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over the next ten weeks......

  • 06-08-2012 4:35am
    Registered Users Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Okey doke so i know I can slowly run quite far (2 marathons under my belt) so I'm reasonably fit or else too stupid to stop! However now that I've child coming my way (due 31st of october) I've realised that there is some urgency in getting rid of all the jiggly bits or be stuck with them for ever more. I'm stuck on board this stinking tub of a ship for the next ten weeks so I've decided to make my ventures down to gym a more regular occurrence. I always try this with the best of intentions but after a week I loose interest in the plan and end up just trotting along on the treadmill. I like being able to run and I really enjoy it and I wish to maintain that over the next 10 weeks but ultimately I need to burn fat and build muscle. I'm hoping that by keeping a log of it will help me stick to it but also any critique of the plan would be more then welcome.

    Pertinent points.

    I do smoke.
    I've very limited control of the food I eat I can only pick the best of what the galley is willing to provide. But I'm giving up the beer (no point drinking on here anyway we are limited to 4 bottles per day and all the other regs mean its even more limited again)
    The fact I'm on a ship means gym equipment is limited and my time for using it is approximately 1.5 hrs per day. (most days, operational requirements can put a stop to that but luckily being a gas carrier we aren't in and out of port much)

    The Plan

    Mondays- weights (chest)

    Sequence 1 set = 1a,1b rest 90 secs 3 sets
    1A Incline flye 10 reps
    1B DB bench press 10 reps

    2a Guilotine Press 8
    2b Kneeling cable crossover

    We dont have a barbell so I'm not sure if I'd be better replacing them with the dumbells or connecting the bar to the cable machine and using that instead??

    Tuesdays cardio

    15 miles bike
    5000m row

    Wednesday core

    1 Turkish Get up
    2 Military Press (Again db or bar onto cable machine??)
    3 Push Up Row
    4 Rolling floor press
    5 Overhead squat (DB or cable??)


    15mile cycle
    Hill sprints on tread mill

    Friday (chest)

    Incline flye
    Gym ball pressup (no gym ball only bosu)
    Decline bench press (db or cable??)
    DB bench press
    Clap press up - this one time I actually managed to do 1 of these :D
    DB pullover
    T press up

    Sat Long run

    Target 8 minute miles. I returned to the start last week doing 5 miles came in around 7.45 a mile but I know that wont be sustainable as I add on the miles but hopefully I can do 8 up to ten miles anyway!!

    So will this help or am I torturing myself purely for the sake of it??


  • Registered Users Posts: 641 ✭✭✭Dimitri

    Well I made it through day one with no major ill effects used 20 kg dumbells and had the cables on 4, whatever they are really struggled with the last two sets don't know how people manage to do this as only a small part of their weights!
