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Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Bob Heffernan 5k - 18:05 (19 sec PB)
    Had targeted this race from a good while back to have a real stab at going sub 18 ( the first A goal of 2015). However, my plans hadn't included running a 3k race(as well as a relay and doing a long jump) two days beforehand. :pac:

    Having ran a decent PB for the 3k while not emptying the tank, I felt that Sub 18 was still a real possibility. Ran a very gentle 20 mins on Monday and the legs were very tired, followed by 2.5 miles @ 11ish pace with my couch 25k group at lunchtime yesterday where the legs were heavy, tired and unresponsive.

    I did debate not doing this but eventually decided to HTFU and just get it done. Got down to Enfied with loads of time to spare and met Meno, Yaboya and Adrian before the start. Legs were still not feeling the love on the warm-up but decided to target sub 18 anyway.

    Meno pointed out a Donedea female that he reckoned would be a solid sub 18 runner so decided to keep her in sight for the first few km. This stratgey worked well so kudos and thanks to Meno for that! It meant that I was running solidly and consistently for the first km with my target firmly in sight. 1st Km - 3:31

    Second km followed a similar pattern and was happy when the garmin beeped at 3:35. Donedea girl put the boot down at this stage and I had to leave her go but I was in a nice group that was keeping me honest (but not shielded from the hail shower we got :eek:) but by the end of the 3rd km the legs were really feeling heavy and unresponsive and was disappointed but not surprised when the garmin beeped at 3:44. I was really starting to suffer now and I really couldn't get the legs moving any faster but refocussed on keeping with the group ahead and picking off people when the chance arose - 4th k 3:39.

    With 1k to go I still felt that I could make the sub 18 but decided to leave it as late as possible to put the boot down in case the legs wouldn't respond. I left it a wee bit too late and when I did try to speed up there was nothing in the legs and the 3:31 last km confirms that.

    All in all, after the initial dissapointment of missing out by a matter of seconds, I was very happy with the performance and really can't complain about two PB's in three days.

    Met up with the lads again afterwards, along with Pacing Mule who I met for the first time, and done a 1 mile warm-up before sampling some of the impressive spread of food and coffee laid out. Had to head back to Cavan fairly quickly though as had some furniture moving to do at home!!

    Really enjoyed this race, the organisation was excellent and the spread afterwards was impressive.

    Next target is the Dunshaughlin 10k for another PB!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Nice Symmetry to those splits there!!
    Charlotte ended up running 17:20 so perhaps she went out a bit fast for your target?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Good job TJ, will hopefully see you in Dunshaughlin.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Nice Symmetry to those splits there!!
    Charlotte ended up running 17:20 so perhaps she went out a bit fast for your target?

    I think she just ran the perfect race tbh, speeding up each km. She was in my sights at the end of the 1st k and I ran 3:31 which was bang on where I wanted to be and could see her speeding off toward the end of the 2nd k and I sensibly held back. The 3rd and 4th k is where I leaked the time and I think it was simply down to Sunday's race(s) still being in the legs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    I think she just ran the perfect race tbh, speeding up each km. She was in my sights at the end of the 1st k and I ran 3:31 which was bang on where I wanted to be and could see her speeding off toward the end of the 2nd k and I sensibly held back. The 3rd and 4th k is where I leaked the time and I think it was simply down to Sunday's race(s) still being in the legs.

    I see that she ran 17:51 in Mullingar last night :eek: Puts me in my place for moaning about tired legs two days after a race :o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    3 miles @ 10:05 pace

    Nice and easy recovery run with my couch 2 5k group at lunchtime - surprisingly warm and humid out there so was quite happy to trundle around at that pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    5 miles easy @ 8:22 pace

    Day off today as there was no school so spent most of the building a playhouse and playing football so was a wee bit pushed for time to fit this in before i had to take the young lad swimming. Just ran from the house down to the football pitch (13 laps) and then back. It was very warm and humid so pace was very handy. The garmin died halfway through so am guessing the pace stayed the same as for the first two miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    7 mile with 3x1 @ 7:15-7:20 pace

    Headed out this evening for this and it was warm and humid. Started off with 2 easy miles @ 8:06 and it felt nice and effortless.

    On the first "fast" mile it took a while to get to the right pace but once I did it felt nice and effortless. 7:18

    Took a 90 sec recovery before the next mile and that was on a nice flat straight section of the road so had to be careful not to let the pace get too quick. Just about managed - 7:16

    Last mile was had a nice downhill section so had to hold back a wee bit - 7:15

    2 miles then at 8:15 pace felt nice and comfortable until the last half mile where the legs felt tired and sluggish.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Just catching up now, great running and congrats on the PBs! I see you're down for Dunshaughlin, me too (for a PB attempt also) so might even bump into you if any of the usual suspects care to introduce us :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Just catching up now, great running and congrats on the PBs! I see you're down for Dunshaughlin, me too (for a PB attempt also) so might even bump into you if any of the usual suspects care to introduce us :)

    Cheers DG - will defo catch up with you in Dunshaughlin :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    8 miles easy @ 8:45 pace

    Cavan's annual outing in the Ulster championship today meant an early start for this. Out at 7am in the forest trails and had company which meant the miles flew by. Legs felt ok and the nice weather meant I really enjoyed this. Garmin battery died again so only had average pace from running buddy's garmin. Need to treat myself to a new garmin!

    Rest of the day went downhill from there :o

    Total weekly mileage@ 32.75 but not a scrap of corework - must put that right next week (now that the playhouse is nearing completion :))

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    7 mile easy @ 8:27

    Spent most of yesterday in bed sick but felt much better yesterday evening so decided to set the alarm for 5:30 this morning and head out if I was feeling up to it. Somewhat surprisingly I was feeling good when the alarm went off so headed out. First two miles were fairly handy @ 8:45 and 8:46 and the pace crept up after that. Was really enjoying this and zoned out completely just listening to some tunes on the iPod (some 80s rock - my guilty pleasure :o). Last mile was @ 7:53 :eek:.

    Was absolutely buzzing after this and feeling the love for running again.

    2.5 miles @ 11:03 pace

    Headed out at lunchtime with my couch25k group and treated this like a recovery run. Felt good after this.

    Have as session planned for tomorrow and forecast is fairly crap from mid morning so will set the alarm for early and get out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Bravo in Johnstownbridge J, fantastic time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    tang1 wrote: »
    Bravo in Johnstownbridge J, fantastic time.

    Cheers B, good to see you back at it too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    7.5 miles with 14x300 w/ 45 sec recovery.

    Having checked the weather forecast for here today and seeing a lot of rain forecast from mid morning, I decided to get out at 5:30 for this. Normally shy away from sessions at that hour of the morning but really didn't fancy a soaking after being sick so just got out.

    Started with a nice and easy 2 miles(avg 8:34) and a jump over the wall of the football pitch as the gate was locked before doing a few stretches and starting into it.

    I was aiming for 62/63 seconds for these and instructions were that first 8 should feel comfortable. Wasn't sure whether the recoveries were meant to be jogged or standing so decided to jog them (which was handy as I jogged back to the starting point or 100mtrs! for simple maths).

    First one was a touch slow but put that down to the early start and the next 9 felt comfortable with a couple coming in ahead of target and was really enjoying this.

    From number 10 on they started feeling tough but knew I had broken the back of the session so it was easy enough to dig in and get them done within target time.

    Splits were as follows:

    Finished with a nice 2 mile cool down at 8:06 avg pace before heading back over the wall and home for a good stretch.

    Delighted with this session and to get it done early and hit the paces without too much effort. Plus nicely frees up the rest of the day :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    7 mile easy @ 9:05
    I rolled over when the alarm went off this morning so had to do lunchtime instead. Had my couch 25k group so done 2.5 miles with them at a sedate 10:30ish pace before striking out on my own - took me a lot of willpower to keep going as had just been caught in a downpour with hail thrown in!! :eek:

    Glad I kept going after 5 mins as the sun was beating down. Then got caught in another downpour - typical Irish summers day :rolleyes:

    Not the ideal way of getting this done but was a case of needs must.

    Done the dark-side routine and 50 squats this evening.

    Rest day tomorrow!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    8 miles with 6 @ 7:15-7:25 pace:
    Mrs Joad was doing tri-athy today so had to get up and out early if I was going to get a run in today. Got a bit of porridge into me before I headed out and was surprised that the legs just wanted to go fast and the first easy mile was done in 7:58. Knew then that I would have to pay close attention to first mile or I could shoot off to quick. Manged to keep the pace in the zone and then got into the pace of things and legs felt nice and fresh. The last quick mile had a long half mile drag and was determined to not let the pace drop off on this bit and managed to achieve that.

    Splits for 6 quick miles were: 7:19;7:18;7:19;7:24;7:19;7:19;

    Done the last mile in 7:45 even though I thought I had slowed down a lot more.

    Just one of those great days were the legs want to go fast. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    13 mile LSR @ 8:11 pace

    For the first time in ages I had no company for my LSR so decided to avoid the trails and head out on the road. Wasn't feeling the love after only 4 hours sleep and the conditions were horrible - cold, wet and windy. The iPod died after 3 miles so this turned into a tough mental battle to keep going.

    Happy to have toughed it out and get the 13 miles done at a decent pace.
    Sun came out after 12 miles too :).

    Splits were:

    Weekly total: 45 miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad


    Another month just flew by! Decent month mileage wise @ 167.25 - was also going to be on the low side with two races. Target had been a sub 18 5k in Enfield but happy enough with an 18:05 two days after running a 3k PB (10:39).

    Focus for next month is on Dunshaughlin 10k and hopefully knocking a decent chunk of my 10k PB (38:58)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Monday: 2.5 miles easy @ 9:15

    Took advantage of a break in the showers and threw the gear on. Ran on autopilot but kept the pace nice and slow.

    Tuesday: 7 miles @ 8:28

    Out at 5:30 am for this and it was a surprisingly nice morning. Nice consistent pace just enjoying having the streets to myself. Happy to get this done nice and early.

    Wednesday: 2 mile easy, 6x800m w/2:30 rec, 2 easy

    Another 5:30 start - helped by waking to the sun coming in the bedroom window for the first time in ages. Threw on the gear and drove down to the GAA pitch track. I am used to hopping the wall in the early mornings to get in but today threw a new conundrum in my way. When I cleared the wall there is a path down to the pitch (usually have to climb another wall at the end of this path) but this morning there were 3 locked gates on the path. So I cautiously climbed the first gate and then discovered the reason for the gates - there was now cattle grazing in the field to the right of the path - no worries as they were down the bottom of the field so continued past the other gates and down to the track. Runners (only have about 50 miles) a little bit dirty from muck but nothing major :rolleyes:.

    That was a nice warm-up but done another 2 mile easy (untimed) before doing a decent stretch.

    Target time for the 800s was 2:52- 2:55.
    Splits were 2:56; 2:51; 2:53; 2:52; 2:54; 2:53

    First one was just easing into it and was conscious of not overdoing it, compensated a wee bit too much on number 2, but the rest were on the money. First three felt nice and comforable. 4th I was starting to work a wee bit more to maintain the pace. 5th was a wee bit tougher but nothing major. The 6th was ok as I knew it was the last one. Done another 2 mile cool down (Avg 8:24).

    During the recoveries I noticed that the cattle were waking up and starting to move and by the time I had the fourth done they were all congregating on my only path out of the place. While there was no sign of a bull I still really didn't fancy finding my way back through a herd of cattle. By the time I had finished the reps most had cleared the path but there were a few lingering there. I done the 2 mile cool down and there was no change so decided to explore alternative ways out but soon realised that I had no choice but to go through the herd of cattle.

    Climbed the first gate and slowly made my way up the muddy/cow ****e covered path and got over the second gate -home and dry now I thought until I seen that the last gate was being guarded by a big cow with a young calf - the cow was staring me out of it too (I nearly had a heart attack when I looked up and there it was about 8 ft away) :eek:. Had no choice but to keep going but to take the long way around the cow -on the opposite side the calf was on to be on the safe side - of course that was the muddiest part of the field :rolleyes:. Eventually got back to the car covered in mud and cow ****e up to my ankles. Tried to clean myself up as best I could but I needed a power hose at this stage. Did I mention that my car has a cream interior (well it did yesterday :D) :o

    Will need a new venue for my early morning speed session for the rest of the summer :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    That is hilarious - from a vantage/reading point obviously :D:D
    Quick question, I've noticed on your log that you often chow down pasta/porridge etc before a run. How soon and it clearly doesn't have any ill effects?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    So you're openly admitting to bull**** in this log? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    That is hilarious - from a vantage/reading point obviously :D:D
    Quick question, I've noticed on your log that you often chow down pasta/porridge etc before a run. How soon and it clearly doesn't have any ill effects?

    Cheers DG - nice work in the WMM on a rotten day btw.

    Porridge I only do on my long runs. I'd usually have it 30-45 mins before I run and wash it down with a pint of water - I've never had any ill effects from it.

    Pasta/spuds etc - usually when I do this it's a case of either eat it then or miss out on dinner :o and anything within an hour of running just sits in my stomach which is not a nice feeling but is manageable if it's just an easy run but not something I would recommend.

    My crack of dawn speed sessions I do on empty but take a liter of water with me to sip on the easy bits/ recoveries.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    So you're openly admitting to bull**** in this log? :)

    cowshíte but not bullshít - there is a very important distinction :pac: if there was a bull in that herd it could have been TJshít :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    cowshíte but not bullshít - there is a very important distinction :pac: if there was a bull in that herd it could have been TJshít :o

    Interesting. You'll have to explain to me how you determine which is which.
    I only learned last weekend that there's a difference between a bull and a bullock, helping to keep the clueless Dub stereotype alive :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    The thing i cant comprehend, how is a country man like yourself afraid of cows........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Interesting. You'll have to explain to me how you determine which is which.
    I only learned last weekend that there's a difference between a bull and a bullock, helping to keep the clueless Dub stereotype alive :)

    Cow - female
    Bull - male with all the bits still working ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    tang1 wrote: »
    The thing i cant comprehend, how is a country man like yourself afraid of cows........

    I'm a townie and my father in law has cows that are possessed by the devil - they are feral :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Cow - female
    Bull - male with all the bits still working ;)

    Cow/Bull was no problem ;)

    Bull/Bullock is the bovine equivalent of Horse/Gelding then.
    Got it :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Cow/Bull was no problem ;)

    Bull/Bullock is the bovine equivalent of Horse/Gelding then.
    Got it :)

    It's an education here :)

    Next week heifers :D
