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Fitness newby!

  • 31-07-2012 1:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a reformed couch potato who has seen the error of her ways and is trying desperately to exercise and get fit. Yesterday, I attended a Kettlebells gym class and I worked it 100% but today, my body is in sheer AGONY... what should I do? Should I go to gym and do a normal workout? Should I leave it? I do hope to burn some calories today but my legs, arms and back are literally in pieces, not sure if I'm able for anything.. Any advice would be welcomed :-) Muchos gracias!!:D


  • Registered Users Posts: 800 ✭✭✭faigs

    Well done! Muscle soreness is completely normal the day after working out, especially if you are only starting. It's believed to be the build up of lactic acid in the muscles produced when you work out. Also you get tiny tears in your muscles from straining them but they repair themselves, eating more protein helps this process. When they repair themselves they get bigger and stronger :)

    Keep at it, it gets easier and less painful!
