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don't think i can trust this guy

  • 09-09-2012 10:10pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,019 ✭✭✭✭

    about 2 months ago i met this guy through a group of friends, since then we have gotten to know each other really well. From the start i was warned by some friends to be wary of him because they noticed he was openly flirting with me but was in the process of working things out with his ex-girlfriend.
    I have come to accept that he may not be the most trustworthy person as he has been openly flirting with me while supposedly getting back with his ex and then about a week ago he kissed me while we were out with a group of friends, then continued to text me the next day as if nothing had happened!

    But whenever i questioned things about the night or what he was doing ( it wasnt even about the kiss, I'm kinda ignoring that bit) he ignores the questions!

    should i try to cut off all contact with him except when we are with a group of friends, i do think we would get on as friends but im not sure i can trust him as i think i'd always be suspicious of his actions and if there was an ulterior motive.

    Help please :(


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,116 ✭✭✭Lorna123

    I think that this is going on now long enough for him to make a move on you if he is interested. I presume you kissed him back so he knows you are interested. I don't like him not giving you answers. My guess is that he thinks you are attractive but he is not interested in pursuing this any further. If he was he would act accordingly.
