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Due April 2013 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi Digs,all went well and got to hear baby's heartbeat for the 1st time:)The appointment took about an hour in total.There was no wait time which was nice:)She went through a list of questions about family history and your health history and previous pregnancys or birth,that took the longest.Then bloods,urine weight and height.We then went into another room where she had a doppler to check for heartbeat.Because I already had a scan last week my next appointment is the 3rd of november where I will meet consultant and have another scan,so unless I feel the need or I am not feeling well I don't need to see my gp at 16 weeks just wait for the consultant appointment.All in all i'm very pleased and the ladies I met were all lovely and very thorough with everything.
    Sorry to hear your feeling so unwell,it's that time of year again for colds and we are more prone to them as your immune system can be down a little during pregnancy,try get some rest.A big reminder to get the flu jab this year,my doc said to have it about week 16 so I will probably see the nurse in her office then to get that.Try to rest up and stay warm:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks meggysmom, sounds like you get a good going over :) am looking forward to mine next week. If I'm not feeling much better tomorrow I might take a trip to the doc, will see how I am thanks :)

    All very quiet here, hope all our April mammies are doing well. We're all in or heading for the second trimester now thank god!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Yup, can't wait for second trimester to start! My first hospital app next Tues, and then hopefully the weekend after that (if everything is ok!) we are going home to tell everyone who doesn't already know. I can't wait to see how much bigger the baby has got since the 8 week scan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    holding wrote: »
    Yup, can't wait for second trimester to start! My first hospital app next Tues, and then hopefully the weekend after that (if everything is ok!) we are going home to tell everyone who doesn't already know. I can't wait to see how much bigger the baby has got since the 8 week scan!

    Holding the difference between the little smudge we saw at 7 weeks and our baby last Friday was just amazing, they look like perfectly formed little people just tiny! Ours was bouncing about , the sonographer zoomed in on the little feet and hands and you could see them so clearly, it's just amazing. Enjoy next Tuesday, it's so exciting!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 435 ✭✭pinkheels88

    Hi all mummys to be! I'm so glad I found this thread :) I'm also due an April baby! Same month as my birthday!
    I'm about 11 weeks now. I've had 2 scans, one at 6 weeks and one at 10 weeks. I'm here in Abu Dhabi so things are a little different.
    My Hubby and I are both feeling very excited. :D This baby was a complete suprise and initiated a LOT of drama at first but thank god our families are supportive. I'm a pretty young mum/wife at 24 but I couldn't be happier now that the initial shock has died down.
    Baby is looking very healthy at scans, was amazed by the difference between the 6 week and 10 week scan, he/she even had their little hand held up towards their mouth :)
    I've been nauseous since about week 6 non stop! The tooth brushing in the morning means I almost always end up throwing up my breakfast :/
    I'm a primary teacher which means early mornings that are yucky with this nausea. I can't tell anybody at work because my lebanese principal is noted for firing pregnant teachers on the spot. Yes, she can get away with that over here...
    Ive always been super petite so I feel like my weight gain is going to be super obvious soon. I already have a little tummy (bloat so much in the evenings or after eating!!) and my boobs seem to have been growing since day 1. First sign I noticed!
    The past few days I've had pain on my upper ribs just under my bra line. From what I googled is growing pains/my organs moving up. Anyone else experiencing this?
    I almost had a break down in a changing room yesterday. I have little broken purple veins under my bra line and saw my first stretch mark across my tummy!! Size 6 jeans ate getting fairly snug!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Yay more April mammies! Congrats pink heels and welcome :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Congrats pinkheels! Sounds like an awful situation with your principal! What is the plan for when you are showing, will you automatically lose your job? :(

    Girls I thought of this thread yesterday. I have been off coffee for the last 2 months solid, having been a MEGA coffee drinker before this. Well yesterday I went to a cafe and decided to treat myself to a decaf cappucino, but forgot to say 'decaf' to the barista. OMG! Three sips later and I was wired! Couldn't believe it, was like a duracell bunny, raring to go. I only drank about a third of the mug but was awake til 1am, lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Holding I had a similar experience this morning although I am a bit embarrassed! Like you have been off coffee since becoming preg. Went into get a takeaway Capp in my usual place and because there was a big queue around me I was too embarrassed to say decaf.... I always think people look at you with ten heads when you ask for decaf. How sad am I.... Verbally abused myself on the way back to the car and now have heartburn for my trouble!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    How's everyone doing?

    Had my first hospital app in the Rotunda today, all well with baby thank goodness. Very impressed with how efficient and just nice the staff were. The doc did an uber-quick scan which I didn't see as the monitor was facing away from me, no pictures this time either, a bit disappointed with that! Got told that I will be seeing the midwives clinic rather than the doc clinic as am low risk, so that is good news.

    Whew, another milestone reached! Now if the morning sickness would just ease off, like they said it would around this time!? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Glad to hear everything went well Holding, good news about the midwives, the less stress the better re appointments!

    Has my first apt also, got to hear the heartbeat which was great and had bloods etc done. Can only commiserate re morning sickness, 14weeks myself and some days I feel I am getting worse between vomiting, heartburn and indigestion. Not to mention fatigue, am looking forward to this wearing off although beginning to think this second trimester glow is an urban legend :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Great news holding and digs on the appointments,glad everything went well,sorry your both still feeling yuck:(Hopefully in the next week or 2 things will pick up for you,my sickness and tiredness just dissapeared at 10 and half weeks,was a bit concerned at 1st but then when the indigestion,back pain and bump popping a few days later I felt better about it.I got sick-very early, literally when i peed on the stick whereas with my daughter it didn't start until week 7 and stayed until week 15 so there is light at the end of the tunnel for you girls hopefully,second trimester already-it's mad how time has flown by:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi girls

    Just checking in see how you all are?

    Any of ye still getting headaches? Had one for most of last week, it dissapeared Tuesday but came back Saturday night and hasn't left me yet! In fairness I went shopping in Kildare Village with my mum and sister for most of the day, underestimated the toll it takes on the body, I was wrecked!!

    Also wanted to see if any of ye have been looking at maternity clothes or known of any good stores in Dublin? My brother is getting married in a few weeks, all going well by that time I will be 21 weeks but obviously haven't a clue how big I'll be (although at the rate my bump is expanding I will be big!!) I want something a bit special as sister of the groom so would rather buy a proper maternity dress that fits the bump well rather than a standard dress in a size up....

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hi Digs,yes the headaches are terrible,I had a bad week of them last week and except for one yesterday morning I have been fine.I spent most of yesterday on the couch with horrible growing pains(aches).I had them with my daughter.I can only describle them as a quick sharp pain right down below and inside almost like a knife in me-sorry for being so graphic.Only for having them with my daughter and my midwife then actually bringing the subject up with me I think I would have gone into hospital yesterday.The only thing for it is complete rest,so daddy took little one out for the day and I stayed feet up on the couch:)Feeling fine today and well rested with very little aches.Really thought this time round would be easier as everything had stretched once before.Anyway thats my moan for the day:)Really want to enjoy this pregnancy so hopefully things will ease up.
    Digs I have a wedding new years eve and have already started scouting for dresses,but like you haven't a clue what size i'll be but probably huge judging from my growing belly.I found a site in dublin who rents maternity dresses for 60 to 80 ,they have some nice ones:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thanks meggysmom! While I am in no way happy you are suffering with the headaches too I am comforted not to be on my own! They were beginning to worry me as I thought they should have let up by now but obviously each pregnancy is different and nothing is text book :)

    Can sympathise with the pains you are discribing. Had particularly bad ones Saturday evening but put it down to all the standing and walking, as you say lying down is the only cure for them. I literally felt the blood drain from my face on Saturday with one or two particularly bad jabs and was glad when the ladies were done shopping. Glad you are feeling better today and your hubby sounds so good!

    I had heard of style mama actually, a friend also recommended them so will check them out and let you know thanks! I like a particular dress on tiffany rose which is an english brand but for some reason there are only stockists in kilkenny, westmeath and Cork so a bit of a travel but may make it down to Kilkenny some weekend to have a look :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    I'm headed to stylemama too next week, to try on a dress for my wedding in Jan (will be six months then). Digs, Tiffany Rose post out and you can try stuff on and post it back, so if you really like something there you should try that. Nelo on Clarendon St in Dublin (they're in Limerick too, and Galway I think?) have some nice dresses there too, and they have a little fake bump you try on with it (really weird seeing myself in that!!).

    No headaches here, and the morning sick is (I *think*) starting to ease off in the last 3 days. Omg the difference. I have a tiny bit more energy as well, really feeling it, as I've been like a walking zombie for the past 2 months. I have those growing pains twinges too, it's worse if I get up quickly from sitting down, or toss around at night. Been moving slowly to avoid it - I look like an oul wan when I 'm getting up off the couch!

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Newxcitedmom

    I found out a few weeks ago I was pregnant it was a major shock to begin but so happy about it now. I'm due the 22nd of April so I'm 13weeks gone just over the 12 weeks thank god.... I'm just wondering is everyone having there first scans at 12 mine isn't util I'm nearly 20 weeks.. Like everyone I'm so worried about the little one and want to know everything is ok ASAP.. What's the latest you have heard women having there scan??

    O congrats to all mums to be its such an exciting time:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Congrats Newexcitedmom!! You and I are due on the same date!

    You can go to somewhere like Merrion Fetal Clinic, if you are in Dublin, and get a private scan for around 100e. I did this for reassurance and it was fantastic. I did it at 8 weeks. I had a 12 week one too but didn't get to see the screen, or get pictures (that was in the hospital).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Newxcitedmom

    Ha go away that's gas same date!
    How come you didn't get any pictures? Will u have another one then where you do get to keep them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    No pictures at this one cos it was only 12 weeks. I'm in Rotunda. It was the hospital booking appointment and only saw doc for a few mins (saw midwife for much longer). Will get another scan and hopefully pics at 20 weeks, where hopefully we can learn the gender too! Very excited about that one. I'm the same as you though, I want to buy an ultrasound kit from ebay so I can keep checking on the baby! (Don't think that ebay ultrasound kits exist though!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Welcome newxcitedmom:) and congrats,regarding scans a lot of the hospitals seem to have different timetables.I had a private scan done at 8 weeks 5 days as I was traveling and just wanted to put my mind at ease that everything was ok.I had my 1st hospital dating scan at 12 weeks 2 days,the lady was lovely and showed me babys arms legs hand feet,spine and all that stuff and printed out 3 pics for me.I think I was lucky as I'm not sure this is the norm with hospital scans.I have another private gender scan booked for 18 weeks and one day where we will go to find out baby's sex and then I go to see my consultant for the 1st time at 18 weeks 5 days where I have been told he will do a detailed medical scan to check fliud around baby,position of placenta and that.I think if everything is going well from there I doubt I will have anymore hospital scans and won't have anymore private either.I am currently 15 weeks and 5 days and growing rapidly:)Hope this helps and welcome to the club:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Holding is this your 1st baby?You must be so excited about the gender scan.It' s a very special moment.We found out with our daughter which is kinda the norm in USA and done at your medical scan and not privatly.Here in Ireland people seem to be really shocked that I we are finding out the sex.I have got a few funny looks when I've mentioned it.It's a personal decision and one which I think people are doing more ofter now in Ireland if i'm not mistaken.We felt when we found out with our Daughter that we had such a bond developed with her before she was born,probably the reason why we were both a sobbing mess when she finaly saw her for the 1st time:)It in no way "ruined the suprise" for us which is a lot of what I am getting!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Newxcitedmom

    So ye have two scans one at roughly 12 weeks and 1 at 20 weeks that's great for peace of mind I'm n Galway and I'd say because its so busy we get one scan at 20 weeks I think it's mad really. I have 6 weeks to wait till I have my one and only scan and very xcited about it I can't wait... Is anyone getting 3d scan i hope to I think there amazing.x

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    So ye have two scans one at roughly 12 weeks and 1 at 20 weeks that's great for peace of mind I'm n Galway and I'd say because its so busy we get one scan at 20 weeks I think it's mad really. I have 6 weeks to wait till I have my one and only scan and very xcited about it I can't wait... Is anyone getting 3d scan i hope to I think there amazing.x

    I had a 3d scan in my last pregnancy which was my 1st,amazing to see there little face.We could see our little one sucking her thumb and also making a face which looked like she was crying-that set me off big time:)I'm not sure we will do it this time around.I heard that you get a 3d face print with the gender scan so I will see.It's expensive and don't think I could justify spending anymore money on scans after the gender but would highly recommend it:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Oh congrats newexcited and welcome! Love seeing new April mums especially chatty ones :):)

    The hospital I'm with in Dublin don't scan until 20 weeks either. We booked a private one just for piece of mind so we were happy to tell people. However at our booking in appointment with the hospital last week the midwife found the heartbeat for us which is just as good for piece of mind so I'm sure the hospital will do that for you :)

    I am between minds about finding out the sex. I was adamant originally I didn't want to know as I would love the suprise but myself and my oh are convinced it's a boy and have a name picked out and everything so are wondering should we find out to avoid a big shock on D day!!!

    Holding thanks for the tips re maternity dresses, think i might just order from Tiffany rose and hope for the best. Providing their sizing is standard I'm hoping a 12 will do me!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭Chuchu

    Hi all sorry I've not been on here for a while, work has been awful and I haven't even been able to think about being pregnant and look forward to it all as a result.. oh to win the lotto! We had our 12 week apt at the hosptil at the begining of the week though, so that really helped me start to get excited and it's all looking good. Still really tired and queasy but not every day this week so maybe I've turned a little corner.
    We found out sex last time and will do this time too, I'd prefer to know and it means less fighting over names!! And if you find out at 20 weeks or at the birth it's a nice surprise either way :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Chuchu so lovely to hear from you, I've been thinking of you! Sorry to hear work has been awful but yay for the 12 week scan, delighted everything is going well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Hi Ladies, I've been snooping on this thread for the last couple of months and now I'm finally going to join. I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first child and am both excited and terrified at the same time!
    holding wrote: »
    Congrats Newexcitedmom!! You and I are due on the same date!
    You can add a third name to that date Holding :)

    I had my first scan on Wednesday and I was delighted to actually see the baby. I don't have a bump yet so I was starting to wonder whether there was anything in there at all!! I will have my 20 week scan in the first week of December.

    Haven't been too sick the last couple of months albeit some dodgy mornings, but holy hell, the tiredness has been unbelievable. Only starting to feel slightly more awake the last few days but I'm still going to bed about half 9.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Welcome to the 22 April club Nead21!! A very auspicious date ;)

    I don't have a bump at all either, know what you are saying when you feel like you can't believe there's anything in there or not!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Lord Trollington

    Hey all, My other half is due 16th April. She's been having pretty bad "morning sickness" and I use that term loosely as its been coming and going pretty much any time in a 24 hour period.

    She's over the 15 week mark and is still feeling pretty bad and lacks energy.

    She's working away but its becoming a struggle. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? When will the sickness pass?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    Hey all, My other half is due 16th April. She's been having pretty bad "morning sickness" and I use that term loosely as its been coming and going pretty much any time in a 24 hour period.

    She's over the 15 week mark and is still feeling pretty bad and lacks energy.

    She's working away but its becoming a struggle. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? When will the sickness pass?

    Sorry to hear your OH is feeling so rough.I presume this is her 1st pregnancy.Every pregnancy is different,my all day sickness with my daughter ended about week 13, with this pregnancy it completely went away over night at week 10.Most people will start to feel better with more energy and less sicknees by week 16.Unfortunitly there are some women who will get sickness throughout there pregnancy.I hope this isn't the case for your OH and things start to improve for her in the next week or 2!
