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Looking For A Clan On Xbox 360?

  • 14-08-2012 4:54pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11

    Heya guys!

    New to the forums so be nice lol !

    I currently have a clan at level 25 and we are looking for some more members if interested?

    Check out ODS clan on youtube .

    Must be over 16

    K/D over 1.2

    Must have a headset ofcourse

    We don't do try outs or ranks within the clan . We play for the fun of playing which seems contradictory of the K/D requirement but obviously its not a fun game when you lose .

    Add me

    ODS Macabre


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    Shouldn't you be looking for w/l ratio instead of k/d if its no fun to lose ?

    I know many ppl with k/ds of about even but w/l is 6+

    Good luck in recuiting people.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11 Macabre

    Shammy wrote: »
    Shouldn't you be looking for w/l ratio instead of k/d if its no fun to lose ?

    I know many ppl with k/ds of about even but w/l is 6+

    Good luck in recuiting people.

    Well it's a fair point but having a kd similar to those of people already in the clan just makes sense .

    As for win loss a high one doesn't in my opinion represent personal playing ability as you could be just getting carried by other team mates on your squad .
    For example if the whole team had a kd of 1 then you would draw or have a lot of close matches .

    Thanks for your message man

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,649 ✭✭✭Not The Real Scarecrow

    Played against plenty of clans with k/d of 2+ and destroyed them in dom or other objective based games even though my k/d is lower. Plenty of people in the brds clan with k/d s under one and they rarely loose a match cause they don't care about stupid stats like k/d and are actually genuinely having fun.Its people like that, that carry a team to a win, not camping little bitches trying to notch up a few kills while avoiding the objective like the plague and protecting their precious k/d.If the clan is about fun then stats shouldn't matter.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11 Macabre

    Meatwad wrote: »
    Played against plenty of clans with k/d of 2+ and destroyed them in dom or other objective based games even though my k/d is lower. Plenty of people in the brds clan with k/d s under one and they rarely loose a match cause they don't care about stupid stats like k/d and are actually genuinely having fun.Its people like that, that carry a team to a win, not camping little bitches trying to notch up a few kills while avoiding the objective like the plague and protecting their precious k/d.If the clan is about fun then stats shouldn't matter.

    I agree with you on the camper side of things , does my head in but I don't think asking for a modest kd as stated above us a huge demand .
    We play together as a team with no camping

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,471 ✭✭✭jamesd

    Is camping with a sniper rifle bad?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 456 ✭✭The Little Fella

