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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Wednesday PM

    Right, well I made it to the track this evening. That's about the most positive thing I can say about the session.
    The plan was to do four 300m repeats in two sets, with 2 mins between 1&2, then 5min, then 2mins between 3&4.
    I realise now that this was way too ambitious. I'll cut to the times before I dissect any further.

    1. 47-something, 2min
    2. 49-something, 6min
    3. no time, prolly about 49 or slower. 3min
    4. DNF, made it to 200m and was in a great deal of discomfort so I gave up in disgust.

    I was a bit nervous before doing this session as 300m track sessions are the yardstick I was reared on in 400m running, and in my mind, the toughest sessions I've ever done have been 300m repeats.

    I had said to myself that as long as I was coming in under 45s I'd be happy. I used to be able to do 4x300m with 4min break in 40-43s no bother. Well not no bother, but I did those times consistently in training. A few years ago. I remember doing one 300m all-out at after a 120m session in 38s.

    I'm clearly miles off that shape now, but I'm determined to get back there, and then some.

    There were a few mitigating factors: It was flipping freezing and the track was completely glazed over with ice I was also the only other person running on the track apart from John Coghlan, as everyone else was too sensible to attempt running on what was essentially an ice rink if you weren't wearing spikes. It's also November. And only my 3rd track session in over a year. Plenty time left to improve.

    Ideally I should be aiming for 6-8 x 300m with 4-5mins break. Hmm.

    I am heading in the right direction though. I keep having to pull my jeans lately up as my waist has shrunk :eek:. The gym work is going well, and the hills and interval runs have been improving.

    Just have to keep at it. I'm don't think I realised how hard it would be to get back to the level I used to be at.

    ps I also did a bit of core work after in the gym to punish myself for being so slow take something positive out of the session.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    You don't know what shape you are in until you try. Now you have a baseline which you will improve from.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    I had a big day yesterday. I passed my driving test, went to the gym, and went to a great local gig in my hometown.

    Here's what I got up to in the gym:

    Warm Up 10mins on exercise bike, few leg swings and light stretches.

    Back Squat
    BW x 10
    20kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    90kg x 5

    Split Squat (each leg)
    BW x 10
    (12kg DBs x 8) x 3

    BW Dips
    3 x 10

    Cable Rows
    20kg x 10
    35kg x 10
    (45kg x 8) x 3

    Mini Circuit
    10 Burpees, 10 Med Ball Knee-tucks, 10 Push ups

    3 sets of the above with no break between the excercises, 30 secs between rounds.

    ...GTFO then.

    Good session. Bit pressed for time now, heading to Thomond Park for Munster game this evening. Bit of DOMS today, nothing too serious.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Sunday AM

    Short and sweet, just 3.6 miles in 30:33. Mainly easy, with a 200m stride out thrown in for the craic.

    Monday PM

    Pain. On the track. Had another crack at the 6,5,4,3,2 session I did recently (2 weeks ago I think...will check that).

    From the beginning:

    WARM UP - 6 mins exercise bike, hip mobility floor exercises, leg swings, a bit of static stretching, then some hip mobility over hurdles, followed by a few drills and a stride out.


    600m - 1:44, 4:22 break
    500m - 1.31, 5:59
    400m - 0:67, 5:38
    300m - 0:50, 3:48
    200m - 0:29

    This is my first proper look at the times from today. Better than the last time I did it anyway, have to be pleased by that. My 600m then was 1:55, so today's a big improvement. It certainly wasn't easy though. I went pretty hard out for for the first 400m of the 600m and was paying for it for the rest of the session. I'm not too worried about taking so long for the breaks. I want to get quality done on the track so if I need more time, I'll take it. I need ot get my body used to running fast for long periods again so there's no point getting anal with the breaks if I'm only farting around the track when I'm supposed to be running properly.

    It's a pain in the bálls having to do sessions like this alone, but I'm getting through them. I want to get back to a level I'm happy with before I start training with decent runners in a club again, and if I keep improving the way I have been that may not be too far down the road.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Tuesday PM

    'Easy Run', recovery run, whatever you prefer yourself. 4.1 miles in 35mins.

    It was more of a trudge than a run, to be honest. My calves were/are in absolute bits from the track last night, only noticed how stiff they were when I started running.

    Did some rehab work on them when I got back in, but they'll need a day off from running tomorrow I imagine. Hopefully the run tonight did more good than harm.

    Gym tomorrow.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    I really need to log these earlier in the evening....

    Wednesday PM

    WARM UP: 5 mins exercise bike, 5 mins rowing machine, hip mobility, leg swings, squats, walking lunges

    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    65kg x 3 x 3

    65kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    105kg x 5 x 3

    SPLIT SQUAT (each leg)
    BW x 8
    2 x 12.5kg DBs x 8 x 3

    BW+5kg x 10, 8, 5


    Was feeling decidedly 'meh' when I got to the gym, not very energetic at all. Despite that, I grinded out the sets. Still not happy with my DL technique, although it's not atrocious (I think). I had planned a circuit at the end to get some core work and conditioning in, but I ran out of time.

    Still, not bad overall. Calves are slightly looser than yesterday, but then again I didn't attempt to run on them...:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Thursday PM

    4.3 mile run in 34:53 with a bit of fartlek thrown in for good measure. I did four x 2 minutes at 6:33 mile pace with 2 mins easy in between. The first up-tempo bit was actually 2:43, but I didn't really have a set plan when I headed out so the run just sort of came together itself. My calves loosened out a good bit during the run too.

    My GPS watch tells me it was the fastest run out of the 6 I've done with it, so that's nice.

    Got a grand sports massage then afterwards so hopefully should be able for a decent hills session over the weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Ok, here's what I've been up to over the past few days...

    Friday PM

    Just a quick bit of conditioning, 3 rounds of:

    25 push-ups, 10 BW squats, then 10 single-leg squats, then 40s plank.

    Then I went to my work Christmas party...:pac:

    Saturday AM + PM

    One word: Hangover.


    AM - Hills

    6 x 200m hills in the park. 2 min recoveries for the first 4, 2:30 for the last 2.

    Solid enough overall.

    PM - 4.22 miles easy

    This was a great little run, on the same route I've been running a fair bit recently. My legs were feeling great and I could tell I was clipping along at a nice pace.

    Turned out the average pace was 7:31/mile which is much faster than I normally do and didn't feel difficult at all really.

    Improvement. Nice. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Out to Santry again this evening for a gym session.

    Warm Up

    5 mins exercise bike, a few stretches and then 1000m on the Rowing machine for time; 3:29.7

    Not bad, not excellent. Was completely knackered after it for a good 5 minutes. Got the idea from a thread on the health and fitness forum. Will definitely try to better it soon.

    Front Squat
    20kg x 10
    50kg x 5
    70kg x 1 (bit too heavy! :eek:)
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    50kg x 10


    [Push Up Variations /w Med ball and Hypers /w 10kg plate] Supersets

    (20 push ups, 20 hypers) x 3 sets

    [Then 15 med ball knee-tucks, 30s Plank, then 5 pull ups] x 3

    Good ole workout. Hadn't done front squats in a while. Maybe was a bit ambitious there. I was tight for time again so I decided not to do split squats and get some conditioning in. Legs should be more fresh for the track session I've planned for tomorrow evening. Let's be having some of THAT.

    I'll take some sleep first though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    I've just realised that I've managed to delete all my splits from my track session this evening, before getting a proper look at them. :mad:

    Ah well, life goes on. Here's what I got up to on this, another chilly December evening:

    Warm Up
    5 mins on exercise bike, leg swings, squats and lunges.
    Then threw on the leggings and an extra layer or two, before heading outside to jog a lap of the track. Next was a few drills. Then two stride-outs to finish up.

    Main Bit
    On the menu for this evening was a fresh serving of 2 x 4 x 120m with 3min, 5min breaks.
    Sounds easy enough and a bit short for this time of year, but I haven't done any all-out sprinting recently so this was a chance to see where I was at with that.
    From memory, I did most of them in 16s, with one of the earlier ones in 15.xx. I kept pretty rigidly to the break times I'd set myself.
    Happy enough with that. My form in general was good (I think, felt good anyway), but deteriorated noticeably on the last 3. I should be doing drills more often. More core also.
    I then headed into the gym, where I had 20mins to get stuff done before closing.

    Hang Clean
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    60kg x 3
    60kg x 3
    50kg x 3

    Didn't have much time for this.

    Mountain-Climbers, Inverted Rows, Push-Ups, Counting
    [MC x 60, IR x 10, PU x 20, Counting up to 10] x 1
    Then squeezed in another set of MC x 60 before I had to skidattle.

    Happy enough overall. Was late out of work today so that pushed everything back this evening. Bed now.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Wednesday PM

    Recovery run, 4.2 miles easy in 35:15, avg pace 8:23/mile

    My legs in general, and particularly my right calf was tight after the previous two evenings exertions, so I tool this one very easy, and stopped in the middle to do a bit of general stretching.

    Thursday PM - Gym

    Warm Up
    10 mins on exercise bike, then leg swings, lunges, static hamstring stretches, BW squats etc.

    20kg x 10
    60kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    90kg x 5

    Spilt Squat
    BW x 8
    [2 x 15kg DBs] - 3 sets of 8

    2 rounds of: 15 straight leg raises*, 40s Plank, 10 inverted rows, 10 BW Dips.
    No rest between exercises, 60 sec between the rounds.

    Good work-out tonight, 90kg felt heavier than the last time I lifted it. It's probably due to muscle fatigue from the recent training, so that's to be expected. The split squats are really improving, I'm getting the technique better as I get used to them. My left leg is still stronger, but I think I'm closing the gap. I would have liked to do another set of the circuit at the end, but I ran out of time as the gym was closing.

    *This is my name for them, I don't know what they're called exactly. Basically a hanging leg raise where you're supporting yourself by your elbows and forearms instead of hanging. Good for the core anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    I was down in Cork for the weekend, here's what I got up to:

    Saturday PM -Hills
    Back at one of my old running haunts, The Lough in Cork City, for a crisp evening jaunt with a few hills thrown in. That makes it sound as if it wasn't painful, but as is always the case with hills, it was.

    I started off with a 2 mile warm-up jog, which included getting to the lough, and 2 laps of it. I then spent about ten minutes stretching and doing a few drills, before getting down to the matter at hand.

    The plan was 8 reps off 2 mins walk-back/break on a shorter, but slightly steeper hill than the ones I'd been using before.

    The GPS watch said the length of the stretch of hill I was using was 0.11/0.12km so 110-120m.

    The splits were as follows:

    1. 20s, 2:00
    2. 20s, 2:00
    3. 20s, 2:01
    4. 20s, 2:14
    5. 21s, 2:01
    6. 22s, 2:01
    7. 22s, 2:02
    8. 20s

    Pretty happy with that now to be honest. The first 3 felt too easy, the breaks were grand. The only reason the break after the 4th rep was longer was that I was waiting for a car to pass. Finished off with a 1.5 mile-ish cool-down for a total of 4.5 miles.

    Sunday AM - Easy Run
    I was planning on going to the gym, but they feckers wouldn't let me in because I'm not a UCC student anymore :mad: . Members only they said.
    Anyway, I made the best of it and went out for an easy run around a fantastic 6-mile loop I used to do occasionally during my time in Cork.
    The weather started off great, but of course I ended up getting battered by the wind and rain for large sections of it. Good fun though, nonetheless :) .
    Despite getting a nasty stitch at about 5km in, I ended up with 6.3 miles in 52:28, avg pace 8:19/mile.

    Grand job. With Pisco laying down the gauntlet there this weekend, I'm going to have to get some solid running done over the next couple of weeks to give myself the best chance I can of performing adequately in Nenagh on the 6th Jan.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Back in Santry again this evening, for what turned out to be a good, solid work-out.

    Warm Up
    11 mins on exercise bike, hip mobility floor exercises, leg swings, walking lunges, BW squats, static hammy stretching, etc.

    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    110kg x 5
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10

    Pull Up
    3 x 5

    10 Burpees, 15 knee-tucks on med-ball, 15 reverse hypers, 10 inverted rows

    3 rounds of the above; no break between exercises, 60 sec between rounds. The first 2 rounds took just under 2:40 each, with the 3rd about a minute longer.

    Good session overall. I could have gone for 3 sets at 110kg on the DL but I haven't been happy with my form recently and I want to get it right before I go heavier. The 60kg sets felt easy enough. Pull ups were grand. I should be doing them more often. The circuit really had me working. My core has gotten a lot stronger recently. About 2 weeks ago I struggled to do 10 KTs after burpees in a circuit, this time my core wasn't even under pressure, it was my legs that were giving out because of the DLs. Pretty happy with this.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Tuesday PM - easy/steady run
    Just a sneaky 4.2 miles in 32:57, avg pace 7:49/mile.
    Did 10 mins easy to start off, then 4 x 1 min at a good tempo, with 2 mins easy in between. The pace quickened with each successive one, and the last one was up a hill. Then easy all the way home again.

    According to my GPS watch, the 1st tempo minute was at 6:27/mile pace, the next 5:56/mile, then 5:23/mile, then finally 4:36/mile. Felt pretty strong throughout and concentrated on staying tall and relaxed.

    Wednesday PM -Track
    I had another go at the 6,5,4,3,2 session this evening. It's not getting any easier, but I think I'm getting better. Here's how it went:

    WARM UP: 5 mins on exercise bike, leg-swings, lunges, squats, then outside for 2 laps v. easy in lane 8. Then a few sprint drills and a stride-out before I threw on the spikes.

    600m - 1:41, 5:01 break
    500m - 1:27, 4:02
    400m - 1:11, 4:00
    300m - 0:51, 3:32
    200m - 0:29

    The last time I did this was on the 3rd Dec, and that day I ran the 600m in 1:44 which in itself was an improvement on the 1:55 I had run in the same session 2 weeks previously. Compared to the 3rd Dec, I went faster today on the 6 and the 5, but slower on the 4 and 3, and the same on the 2. I think tonight is an improvement even though I went out too hard for the 6. I did the first 200m of the 400m rep in 30s, but died a horrible, horrible death on the second half. iIt was the same for the 300m; I felt grand up until I hit 200m and then it was like running through muck.

    My speed endurance needs work, but it seems to be heading in the right direction.

    Edit: Total distance for this session was 5km, or 3.11 miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Thursday PM
    I was a bit tired yesterday after the previous 3 days exertions, but still managed to put in some decent work in the gym.

    Warm Up - 6 mins on exercise bike, 5 mins on rowing machine, lunges, squats, leg swings, static stretching etc.

    Hang Clean
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    67kg x 3
    65kg x 3
    50kg x 5

    Front Squat
    50kg x 5
    (60kg x 5) x 3

    Split Squat
    BW x 8 (each leg)
    [2 x 15kg DBs] 3 x 8 EL

    BW Dips + Plank Supersets
    [10 dips, the 40s plank] x 3

    The hang cleans didn't feel so solid, they were a bit all over the place tbh. I'll put it down to general tiredness. Front squat needs to get heavier. I'm taking a rest day today (driving home for Christmas), then planning on hitting the track on Saturday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Saturday AM - Easy Run

    The legs weren't feeling up to a track session today, so I headed for an easy run instead. It was a grand soft day, overcast, mild, with a bit of drizzle. It reminded me of the opening scene of the guard: (NSFW)

    Anyway, I did most of the run on grass/muck and it was very soft underfoot. I looked like I'd just done a cross country race by the end of it, which I was surprised to find out was only after 3.7 miles in 33:21, avg pace 8:49/mile. That included a bit of a break for stretching so I was actually moving a bit faster.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Sunday PM - Easy Run
    My legs were feeling a bit heavy again today, so I decided not to do hills. Had pretty much all my Christmas shopping to do as well, (typically last minute me :rolleyes:) so getting to the track wasn't really an option.

    Did 3.7 miles on the road this time, in 30:17, avg pace 8:05/mile.

    Legs felt pretty battered after it. Methinks I'll take tomorrow off.

    Happy Christmas to anyone reading this btw... :)

    ps I'm going to post a link to the run I did earlier, just out of interest to see if others can access it. If it works tell me. Here it is anyway:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,029 ✭✭✭Pisco Sour


    ps I'm going to post a link to the run I did earlier, just out of interest to see if others can access it. If it works tell me. Here it is anyway:

    It asks for login details when I click on it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Ok. I've everything set to public there so it looks like I can't link run details on this. Ah well. Thanks Pisco for letting me know!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Tuesday - Christmas Day swim.

    Very refreshing!

    Wednesday - Easy Run /w a bit of fartlek
    4.4 miles easy in 34:07, avg pace 7:40/mile, with two hill-strides thrown in for good measure along the way. The first was 1:03 at 5:39/mile pace, and the second was 39 secs at 5:00/mile pace. The weather was very mild, but a bit windy. It was enjoyable to run in anyway, and I sweated out a fair few undesireable 'toxins' that had ended up in my system over the past two days...

    The legs felt much better today than on my last run.

    Man United has a wonder win also, so the day is going pretty well so far. I'm out again for a few brewskies this evening, it remains to be seen whether I'll get out tomorrow for a run...

    I hope everyone else's Christmas is turning out as enjoyable as mine!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Friday PM - Easy Run
    It was back to work on Friday for me after 6 days at home. I was very late arriving in Dublin on Thursday night so I was pretty wrecked all day Friday, but still managed to get out for 4.2 miles. It was a very very easy pace as it was with with a friend who hasn't been doing much running recently. I think it took 38 mins altogether, so, a little over 9min/mile pace.

    Saturday - Gym

    WARM UP: 11 mins on exercise bike (10 steady, 1 easy), then lunges, leg swings, BW squats etc.

    Back Squat
    20kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    65kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    95kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    Pendlay Row
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    45kg x 5
    45kg x 5
    45kg x 5

    Mini Circuit consisting of: Pull-Up x 5, Burpee x 10, Med-Ball Knee-Tuck x 15

    3 rounds of that, with 60s break between sets.

    Back on the horse now. Christmas training hasn't been excellent, but not horrible either by any means.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Sunday PM - Easy Run

    I was feeling a bit leggy after more pints on Saturday night, and I had a bit of DOMs to contend with in my quads from yesterday's gym session. I decided to blow out the cobwebs with a few miles, and it did the job nicely.

    The weather was pretty cold, windy and rainy. I did 4.3 miles in 35:12, avg pace 8:00 min/mile. I felt pretty good, and threw in a 71 second stride-out for the craic along the way. I intend to get a track session in tomorrow.

    While I've enjoyed Christmas, from a running perspective I agree with Mr. DNA Leri in that it will be good to get back into a routine. The past week has been only so-so for training, I haven't gotten any track or hill-work in, but it has also served as a mini-break in preparation for the mountain of hard work which has yet to be done.

    My New Year's resolutions include getting to bed earlier during the week, reading more, and cleaning up my diet a little, even though it's not too bad at the moment (Christmas apart :pac: !!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    When is your first race planned, something low key to start?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    I'm trying to get into the Munster Indoors this Sunday, as a guest in the 400m. They've asked me for an AAI registration number which I don't have as I haven't joined a club yet. I'm going to go down to MSB's training on Wednesday evening to join up, so hopefully that'll come through in time to race at the weekend.

    I didn't think I'd need to be in a club to race as a guest, but it's about time I joined one anyway.

    After that I'm looking at the AAI games and the Leinster Indoors.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    I'm trying to get into the Munster Indoors this Sunday, as a guest in the 400m. They've asked me for an AAI registration number which I don't have as I haven't joined a club yet. I'm going to go down to MSB's training on Wednesday evening to join up, so hopefully that'll come through in time to race at the weekend.

    I didn't think I'd need to be in a club to race as a guest, but it's about time I joined one anyway.

    After that I'm looking at the AAI games and the Leinster Indoors.

    As far as I know this is for insurance purposes for the race

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    ecoli wrote: »
    As far as I know this is for insurance purposes for the race

    Yeah I'd imagine that's the reason alright. Hopefully I'll get registered tomorrow and be able to run on Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Monday, New Year's Eve PM - Hills
    I wanted to do a track session, but Santry was closed so I went out and did hills instead. It was a pretty perfect gradient for sprinting, and roughly 150-160m according to my GPS watch. It was roughly a 2 km jog to the hill, then I did a few leg swings, lunges and static stretching before the first rep.

    Here are my splits anyway:

    1. 28s , 2:04 walk-back/break
    2. 27s , 2:02
    3. 25s , 2:08
    4. 24s , 2:10
    5. 25s , 2:31
    6. 24s

    Happy enough with this, the first two were a little longer than the other 4, so that explains the decrease in times. I felt very strong until after the 5th one, I didn't really have trouble with the breaks until then.

    Jogged home then, for a total of 6.8 km in 47:49, avg pace 7:00/km*, which included all the walk-backs, explaining the slow pace.

    Tuesday, New Year's Day PM - Easy Run
    I was feeling a bit worse for wear today after ringing in the new year with a more than a few drinks, but I was determined to get out the door and do something positive with the first day of the new year.

    I did my usual 4-mile loop, more precisely 6.8 km in 34:39, avg pace 5:05/km.

    My legs felt a bit ropey, but nothing that couldn't be explained by the hills yesterday and the booze last night. Nothing special really about the run, but it did it's job of clearing my head and making myself feel a little better about myself and my day.

    *I've decided to switch to using the metric system exclusively from now on, unless I run a mile-based race or something. New year resolution. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Wednesday PM - Track
    Headed out for a track session this evening, the plan was 6 x 200m, off 3 min rest. The warm-up consisted of 10mins on the exercise bike, followed by hip mobility, lunges, squats and leg swings, then outside for a lap of the track in lane 8 before some drills and a stride-out with the spikes on. Lovely mild evening for a track session, although my hamstrings felt a little bit tighter than I'd like for sprinting on.

    The times for the intervals were as follows:

    1. 28.9 , 3:00
    2. 28.9 , 3:01
    3. 29.3 , 3:01
    4. 30.1 , 3:01
    5. 30.4 , 3:01
    6. 29.4

    Followed this up by a few laps of the infield just to loosen the legs out. Total was 4.2km.

    The times above are what I have on my watch, but I messed the timing up a on a few of them, the first one and 2 others I think, by not stopping it on my first attempt, so 3 of those reps were 0.5-1.0 second faster by my guesstimations. The first one was one of the ones I messed up, so that was probably low 28, and the 4th I think, but I can't remember which other one.
    I felt stronger than the last time I did a 200m session, and the times are a bit better, which is nice.

    I won't be racing in the Munster Indoors at the weekend unfortunately :(, as my club membership won't come through in time, but I'm not exactly in racing shape yet anyway, so the extra few weeks won't do any harm.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Thursday PM - Gym
    I was sneezing and had an annoyingly runny nose all day in work today, so I was expecting to not be at 100% for the gym tonight, but after seeing people like Krusty running pretty much every day for a year, I wasn't going to let a few sniffles get in the way of my training.

    As it turned out, I completely forgot about being sick when I got to Santry, and put in some good work. :D As follows:

    Warm Up
    5 mins exercise bike, hip mobility, leg swings, squats. Then I did a 1000m time trial on the rowing machine. Last time I did it a few weeks ago it took me 3:29, this time I found out at the end that I had the display set up wrong so it didn't give me my time. It was probably about the same, although I didn't feel as completely knackered afterwards this time, which I suppose indicates improvement.

    Front Squat
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    (62kg x 5) x 3

    Split Squat
    BW x 8
    (17.5kg DBs x 8) x 3

    [Inverted rows x 10, Mountain-Climbers x 50, BW dips x 10] x 2

    Could possibly have pushed for a 3rd set of the circuit at the end. I wasn't really happy with it though, the med-balls were being used so I couldn't do some of the exercises I wanted to. Plus I was wrecked and running out of time to get a shower in before the gym closed. Excuses, I know. But I'm still happy with the session. My legs are a bit achey now after the split squats; they're a brilliant exercise.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    The internet went AWOL last night just as I was about to post the following, but luckily I remembered to hit CTRL+C it and it has remained, preserved in all its glory, in my laptop until now. :)

    Saturday AM - Hills
    I'm home in Kerry for the weekend and forgot to bring my GPS watch with me, and I'm feeling a bit lazy to Mapmyrun it, but the main things is I got out the door this morning despite the wind and rain. Did 15 mins easy as a warm up, on my way to the usual hill I use near my house, then 5 mins stretching etc.
    The length I ran was about 180-200m at a guess. Splits as follows:

    1. 36.5 , 2:20
    2. 35.7 , 2:20
    3. 35.6 , 3:00
    4. 35.6 , 3:00
    5. 38.8

    This was pretty tough, the breaks were just a little over the length of time it took to walk back down to where I started. I really died a good bit on the last one, but I had been working hard for all of them so it had to drop off at some point. I could still feel a fair bit of DOMs from the Gym on Thursday as well.
