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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Glad I'm not the only one so! Have had a back ache for the last week so obviously there's a lot of stretching and pressure down there!

    Congrats and welcome to the April thread synyster :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Iv had day on day off the last week with back pain but yeasterday and today its been all day and when I lie down my back spasms its weird!

    April cant come quick enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 April2013

    April2013 wrote: »
    Had Hcg blood tests Wednesday and Friday of last week. Thankfully the results have doubled so I'm cautiously joining the thread. I'm nearly 5 weeks by my dates. I will be going through the high risk clinic in CUMH as I have a couple of underlying issues. Been a bit of a stressful first week but hopefully it'll be worth it all in a few months.

    I'd say I'm out . Had cramping last night, eased off today but I got a very sharp pain this afternoon and have started to bleed. Spent the last few hours in the maternity emergency room. Had a scan, no sac seen so they have taken bloods and will see me again tomorrow at the early pregnancy unit. Not looking hopeful :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    April2013 wrote: »
    April2013 wrote: »
    Had Hcg blood tests Wednesday and Friday of last week. Thankfully the results have doubled so I'm cautiously joining the thread. I'm nearly 5 weeks by my dates. I will be going through the high risk clinic in CUMH as I have a couple of underlying issues. Been a bit of a stressful first week but hopefully it'll be worth it all in a few months.

    I'd say I'm out . Had cramping last night, eased off today but I got a very sharp pain this afternoon and have started to bleed. Spent the last few hours in the maternity emergency room. Had a scan, no sac seen so they have taken bloods and will see me again tomorrow at the early pregnancy unit. Not looking hopeful :(

    You poor thing, I'm sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and am keeping my fingers crossed things will be alright for you x

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    April2013 wrote: »
    I'd say I'm out . Had cramping last night, eased off today but I got a very sharp pain this afternoon and have started to bleed. Spent the last few hours in the maternity emergency room. Had a scan, no sac seen so they have taken bloods and will see me again tomorrow at the early pregnancy unit. Not looking hopeful :(

    So sorry to hear this April2013, thinking of you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    April that is terrible news, feel awful for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    So sorry april2013, I hope it's a mistake but if not I understand how your feeling and hope you're feeling ok!! Take it easy..

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    So sorry april to hear your news:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 lulu3274

    Hi all,

    found out i was pregnant about 3 weeks ago and i'm due april 21st. My morning sickness is horrific and i find it difficult to get out of bed. I have constant feelings of nausea and get sick from time to time. I feel very tired and down in the dumps. Does anyone have any remedies for morning sickness?


  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Congrats Lulu but sorry to hear you are feeling so crap :(

    I have just had nausea but no actual sickness, some days worse than others. I find eating little and often helps to keep it at bay, but when it's really bad I get ginger ale, old style stuff like Sweeps.

    Someone else on here suggested ginger tea but I haven't tried that yet. Ginger is meant to settle your stomach. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4 lulu3274

    thanks very much chuchu but ginger ale and me dont go well together haha. Do you know of anything els?the only thing ive been able to eat is peanut butter and jam sandwiches and nutella.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    lulu3274 wrote: »
    thanks very much chuchu but ginger ale and me dont go well together haha. Do you know of anything els?the only thing ive been able to eat is peanut butter and jam sandwiches and nutella.

    Maybe try plain toast or crackers? They well these ice pop things in pharmacies called lillipops that are good for it.
    Not sure what the current advise is but at one stage they said to avoid peanuts durin pregnancy? Not sure but worth checking :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Peanuts totally fine during pregnancy now. There is lots of information on , the national resource page for dietitians.

    I had terrible nausea the last fortnight, seems to be easing off now tg. Found that shoving a dry cream cracker in my gob every time I felt like throwing up really helped. Ginger and lemon tea was also great, but my sister (she's a dietitian) advised me that peppermint was safer (not that ginger tea isn't safe, loads of people drink it and it really helps, it's just that it hasn't been officially tested or something). Don't let yourself get hungry at all - I keep a packet of crackers on the bed side locker for eating before I even get out of bed cos mornings are the worst.

    EDIT here is the healthy eating for pregnancy factsheet from that site

    EDIT again to say that about the peanut thing, you do avoid them if you have a family history of allergy, but that's the same with any food there is a family history of allergy with

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 April2013

    Thanks for the kind words ladies. Unfortunately I continued to bleed and hcg levels have been dropping in the subsequent bloodtests. Feeling fairly hollow at the moment. Don't know what to do about work tomorrow. Physically the pain has eased a bit but I am still drained and fairly teary. OH thinks I should take a few days. Part of me thinks he's right but part of me thinks the distraction might help. Anyway, wishing you all happy, healthy pregnancies. Hopefully we won't be too long waiting for good news of our own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    April2013 wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind words ladies. Unfortunately I continued to bleed and hcg levels have been dropping in the subsequent bloodtests. Feeling fairly hollow at the moment. Don't know what to do about work tomorrow. Physically the pain has eased a bit but I am still drained and fairly teary. OH thinks I should take a few days. Part of me thinks he's right but part of me thinks the distraction might help. Anyway, wishing you all happy, healthy pregnancies. Hopefully we won't be too long waiting for good news of our own.
    So sorry, it's an awful feeling.. Take a few days off work.. I took 2 days and went back cos like you wanted the distraction.. Probably should have taken longer. It takes its toll on you, I'm still bleeding a week later and cramping and generally feeling crap!!
    You'll feel teary for a while, I got teary yesterday when I saw a pregnant woman with her kids, it seems everywhere I look there's pregnant women!! Can't wait to start trying again..
    Take it easy and relax and let your husband take care of you.. And if you want to talk or just vent I'm here!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 April2013

    corkgirl17 wrote: »
    So sorry, it's an awful feeling.. Take a few days off work.. I took 2 days and went back cos like you wanted the distraction.. Probably should have taken longer. It takes its toll on you, I'm still bleeding a week later and cramping and generally feeling crap!!
    You'll feel teary for a while, I got teary yesterday when I saw a pregnant woman with her kids, it seems everywhere I look there's pregnant women!! Can't wait to start trying again..
    Take it easy and relax and let your husband take care of you.. And if you want to talk or just vent I'm here!!

    Thanks corkgirl. Two of my close friends are pregnant at the moment and there are four pregnant at work, two of who are 5-6 weeks ahead of what I was. My husband has been brilliant, the poor fella won't let me do a thing. Think its his way of coping. I'm sorry to hear you are still feeling crap. Mind yourself x

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Lord Trollington

    Hi Folks.

    Just found out my Fiancé is pregnant. 14 months before our planned wedding. We're both delighted to be honest.
    Had our first scan on Saturday. She is Due in April 2013.
    Everything is where it should be, baby is correct size and length. Heart beat of 150 beats per minute.
    So we're both very happy.
    During the scan the sonographer remarked that my partner had a bicornuate uterus and said its normally hard for people with such a uterus to get pregnant.
    Can anyone shed any light on this in here? Does anyone have an bicornuate uterus or an irregular shaped uterus. Or even know someone who has one?
    We're both fairly reluctant to Google the term too much for fear of finding stories or cases we don't want to hear too much about.

    So folks, a bicornuate Uterus?????

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Congratulations Lord Trollington! Welcome to the April club :D

    From what I have heard, she will need a bit of extra care and TLC in the medical dept, to make sure it all goes ok, but that there's every chance of it all being fine. I'm not a nurse or anything though! I'd take heart from the first scan you had, that they didn't fuss over you loads or immediately give you list of do's and don'ts etc.

    So jealous of everyone's scans, mine's not for aaaaaages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Congrats Lord Trollington! I have no advice to offer but to agree on the staying away from google, I think it should be a given for all pregnant women in general!! Like holding said your scan sounds very positive :)

    Holding when is your first scan? I paid for one at 7 weeks but my first official one with the hospital isn't until the end of November, I'll be 21 weeks then please god....seems like a life time away!

    10 weeks this week, can't believe it! Was at my gp this morning and blood pressure etc all good, all symptoms etc normal, my gp is lovely, does a great job at putting your mind at ease!

    Hope everyone is feeling well?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Morning all...we have an 8 wk scan booked for next week, can't wait as I am so anxious.

    I have the strangest and most annoying first trimester symptom that I did not have the last time... it's breathlessness, more so when lying down and not as a result of any exercise or walking, just random. It's more like the need to take deep breaths and fill my lungs than breathlessness if you get me? Anyone else have this??

    Plus I agree with others... Google is not good for this stuff as it has been freaking me out, vowed I wouldn't Google for this symptom again as it kept me awake last night after reading about worst case scenarios!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Chuchu I had that aswell! More so from weeks 5-7 but I think like most of my symptoms now I'm so used to them I don't really notice....

    I mostly get it at night when lying down. I asked my doc and she said its to do with the increased blood flow around the body, causes you to take more shallow breathes than usual which in turn gives you that breathless feeling! She said it was completely normal :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Thanks Digs!! That is a relief to hear... I was thinking about going to the doc this week more so to ease my mind but seeings as our first hospital apt is next week I was trying to hold off until then. I figured it was pretty normal but it is off putting when the symptoms are ones I didn't get before... more confirmation of every pregnancy being different. Thanks again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Digs wrote: »
    Holding when is your first scan? I paid for one at 7 weeks but my first official one with the hospital isn't until the end of November, I'll be 21 weeks then please god....seems like a life time away!

    First scan for me is 9th October - MILES away! How do you go about looking for a private scan? Or is that something you have to be on the private/ semi private plan for (I'm on public).

    I have that breathless thing that you guys have too, the app on my phone said to expect it cos of all the extra blood.

    Still crampy and morning-sicknessy, hoping that my body moves on from that soon! Am SO sick of crackers - trying to move on to flavoured ones just to mix it up a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    No problem chuchu happy to help!

    Holding I am going public aswell with Holles street in Dublin the early scan we booked doesn't have any connection with our maternity cover. We booked our private scan through the merrion fetal clinic, not sure what part of the country you're in but in Dublin there are many private centres that you can book a scan! Ours cost €95 and it was just for piece of mind!

    My cramps have gone this week thank god but the nausea seems to be getting's supposed to get better not worse haha!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    I'm in Dublin too, didn't know that at all, thanks a mil for the heads up. The North side of the city/county is probably handier for me - does anyone know of a clinic around there? I'll google it as well like but it's great to get a personal recommendation :D

    Would love the extra piece of mind, know what you mean. This is my first, and I'm a bit terrified that something will go wrong, I keep having crazy dreams where I lose it - not 'lose' it like a miscarriage, but actually just misplace it, like losing a hairbrush or a book!!

    Glad your cramps have gone, hope they stay away now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    holding wrote: »
    I'm in Dublin too, didn't know that at all, thanks a mil for the heads up. The North side of the city/county is probably handier for me - does anyone know of a clinic around there? I'll google it as well like but it's great to get a personal recommendation :D

    Would love the extra piece of mind, know what you mean. This is my first, and I'm a bit terrified that something will go wrong, I keep having crazy dreams where I lose it - not 'lose' it like a miscarriage, but actually just misplace it, like losing a hairbrush or a book!!

    Glad your cramps have gone, hope they stay away now!

    Not sure about north side clinics as I am south side but I'm sure there are plenty on google! The merrion fetal clinic we went to is attached to holles street and i can def recommend it!!

    I was having dreams like that in the beginning, was waking up in a sweat!

    Speaking of which I am glad of the drop in temperature, was having awful nights sleep I was so warm!!

    Any of ye girls backs at ye? Mine is niggling since 8 weeks and seems quite bad this week.... Bad week in general, symptoms seem to be out with a vengeance! 4 weeks today until my booking appointment with the hospital, I'll be 14 weeks, my gp reckons they'll at least look for a hb with the Doppler so dont think I'll bother with another private scan before that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Thanks a million Digs. I just went with the Merrion Fetal Clinic in the end. Have an appointment this Friday coming, can't wait!! It'll be great to get some piece of mind that everything looks okay in there (fingers crossed).

    Girls are any of ye having trouble with brushing your teeth? I'm having an awful time of it. I feel nauseous most of the day anyway but am able to keep it under control, except for when I brush my teeth and the gag reflex means I get very sick every time. Have come to dread it now in the morning/evening, but can't exactly stop doing it! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    We are a quiet bunch aren't we girls :)

    Holding brushing my teeth makes me gag but no actual getting sick. Saying that my gag reflex is ridiculous lately, one funny smell and I'm at it. I don't envy you with the vomiting at all :( I had a few episodes but am limited now to about two mins of heaving over the toilet bowl when I first get up but no actual getting sick! Presuming its because my tummy is empty?

    Heartburn is the moan of the week today.... Thought it was a bit early but am putting it down to the enormous amount of bread I'm eating which my system is not used too! Cannot get enough of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Oh and holding enjoy the scan today!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Yes very quiet!! I keep looking for updates randomly from everyone!! I think it might be first trimester jitters!

    I am so nauseous all the time unless I eat something, but no being sick. Sometimes I wish I was being sick just to feel better if that makes sense, but anyone being sick might tell me where to go!! Also for various reasons I can't have anyone know in work, want to put off telling until week 12 at the earliest if not later, being sick all the time would make this hard I'm sure.
    Any of you working and when do you plan on telling there?

    Good luck with scan today too holding. :)
