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Due April 2013 thread



  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 11 Kilkenny68

    HI Girls! Been reading your posts and its nice to know that we're all in the same boat- waiting til the 10-12 week mark! This is my first outing, and I'm sick as a small hospital like Kilkenny ( smell and even sight of food has been awful for the last week!) And I normally love my grub. Have had 2 slices of toast in total today..... And I totally get Digs saying she'll be lucky to have a job by the time she can tell them, i already have a bit of belly and am wrecked/green half the time! Hubby is being a total pet though.... So suffering a bit but all in the name of something exciting.....15th April is my due date......Fingers crossed that we all get the news that we're a-ok in a few weeks time when the first scan begin....Not having my scan to week 12, even tho I'm tempted to get an early one!!

    Apart from my complete lack of energy & the sickly feeling i dont think i have anything to indicate i am pregnant!! You were just offered a 12 week scan were you? Or did you request this? I am wondering will I return to the docs & voice my concerns about waiting until week 20?

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 11 Kilkenny68

    Digs wrote: »
    Welcome girls and congrats!! hope ye are feeling well...

    Kilkenny just re the scan I think most of us booked them privately, I did anyway which means you pay for them. I just want peace of mind that everything is going ok for now :)

    I got my letter from Holles Street (Dublin) during the week and my first apt is not until I am 14 weeks....I am certainly not waiting that long before I see baba!!

    I am so so dizzy today, seeing stars everytime I stand up, haven't gotten out of pyjamas all day :D

    Great to know about the scan, I will do this!! Thank you. Hope the stars disappear soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    welcome marieclaire and kilkenny and congrats on your bfp,kilkenny, I am having a private scan at 8 weeks 3 days as I fly the following week on holidays and just wanted to put my mind at rest,I think we may have the same due date:)I went to my doc and will do combined care,she gave me a card to bring to local hospital for what she called a dating scan which is what I am having at 11 weeks and 6 days,she told me to come back to her at 12 weeks,I have no idea when exactly I will 1st go to the hospital,could be 16 weeks maybe,she did say they would also scan at that appointment.If your not happy or clear on how things will work I would give a quick call to your gp and ask:)

    Anyone feeling very emotional?,I feel like I could cry at different stages of the day,I am suffering very bad with nausea-morning sickness my a**,it's all day long and I have to eat very often to keep myself from getting very bad,well theres my moan over for today!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    Congrats girls and welcome to the club!! It's nice seeing more people in the same boat..

    Meggysmom. I'm with you on the emotions, could cry sometimes for no reason!!
    Suffering big time from headaches, had a migraine last night and was so fed up just burst into tears!!! Hoping after 12 weeks they will stop!!

    Can't complain too much as it seems everyone is feeling sicker than me, haven't had much sickness really besides when I've migraines.. Hope ye are all feeling better!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ah I'm not too bad either corkgirl just having some wobbly moments! Meggysmom I do not envy your constant nausea mine is becoming more apparent by the day but nothing that's too bad. What is with the excess saliva though, I had to spend about 10mins in the bathroom just before lunch as it was making me gag, was sure I was going to vomit!!

    I would actually murder some sushi now! I usually have it for lunch maybe once a week from marks and spencers and am missing it big time! Thought I'd miss wine most but no sushi wins! Very tiny price to pay though haha

    Would love to go braless too, feel so much better not wearin one. With my DD's on the loose though I'd prob be arrested :D:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    oh digs it's been such a long time since I had some really good sushi,used to eat it all the time in sanfrancisco,you've started me craving now,I love my glass of vino too but have to say I don't miss it at all as the nausea I have is similar to that when I drink too much vino-ha:)Just had a lovely red kidney bean salad for lunch so I will be my normal reasonable self for about an hour and a half until I feel rotten again!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 MarieClaire78

    Yes Digs and Kilkenny, I'm going private with Mount Carmel in Dublin so they have about 5 scans included- very good for that...I assumed everyone had a 12 week one though? Am I wrong? Any-which way, worth doing eitheray! ANd Digs- I love It, I picked up a new bra already too....feel like the world knows to look at me and have a big ordinarily boozy weekend coming up for a friends birthday- watering the plants with wine all night I guess??!! Not looking forward to that tho in fairness not missing the booze....last thing on my mind!

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 11 Kilkenny68

    Gosh this sickness is a killer, i wake up every morning with the hope it has gone, but no its hanging on in there, why is it called morning sickness when it lasts all day?!! Meggysmom, i think you are right on the due date, very exciting! Thanks for all the feedback on the scan ladies, i will get in contact wih my GP & get the ball rolling on an earlier scan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Hi all... I am just 4 weeks gone, so by my estimation due date will be very end of April (unless they push it back when I get apt) so I might be in and out of here all going well, some of you may have seen my post last week glad I can now join April club! Hope you are all doing well so far.

    This is my second, our little one is 3 now so my memory of pregnancy is very vague! Are any of you showing yet or have had to change clothes/wear bigger sizes? Luckily I can wear whatever in work but I am very anxious that no one knows until the 12 wk scan is over. Worried about popping earlier second time around! And needless to say hoping I get that far... also a but more anxious this time around, I think first time ignorance was bliss and I was so preoccupied with the 'newness' of it all that I worried less about the pregnancy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    welcome chuchu and congrats:)This is my second also,my little one is 3 and half,I have a fairly good memory of last time but I have to say this time symptoms came sooner and more full on.I am 7 weeks today and have been very nausous the last couple of weeks and round ligament pain started a couple of days ago,I remember this starting at 8 weeks in my last pregnancy.Its worse at the end of the day when I've been on my feet all day.I really think I will pop much earlier this time,my tummy muscels didn't exactly go back to there flat self after last pregnancy so they are looser which I hear causes second timers to show quicker,time wll tell please god:)I have my 1sy scan sat week and can't wait:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Thanks Meggysmom, yep I hear ya... I have no recollection of ongoing dull crampy/round ligament pains this early but I really have them now, almost daily. Water mouth too not so nauseous yet but I know that too will come! Have an 8wk scan booked but feels like yonks away. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ahh delighted things worked out Chuchu welcome!!

    Girls I am glad to hear ye mentioning round ligament pain, this is only my first and if the internet is to be believed at only 7 weeks I shouldnt be experiencing it so soon!! For the last couple of nights when laying in bed I have to be very careful getting up or the sudden ache nearly takes my breathe away but it only lasts a few seconds....had me completely freaked out!! Am finding it an odd comfort now though as it's a sign all is getting comfy in there :)

    Am beginning to wonder did I make the right decision in going with Holles Street. Got my first hosp appt for when I will be 14wks+1, booked my scan today which wont be until I am 21wks+1 :eek: I am assuming they will scan me at my hospital appointment won't they but even at that 14weeks seems to be an awful long time to wait!

    My mum was just telling me earlier when she was having me and my siblings she didn't have a scan on any of us it just wasn't done then! I'd be a nervous wreck!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    hi Digs,yes def round ligament pain,can be scary as long as it only last a quick few seconds and subsides it's fine,can also be a dull ache in lower belly espectially at the end of the day....I still haven't got my hospital letter yet.My doc gave me a card to take to local hospital for dating scan,got that for 11 weeks and 6 days,I have a feeling I won't be seen in actual hospital until i'm close to 16 weeks maybe.....20 weeks seems awful long before you get a first appointment,don't you need to have bloods and urine checked before then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    ok major preggy brain,I read your post again,14 weeks seems like the norm for 1st appointment,I presume they will do a quick dating scan at that appointment too?? and the big anatomy scan at 21+ weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I am proabably being too impatient Meggysmom, am just hearing of women having their 12weeks dating scan in other hospitals and being able to share the news then :) not the end of the world to have to hold my tongue until 14weeks, I need to learn patience!! I'm sure they would have to scan me at the 14wk apt?

    Talk about preggy brain, when I booked my scan earlier I had to ring the lady back laughing. I had booked it for the day my brother is due to get married.... wouldn't be appropriate to pop out of the meal for that I suppose :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    Had my midwives appointment, took an hour.. Filled out all the forms, answered all the questions and had to give blood, urine samples!! She's sending off the request for my 12 week scan..
    Apparently they offer 2 types of scans at 12 weeks.. A basic dating scan or a scan that will check for downs and a blood test. You get to choose which you want!! I chose the scan and blood test..
    Chose my hospital as well, so much choice over here in the UK. Home birth, birthing centres, hospital, whatever you want you can have!! Would have looked into a home birth but my husband is totally against it plus I think I'd like the option of all the drugs if I wanted them!!!!!

    Was exciting talking to someone about being pregnant, roll on 12 weeks so we can tell people!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Glad to hear everything going well corkgirl, it is great to be able to talk to someone about it, makes it seem real!!

    Had my scan this morning, I should be 7wks+2 but she measured me at 6wks4 which would mean I would have got a positive test at 3 weeks so not too sure but not letting it worry me!! Little heart was beating away at 123bpm saw the little flicker emotional, was such a relief to see everything in the right place :-) am even more attached to this little person now, hoping everything continues well..

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    ah lucky you having scans early,I feel like it's an eternity,I have mine tomorrow week when I will be 8 weeks and 3 days,early scans are not great for dating and measurments as things are still so small hence the reason the dating scan is at 12 weeks so don't stress about that,of course all of us could not wait that long to see inside-ha ha-sometimes modern technology is not always a good thing and can cause more anxiety:)How is everyone feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Great to hear updates. Coming in here and having a sneaky read in work makes it real right now. I still can't believe it. Today I don't event think I'm pregnant! Only told the other half and my Mam, my Mam is a worrier so doesn't want to talk about it until 12 week scan really, so it may as well not even be happening yet!! Still watery mouth and a bit crampy now and then, anyone else still have faint period like cramps? They freak me out. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yes chuchu i have them on and off usually at the end of the day when i'm tired.I find rest is the only thing for it....i put it down to everything stretching and try not to think think about it too much,it helps that I had it too with my little one-and it has a medical term too-round ligament pain,as long as they go away after rest and are not accompanied by spotting or bleeding it's all normal(what my doc said)...I'm starting to feel really excited,just wishing the next 4 weeks away:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Chuchu wrote: »
    Great to hear updates. Coming in here and having a sneaky read in work makes it real right now. I still can't believe it. Today I don't event think I'm pregnant! Only told the other half and my Mam, my Mam is a worrier so doesn't want to talk about it until 12 week scan really, so it may as well not even be happening yet!! Still watery mouth and a bit crampy now and then, anyone else still have faint period like cramps? They freak me out. :(

    Hey Chuchu,

    I'm in the March thread so only a few weeks ahead of you, i had the period like pains and i have been reassured from other posters that it is normal to have these pains, it is round ligament pain and the uterus stretching. Are your pains low down? I had been getting the dull ache very low down which i taught was the stretching so i wasn't too worried but began to worry when i felt the period like pain, i felt i was going to bleed so it was nice reassurance to hear from ppl who have experienced this aswel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Yep meggysmom I agree sometimes technology can be a cause of anxiety! Was anxious to see all was in the right place and heart was beating, only 5 days out and she said everything looked v healthy so I am happy with that :) I was worried about ectopic as my discomfort is most noticeable on my left side but all is well there so early ultrasound worth every penny :)

    Chuchu like the other girls said I am still having period like pains, like a dull ache quite down low. I actually had some very bad ones when I was about 4 -5 weeks so all very normal... As worrying as it is it's a sign of stretching which means your baba is getting comfy, always a good sign ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yes digs had the exact same thing as that at weeks 4-5 and had thought that was a possibility but it went away and hasn't come back:)roll on next weekend,We are making a day out of it and heading to Dublin,hope the weathers good!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Thanks everyone for the reassurances, yep they are quite low down, like period pain but not as bad as them... it helps to know many of you have had the same or similar. I gotta tell you my lack of memory from my previous pregnancy is scary!:eek: I know I got some cramps early on but don't remember getting them as frequently. But keep telling myself at any rate every pregnancy is different. No more than yourselves will be much relieved at 8 week and even more so 12 week scan... but is it gonna drag by. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    Hey chuchu, Im 8 weeks and still getting cramps.. Wish they would go away!!

    Digs, im so jealous you had your scan, I can Imagine how attached you are now, I can't wait for mine next week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 MarieClaire78

    Digs wrote: »
    Welcome girls and congrats!! hope ye are feeling well...

    Kilkenny just re the scan I think most of us booked them privately, I did anyway which means you pay for them. I just want peace of mind that everything is going ok for now :)

    I got my letter from Holles Street (Dublin) during the week and my first apt is not until I am 14 weeks....I am certainly not waiting that long before I see baba!!

    I am so so dizzy today, seeing stars everytime I stand up, haven't gotten out of pyjamas all day :D
    elly123 wrote: »
    Hey Chuchu,

    I'm in the March thread so only a few weeks ahead of you, i had the period like pains and i have been reassured from other posters that it is normal to have these pains, it is round ligament pain and the uterus stretching. Are your pains low down? I had been getting the dull ache very low down which i taught was the stretching so i wasn't too worried but began to worry when i felt the period like pain, i felt i was going to bleed so it was nice reassurance to hear from ppl who have experienced this aswel.

    Just to add me too, funny cramps like period pains on a daily long as its not throbbing sharp pain its a-ok apparrently!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Hi ladies, I'm going to jump onboard the April 13 thread even though it's a toss between april and may. I'm about 4 weeks pregnant on my 2nd (or 4.5 depending on how I calculate it. These things are so important in the early weeks.)

    I've had a tough week as my son was very sick so ive had a sick, cranky 19 month old toddler to look after and deal with nausea, tiredness and dizziness at the same time. I don't remember feeling like this so early the last time around. Dry crackers are my main food up to lunch time when I can face eating something more substantial.

    I just want to fast forward through the next 8 weeks so I can relax a bit more. I'm going to the Coombe again and hoping to get accepted onto the Domino Scheme so I can avoid the hospital and deal with the midwives.

    Hoping everyone is having a happy and healthy pregnancy so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Hi all, found out one week ago that I was expecting after doing a test at home. This is my first. I'm 7 weeks 4 days today. Found this thread super reassuring, as I've had the same period type cramps and was afraid that I was getting my period! Have felt nauseous throughout the last couple of weeks but haven't actually vomited - thought there was something wrong with me when I wasn't vomiting, but a book said that some women never vomit, just feel queasy all the time. Really want the next month to fly by so I can tell more people than immediate family!

    EDIT forgot to say I'm going to be having the kid in the Rotunda in Dublin

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Welcome and congrats howstrange and holding!!

    How is everyone feeling? I've had this nausea lingering since last week, it's like it's sitting in my throat and stomach and absolutely everything I think of eating makes my stomach turn. Went out to our local for dinner on Saturday and nothing on the menu appealed to me, I just had a glass of mi wadi! Cheap date or what?!

    Couldn't get to sleep until about 4am last night and up for work at 6.30, was wrecked but couldn't get's going to be a looong Monday!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    I'm the same, can't face eating any actual food. Living on toast and 7up, and worried that this will mean the baby isn't getting enough nutrition! Made a lovely big stew at the start of the week and portioned it out so I could eat healthily and without a lot of cooking, but totally can't even look at the stew, eugh, turns my stomach just to think about eating it, what are we like.
