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Abortion/ *Note* Thread Closing Shortly! ! !



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭swampgas

    The suicide clause. Thin end of a horrific wedge. Get suicide off the X legislation and you may be on to something...

    There is no wedge. Just because a different kind of legislation for suicide in another country led to more liberal abortion there doesn't mean the same will happen here. The proposed legislation is too restrictive.

    If, in the future there is a change in the law to make access to abortion less restrictive, this will occur because the electorate actually want it, and you have no right - none at all - to insist that you know better and that the electorate should allow you to dictate morals and laws to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    The suicide clause. Thin end of a horrific wedge. Get suicide off the X legislation and you may be on to something...

    It's not up for discussion Silvio. The people have already decided.

    The Twelfth Amendment:
    Proposed insertion of additional text to Article 40.3.3:

    It shall be unlawful to terminate the life of an unborn unless such termination is necessary to save the life, as distinct from the health, of the mother where there is an illness or disorder of the mother giving rise to a real and substantial risk to her life, not being a risk of self-destruction.

    Rejected 25 November 1992

    So it was attempted again with the Twenty Fifth Amendment which put it to the people that abortion be permitted where necessary to prevent loss of life other than by suicide.

    Rejected 2002.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,594 ✭✭✭oldrnwisr

    I see a Mod thanked this post :rolleyes:

    Show me where I have lied, cheated or stolen. Failure to do so will atuomatically imply your retraction and acceptance by me...

    No, Silvio, if you read back through the thread you'll see that this emerged thusly:
    ShooterSF wrote: »
    In fairness Silvio is probably just projecting the approach the anti-abortion side takes onto everyone else as it's all they know. The any means justify the end approach. Just look at YD who have lied repeatedly, asked the government to cheat when it comes to how our republic operates and blatantly stole artistic materials to push their agenda. Is it any real surprise that someone so caught up in it thinks the other side are at it too? The paranoia is based somewhat in reality if just grossly misplaced.
    If our campaign against X works then it most certainly will be justified...
    ShooterSF wrote: »
    Eh I know that's what you believe because that was my point confused.png

    You feel that it is ok to lie, cheat or steal to get what you want and that's your choice but it doesn't mean the other side are doing it too. The problem is that when you believe it's ok to do all this it is very hard to believe that the other side don't feel the same way and aren't also lying cheating or stealing to get their way. Therefore it makes sense to you that the report is not impartial but a conspiracy by the pro-choice side to lie and cheat their way to their desired end because if the other side we able to fudge the report they would. Projection.
    Slander much..?

    So the key question is, do you support the actions of Youth Defence, whose tactics you have used here in the past such as using words like holocaust and death camp (which FYI come from a book called Closed by Joseph Scheidler one of YDs most prominent fundraisers).

    Now as for YDs tactics:

    1.Maternal mortality

    "Ireland is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby according to the UN" [Source]
    This has been refuted numerous times. To summarise the important facts:

    • Abortion is not connected to maternal mortality, healthcare is. The countries at the top of the list all have legal abortion while countries with illegal abortion find themselves at the bottom (e.g. Afghanistan). There is no correlation nevermind causation.
    • YD still use 2007 figures despite 2010 figures (and soon 2011) being available.
    • The figures are compiled by the WHO alone, not the UN.
    • Unsafe abortion, particularly in countries where it is illegal has been identified as a cause of maternal mortality, the opposite of what YD claims.
    Here are the actual current stats with Ireland in 11th place:

    Trends in Maternal Mortality 1990-2010
    2. Public opinion

    "The fact is, abortion kills children and harms women, and the majority of Irish people don’t want it legalised under ANY circumstances."[Source]

    And, now the truth [source]:

    • A 1997 Irish Times/MRBI poll found that 18% believed that abortion should never be permitted, 77% believed that it should be allowed in certain circumstances (this was broken down into: 35% that one should be allowed in the event that the woman's life is threatened; 14% if her health is at risk; 28% that "an abortion should be provided to those who need it") and 5% were undecided.[14]
    • A September 2004 Royal College of Surgeons survey for the Crisis Pregnancy Agency found that, in the under-45 age groups, 51% supported abortion on-demand, with 39% favouring the right to abortion in limited circumstances. Only 8% felt that abortion should not be permitted in any circumstances.[15]
    • A September 2005 Irish Examiner/Lansdowne poll found that 36% believe abortion should be legalized while 47% do not.[16]
    • A June 2007 TNS/MRBI poll found that 43% supported legal abortion if a woman believed it was in her best interest while 51% remained opposed. 82% favoured legalization for cases when the woman's life is in danger, 75% when the foetus cannot survive outside the womb, and 73% when the pregnancy has resulted from sexual abuse.[17]
    • A January 2010 Irish Examiner/Red C online poll found that 60% of 18-35 year olds believe abortion should be legalised, and that 10% of this age group had been in a relationship where an abortion took place. The same survey also showed that 75% of women believed the morning-after pill should be an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, as opposed to a prescription drug.[18]
    • A September 2012 Sunday Times/Behaviour and Attitudes poll of 923 people showed that 80% of voters would support a change to the law to allow abortion where the life of the woman was at risk, with 16% opposed and 4% undecided.[19]
    • A November 2012 Sunday Business Post/Red C poll of 1,003 adults showed that 85% of voters would like the government to "Legislate for the X case, which means allowing abortion where the mother's life is threatened, including by suicide", with 10% opposed and 5% undecided. The same poll also found that 82% of voters supported "A constitutional amendment to extend the right to abortion to all cases where the health of the mother is seriously threatened and also in cases of rape", and 36% of voters supported "A constitutional amendment to allow for legal abortion in any case where a woman requests it". In addition, 63% of voters also supported "A constitutional amendment to limit the X case, by excluding a threat of suicide as a grounds for abortion, but still allowing abortion, where the mother's life is threatened outside of suicide".[20][21]
    • A January 2013 Paddy Power/Red C poll of 1,002 adults found that 29% of voters believed that there should be a constitutional amendment to allow abortion "in any case where the woman requests it". 35% supported legislating for the X case allowing for abortions where the life of the mother is at risk, including from suicide. 26% supported legislating for the X case but excluding suicide and 8% believed no legislation at all was necessary.[22]
    • A January 2013 Sunday Times/Behaviour and Attitudes poll of 916 voters found that 87% would support legislation to provide abortion where the woman's life was in danger for reasons other than threat of suicide, 80% would support legislation to provide abortion where there was a foetal abnormality meaning the baby could not survive outside of the womb, 74% would support legislation to provide abortion where the pregnancy was a result of rape, and 59% would support legislation to provide abortion where the woman displayed suicidal feelings. Overall, 92% supported allowing abortion in one of these four circumstances, while 51% supported allowing abortion in all four circumstances.[23]
    • A February 2013 Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll of 1,000 voters in face-to-face interviews in all constituencies found that 84% felt that abortion should be allowed when the woman's life is at risk, 79% felt that abortion should be allowed whenever the foetus cannot survive outside the womb, 78% felt that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, 71% felt that abortion should be allowed where the woman is suicidal as a result of the pregnancy (the X case result), 70% felt that abortion should be allowed when the woman's health is at risk, and 37% felt that abortion should be provided when a woman deems it to be in her best interest.
    So where's your majority now.

    3. The necessity of abortion

    "It’s a fact that abortion is never necessary to save the
    life of a mother"

    Ectopic pregnancy is defined as:

    "An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the womb (uterus). It is a life-threatening condition to the mother. The baby (fetus) cannot survive."

    The NIH guidelines for ectopic pregnancy state:

    "Ectopic pregnancies is a life-threatening condition. The pregnancy cannot continue to birth (term). The developing cells must be removed to save the mother's life."


    4.Voting record

    "He asserts that the Irish people voted to introduce abortion in 1992 and 2002, when, in fact, both those referenda - and subsequent opinion polls - show that the majority of people oppose legalising abortion.'"

    Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution 1992

    Proposed text:

    "It shall be unlawful to terminate the life of an unborn unless such termination is necessary to save the life, as distinct from the health, of the mother where there is an illness or disorder of the mother giving rise to a real and substantial risk to her life, not being a risk of self-destruction."


    For (Pro-Life): 572,177 (34.65%)

    Against (Pro-Choice): 1,079,297 (65.35%)

    Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution 2002

    Proposed text:

    • Article 40.3.4:
    In particular the life of the unborn in the womb shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act 2002.
    • Article 40.3.5:
    The provisions of section 2 of Article 46 [concerning constitutional amendments] and sections 1, 3 and 4 of Article 47 of this Constitution [concerning referendums] shall apply to any Bill passed or deemed to have been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas containing a proposal to amend the Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act, 2002, as they apply to a Bill containing a proposal or proposals for the amendment of this Constitution and any such Bill shall be signed by the President forthwith upon his being satisfied that the Bill has been duly approved by the people in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of Article 47 of this Constitution and shall be duly promulgated by the President as a law. The Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act would, among other provisions, have
    • Defined abortion as the destruction of unborn life after implantation in the womb.
    • Permitted abortion where necessary to prevent loss of life other than by suicide.
    • Reiterated that the right to freedom of travel is not affected by the ban on abortion.
    • Made an unlawful abortion an offence punishable by up to twelve years in prison.


    For: 618,485 (49.58%)

    No: 629,041 (50.42%)


    As if the misinformation above wasn't evidence enough of an underhand campaign on the part of YD, there is the fact that YD are lobbying everyone they can to subvert the constitution of the country. In particular:

    Attorney General vs. X

    The Supreme Court through legal precedent has established the right to abortion on the grounds of suicide, something that the Irish public has voted twice to protect in referenda. The weight of public opinion is overwhelmingly in favour of legalised abortion (at least in this situation). Yet YD seeks to subvert both the will of the people and the constitution through misinformation and emotive lobbying. If that's not cheating I don't know what is.


    The one thing you have to give YD credit for is visibility. They are very good at making their misinformation visible to as many people as possible. However, you have to wonder where they get all those nice billboard images:


    Oh, wait it's from Stock Photo:


    And then there's this:



    Not only is this misleading but it's also a direct violation of iStockphoto's Terms of Use:

    use or display any Content that features a model or person in a manner (a) that would lead a reasonable person to think that such person uses or personally endorses any business, product, service, cause, association or other endeavour; or (b) except where accompanied by a statement that indicates that the Content is being used for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted in the Content is a model, that depicts such person in a potentially sensitive subject matter, including, but not limited to mental and physical health issues, social issues, sexual or implied sexual activity or preferences, substance abuse, crime, physical or mental abuse or ailments, or any other subject matter that would be reasonably likely to be offensive or unflattering to any person reflected in the Content, unless the Content itself clearly and undisputedly reflects the model or person in such potentially sensitive subject matter in which case the Content may be used or displayed in a manner that portrays the model or person in the same context and to the same degree depicted in the Content itself

    More examples and analysis here.

    And that's just the despicable activities of YD, in relation to abortion. That doesn't even begin to cover the other stuff they've gotten into which NotForResale summarised here.

    So, once again: Do you support the actions of Youth Defence in the campagin against abortion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    Slander much..?

    Speaking of slander...
    Please demonstrate how the information coming out so far is evidence of one person pushing their baby killing agenda. Use links to impartial sources as evidence.

    Otherwise we'll just have to assume you're here ignorantly pushing your own pointless agenda and failing to bring anything to the debate, as per usual.
    So are you tellling us the staff were fully aware of the risk to her life..?

    No, I'm telling you that you were wrong when you said that Nodin was wrong. The quote, as discussed and shown to you repeatedly says that too much emphasis was paid to foetal heartbeat and not enough to Savita's health. Do you have reading comprehension problems or do you just get off on distorting facts to suit your agenda?
    If our campaign against X works then it most certainly will be justified...

    It cannot and will not work. You are wasting your time. Your total ignorance of the law and of democratic process does not change a single thing about these facts.
    I see a Mod thanked this post :rolleyes:

    Show me where I have lied, cheated or stolen. Failure to do so will atuomatically imply your retraction and acceptance by me...

    Respond to this first!
    Please demonstrate how the information coming out so far is evidence of one person pushing their baby killing agenda. Use links to impartial sources as evidence.

    Otherwise we'll just have to assume you're here ignorantly pushing your own pointless agenda and failing to bring anything to the debate, as per usual.

    You haven't responded to my post because you can't. :pac: You have negative credibility here.
    OldNotWIse wrote: »
    Whether one is pro choice or pro life, it really infuriates me when I read reports about how pregnant women are treated sometimes in hospitals. My best friend gave birth to her little fella (my godson) when she was quite young and it was her first and I imagine she was terrified. She told me they pretty much refused to give her an epidural. Basically by constantly telling her "its too early, its too early" and then "oh look, its too late". She was crying for her mum and apparently screamed at the father to warn me never to have a baby :rolleyes:. A woman in labour is so vulnerable, its maddening that staff can get away with this kind of treatment.

    I think I have posted my own first labour story somewhere here before, but I was given an epidural too late which stopped my labour round about when I should have started pushing, and the midwife decided to use that time to go for lunch. My sons' head was trapped for an hour and he was born with a cone shaped skull with a massive blood bruise on top. The same midwife treated me incredibly poorly in other ways too. Given the treatment we get when we're at our most vulnerable it's no wonder that families are getting smaller these days. Hospitals are overcrowded, staff are overworked and the closing of outlying facilities to make 'central' services is only making the problem worse.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,417 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    Now as for YDs tactics:
    oldrnwisr - respect!

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,417 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Show me where I have lied, cheated or stolen. Failure to do so will atuomatically imply your retraction and acceptance by me...
    Oldrnwisr has meticulously documented cases of YD lying, cheating and stealing.

    Failure on your part to condemn their lies, cheating and theft will automatically imply that you are happy to be associated with liars, cheats and thieves, and that you support their lying, the cheating and their theft.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    robindch wrote: »
    Oldrnwisr has meticulously documented cases of YD lying, cheating and stealing.

    Failure on your part to condemn their lies, cheating and theft will automatically imply that you are happy to be associated with liars, cheats and thieves, and that you support their lying, the cheating and their theft.

    Or as Silvio himself would put it:
    If it walks like duck etc...

  • Registered Users Posts: 514 ✭✭✭IT-Guy

    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    Piece by piece destruction of poor 'ol Silvio's stance

    Not so much a burn as an incineration, Kudos!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,518 ✭✭✭krankykitty

    The suicide clause. Thin end of a horrific wedge. Get suicide off the X legislation and you may be on to something...

    So mental health issues are not important and shouldn't be treated like real illnesses?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,232 ✭✭✭Brian Shanahan

    Nigh on 20 pages now and still not one little ost expressing any concern or regret for babies massacred in the womb. Very cold and insensitive place, this...:(

    Most of us here are intelligent enough to place the welfare of an actual living being above that of a group of cells which only have the potential to become a living being.

    But to put your argument back to you, I am always suprised by the coldness and insensivity of the anti-abortion brigade to the unborn children, after they come out of the womb and become living children. One of the hallmarks of any anti-abortion group is their lack of ability to be able to empathise and care for those who are currently alive.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,594 ✭✭✭oldrnwisr

    I'm sure almost everyone here will remember the abortion robocalls that happened in November and again in December.

    Over 500 complaints over abortion robo-calls

    Well I've had a reply to my complaint from ComReg.

    Long story short:

    Our joint investigations have led us to conclude that the calls were made
    from the United States of America.

    Is anyone surprised by this? I'm not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,411 ✭✭✭oceanclub

    oldrnwisr wrote: »

    Now as for YDs tactics:

    Brilliant post. Should turn it into a website -


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    Most of us here are intelligent enough to place the welfare of an actual living being above that of a group of cells which only have the potential to become a living being.

    But to put your argument back to you, I am always suprised by the coldness and insensivity of the anti-abortion brigade to the unborn children, after they come out of the womb and become living children. One of the hallmarks of any anti-abortion group is their lack of ability to be able to empathise and care for those who are currently alive.

    I'm also suprised at how cold and insenstive they are to women with crisis pregnancies. They say things like "we love them both" and that they care for women, but the slightest challenge and the true colours come through, like suggesting that women will lie about being raped or being suicidal.

    Here's one from the "Unlike Youth Defence..." page from yesterday.
    I was walking down Westmoreland Street today and there was a Youth Defence stand set up outside Bank of Ireland. [We] engaged them in debate, and one of their volunteers (a blonde woman, upper end of middle aged) suggested avoiding getting pregnant as an alternative to abortions. When I asked her about victims of rape, she said it was their own fault for being there in the first place. I proceeded to ask her if, having being raped as a 16 year old, I was also at fault. Her response was that I could easily have been lying.

    They blatantly do not give a toss about women and children (note Silvio's scornful attitude towards a mother with her baby forced into the road by a pro life crowd), the law, the will of the people, democracy, ethics... and yet somehow still convince themselves that they have the moral high ground.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,468 ✭✭✭✭OldNotWIse

    swampgas wrote: »
    There is no wedge. Just because a different kind of legislation for suicide in another country led to more liberal abortion there doesn't mean the same will happen here. The proposed legislation is too restrictive.

    If, in the future there is a change in the law to make access to abortion less restrictive, this will occur because the electorate actually want it, and you have no right - none at all - to insist that you know better and that the electorate should allow you to dictate morals and laws to them.

    its well known that the 8th ammendment was brought in because having followed Griswold (in the McGee case on contraception) it was feared we would then go on to follow Roe v Wade. I'm not saying necessarily that there is a "wedge" but at least let us not pretend that it is not completely "out there" for some people to have fears as to "where it might lead".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,468 ✭✭✭✭OldNotWIse

    Speaking of slander...

    No, I'm telling you that you were wrong when you said that Nodin was wrong. The quote, as discussed and shown to you repeatedly says that too much emphasis was paid to foetal heartbeat and not enough to Savita's health. Do you have reading comprehension problems or do you just get off on distorting facts to suit your agenda?

    It cannot and will not work. You are wasting your time. Your total ignorance of the law and of democratic process does not change a single thing about these facts.

    Respond to this first!

    You haven't responded to my post because you can't. :pac: You have negative credibility here.

    I think I have posted my own first labour story somewhere here before, but I was given an epidural too late which stopped my labour round about when I should have started pushing, and the midwife decided to use that time to go for lunch. My sons' head was trapped for an hour and he was born with a cone shaped skull with a massive blood bruise on top. The same midwife treated me incredibly poorly in other ways too. Given the treatment we get when we're at our most vulnerable it's no wonder that families are getting smaller these days. Hospitals are overcrowded, staff are overworked and the closing of outlying facilities to make 'central' services is only making the problem worse.

    Thats awful. No wonder more women are opting for home births. I will be honest and say that before I used to think that these women were just hippyish tree huggers trying to be all natural and alternative for the sake of it, with no regard for what would happen in an emergency (eek i didnt intend being that honest!) but when you hear the stories, and in light of recent tragedies where newborns contracted infections and died, its no wonder home births are popular!!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭swampgas

    OldNotWIse wrote: »
    its well known that the 8th amendment was brought in because having followed Griswold (in the McGee case on contraception) it was feared we would then go on to follow Roe v Wade. I'm not saying necessarily that there is a "wedge" but at least let us not pretend that it is not completely "out there" for some people to have fears as to "where it night lead".

    I'm aware of that, but I suspect the real fear among anti-abortion absolutists is that a democratic majority will introduce abortion on demand, regardless of their (minority) objections. Insisting that X-case legislation in Ireland will automatically "open the floodgates", as Silvio described it, appears to be a deliberate distortion of the facts, and a deliberate attempt to suggest a loophole will exist for which there is no evidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,468 ✭✭✭✭OldNotWIse

    swampgas wrote: »
    I'm aware of that, but I suspect the real fear among anti-abortion absolutists is that a democratic majority will introduce abortion on demand, regardless of their (minority) objections. Insisting that X-case legislation in Ireland will automatically "open the floodgates", as Silvio described it, appears to be a deliberate distortion of the facts, and a deliberate attempt to suggest a loophole will exist for which there is no evidence.

    There will never be any "floodgates" in this country. Both pro choice and pro life people get far too het up about that. A reading of the X case judgment clearly sets out how strict legislation will be. If it deviates from this at all, it will be held to be unconstitutional...and fail. As for abortions for rape victims or in the cases of foetal abnormality, like it or not neither the constitution nor the X case made any provisions for such scenarios. The only way abortion will be introduced for these situations or for any situation other than when the mothers life (not health) is genuinely in danger will be through a constitutional ammendment, and a referendum is highly unlikely in the foreseeable future. These are simply facts, not an opinion. I just think its ridiculous that people (on either side) get so worked up about something that is very unlikely to happen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    Now as for YDs tactics:

    The mustachio'd cop is oldrnwisr, obviously:


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    My 78 year old mother went on an absolute rant yesterday on the topic of abortion. She is, and always has been, an advocate of a woman's right to choose.

    She is a typical Irish Catholic woman, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, (ex) FF voter, pays her Parish dues, goes to Mass, won't get divorced after 30 years separation as marriage is for 'life' yet there she was yesterday declaring she is fed up of listening to mostly men dictate what women can and cannot do with their own bodies.

    In terms of her views on abortion provision she is pretty out there - while saying that she herself would never have gotten one - she believes abortion should be on demand and that men should not be allowed to vote on the issue as it's not their bodies involved.

    78 years old folks and becoming more radicalised by the day by the likes of YD and Iona. I do hope they keep up the good work. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,232 ✭✭✭Brian Shanahan

    If it helps us against X then I am grateful to the donors...

    So if, for example, Al-Qaeda were funding your little group, or some unreconstructed Nazi who'd slipped off to S.America with loads of melted down gold teeth from Auschwitz, you'd still be ok, simply because it allows you to skew the debate?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,411 ✭✭✭oceanclub

    If it helps us against X then I am grateful to the donors...

    You're essentially saying you are unpatriotic and don't mind if a foreign power is able to buy our parliament and/or legal system.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,718 ✭✭✭The Mad Hatter

    oceanclub wrote: »

    Brilliant post. Should turn it into a website -


    Truth Defence?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,943 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

    How about Wahrheitschutz?

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,066 ✭✭✭Silvio.Dante

    Bannasidhe wrote: »
    It's not up for discussion Silvio. The people have already decided.

    The Twelfth Amendment:

    Rejected 25 November 1992

    So it was attempted again with the Twenty Fifth Amendment which put it to the people that abortion be permitted where necessary to prevent loss of life other than by suicide.

    Rejected 2002.

    It very much is up for discussion as the Dail debates will show over the coming months. Remove suicide from the pending legislatino and we might be able to do a deal...

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,066 ✭✭✭Silvio.Dante

    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    No, Silvio, if you read back through the thread you'll see that this emerged thusly:

    So the key question is, do you support the actions of Youth Defence, whose tactics you have used here in the past such as using words like holocaust and death camp (which FYI come from a book called Closed by Joseph Scheidler one of YDs most prominent fundraisers).

    Now as for YDs tactics:

    1.Maternal mortality

    "Ireland is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby according to the UN" [Source]
    This is a malicious and irrelevant falsehood which has been refuted numerous times. To summarise the important facts:

    • Abortion is not connected to maternal mortality, healthcare is. The countries at the top of the list all have legal abortion while countries with illegal abortion find themselves at the bottom (e.g. Afghanistan). There is no correlation nevermind causation.
    • YD still use 2007 figures despite 2010 figures (and soon 2011) being available.
    • The figures are compiled by the WHO alone, not the UN.
    • Unsafe abortion, particularly in countries where it is illegal has been identified as a cause of maternal mortality, the opposite of what YD claims.
    Here are the actual current stats with Ireland in 11th place:

    Trends in Maternal Mortality 1990-2010
    2. Public opinion

    "The fact is, abortion kills children and harms women, and the majority of Irish people don’t want it legalised under ANY circumstances."[Source]

    And, now the truth [source]:

    • A 1997 Irish Times/MRBI poll found that 18% believed that abortion should never be permitted, 77% believed that it should be allowed in certain circumstances (this was broken down into: 35% that one should be allowed in the event that the woman's life is threatened; 14% if her health is at risk; 28% that "an abortion should be provided to those who need it") and 5% were undecided.[14]
    • A September 2004 Royal College of Surgeons survey for the Crisis Pregnancy Agency found that, in the under-45 age groups, 51% supported abortion on-demand, with 39% favouring the right to abortion in limited circumstances. Only 8% felt that abortion should not be permitted in any circumstances.[15]
    • A September 2005 Irish Examiner/Lansdowne poll found that 36% believe abortion should be legalized while 47% do not.[16]
    • A June 2007 TNS/MRBI poll found that 43% supported legal abortion if a woman believed it was in her best interest while 51% remained opposed. 82% favoured legalization for cases when the woman's life is in danger, 75% when the foetus cannot survive outside the womb, and 73% when the pregnancy has resulted from sexual abuse.[17]
    • A January 2010 Irish Examiner/Red C online poll found that 60% of 18-35 year olds believe abortion should be legalised, and that 10% of this age group had been in a relationship where an abortion took place. The same survey also showed that 75% of women believed the morning-after pill should be an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, as opposed to a prescription drug.[18]
    • A September 2012 Sunday Times/Behaviour and Attitudes poll of 923 people showed that 80% of voters would support a change to the law to allow abortion where the life of the woman was at risk, with 16% opposed and 4% undecided.[19]
    • A November 2012 Sunday Business Post/Red C poll of 1,003 adults showed that 85% of voters would like the government to "Legislate for the X case, which means allowing abortion where the mother's life is threatened, including by suicide", with 10% opposed and 5% undecided. The same poll also found that 82% of voters supported "A constitutional amendment to extend the right to abortion to all cases where the health of the mother is seriously threatened and also in cases of rape", and 36% of voters supported "A constitutional amendment to allow for legal abortion in any case where a woman requests it". In addition, 63% of voters also supported "A constitutional amendment to limit the X case, by excluding a threat of suicide as a grounds for abortion, but still allowing abortion, where the mother's life is threatened outside of suicide".[20][21]
    • A January 2013 Paddy Power/Red C poll of 1,002 adults found that 29% of voters believed that there should be a constitutional amendment to allow abortion "in any case where the woman requests it". 35% supported legislating for the X case allowing for abortions where the life of the mother is at risk, including from suicide. 26% supported legislating for the X case but excluding suicide and 8% believed no legislation at all was necessary.[22]
    • A January 2013 Sunday Times/Behaviour and Attitudes poll of 916 voters found that 87% would support legislation to provide abortion where the woman's life was in danger for reasons other than threat of suicide, 80% would support legislation to provide abortion where there was a foetal abnormality meaning the baby could not survive outside of the womb, 74% would support legislation to provide abortion where the pregnancy was a result of rape, and 59% would support legislation to provide abortion where the woman displayed suicidal feelings. Overall, 92% supported allowing abortion in one of these four circumstances, while 51% supported allowing abortion in all four circumstances.[23]
    • A February 2013 Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll of 1,000 voters in face-to-face interviews in all constituencies found that 84% felt that abortion should be allowed when the woman's life is at risk, 79% felt that abortion should be allowed whenever the foetus cannot survive outside the womb, 78% felt that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, 71% felt that abortion should be allowed where the woman is suicidal as a result of the pregnancy (the X case result), 70% felt that abortion should be allowed when the woman's health is at risk, and 37% felt that abortion should be provided when a woman deems it to be in her best interest.
    So where's your majority now.

    3. The necessity of abortion

    "It’s a fact that abortion is never necessary to save the
    life of a mother" [Source]

    Ectopic pregnancy is defined as:

    "An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the womb (uterus). It is a life-threatening condition to the mother. The baby (fetus) cannot survive."

    The NIH guidelines for ectopic pregnancy state:

    "Ectopic pregnancies is a life-threatening condition. The pregnancy cannot continue to birth (term). The developing cells must be removed to save the mother's life."


    4.Voting record

    "He asserts that the Irish people voted to introduce abortion in 1992 and 2002, when, in fact, both those referenda - and subsequent opinion polls - show that the majority of people oppose legalising abortion.'"

    Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution 1992

    Proposed text:

    "It shall be unlawful to terminate the life of an unborn unless such termination is necessary to save the life, as distinct from the health, of the mother where there is an illness or disorder of the mother giving rise to a real and substantial risk to her life, not being a risk of self-destruction."


    For (Pro-Life): 572,177 (34.65%)

    Against (Pro-Choice): 1,079,297 (65.35%)

    Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution 2002

    Proposed text:

    • Article 40.3.4:
    In particular the life of the unborn in the womb shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act 2002.
    • Article 40.3.5:
    The provisions of section 2 of Article 46 [concerning constitutional amendments] and sections 1, 3 and 4 of Article 47 of this Constitution [concerning referendums] shall apply to any Bill passed or deemed to have been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas containing a proposal to amend the Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act, 2002, as they apply to a Bill containing a proposal or proposals for the amendment of this Constitution and any such Bill shall be signed by the President forthwith upon his being satisfied that the Bill has been duly approved by the people in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of Article 47 of this Constitution and shall be duly promulgated by the President as a law. The Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy Act would, among other provisions, have
    • Defined abortion as the destruction of unborn life after implantation in the womb.
    • Permitted abortion where necessary to prevent loss of life other than by suicide.
    • Reiterated that the right to freedom of travel is not affected by the ban on abortion.
    • Made an unlawful abortion an offence punishable by up to twelve years in prison.


    For: 618,485 (49.58%)

    No: 629,041 (50.42%)


    As if the misinformation above wasn't evidence enough of an underhand campaign on the part of YD, there is the fact that YD are lobbying everyone they can to subvert the constitution of the country. In particular:

    Attorney General vs. X

    The Supreme Court through legal precedent has established the right to abortion on the grounds of suicide, something that the Irish public has voted twice to protect in referenda. The weight of public opinion is overwhelmingly in favour of legalised abortion (at least in this situation). Yet YD seeks to subvert both the will of the people and the constitution through misinformation and emotive lobbying. If that's not cheating I don't know what is.


    The one thing you have to give YD credit for is visibility. They are very good at making their misinformation visible to as many people as possible. However, you have to wonder where they get all those nice billboard images:


    Oh, wait it's from Stock Photo:


    And then there's this:



    Not only is this misleading but it's also a direct violation of iStockphoto's Terms of Use:

    use or display any Content that features a model or person in a manner (a) that would lead a reasonable person to think that such person uses or personally endorses any business, product, service, cause, association or other endeavour; or (b) except where accompanied by a statement that indicates that the Content is being used for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted in the Content is a model, that depicts such person in a potentially sensitive subject matter, including, but not limited to mental and physical health issues, social issues, sexual or implied sexual activity or preferences, substance abuse, crime, physical or mental abuse or ailments, or any other subject matter that would be reasonably likely to be offensive or unflattering to any person reflected in the Content, unless the Content itself clearly and undisputedly reflects the model or person in such potentially sensitive subject matter in which case the Content may be used or displayed in a manner that portrays the model or person in the same context and to the same degree depicted in the Content itself

    More examples and analysis here.

    And that's just the despicable activities of YD, in relation to abortion. That doesn't even begin to cover the other stuff they've gotten into which NotForResale summarised here.

    So, once again: Do you support the actions of Youth Defence in the campagin against abortion?

    Clarification accepted.

    I very much agree with abortion being the Holocaust of our time...:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,773 ✭✭✭✭keane2097

    It very much is up for discussion as the Dail debates will show over the coming months. Remove suicide from the pending legislatino and we might be able to do a deal...

    A deal? You don't have anything we want!

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,066 ✭✭✭Silvio.Dante

    robindch wrote: »
    Oldrnwisr has meticulously documented cases of YD lying, cheating and stealing.

    Failure on your part to condemn their lies, cheating and theft will automatically imply that you are happy to be associated with liars, cheats and thieves, and that you support their lying, the cheating and their theft.

    I was directly accused of lying and stealing.

    I accept the clarification made...:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Ah yes, bargaining. That's a common enough tactic for someone who just had their ass handed to them.

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,066 ✭✭✭Silvio.Dante

    But to put your argument back to you, I am always suprised by the coldness and insensivity of the anti-abortion brigade to the unborn children, after they come out of the womb and become living children. One of the hallmarks of any anti-abortion group is their lack of ability to be able to empathise and care for those who are currently alive.

    Nope, still no mentino of any regret for the millions of babies killed up to and including partial birth. So cold...

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  • Site Banned Posts: 4,066 ✭✭✭Silvio.Dante

    So if, for example, Al-Qaeda were funding your little group, or some unreconstructed Nazi who'd slipped off to S.America with loads of melted down gold teeth from Auschwitz, you'd still be ok, simply because it allows you to skew the debate?


    We actually have alot of support from the Islamic community in Ireland. I assume you're not linking them to AQ..?

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