus is that my husband does most of the nappies :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Digs congrats!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Girls how is everyone doing? Digs are you home from hospital?

    Little man is 9days old and im finally starting to feel a bit confident in what im doing. Was really worried as he had lost a good bit of weight before my milk came in but phn weighted him yesterday and he has gained 10oz since monday :-)

    Phn was very was happy that bf was going great and hes feeding pooing and farting like a trooper!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Doing okay here, little dude is 3 weeks old today :) Still getting to know his little quirks, and his sleep/feed routine seems to change every two or three days! Was in tears last night as he basically fed from 10pm to nearly 2am, and I was just wrecked tired, but then he went down and slept til 9am this morning! No predicting it. Totally agree that it is really really hard being the only on-call food source, and I can totally understand why people give up at this point/ start combination feeding. Going to learn how to express this week hopefully so that OH can feed him sometimes too. Am (probably unreasonably!) nervous about learning to use the electric express thingie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Cant predict feeds either and trying to put him in pram when he falls asleep so that i have my arms back ha. Works sometimes but usually wakes up after a short time. He wont sleep in moses basket either.

    At least the night feeds seem to be a bit easier as you dont have to get up and make bottles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Oh holding! It sounds like the 3 week growth spurt. The growth spurts are tough going! Well done you! I started expressing after the 3 week one do on the 6 week one when I just couldn't do it anymore after hours of constant feeding and a screaming baby my husband was able to give him a bottle of expressed milk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Holding let us know how the expressing goes...its something i want to do in a couple of weeks also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Got home yesterday Nead! So glad of it, the second night we were there I think there was a full moon as about 7 women and newborns came up from delivery at about 5am and the place was manic!

    Little woman is the best baby, so quiet and laid back. She is jaundiced so probably adding to her quietness but we are getting on top of it. Was back in hospital today as we were a bit worried about her lack of interest in feeding and constant sleep etc she is just below the levels for treatment thank god so we have to keep an eye.

    Breastfeeding has been tough but with alot of encouragement from the midwives in holles street who are fantastic we are keeping at it, so nearly gave up at one stage. Bought a medela pump as little woman is having difficulty latching on the left side so i express that now so it can be stimulated to bring the milk in and to avoid having to top up with formula! Hospital have organised an apt with the lactation consultant for me Monday so hopefully will be a bit happier then.

    Aside from that we are both overwhelmed with the feeling of love you have for these little people. She had her two day check with the doctor where they check the hips etc and I was in floods of tears, same when she got her bcg! Cannot imagine life without her!

    Hope everyone else is doing good :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Congrats Digs! See we got there in the end?! And at one point we felt we'd be pregnant forever!
    Baby Khaled is feeding like a trooper. I too struggled the first few days getting him to latch on. Now it takes a few mins at most to get him started!
    Feel (and look) like a zombie today. He woke every 2 hours to feed last night. Very broken sleep :(
    I want to try expressing this week too. I haven't left the house since we came back from hospital. I'm a bit anxious about venturing out anywhere knowing he likes to be fed pretty regularly... Even our GP appointment next fri scares me!
    My tummy is slowly shrinking back. Still feels a bit wibbly wobbly and my linea nigera is fairly pronounced. But glad to see I have a waist again and my old bellybutton back lol
    Missing hubby big time. We Skype every day and he's so in love with our little guy. Makes me love my hubby even more to see him cooing over baby! Have had a little cry after talking to him sometimes. I blame the hormones and must remind myself I've just another 7 weeks before we're back to him!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Aw pinkheels i really feel for you not having your hubby with you. You're doing so well though :-) My hubby helps loads and im still finding things really difficult!

    I find it really helps clear your head getting out of the house. Even just going for a short walk with the pram builds up confidence.

    Im with you on the zombie thing! Bawled last night during feeds cause i was so tired...then i was crying cause i felt guilty about wanting to sleep instead of wanting to feed my son!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Pink heels ya poor thing, as Nead said you are doing seriously amazing though not having hubby here, Khaled is a lucky baba! +1 on the hubby love though, I heard a saying there "I never knew how much I loved your daddy until I saw how much he loved you" - mushy I know but so true.

    Our lady is not the best feeder, her main hobbies and interests include sleeping and more sleeping! The pumping has been a major relief though as I know at least she is getting enough, even if I feel like a cow attached to the milk machine! Speaking of which my milk seems to have come in.... Porn star boobs is right!! She is just beginning to wake herself for feeds which is progress, no crying, just mooching in the cot!

    Looking like a zombie myself today and we have to go back to hosp for heel prick test!! Just want to mooch about in our pjs all day... Oh well!

    HS hope you're hanging in there!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Still here :S I had mad cramps and pelvic pressure last night for hours. I could hardly walk with it and I thought it might be the start but no it stopped.

    Digs did your phn tell you that jaundiced babies tend to be sleepier? You need to wake them to feed if they sleep more than 2.5-3 hours. Breastmilk will wash the jaundice out of her system which is why its important to inititate feeding if they don't wake for it. Our fella had jaundice and was born in January and the phn told us to put his Moses basket because the window so he got lots of sunlight. There's much stronger sunlight now so perhaps give it a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ugh I know it's zero consolation but the end is in sight. Hopefully your body is gearing up!

    PHN won't be out to us until tues unfort but the hosp gave similar advice so have been getting some light on her. Got completely stressed yesterday between having to wake her to feed which was near impossible, not being able to latch properly or at all and then introducing the bottle which is why we ended up bringing her in. Am afraid of nipple confusion but some breast milk however she gets it is better than none and hopefully the lactation consultant can help us out tomo. She is looking and feeding much better today though, such a relief!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Digs you can feed by spoon as well. You don't need to use bottles if you dont want to. Hopefully the LC will sort you out tomorrow. Best of luck with it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi ladies hope ye are all well!

    Our public health nurse was out to us today, she's lovely and had plenty of advice, was relieved as I'd heard some people get lumbered with awful ones! Am a tad upset though as at Ls 2 day check they picked up a slight tightness on her right hip so Refered her for ultrasound at 6 weeks to check for clicky hip. Didn't give it much thought at the time as I was kind of out of it and the nurse said they have about 15 babies a week who get Refered for a check and most are fine. The nurse today though picked up on it too and just made a few comments that made me feel uneasy about her not wanting to stretch her leg etc :( am afraid I'm going to spend the next 6 weeks worrying!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Hope your baba will be ok Digs. I know it's hard but try and reassure yourself by focusing on the fact that not all babies suspected of having a clicky hip actually do.
    Today has been a loooooong day. Baby Khaled woke a little less frequently last night but then he didn't nap until 4.30 this afternoon having been awake since 10.30am. I'm BF and he wanted to be fed constantly and cried anytime I put him down.
    It's hard being by myself in the house during the day. I can barely go to the bathroom with him! I had to make lunch today holding him in my arms. Wrecked!
    I wonder how I'll ever get out of these pjs and back into normal clothes again :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Digs hope your little girl is ok and try not to worry...easier said than done i know! *hugs*

    Pinkheels your day sounds like my weekend! Little man fed what felt like the whole time! I thought i would loose my mind. The good news is that he has slowed and finally takes some naps in the moses basket or pram..woohoo! I almost dont know what to do with my arms!!

    I ordered a sling online yesterday so hoping it will give me some more freedom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Digs - hope her little hip is ok -' try not to worry - its prob nothing - they scan babies who were born breech at 6 weeks so my first had the scan - obvs I've no idea about te results for u but the scan itself is very easy and she will barely notice - literally just has to lie on each side for a second on a special table thing! Honestly don't worry - she's so young maybe a few weeks more will help everything to settle down!

    Pinkheeksv- woud u consider a sling - that was the only way I got any peace when my first was small as he was also not a great day time napper & wanted to be held all the time! I had a 'peanut shell' sling for her and have this time opted for a ergo with baby insert as its upright so better for colic and also a little more secure! Haven't tried it yet as she hasn't arrived but it just might save u a lot of stress! That wy your hands are free and you can wear them going to the loo etc!!!

    How strange - I'm hoping your quietness is cos the little one has arrived? Hope all well with you anyway!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    I have a baba sling. I've just been a bit afraid to try it out :/ if he's a grumpasaurus tomorrow again I'll give it a shot! Fingers crossed he sleeps well tonight. Mommy is shattered!
    Ordered an Elle macpherson nursing bra online today. It's pretty and might make me feel that bit more myself! By the time we're back in the desert with daddy I'm hoping I'll be a yummy mummy and not this pj wearing zombiefied mess!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    My little daughter was born last night at 23.22 after just under 4 hours of labour. I had my hospital appointment yesterday and the doc reckoned that I'd go within 48 hours. She booked me in for induction by breaking my waters next Monday but said she'd be very surprised if I was still waiting. She did a vaginal exam and said I was pretty much ready to go.

    I went home, had a long nap and decided that I needed to do something to get this baby moving so I washed the windows.

    I went to lidl around 5 to get a few bits and pieces and felt the pressure was worse than before. At 7.30 I got my first contraction. They came every 15 minutes until around 8.30 and then they seemed to be around 5-7 minutes. At 9 I told my husband that I needed to go to hospital. We got to hospital and I could hardly speak with the contractions. I was getting sciatic pain as well so every contraction hurt twice as much. I was moved to the delivery room at 9.45 and started on the gas and air.

    My waters broke just before pushing and there was meconium (sp?) in them so there was a bit of panic when she was born. However she was perfectly fine and healthy.

    We were released from hospital today so we're at home trying to get breastfeeding started.

    DL I hope it happens for you soon too. Just to add that I had no show etc beforehand so there were no signs as such. I just started getting contractions so, as loads of people said to me before, it can start very quickly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Many congrats how strange. Your little man will be thrilled to have a new little sister.
