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Parts/Storeman Motor Trade work

  • 13-09-2012 9:52am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 141 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    Sorry if this has been covered somwhere, I've looked through threads and stickies and can't seem to get the answer.

    Basically, I'm a 28 year old male, working in the motor trade in Ireland, in the parts dept of a main dealer. Have 11 years experience in this, 4.5 years in my current job.

    Looking to make the move to Oz, have a few mates in Perth that I'd like to join.

    What I was wondering was, if, during my time on a WHV, I find work in a main dealer, either as parts tech or service advisor (as that's an area I would like to get into, including warranty admin as I have some experience there too), would an employer be able to sponsor me?

    I don't see any of these jobs on the list of jobs that qualify.
    Maybe I know the answer already and don't want to admit it but can anyone help? Advise?

    Anyone else been in the same position?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 JC Donegal

    amg-slurp wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Sorry if this has been covered somwhere, I've looked through threads and stickies and can't seem to get the answer.

    Basically, I'm a 28 year old male, working in the motor trade in Ireland, in the parts dept of a main dealer. Have 11 years experience in this, 4.5 years in my current job.

    Looking to make the move to Oz, have a few mates in Perth that I'd like to join.

    What I was wondering was, if, during my time on a WHV, I find work in a main dealer, either as parts tech or service advisor (as that's an area I would like to get into, including warranty admin as I have some experience there too), would an employer be able to sponsor me?

    I don't see any of these jobs on the list of jobs that qualify.
    Maybe I know the answer already and don't want to admit it but can anyone help? Advise?

    Anyone else been in the same position?
    I'm in the same line of work,and headin in 4 weeks,and as far as I'm aware,you employer can sponser you,as that's what I'm aiming towards myself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭Doc

    The only way you can be sponsored is if the job you are going to be doing is on this list

    If it is your fine if its not then your not.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,435 ✭✭✭mandrake04

    Doc wrote: »
    The only way you can be sponsored is if the job you are going to be doing is on this list

    If it is your fine if its not then your not.

    Actually for 457 sponsorship you would use this list


    It's not the occupation that's the hard bit .....or even meeting the criteria.

    It's the willingness of the employer which is the tricky bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 141 ✭✭amg-slurp

    mandrake04 wrote: »
    Actually for 457 sponsorship you would use this list


    It's not the occupation that's the hard bit .....or even meeting the criteria.

    It's the willingness of the employer which is the tricky bit.

    OK. Looks like I`m not on that list, as far as i can see.

    Its covered under which doesn't fall into the 458 Visa eligibility unfortunately.

    So my only hope of staying in Oz beyond two years (1st and 2nd WHVs) is to find a lovely Oz girl and hope she shall keep me. Not likely!

    May just go and enjoy the two years so! Anyone else any ideas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 JC Donegal

    would this apply to getting 457 sponsership??


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 179 ✭✭DeclanClune

    Hi Alan,

    Meant to get back to you ages ago and sorry if you have already got this answered. There isn't a store manager or parts manager on the 457 demand list but some occupations that you might fit under could be:

    Equipment Hire Manager
    Customer Service Manager
    Technical Sales Representatives nec

    The last of these would probably be your best option

