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RTE Salaries



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭Le_Dieux

    Benedict wrote: »
    People talk about "supply and demand". The sort of daft pay that the likes of Joe Duffy picks up each week is a national disgrace. Supply and demand my foot. We don't get a choice in deciding what these people get. We are just informed that they are getting X amount and that's it.
    It's a complete rep-off. Joe Duffy gets more in a year than the President and Vice President of the USA? Are we out of our minds or what?

    What galls me more is when a mary phones in pleading poverty and making his/her case, there is the bould joe going 'I know, I know, and understand where You are coming from Mary'.

    What, HTF can someone on half a million quid a year know how tough it is out there?:mad::mad::mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    RTE Boss: You know that you'll have to spend anything up to 8 hours a week on air?

    Applicant: Others don't do that? Some of them spend far less?

    RTE Boss: But things are changing. The public will be paying you. They'll want value. So if you're not willing to do up to 8 hours a week. That's 8 a week, not 8 a day!

    Applicant: Okay Okay

    RTE Boss: But of course, there'll be many a week where you'll do nothing at all. We'll organise a stand in so that you can de-stress in the sun maybe?

    Applicant: What's the money like?

    RTE Boss: Well we can't be too greedy can we. The times that are in it and all. What do we say um, um, um 1k per hour?

    Applicant: 1k an hour? You must be joking!

    RTE Boss: Yes, I suppose it is a little on the low side. How about 1.4K an hour - and that's whether you're actually working or not?

    Applicant: 1.4k? You crazy?

    RTE Boss: Okay Okay Okay. Let's leave it at eh eh eh 1.5k an hour.

    Applicant: And no pension?

    RTE Boss: Well we think that if you're getting 40k to 50k per month, well maybe you could organise your own pension? No?

    Applicant: Well if I'm expected to fund my own pension, gonna cost, hum hum. Let's see. I'm gonna have to anwer the phone on air? Read out texts? Hum, 1.65k per hour and not a penny less. Still cheap compared to some of em?

    RTE Boss: Yeah, okay. No skin off my nose, Not my money. Okay. You begin Monday.

    Applicant: Thanks Boss.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 853 ✭✭✭Pappa Charlie

    And Joe talks to the country as if he's a mans man and on the minimum wage, it makes my stomach turn listening to such hypocrisy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    Boss: How's it going Jack. You've been doin' well in the job. You really have sounded so - o o o o sympathetic to those people who texted and phoned

    Jack: Thanks boss, one does one's best, so to speak.

    Boss: And interviewing that homeless man - that was really clever.

    Jack: I do me best Boss, so to speak.

    Boss: Mind you you look tired. You might need some time off - bit of a break, I have a stand in lined up

    Jack: To tell you the truth Boss, there has been stress.

    Boss: I knew it. The strain is really showing.

    Jack: It's them begrudgers you were talking about.

    Boss: I might have known. They're everywhere these days.

    Jack: People complaining that I get more in a month than they do in a year

    Boss: Jealousy Jack. That's what it is. Jealousy. Tell you how to deal with that.

    Jack: How Boss?

    Boss: Just mention the fact that we don't get pensions

    Jack: But on our kind of lolly, we can buy our own gilt edged pensions

    Boss: But they don't know that do they?

    Jack: I suppose not.

    Boss: Tell you something. They don't realise how difficult life can be for us! Since the awful bust, you know something? There have been weeks where after I've paid all my bills, I've been left with what? A few grand?

    Jack: No!

    Boss: Well, maybe a little more than that. But it's not easy.

    Jack: Well anyway, I'll remember what you said. If I meet any begrudgers, I just say "yes, but we don't get a pension"

    Boss: You learn fast Jack. Let me know how you get on.

    Episode 3 follows soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 853 ✭✭✭Pappa Charlie

    Benedict wrote: »
    Boss: How's it going Jack. You've been doin' well in the job. You really have sounded so - o o o o sympathetic to those people who texted and phoned

    Jack: Thanks boss, one does one's best, so to speak.

    Boss: And interviewing that homeless man - that was really clever.

    Jack: I do me best Boss, so to speak.

    Boss: Mind you you look tired. You might need some time off - bit of a break, I have a stand in lined up

    Jack: To tell you the truth Boss, there has been stress.

    Boss: I knew it. The strain is really showing.

    Jack: It's them begrudgers you were talking about.

    Boss: I might have known. They're everywhere these days.

    Jack: People complaining that I get more in a month than they do in a year

    Boss: Jealousy Jack. That's what it is. Jealousy. Tell you how to deal with that.

    Jack: How Boss?

    Boss: Just mention the fact that we don't get pensions

    Jack: But on our kind of lolly, we can buy our own gilt edged pensions

    Boss: But they don't know that do they?

    Jack: I suppose not.

    Boss: Tell you something. They don't realise how difficult life can be for us! Since the awful bust, you know something? There have been weeks where after I've paid all my bills, I've been left with what? A few grand?

    Jack: No!

    Boss: Well, maybe a little more than that. But it's not easy.

    Jack: Well anyway, I'll remember what you said. If I meet any begrudgers, I just say "yes, but we don't get a pension"

    Boss: You learn fast Jack. Let me know how you get on.

    Episode 3 follows soon.

    You should write for fair city!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    Boss: Hello Jack?

    Jack: Hi Boss

    Boss: What can I do for you?

    Jack: It's about my RTE Presenters salary

    Boss: Oh now Jack, we've been through this already, you already get more than the Spanish and French presidents combined for a few hours a week on air, generous holidays, I mean, what do you want?

    Jack: A reduction.

    Boss: What did you say?

    Jack: I get paid too much. I can't cope any more. I'm seeing nurses and firemen and all, doing 40 hours a week and getting less in a year than I get in a month.

    Boss: Ah. so that's it. The begrudgers have finally got to you. They've broken you down. I told you what to say - tell them okay, so you're paid a small fortune out of public funds for a few hours work a week - but mention "no pension" that usually shuts them up.

    Jack: I want a reduction. Don't you understand? I feel guilty.

    Boss: Guilty? About what? Those other presenters - the ones on only around 3 or 4 grand a week. Have they been getting to you? Making you feel bad? Because if they are, just remind them they still get more than the minister for finance - and he's on the go the whole time. He can't just introduce a few records on air and then sneak off down to Doheny Nesbitts for an early pint?

    Jack: Had you going there for a minute didn't I Boss.

    Boss: What do you mean Jack?

    Jack: That's where I am now. Doheny Nesbitts, having an early pint. Want to join me?

    Boss: You really do learn fast boy. You're one of us alright.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,391 ✭✭✭✭mikom

    padraig102 wrote: »
    Can anyone explain why RTE presenters get paid so much? is there anything that can be done about it?

    -Marian Finucane, whose fee of €570,000 is particularly controversial because she only broadcasts four hours a week, saw a 10 per cent reduction to €513,270.
    4 hours per week at 52 weeks per year, 208 hours.
    mikom wrote: »
    Try 30 weeks per year.
    She is missing every third or forth week.

    Rape of the licence payer is what it is.

    Marion Finucane absent again this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 568 ✭✭✭mari2222

    Why dont they have to tender for the services every so often like the rest of the public sector? Unless for employees of course which the "big names" are not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,390 ✭✭✭clairefontaine

    They should sell RTE. It's a waste of money and the license is too expensive for people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,193 ✭✭✭[Jackass]

    Did anyone see this discussion on Vincent Brown a couple of weeks back?

    He (VB) was saying that his show has about 4 staff (including camera, sound etc.) and the RTE equivalent (Prime Time) has over 40 staff working on the show.

    I don't know the viewing figures, but I'd imagine VB more than holds its own in the ratings against RTE. Privately owned TV3 is massively competitive with RTE and many of its productions far superior, and it operates on an absolute miniscule proportion of funding. It's just not a wastefull black hole for money on administration staff and people not needed and not overpaying talentless individuals. It's efficient.

    As with most state agencies in Ireland, RTE is a regressive monopoly, sucking in over 66% of advertising revenue to waste on over staffed, underachieving projects. It's a state backed monopoly squashing competition and maintaining rock bottom standards.

    RTE should be broken up and several private stations should be licenced.

    The budget vs the production quality of RTE is awful, another state backed utter failure. Paying Pat Kenny something like EUR250,000 a year "to keep him", as though he would get a job an offer remotely like that from any other broadcaster in the world...he's the Irish Alan Partridge. Madness.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    The question is, who gives RTE authorities the right to squander public money the way they do. Joe Duffy answers the phone on air for about an hour (if you deduct ad breaks) 5 days a week for most (not all) weeks in the year. For that he gets considerably more pay than Barak Obama!

    If RTE told him (not "asked" him) to do the job for a paltry 100k per annum, what's he going to do? Walk out and slam the door?

    The usual threat is that such people will go abroad if we (and it is "we") don't pay them vast sums and then what would Ireland do at all?

    I would love to be a fly on the wall if Joe showed up at the BBC and offered his expertise and then told them how much they would have to pay!

    I'd say they'd check their calendars to see if it was the 1st of April.

    Think of how many Garda cars could be purchased for difference between what these guys get and what they should get!

    I want my money spend on Garda cars, not on Joe Duffy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 853 ✭✭✭Pappa Charlie

    Benedict wrote: »
    The question is, who gives RTE authorities the right to squander public money the way they do. Joe Duffy answers the phone on air for about an hour (if you deduct ad breaks) 5 days a week for most (not all) weeks in the year. For that he gets considerably more pay than Barak Obama!

    If RTE told him (not "asked" him) to do the job for a paltry 100k per annum, what's he going to do? Walk out and slam the door?

    The usual threat is that such people will go abroad if we (and it is "we") don't pay them vast sums and then what would Ireland do at all?

    I would love to be a fly on the wall if Joe showed up at the BBC and offered his expertise and then told them how much they would have to pay!

    I'd say they'd check their calendars to see if it was the 1st of April.

    Think of how many Garda cars could be purchased for difference between what these guys get and what they should get!

    I want my money spend on Garda cars, not on Joe Duffy.

    Pat Rabbitte and Co haven't the balls to take them on as they can be the difference between being elected and shafted as Sean Gallagher found out, there's a lot rotten in this country and RTE are right up there with politicans and bankers!

  • Registered Users Posts: 689 ✭✭✭avalon68

    kippy wrote: »
    Obviously she "works" more than the hours she is on the air - but no where near enough to justify the salary she is getting paid.
    There is absolutely no reason any public service paid presenter of anything in this country should be getting paid over and above 150K per year and that in itself is generous.
    If they were "THAT" good at attracting "revenue" for advertising I wouldn't have had to stump up 160 quid for the past few years on a license fee.

    If they "threaten" to go else where, let them off. Hire in someone else, there are plenty young media graduates out there with the drive to do a lot more than the current guys in there.

    Whilst I completely agree they are overpaid, and not by any means good presenters imo (5 min of Joe Duffy is enough to make me want to jump from a moving car!) - wages cant be cut on the basis of someone else will do it cheaper - I could easily transfer that argument - we have hundreds of young nurses and teachers who would love to get jobs, and many would work for significantly less than current staff.....and may also be better, bring fresh ideas etc. Why not cut all public wages? We have enough unemployed people in most professions that it should be no trouble to fill all available positions relatively quickly....whether someone earns 50k or 500k, they have a contract and just because we dont like it, doesnt mean we can just rip it up....though I really wish we could!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    Is Avalon68 seriously suggesting that the RTE authorities (on behalf of the public) have signed a contract to pay forever more someone around 8k per week for answering the phone on air for less (in hours) than one day's work per week? And this 8k will be paid whether the person is working or not?

    Does such a contract exist?

  • Registered Users Posts: 689 ✭✭✭avalon68

    Benedict wrote: »
    Is Avalon68 seriously suggesting that the RTE authorities (on behalf of the public) have signed a contract to pay forever more someone around 8k per week for answering the phone on air for less (in hours) than one day's work per week? And this 8k will be paid whether the person is working or not?

    Does such a contract exist?

    I dont know - but it seriously wouldnt surprise me! Foresight isnt something that has generally been demonstrated in the past - just look at the likes of benchmarking.....the very fact that they were asking them to volunteer to take a pay cut a while back (remember Ryan Turbridy.....) makes me think they probably have very strong contracts that would be difficult to wiggle out of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,305 ✭✭✭Zamboni

    I saw this and thought of this thread.

    It truly is a disgrace what the licence fee gets burned on.
    I only watch RTE for some local news.
    And even then I have to wait until RTE have finished giving FREE daily prime time advertising to a religious cult.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,713 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manach

    Zamboni wrote: »
    And even then I have to wait until RTE have finished giving FREE daily prime time advertising to a religious cult.
    Or in other words a world religion whose clergy and members have beneficially contributed much to the social fabric of Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,305 ✭✭✭Zamboni

    Manach wrote: »
    Or in other words a world religion whose clergy and members have beneficially contributed much to the social fabric of Ireland.

    I'll fight you on that point on a different battlefield if you wish but its not relevant to the topic.
    In this context there is no charge to the organisation receiving the advertising.
    Can you imagine the market price of one minutes prime time advertising for 365 days a year?
    The income, expenditure and salaries/pension of RTE are completely mismanaged in every aspect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,722 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    Its funny, cause TG4 is a far superior station run for a fraction of the cost

    they have kept their salaries low and staff multi-task across various things from presenting, editing etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Benedict

    There is most definitely something wrong somewhere when you get an organisation funded by public money insisting that someone answering a phone on air for about five hours a week (for most weeks) is worth more than in terms of salary than three full-time hospital consultants?

    And what about a radio chat show host who is paid in excess of 3k per hour?

    When hospital wards are being closed for lack of funds?

    Have we all taken leave of our senses?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 568 ✭✭✭mari2222

    The government must stop subsidising RTE - when it is a private company it can pay whatever it likes. As a public-funded entity it should "tender" for services such as "presenting".......that should reduce costs greatly..........I can even feel a TV programme idea coming on......Presenter Idle or somesuch........

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,934 ✭✭✭robp

    nice_guy80 wrote: »
    Its funny, cause TG4 is a far superior station run for a fraction of the cost

    they have kept their salaries low and staff multi-task across various things from presenting, editing etc

    Tg4 does some great stuff but they just don't pull in the guests RTE does or do the international reporting. Also it is just one channel while RTE is several plus several radio channels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭molly09

    What is the average salary of the main. Tv3 presenters?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    TG4 gets a significant grant every year.

    total income in 2010 was 49.79 million. That's not bad for a channel that shows Bonanza and Little House of the Prairie!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,722 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    mike65 wrote: »
    TG4 gets a significant grant every year.

    total income in 2010 was 49.79 million. That's not bad for a channel that shows Bonanza and Little House of the Prairie!

    they also show A LOT of GAA and Rugby games - prime advertisement slots

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 AnonymousSam

    paddy147 wrote: »

    Poor Pat Kenny needs every cent he can get,as he cant get by on 500k a year.

    Hes having a tough life you knwo............................:pac::pac:

    Haha... Very clever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Scartbeg

    Out of interest, do the presenters have to pay their producers and researchers themselves, or are these staff paid directly by RTE?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,722 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    RTE pay them

    most RTE high flyers have their own little companies set up

    so you can be sure they are VERY efficient at lowering their tax bills

  • Registered Users Posts: 943 ✭✭✭bbsrs

    Scartbeg wrote: »
    Out of interest, do the presenters have to pay their producers and researchers themselves, or are these staff paid directly by RTE?

    They don't even pay for their own clothes not to mind staff!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 943 ✭✭✭bbsrs

    robp wrote: »

    Tg4 does some great stuff but they just don't pull in the guests RTE does or do the international reporting. Also it is just one channel while RTE is several plus several radio channels.

    What guests of note do RTE pull in. Have you watched the flagship Late Late Show or the Saturday Night Show , more interesting guests on CBeebies.
