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Gym routine?

  • 14-08-2012 1:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 59 ✭✭

    I've been a member of a gym for the last 3 months & have joined slimming world and initally this programme was working but I seem to have stopped loosing weight for the last 3 weeks, I know I am probably toning up but I want to see the loss of the "baby Belly" more than anything :) Could anyone tell me what I could change on my routing? I cant afford a personal trainer at the mo!!
    It's as follows:

    Bike 5mins
    Treadmill 15min
    Crosstrainer 10min
    Rower 1500m
    Wave 8-10mins
    Free weights 2 reps of 15
    Chest press 2 reps of 15
    Lat pull down 2 reps 15
    Shoulder press 2 reps 15
    Ab coaster 2 reps 20

    The cardio equipt would be on roughly level 4.
