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Car Seat Mega Thread! Please post all your car seat questions here!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    kandr10 wrote: »
    Can anyone advise please?

    I’m using the be safe izi go infant car seat with a newborn. I attached with the seat belt and it felt super secure however baby’s head lopped forward. So then I tried adjusting the seat to tilt it back more but it just doesn’t seem to be as secure. Is there something I’m missing? Would the iso fix base give a better fit?

    Isofix usually have a worse recline than seat belt installs. It’s usually not recommended to use the isofix until after 6 weeks. What car is it in? Some cars have very sloped seats.

    Some things to check, the straps are at the right level (should be level or below baby’s shoulders). You are using all the correct inserts.

    There is a great Facebook group (below) if you post pics they can give more specific advice.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Lol ah sure look I’ve always had the cabriofix and found them great! But I got a pebble this time around and it’s isize. I think the corals are around €220 in the sale. I just remember those awful days of popping into the school or shop for a quick pick up and having to drag the maxi cosi with me with baby... I just found them really heavy with baby in them. Just thought the coral looked really easy for this sort of thing!!

    Gosh I think just lugging around a car seat is too much hassle from car to school? It would still be at least half a big bag of dog food in weight with baby in it?
    We live beside our school so just walk as there is no point driving! Or do you mean sticking it onto buggy? We have to collect at the classroom....they come out one by one.
    The classroom is a good bit in as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Gosh I think just lugging around a car seat is too much hassle from car to school? It would still be at least half a big bag of dog food in weight with baby in it?
    We live beside our school so just walk as there is no point driving! Or do you mean sticking it onto buggy? We have to collect at the classroom....they come out one by one.
    The classroom is a good bit in as well.

    I have to drive due to other pick ups aswell :-(. So I park in the Carpark. But thered be no point the hassle of bringing buggy And setting that up to put car seat on if you know what I mean? But then lugging the carseat in without buggy it’s soo heavy! Even bring the carseat into the shops etc carrying it by hand I always found my arms would be falling off!! Lol lol lol. I must check the weight of coral when it’s out of the shell.

    Just checked: it’s 1.7kg when out of the shell.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    I have to drive due to other pick ups aswell :-(. So I park in the Carpark. But thered be no point the hassle of bringing buggy And setting that up to put car seat on if you know what I mean? But then lugging the carseat in without buggy it’s soo heavy! Even bring the carseat into the shops etc carrying it by hand I always found my arms would be falling off!! Lol lol lol. I must check the weight of coral when it’s out of the shell.

    Just checked: it’s 1.7kg when out of the shell.

    Add 1.7kg plus baby!!! Still half a big bag of dog food!!! Do you just put car seat on the ground or do you hold the seat?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Add 1.7kg plus baby!!! Still half a big bag of dog food!!! Do you just put car seat on the ground or do you hold the seat?

    I put it on the ground while I’m waiting but could be walking with it for a minutes. The coral is 2kg less than the cabriofix which is 3.6kg without baby so a good difference! The pebble I bought I think is 4kg. I will use a sling for pick ups after the first month or so....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    I put it on the ground while I’m waiting but could be walking with it for a minutes. The coral is 2kg less than the cabriofix which is 3.6kg without baby so a good difference! The pebble I bought I think is 4kg. I will use a sling for pick ups after the first month or so....

    Don’t underestimate lugging about 6+kg!
    I wouldn’t be using any car seat tbh...too much hassle. But my son’s class is a good bit in and always like to be 5 mins early! In general I see babies screaming their heads off tbh waiting and mum/dad generally pushing them to settle them.

    Will your OH be working from home?
    Mine will so I will get him to watch baby while I nip out if needs be ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Don’t underestimate lugging about 6+kg!
    I wouldn’t be using any car seat tbh...too much hassle. But my son’s class is a good bit in and always like to be 5 mins early! In general I see babies screaming their heads off tbh waiting and mum/dad generally pushing them to settle them.

    Will your OH be working from home?
    Mine will so I will get him to watch baby while I nip out if needs be ;)

    Lol I know sure this is my 4th baby and it’s the Bain of my life lugging them about in the carseat! I try to do it as little as possible. Nope himself has his own office so won’t be home to help.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Lol I know sure this is my 4th baby and it’s the Bain of my life lugging them about in the carseat! I try to do it as little as possible. Nope himself has his own office so won’t be home to help.

    Sure buy it if you think it makes your life easier.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Sure buy it if you think it makes your life easier.

    I’ve no idea... just wondering if anyone had any experience of them. I just find carrying car seats so heavy in general with baby in them... even just into the shop to get bread etc...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    I’ve no idea... just wondering if anyone had any experience of them. I just find carrying car seats so heavy in general with baby in them... even just into the shop to get bread etc...

    I never carry the car seat, you’re right, it’s too heavy! I find the sling a bit of a faff just for pick ups too! It’s a logistical nightmare once you have a baby while the others are in school.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    jlm29 wrote: »
    I never carry the car seat, you’re right, it’s too heavy! I find the sling a bit of a faff just for pick ups too! It’s a logistical nightmare once you have a baby while the others are in school.

    Absolutely! I don’t mind the sling when babies a bit older... it’s handier than setting the whole pram up. What do you do if you have go into the shop or somewhere and don’t want to leave baby in car? Do u just set the pram up?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Absolutely! I don’t mind the sling when babies a bit older... it’s handier than setting the whole pram up. What do you do if you have go into the shop or somewhere and don’t want to leave baby in car? Do u just set the pram up?

    I ended up buying a baby jogger city mini

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    I ended up buying a baby jogger city mini

    O yes I’ve the out and about which is similar...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    O yes I’ve the out and about which is similar...

    Would you not just use that? Way handier imho presume it lies flat?
    I just bought the footmuff and lay it flat

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Absolutely! I don’t mind the sling when babies a bit older... it’s handier than setting the whole pram up. What do you do if you have go into the shop or somewhere and don’t want to leave baby in car? Do u just set the pram up?

    I bought an uppababy minu for baby no 4. Can open and close with one hand, it’s super light and folds up tiny. I’d have it out of the boot and the car seat on it while I’d be Getting the sling on. I also needed a single buggy that could fit either baby or my 2 yr old because he wouldn’t fit in the travel system buggy. And when I had baby no. 4 my boot shrank a bit so I needed something compact. It was a great buy!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Would you not just use that? Way handier imho presume it lies flat?
    I just bought the footmuff and lay it flat

    Ah yea I spose I could. I just hate faffing and getting a buggy out for the sack of walking like 1-2 minutes...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Ah yea I spose I could. I just hate faffing and getting a buggy out for the sack of walking like 1-2 minutes...

    I hear you but if you are waiting 5 mins!!!
    Will your OH get paternity leave or whatever it’s called? That might help you for a few weeks? Plus parent’s leave

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    I hear you but if you are waiting 5 mins!!!
    Will your OH get paternity leave or whatever it’s called? That might help you for a few weeks? Plus parent’s leave

    Yep he usually takes 2 weeks. What’s parents leave? Is that a new thing? I doubt he’d take any more than 2 weeks tho... unfortunately for me he’s a workaholic... think it’s been 8 years since he took 1 sick day and that was for surgery! Lol. Anyway sorry for dragging car seat thread off topic!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Yep he usually takes 2 weeks. What’s parents leave? Is that a new thing? I doubt he’d take any more than 2 weeks tho... unfortunately for me he’s a workaholic... think it’s been 8 years since he took 1 sick day and that was for surgery! Lol. Anyway sorry for dragging car seat thread off topic!

    Yes the new one where we get 2 weeks to be taken before the baby’s first birthday. You take in 7 day blocks.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Yes the new one where we get 2 weeks to be taken before the baby’s first birthday. You take in 7 day blocks.

    This sounds great! I’ll check it out! But I doubt he’ll take it. FML

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    This sounds great! I’ll check it out! But I doubt he’ll take it. FML

    You also get it too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    You also get it too.

    Do you have to work in the public sector or is it for everyone?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Do you have to work in the public sector or is it for everyone?

    It’s for everyone.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    bee06 wrote: »
    It’s for everyone.

    O cool! Thanks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    O cool! Thanks!

    Even though I do work in public sector it’s not getting topped up but still €245 x 2 weeks isn’t bad!
    Your OH could technically take 4 weeks! So that might help you re car seat.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    Even though I do work in public sector it’s not getting topped up but still €245 x 2 weeks isn’t bad!
    Your OH could technically take 4 weeks! So that might help you re car seat.

    I may try my luck!! Thanks ladies!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,501 ✭✭✭Fuzzy_Dunlop

    Does anyone have any experience with the new Maxi Cosi Tinca? From what I can gather it only just came out this year and is effectively the i-size successor to the Cabriofix. They are pretty light at 3.2kg and are a good bit cheaper than the Pebble Plus.

    However because it is so new I can't find any reviews or information for compatibility with Buggies (specifically the Bugaboo Chameleon)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Any thoughts on the Doona infant carseat? It can fix
    Into an isofix and when you take it out can convert directly to a buggy with wheels. Looks quite heavy etc...
    But you wouldn’t need to be carrying it as the wheels just pop out when you take it out of car. Around €500 for the seat and isofix which is very expensive but thinking how handy it would be for school pick ups etc! What do people think?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Any thoughts on the Doona infant carseat? It can fix
    Into an isofix and when you take it out can convert directly to a buggy with wheels. Looks quite heavy etc...
    But you wouldn’t need to be carrying it as the wheels just pop out when you take it out of car. Around €500 for the seat and isofix which is very expensive but thinking how handy it would be for school pick ups etc! What do people think?

    It does sound handy for quick pick ups like school but babies should be lying flat where possible so personally I wouldn’t be happy to use it as my only buggy for the days you would have them in longer

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Any thoughts on the Doona infant carseat? It can fix
    Into an isofix and when you take it out can convert directly to a buggy with wheels. Looks quite heavy etc...
    But you wouldn’t need to be carrying it as the wheels just pop out when you take it out of car. Around €500 for the seat and isofix which is very expensive but thinking how handy it would be for school pick ups etc! What do people think?

    No experience of it. Do you take off wheels for the car? If not it could get your car dirty? My kids wreck my car anyway tbf!

    I don’t know if I said this before but would you not just use your maxi cosi and get like a super light stroller like a babylo would have to put baby into it or what about the uppababy minu and you just attach your maxi cosi?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Thanks ladies. I have bought a bugaboo fox for our main buggy so this would literally be for school pickups.
    I have a lightweight stroller so will just prob end up using that with the adaptors. Ugh... it’s just all such a minefield. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another lockdown tho anyway at this stage so no pickups to be doing after all this worry! Lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Thanks ladies. I have bought a bugaboo fox for our main buggy so this would literally be for school pickups.
    I have a lightweight stroller so will just prob end up using that with the adaptors. Ugh... it’s just all such a minefield. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another lockdown tho anyway at this stage so no pickups to be doing after all this worry! Lol

    The covid numbers aren’t looking good!! Have you heard anything from the school re drop up and pick ups? My eldest has been at a lot of sports summer camps and most have been operating a drop and go system. You literally pull up but don’t get out of the car! A staff member takes them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    Millem wrote: »
    The covid numbers aren’t looking good!! Have you heard anything from the school re drop up and pick ups? My eldest has been at a lot of sports summer camps and most have been operating a drop and go system. You literally pull up but don’t get out of the car! A staff member takes them.

    This would be a dream come true for me in the mornings! I’ve been saying for years they should be doing a drop and go at the door because parking is a nightmare

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Millem wrote: »
    The covid numbers aren’t looking good!! Have you heard anything from the school re drop up and pick ups? My eldest has been at a lot of sports summer camps and most have been operating a drop and go system. You literally pull up but don’t get out of the car! A staff member takes them.

    I actually had the kids home with me for the majority of the summer as I was worried they might bring something home. But I put them in gym and Lego camps the last couple weeks as just thought... sure they will be going to school in a few weeks anyway at this stage and the numbers were down. I had to get out of the car and bring them to the door but someone would collect them from the door.

    The dance camp my girl is doing tomorrow starts at 9am and they have staggered drop off times every few minutes from 8.30am.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    Just delving into the world of carseats. Excuse my ignorance on the topic.
    I have heard of maxi cosi this because they are the best/most popular/most compatible with various travel systems?
    There seems to be loads of different ones.. Pebble, pebble plus, cabriofix etc. How does one pick? What's the difference between them all?

    Thanks so much in advance for any help that is provided :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    maisie_moo wrote: »
    Just delving into the world of carseats. Excuse my ignorance on the topic.
    I have heard of maxi cosi this because they are the best/most popular/most compatible with various travel systems?
    There seems to be loads of different ones.. Pebble, pebble plus, cabriofix etc. How does one pick? What's the difference between them all?

    Thanks so much in advance for any help that is provided :)

    I think the pebble Plus is isize, but the others aren’t. There’s probably more differences too tho. The cabriofix is the most popular I’d say. It has the biggest shell so will last the longest. I’d say it’s also the cheapest, but stand to be corrected on that. Most travel systems Will have adaptors for maxi Cosi too.
    Some Maxi cosi bases will take an infant seat (Pebble I’d say) and then a next stage seat also, But most people I know have ended up having a second baby and needing to use the base again for that anyhow

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,947 ✭✭✭✭fits

    My lads are coming up to the age of 4 now and still rear facing in a joie 360. They are 15 kg so well off the 18 kg limit for weight but I think they will reach the height limit sooner. What do you go into next after a seat like that?

    One boy tries to take his arms out of the harness so I wouldn't be keen on moving to a seatbelt with him any time soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    fits wrote: »
    My lads are coming up to the age of 4 now and still rear facing in a joie 360. They are 15 kg so well off the 18 kg limit for weight but I think they will reach the height limit sooner. What do you go into next after a seat like that?

    One boy tries to take his arms out of the harness so I wouldn't be keen on moving to a seatbelt with him any time soon.

    If you think you’d get the use, you could rear face them in 25 kg seats. I have a minikid, it’s a great seat. But I will say that my middle boy had to be turned around well before he hit the limit for it, because he was taking his hands out and half wriggling out of the harness So it was safer to turn him around and have him sit still. The britax two way elite is a more budget friendly rear facing seat. Both of those seats have long shells so would last a long time.
    Alternatively, you can forward face them in a 25kg harnessed seat. Its ages since I looked into it, I can only remember the joie bold and the Diono radian 5 as ff 25kg seats. I’m sure there’s more though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,947 ✭✭✭✭fits

    jlm29 wrote: »
    If you think you’d get the use, you could rear face them in 25 kg seats. I have a minikid, it’s a great seat. But I will say that my middle boy had to be turned around well before he hit the limit for it, because he was taking his hands out and half wriggling out of the harness So it was safer to turn him around and have him sit still. The britax two way elite is a more budget friendly rear facing seat. Both of those seats have long shells so would last a long time.
    Alternatively, you can forward face them in a 25kg harnessed seat. Its ages since I looked into it, I can only remember the joie bold and the Diono radian 5 as ff 25kg seats. I’m sure there’s more though.

    Thanks, some ideas there.
    We tried the minikid when we bought the Joie 360s, and it wouldnt fit behind drivers seat when my tall husband was driving. We have two Joie stages as well which the childminder used to use, so we could always transfer to those forward facing when they grow out of the 360s. I'll probably switch to forward facing on their fourth birthday.

    The Joie 360s have been amazing though. Definitely recommend them for children in the lower centiles.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    You could try the Britax TWE, it rear faces until 25kg. Lots of rear facing 25kg options. Try joining this group for advice on what seat would work with your car. They are a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,947 ✭✭✭✭fits

    andreac wrote: »
    Lots of rear facing 25kg options.

    Not in our car behind drivers seat unfortunately.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    fits wrote: »
    Not in our car behind drivers seat unfortunately.

    It’s hard to find the right fit when the front seat passengers are tall! The only thing I would say is that now that your kids are older, it might be easier because they can be installed more upright.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    fits wrote: »
    Not in our car behind drivers seat unfortunately.

    Ah right. But that fb page should be able to suggest one that would fit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,738 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    fits wrote: »
    Thanks, some ideas there.
    We tried the minikid when we bought the Joie 360s, and it wouldnt fit behind drivers seat when my tall husband was driving. We have two Joie stages as well which the childminder used to use, so we could always transfer to those forward facing when they grow out of the 360s. I'll probably switch to forward facing on their fourth birthday.

    The Joie 360s have been amazing though. Definitely recommend them for children in the lower centiles.

    Is it the Joie every stage you have? We’re seriously looking at one of those for when #2 arrives next month.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,947 ✭✭✭✭fits

    kylith wrote: »
    Is it the Joie every stage you have? We’re seriously looking at one of those for when #2 arrives next month.

    No it’s the joie stages. It’s in Childminder’s car. Unfortunately she just changed car and it won’t fit rear facing so we had to turn them forwards. My boys are four in December. They still are rear facing in our cars.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Getting to ready to use my besafe izi go again and can’t find the newborn parts, as in the wedge or pillow support. Anyone know if these can be bought separately? Google isn’t being much of a help! So annoying, won’t use the car set if I can’t get these.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    cant26 wrote: »
    Getting to ready to use my besafe izi go again and can’t find the newborn parts, as in the wedge or pillow support. Anyone know if these can be bought separately? Google isn’t being much of a help! So annoying, won’t use the car set if I can’t get these.

    Incarsafetycentre ordered spare parts for me before. They didn’t have them on their site. I think it was €5 to post.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Millem wrote: »

    Incarsafetycentre ordered spare parts for me before. They didn’t have them on their site. I think it was €5 to post.

    Thank you so much! That site has exactly what I need.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭jlm29

    It’s ages since I researched this. Are there any new 25kg forward facing car seats? I can remember the joie bold, the diono and the cosy and safe one. Think I need to turn my 3.5 yr old, he’s wedged in his rf seat!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,000 ✭✭✭andreac

    jlm29 wrote: »
    It’s ages since I researched this. Are there any new 25kg forward facing car seats? I can remember the joie bold, the diono and the cosy and safe one. Think I need to turn my 3.5 yr old, he’s wedged in his rf seat!

    What seat is he in and what weight is he? Lots of the 25kg seats last up to some children until they are 6 or 7 so you should have plenty of room in a 25kg rearfacing seat. The Axkid seats are great or the Britax TWE is a more budget friendly rear facing seat until 25kg and should have plenty more leg room than what he's in now.

    Have you joined the rear facing fb page? They are a wealth of knowledge for seats and cars for your child depending on centiles. It really is much safer to rear face until at least 4 years of age or longer if they still haven't hit 25kg by that age.
