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Ventilate rooms through ceiling

  • 11-09-2012 3:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10

    Can't find much info on this so thought I'd ask you knowledgeable lot;)

    I am doing some work to renovate the 'old part' of the house (stone walled). The walls run vertically (thank god!) up to a 45 degree angle (about 1/2 meter) which runs to meet the ceiling (if there is a name for this I'd love to know, describing it can be a challenge). This angle consists of plasterboard nailed to the rafters. I need to ventilate the new room. There will also be an enclosed ensuite. The attic is ventilated through soffit vents which allows air to run in behind the angle and into roof-space. Can I just put vents into the room on this angle to allow passive venting of vapour? And can I put an extractor out from the bathroom out the soffit and use a standard passive vent to allow influx of 'replacement' air in bathroom?

    I really don't want to mess about knocking vents in a wall that is about 4ft thick and made of stone...

    Ideas much appreciated:D
