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Advice needed for 20 yr old woman looking for BIG results!

  • 29-07-2012 11:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 22

    Hey everyone!

    My name is Sandy, and Im about as determined as you'll find when it comes to getting the body I've always dreamt of! Never had trouble with weight until I got a boyfriend at a young age and of course, we ended up eating all around us lol.. 2 stone later, I made a big effort to lose weight at the gym, and once again another obstacle-college. The drinking began and ONCE again I was big. in fact, bigger than I ever was... :/

    So I'm entering my final year in college and I'm serious about healthy weight loss, and looking to make a life style change that I can keep up long term.

    6/7 weeks ago I began my new lifestyle seeing as I had the summer free (no job and just received the last instalment of my grant which had been extremely late!)

    So I wont bore you and I'll try keep this short and sweet! Please have a look at the following (my exercise routine a week) and then I'll write out roughly my eating habits which are becoming obsessive and worrying.. BTW I'm currently in bed due to "overexertion". I am officially burnt out.

    Note: I have lost about 5-6 inches off my hips since I started so I have lost alot of weight although I don't watch the scales with muscle weighing more etc..)

    Monday: 1pm Core Blasts (half hour class) and 7.30pm Thai Boxing
    Tuesday: 12pm approx personal training (hour class of body sculpting and building on running, I started this training two weeks ago) and 7pm Pilates
    Wednesday: 12pm approx personal training again and 7.30pm Thai Boxing
    Thursday: 8.15pm Thai Boxing
    Friday: 6.15pm Bootcamp 7.30pm Thai Boxing Technique (less strenuous than normal) oh and this Friday just gone I went for a run inbetween classes and BOOM next thing I know I have a fever and can't move for two days now :/

    I take a food diary fairly religiously so as to have a good idea where I'm going wrong and so on. I eat every 3 hours on the dot where possible. Considering I used to LOVE eating I find I'm eating less and less and getting more and more obsessed with burning off calories rather than take in more.

    Every day starts off with scrambled egg (1 egg) with low fat milk, maybe a turkey rasher, maybe a small spelt pitta bread.. Lunch consists usually of 2 oven baked gluten free buns, baby spinach, red onion, mozerella, turkey slices.. Dinner (lately I find sometimes I'm just not hungry enough...) a healthy chicken curry I make myself using pastes and curry powders and brown basmati rice or something similar... SOMETIMES after a hard workout I'll have almond or peanut butter on a banana and I love my tea.. Sometimes I have green tea..

    I'm taking LOADS of supplements. I was told to take Animal Pak vitamins also.. I'm on all kinds of vitamins from Herbal Life as it is though OH and I'm taking CLA Pharma Nord Weight loss tablets religiously...

    Should I take protein shakes, and if so what is the best kind?? Am I going about this right?? I have a feeling I'm over doing it but I just love it I need some direction :/ I am very weak these days until I get in there and start my training again.... Can anyone tell me their opinion on this? I don't eat after 6pm but that's when I do nearly all my work outs.. Should I be eating afterwards or taking a shake or will that add unnecessary calories??

    I'm 5'8 and roughly 11 stone although I may be lighter at this point I'm afraid to look.. Please help...!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2 copperwasher7

    Hey Sandy

    just seen your situation with weight...

    are you still stuck...

    let me know if so... ive 30 years of training, and 10 years a professional PT in Dublin...

    if you still need help just reply to this thread...


  • Registered Users Posts: 2 copperwasher7

    Hey Sandy

    just seen your situation with weight...

    are you still stuck...

    let me know if so... ive 30 years of training, and 10 years a professional PT in Dublin...

    if you still need help just reply to this thread...

